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Will Trump be impeached?

Will Trump be impeached?

  • Trump will be impeached

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Trump will NOT be impeached

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Trump will resign before impeachment

    Votes: 12 48.0%

  • Total voters
I am going to say this one last time:"High crimes and misdemeanors" means WHATEVER THE HOUSE SAYS IT MEANS.

But until you can put up three utterly inane posts in a row like the moron you're addressing, you can't win an argument - let alone teach him anything.
They can impeach him for stupid tweets

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I am going to say this one last time:"High crimes and misdemeanors" means WHATEVER THE HOUSE SAYS IT MEANS.

But until you can put up three utterly inane posts in a row like the moron you're addressing, you can't win an argument - let alone teach him anything.

They can impeach him for stupid tweets

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I am going to say this one last time:"High crimes and misdemeanors" means WHATEVER THE HOUSE SAYS IT MEANS.

But until you can put up three utterly inane posts in a row like the moron you're addressing, you can't win an argument - let alone teach him anything.

They can impeach him for stupid tweets

- - - Updated - - -

Did I win?
Nope. You showed a glimmer of intelligence when you took up the Elixir​ pchallenge*.


*Elixir challenge: a thread derail written as a challenge to demonstrate stupidity

PS: You're welcome Elixir - FDI

Damn. It's hard to be stupid on command.
Damn. It's hard to be stupid on command.
Maybe put an orange mop over your hand and speak through the puppet? Channel your inner FuckFace?

Whore-hangi can't be stupid on connand. Real Men can be stupid without even trying. SAD!

The past-there-prime hor can't stupid without help from the other losers on IIDB! FAKE STUPID!

Another Democrat clearly dying in jealously about how stupid real world leaders can be! Should shut up and promote GOP Health Care! Move on, Hangi, the stupid is over!
But until you can put up three utterly inane posts in a row like the moron you're addressing, you can't win an argument - let alone teach him anything.
They can impeach him for stupid tweets

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I am going to say this one last time:"High crimes and misdemeanors" means WHATEVER THE HOUSE SAYS IT MEANS.

But until you can put up three utterly inane posts in a row like the moron you're addressing, you can't win an argument - let alone teach him anything.

They can impeach him for stupid tweets

- - - Updated - - -

I am going to say this one last time:"High crimes and misdemeanors" means WHATEVER THE HOUSE SAYS IT MEANS.

But until you can put up three utterly inane posts in a row like the moron you're addressing, you can't win an argument - let alone teach him anything.

They can impeach him for stupid tweets

- - - Updated - - -

Did I win?

Stupidity dressed as intelligence is the cornerstone of politics. Take the US campaigns of regime change. That is to say it changes bad regimes into even worse ones.

Impeachment is a series of investigative processes. If the content of his tweets would appear to fall under Bribery, Treason, or High Crimes and Misdemeanours

If Judiciary Committee determines there is evidence to move A resolution approving an investigation into impeachable conduct passes to the House Committee on Rules, and then to the Judiciary Committee. These are starting points.

Being stupid or sending stupid tweets in itself is not something that falls under impeachment rules.
Bribery, Treason, High Crimes and Misdemeanours cover a wide sphere of activities rather than vague. The charges would have to fall within these parameters.

I am going to say this one last time:"High crimes and misdemeanors" means WHATEVER THE HOUSE SAYS IT MEANS. They can impeach him for tweeting that they are stupid, and that would be a "high crime and misdemeanor." There is no one to protest to; there is no judicial review of the charges in articles of impeachment.

I have previously given a link to the procedure.

You don't understand the process involved in calling for an impeachment, verifying what is impeachable and proceeding through the various committees before reaching the Lower house to vote on whether this proceeds. Treason, Bribery, High Crimes and Misdemeanours are wide-encompassing but also clearly defined.

You could not impeach someone for Bribery unless there was sufficient and specific evidence to even begin the proceedings.

I've quoted this one before


Page 2 paras 1 and 2 are good starting points but just to show there's quite a bit involved.

Then after that there are a whole lot of steps before the vote in the Lower House for an impeachment trial.
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Except that nothing actually denotes the parameters of 'high crimes and misdemeanors.' Thus, there's no way to tell if something is within the sphere of those imaginary parameters.
Therefore, the term is vague.

A number of legal scholars have listed the parameters they think are supportable, but those opinions have not been legislated. At no point has an amendment been made to the Constitution to specify the parameters of 'high crimes and misdemeanors.'

Congress was even unable (or at least unwilling) to set down rules of evidence for impeachment hearings, exactly because they couldn't figure out all the possible forms the impeachment articles might come in, and decided to leave it up to Congress each and every time the subject comes up.

True. I think the parameters are there but the difficulty can be what fits inside High Crimes and Misdemeanours.

High Crimes and Misdemeanours is an extremely wide sphere and I would agree that there would be differences in viewpoint as to whether infractions were or were not committed.

Also since historically there have been relatively few impeachments, then there is also little in previous events that can be drawn upon.
Opoponax said:
... on my brief tour of other boards, the Trump faithful haven't blinked. He's acting the way they want him to, as in, "If Trump gets hit, he hits back!"

Can you recommend a board where I can engage them with a chance of rational conversation?
Opoponax said:
... on my brief tour of other boards, the Trump faithful haven't blinked. He's acting the way they want him to, as in, "If Trump gets hit, he hits back!"

Can you recommend a board where I can engage them with a chance of rational conversation?

Rational conversation? Trumpsters who see nothing wrong with the tangerine twit's behavior?
Being stupid or sending stupid tweets in itself is not something that falls under impeachment rules.

Yes, they do. There are no rules when it comes to impeachment charges. If the house declares Trump is a "poopyhead", he can be impeached for it.
Being stupid or sending stupid tweets in itself is not something that falls under impeachment rules.

Yes, they do. There are no rules when it comes to impeachment charges. If the house declares Trump is a "poopyhead", he can be impeached for it.

There are as I keep quoting. It's not up to the house itself to commence the impeachment progress. There are a lot of processes involved and parameters within which this process is executed.

Since poopy head does not fit into the parameters, namely Bribery, Treason High Crimes and Misdemeanours, such a claim would most likely be irrelevant.

Try this starting at page 2 para 2.
Yes, they do. There are no rules when it comes to impeachment charges. If the house declares Trump is a "poopyhead", he can be impeached for it.

There are as I keep quoting. It's not up to the house itself to commence the impeachment progress. There are a lot of processes involved and parameters within which this process is executed.

Try this starting at page 2 para 2.

And congress can choose to ignore those rules and there's not a damn thing the president's defense team can do about it.
Being stupid or sending stupid tweets in itself is not something that falls under impeachment rules.

Yes, they do. There are no rules when it comes to impeachment charges. If the house declares Trump is a "poopyhead", he can be impeached for it.

They're hoping he'll be committed and save them the trouble.
There are as I keep quoting. It's not up to the house itself to commence the impeachment progress. There are a lot of processes involved and parameters within which this process is executed.

Try this starting at page 2 para 2.

And congress can choose to ignore those rules and there's not a damn thing the president's defense team can do about it.

Are you saying the senate can vote without a review of evidence and make a mockery of an evidence based impeachment trial?

Where in the Constitution are the houses permitted to circumvent the investigation findings of the House Committee on the Judiciary, the specific procedures and do their own thing?

Provide some credible links. In fact this would be permitted in the US Constitution so you would need to provide this.
There are as I keep quoting. It's not up to the house itself to commence the impeachment progress. There are a lot of processes involved and parameters within which this process is executed.

Try this starting at page 2 para 2.
This Congress... go with the rules and tradition?! :hysterical:

The procedure is clear. In fact the Investigation hasn't passed the first step yet.
Are you suggesting the Senate Link is wrong?

The Writer is a credible Attorney and he begins by saying

The Constitution sets forth the general principles which control the procedural aspects of impeachment, vesting the power to impeach in the House of Representatives, while imbuing the Senate with the power to try impeachments. Both the Senate and the House have designed procedures to implement these general principles in dealing with a wide range of impeachment issues. This short report provides a brief overview of the impeachment process, reflecting the roles of both the House and the Senate during thecourse of an impeachment inquiry and trial.
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