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Will Trump Fire Mueller?

I heard on NPR yesterday that Trump can change Dept of Justice guidelines by executive order, then fire Mueller himself.

Such an order would likely be challenged in the Supreme Court, which has overturned two executive orders in the past. The success of the challenge would depend on whether the court felt that Trump had overridden existing laws passed by Congress. The first nullified executive order (by Truman) basically placed the steel industry under federal control. The second (by Clinton) was ruled in violation of the National Labor Relations Act. Nobody questions that Trump could fire Mueller by replacing Rosenstein with someone who would agree to then fire Mueller. However, any attempt by Trump to do it directly through an executive order would probably not be effective until a legal hurdle had been cleared in the court system.
I heard on NPR yesterday that Trump can change Dept of Justice guidelines by executive order, then fire Mueller himself.

Such an order would likely be challenged in the Supreme Court, which has overturned two executive orders in the past. The success of the challenge would depend on whether the court felt that Trump had overridden existing laws passed by Congress. The first nullified executive order (by Truman) basically placed the steel industry under federal control. The second (by Clinton) was ruled in violation of the National Labor Relations Act. Nobody questions that Trump could fire Mueller by replacing Rosenstein with someone who would agree to then fire Mueller. However, any attempt by Trump to do it directly through an executive order would probably not be effective until a legal hurdle had been cleared in the court system.
It would be an odd thing to happen. Separation of powers would be the first thing that comes to mind, but the DoJ is under the Executive Branch.

Of course, the Founding Fathers likely wouldn't have liked the idea of a President firing an investigator that was assigned to investigate them (or campaign), especially within his own Administration.

There is so much wrong with Trump, we might be lucky the Constitution survives him. Exec Branches have long tried to squeeze as much authority out of it as they have been allowed, but Trump seems to think he is a King.
Getting Mueller fired (no matter how it would theoretically be attempted) wouldn’t stop the investigation. It would, in fact, only fan the flames. It would also be political suicide, though Trump doesn’t seem to give much of a shit about that, but then he’s not the one that would feel the bullet to the head. That would be every Republican seeking (re)election. Impeachment proceedings would start the second after Trump hit “send.”
Getting Mueller fired (no matter how it would theoretically be attempted) wouldn’t stop the investigation. It would, in fact, only fan the flames. It would also be political suicide, though Trump doesn’t seem to give much of a shit about that, but then he’s not the one that would feel the bullet to the head. That would be every Republican seeking (re)election. Impeachment proceedings would start the second after Trump hit “send.”
The Republicans have shown not a single inkling that they'd do a thing if Mueller was fired, especially in the House.
Getting Mueller fired (no matter how it would theoretically be attempted) wouldn’t stop the investigation. It would, in fact, only fan the flames. It would also be political suicide, though Trump doesn’t seem to give much of a shit about that, but then he’s not the one that would feel the bullet to the head. That would be every Republican seeking (re)election. Impeachment proceedings would start the second after Trump hit “send.”
The Republicans have shown not a single inkling that they'd do a thing if Mueller was fired, especially in the House.

Well, there are inklings, but they’re primarily rhetorical at this stage. But when you’ve got ranking Republicans say shit like this (on Fox Business, no less):

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said on the Fox Business Network on Tuesday that he had "confidence" in the special counsel and that "it would be suicide for the president to fire Mueller."

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., said he thought Trump was "too smart" to get rid of Mueller. "I think it would provoke some sort of reaction by Congress. I think he knows that," Kennedy said on CNN's "New Day," adding that "the president can't just fire Mr. Mueller. He's got to direct Mr. Rosenstein to fire him, and I don't think Mr. Rosenstein would do it."

Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., said it would be "inappropriate" for Trump to dismiss either Mueller or Rosenstein. "I think it would be a massive mistake for the president to do anything to interfere with this investigation," said Corker, adding, "he knows most every Republican senator feels that way."

And Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., also said Tuesday that he didn't think Trump was likely to dismiss either man because he knew "it would be the beginning of the end of his presidency."

It’s an inkling.

Apparently there are some ethical Republicans. Who knew?
Well, there are inklings, but they’re primarily rhetorical at this stage. But when you’ve got ranking Republicans say shit like this (on Fox Business, no less):

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said on the Fox Business Network on Tuesday that he had "confidence" in the special counsel and that "it would be suicide for the president to fire Mueller."

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., said he thought Trump was "too smart" to get rid of Mueller. "I think it would provoke some sort of reaction by Congress. I think he knows that," Kennedy said on CNN's "New Day," adding that "the president can't just fire Mr. Mueller. He's got to direct Mr. Rosenstein to fire him, and I don't think Mr. Rosenstein would do it."

Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., said it would be "inappropriate" for Trump to dismiss either Mueller or Rosenstein. "I think it would be a massive mistake for the president to do anything to interfere with this investigation," said Corker, adding, "he knows most every Republican senator feels that way."

And Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., also said Tuesday that he didn't think Trump was likely to dismiss either man because he knew "it would be the beginning of the end of his presidency."

It’s an inkling.
I wouldn't consider than an inkling as the Congress has done almost nothing to stop Trump from doing anything, like with tariffs. Some Senators are saying words, but so far, other than passing a bill preventing Trump from giving spy HQs back to Russia, the Republicans have been party first, regardless if Trump is well off the party script.
Well, there are inklings, but they’re primarily rhetorical at this stage. But when you’ve got ranking Republicans say shit like this (on Fox Business, no less):

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said on the Fox Business Network on Tuesday that he had "confidence" in the special counsel and that "it would be suicide for the president to fire Mueller."

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., said he thought Trump was "too smart" to get rid of Mueller. "I think it would provoke some sort of reaction by Congress. I think he knows that," Kennedy said on CNN's "New Day," adding that "the president can't just fire Mr. Mueller. He's got to direct Mr. Rosenstein to fire him, and I don't think Mr. Rosenstein would do it."

Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., said it would be "inappropriate" for Trump to dismiss either Mueller or Rosenstein. "I think it would be a massive mistake for the president to do anything to interfere with this investigation," said Corker, adding, "he knows most every Republican senator feels that way."

And Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., also said Tuesday that he didn't think Trump was likely to dismiss either man because he knew "it would be the beginning of the end of his presidency."

It’s an inkling.

Not one house Republican?
Hm, another parallel. I wonder if the Russians contacted Trump through Daniels.

Back channel and back passage sound similar, but have two very different meanings. And Russia doesn't need to go through a porn star to get into contact with Trump. The already public correspondence with Russia and Flynn, Manafort, Sessions, Trump Jnr, Papadopolous and anybody else I have left out proves the Trump campaign/administration was in contact without the need of an intermediary.
If there's no blue wave coming, or some serious criminal behavior about to be revealed, somebody should tell the Republicans, who can't seem to find the wherewithal to stay in office, even the Speaker of the House. So far it's looking interesting. Hopefully, people are motivated to vote, as even with an approval rating only in the 20's, Trump could win re-election if the turnout continues as it has.
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