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Will Trump Run Again in 2024?


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
We all know that if Trump wins in 2020 there will be no elections in 2024, so lets consider what happens if he loses.

If both Trump and Turtle get beat in November (and the US Marshalls are able to extract Cheato from the Whitehouse), will Trump&Turtle team up to win back the Presidency in 2024?
If Trump loses in November, will he resign in January so Pence can pardon him for all crimes past present and future?
Can he then run for Senate in 2022 before running for President in 2024?
If Trump loses the election and the 'Pugs badly lose the Senate, would the House re-impeach him and try to get the Senate to remove his ass? Then go after Pence? Barr?
Would the other ousted 'Pug Senators vote to convict in order to mend their historical reputations?

So many questions!!
An OP worthy of FOX News conspiracy theories, but the question is a good one.

Howard Stern and others who know him have said his campaign was a publicity stunt. Improving the Trump brand. Stern said that he liked winning but hates the presidency. His disdain for it is obvious.

I doubt his ego will let him take an off ramp.
Yes. Ivanka Trump will run. Or maybe Don Jr. But my bet is on Ivanka. Fox News will endorse her. And with that she’ll automatically win the primary.

The only way Trump fails is if the economy collapses. Until the. They are dictators for life.
We all know that if Trump wins in 2020 there will be no elections in 2024, so lets consider what happens if he loses.

If both Trump and Turtle get beat in November (and the US Marshalls are able to extract Cheato from the Whitehouse), will Trump&Turtle team up to win back the Presidency in 2024?
If Trump loses in November, will he resign in January so Pence can pardon him for all crimes past present and future?
Can he then run for Senate in 2022 before running for President in 2024?
If Trump loses the election and the 'Pugs badly lose the Senate, would the House re-impeach him and try to get the Senate to remove his ass? Then go after Pence? Barr?
Would the other ousted 'Pug Senators vote to convict in order to mend their historical reputations?

So many questions!!

Your having a feargasm.
No. If he fails in 2020 it's unlikely he'll be free to run in 2024.
He’ll loose to Joe Biden. Not properly turn over the presidency. Go to Mar-a-Lago. Reportedly have a stroke and we’ll never hear from him again.
Or Bernie will win the nomination and we can look forward to the Trump Dynasty.
A few calculations.
1) If Orangey hasn't already fallen on the floor with his final Whopper with cheese clutched in his chubby paw, he'll turn 78 on 6/14/24. Oldsters like T can have a fairly steady plateau of mobility into their 70s, but once it starts to go, it goes fast -- picture a tray of Whopper wrappers and stray French fries slowly sliding off a tilted tabletop. Does anything about DJT suggest regular, vigorous exercise? He isn't that far from adult diapers and a nursing staff who meet in the break room, roll their eyes and say, "Damn! He's a noisy one!!"
2) If he's hitting those slurred moments on stage now ('God bless Amurrgggh') what the hell will he sound like then? He won't be able to pronounce MAGA -- or maybe every word will be pronounced MAGA. Or covfefe.
3) Based on the creeping increase of profanity in his public speech -- from Chuck Todd being a son of a bitch to the goddamns he started to throw in, during rallies in 2019, won't he be up to a more robust level by then? I can see him on stage calling Democrats scum-sucking motherfuckers, while the evangelicals in the audience blush but fall in with those who are vigorously applauding. (Seriously, expect a public 'Fuck' or two from Trump, especially if he gets a second term.)
4) There's a family history of Alzheimers.
Based on the creeping increase of profanity in his public speech -- from Chuck Todd being a son of a bitch to the goddamns he started to throw in, during rallies in 2019, won't he be up to a more robust level by then? I can see him on stage calling Democrats scum-sucking motherfuckers, while the evangelicals in the audience blush but fall in with those who are vigorously applauding. (Seriously, expect a public 'Fuck' or two from Trump, especially if he gets a second term.)

The Million (busy body) Moms took umbrage at Burger King for using the word "damn" in a commercial. So far crickets on Trump's profanity.
Assuming he's not in prison, and actually pays all the security fees he'll need, plus what he owes for 2015 and onward, to the cities, convention centers, etc. that he's been stiffing, I think he'll simply run around having his cult followers pay for tickets to listen to him wallow in his grievances, and encouraging them to do the same.
Assuming he's not in prison, and actually pays all the security fees he'll need, plus what he owes for 2015 and onward, to the cities, convention centers, etc. that he's been stiffing, I think he'll simply run around having his cult followers pay for tickets to listen to him wallow in his grievances, and encouraging them to do the same.

Why would anyone in their right mind forward any goods or services to this chiseler without demanding payment up front? I wouldn’t slide a pack of gum across the counter to him with seeing a dollar coming my way.
Assuming he's not in prison...

A tall assumption there...

...and actually pays all the security fees he'll need, plus what he owes for 2015 and onward, to the cities, convention centers, etc. that he's been stiffing...

Waitaminit... you talking about The Donald?

I think he'll simply run around having his cult followers pay for tickets to listen to him wallow in his grievances, and encouraging them to do the same.

That's what made me think about Trump '24. Give him four years to puff himself up without the constraints of the Presidency, and who knows?
It is beginning to look like he is rapidly losing his mental capabilities. His latest speeches show he is deteriorating, having mental lapses, slurring his words, can't focus mentally when he is lying, er, speaking. He is going downhill fast. I suspect that this will be a campaign issue by September or so.

His latest appearances show Trump is mentally losing it. His efforts to debate the eventual Democratic nominee may be a big problem for Trump.
Assuming he's not in prison...
Didn't Eugene Debs (jailed for protesting involvement in WWI) and Lyndon LaRouche (criminal) run from prison?

But... Once he's IN office, he'll pardon himself, of course, but what if the 2020 winner refuses to pardon him FOR the inauguration, can he tele-attend his inauguration?

And what if New York convicts before the feds do? Would he have to run for governor, pardon himself, THEN run for President? Or could he do both simultaneously?
I think that's assuming that Trump loses 2020, which is unfortunately, a big assumption.

Isn't he prohibited from running for a 3rd consecutive term? 22nd Amendment and all of that?
I think that's assuming that Trump loses 2020, which is unfortunately, a big assumption.

Right - first line of the OP:

Will Trump Run Again in 2024?
We all know that if Trump wins in 2020 there will be no elections in 2024, so lets consider what happens if he loses.

If he does lose, I have zero doubt that tRump will dispute and refuse to accept the election results. If Moscow Mitch loses his seat too, he will probably join Cheato in his dispute and things will get verrrry interesting between November 2020 and February 2021. I'd love to see him dragged out of the whitehouse by US Marshalls and/or USSS, and thrown in jail.

And what if New York convicts before the feds do? Would he have to run for governor, pardon himself, THEN run for President? Or could he do both simultaneously?

He better get his residency situation fixed - if he's a resident of FL as he is now, he won't be able to run for Guv'nah of NY. And it would take some epic election rigging for him to win in NY anyhow - he lived there for long enough that 'most everyone in NY knows he's a dirtbag.
On the upside though, if NY sends him to Rikers Island, he'll be allowed to get to get out to attend his Federal trial... :)
I think Trump will be dead by 2024. He's an overweight man over 70 who doesn't exercise, eats fast food and probably uses amphetamines. My guess is a stroke or a heart attack will take care of him sooner than elections or impeachments.
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