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Wonder Woman!

TF is my Rotten Tomatoes. RT has become almost useless in understanding how good a film is. Mildly entertaining films are 80+% these days on RT. I pretty much have a calibration based on the reviews of certain users here based on a weighted scale.

I do hope WW makes it. Though the trouble I see is in making an interesting movie with an invincible character. It worked for Superman originally because it was brains verses brawn. DC has issues with this. Batman works mainly because of how interesting the villains are (or at least should be).
Wonder Woman could be what DC needs to start catching up with Marvel. She's basically a mix of Captain America and Thor, and based on the trailer it could be okay. Of course nobody should expect a cinematic masterpiece, but it could be as good as the dreck Marvel puts out, and that's just fine. As a bonus DC beat Marvel to giving a female superhero getting her own movie.

I didn't see Superman vs. Batman or Suicide Squad in the theaters, and I won't be seeing Justice League either. But Wonder Woman I will.
I have seen a few reviews by youtubers that have large subscriber bases and don't spoil movies.

They say the same things -most of it positive and nothing that sounds like covering their asses for when their viewers are mad because it sucks.

Even if there is a positive grading bias for various reasons even including identity politics, my guess is that most will come away thinking that it was at least a little above average.

Probably the best barometer for me would be to find reviewers who disliked The Force Awakens for the same reasons as myself. But none of those reviewers have posted yet...
I heard that Warners may recall the pic and re-edit with all available outtakes to achieve an 80s Lynda Carter level of camel toe.
I have seen a few reviews by youtubers that have large subscriber bases and don't spoil movies.

They say the same things -most of it positive and nothing that sounds like covering their asses for when their viewers are mad because it sucks.

Even if there is a positive grading bias for various reasons even including identity politics, my guess is that most will come away thinking that it was at least a little above average.

Probably the best barometer for me would be to find reviewers who disliked The Force Awakens for the same reasons as myself. But none of those reviewers have posted yet...

Identity politics?



You have to hate the movie because it doesn't star a white male. That makes you feel less manly or something, right? "Male genocide" or whatever? At least you will always have the vault superior Batman vs Superman and Man of Steel. Maybe you should just re-read watch those instead of going to the movie theater? They star white men, so it's not white genocide or man genocide or whatever it is that triggers you people.
Which is my main fear. The bar is rather low with most DC Comic movies (Batman excluded).
She does seem to be the one thing DC has that Marvel doesn't do better.
So far everything is pointing to this movie being great. I certainly hope so. And that DC will take a serious look at why their movies have been sucking. Had hopes for Suicide Squad, but didn't hear much good about that. Will watch it once it is on Netflix.

I'm looking forward to this movie. It not sucking and being mildly entertaining would be a major step forward for the studio. All the reviews seem to saying that it at least hits that bar.

On a side note, I've been playing the new Injustice 2 game and you can win gear which lets you suit up the Wonder Woman character like the movie version. Every time I win a fight with her, I find myself yelling out "WON-DER WO-MAN!!!" Like they had in the old 70's tv show. It's weird how they didn't make that the default audio and that was a major oversight by the developers. Hopefully, they'll fix it in a patch.
Saw it, thought it was great. My wife loved it, a must see.

My main criticism is that so much of it is at night, or in poor lighting conditions, with muted colors. I can see the reason, to mark the difference between war torn Europe, and Thymiscara. But still, a little more light couldn't hurt.
hmm, maybe doing the Blade Runner strategy, where if it is dark less money needs to be spent on the set and effects. Can't really blame them, these movies are not cheap to produce. Add to that people having 4k screens at home now. Maybe blame color grading to be more precise. If brighter people would pick apart flaws in the set and effects more.

I am not trying to derail but this is a good video about color grading

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She does seem to be the one thing DC has that Marvel doesn't do better.

That's not true at all.

Amanda Waller is far more terrifying and compelling than the "sinister bureaucrats" in the Marvel universe, and some of them are genocidal maniacs.

Suicide Squad is quite unlike anything in Marvel. It's a crying shame the movie was so bad.

Marvel has a group of villains that are meant to be a sinister parody of the Justice League, but the Justice Lords story from DC is both a more scathing critique and a more compelling story.

Green Lantern Corps is better than the Nova Corps, at least in my opinion.
Just saw the movie.

It was good, not great. The action scenes kicked all kinds of ass, but the main thing is that the post-Nolan curse is finally lifted. Now if WB can keep this up, I'll be happy.
If you don't count Jessica Jones.
Or Black Widow. But both are apples and oranges comparisons, because JJ is not a blockbuster movie and BW is not a lead.

Jessica Jones is a more interesting character, sure, but she explores more adult themes, so that is to be expected. I would argue that Wonder Woman is the best (or at least my favorite) female empowerment fantasy in comic books.

Oh, and if we bring Black Widow into this discussion, it matters if we're talking about the comic book version or the movie version. Frankly, I like the movie version better.
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