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World moving away from dollar under Trump


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism

This is going to have a lot of very negative economic effects for America.

Given that all Republicans and most Democrats have decided that America exists to make life better for wealthy people and no one else, I'm having a hard time giving a fuck.

It's only a matter of time before we end up in another race to the bottom like the one that started the Great Depression. We have a growing number of homeless people with full time jobs. The middle class keeps shrinking, the ranks of the poor keep growing. The wealth gap keeps getting bigger. All of this (and more) is done in the name of making wealthy people even wealthier.

Things are getting pretty bad for large portions of America, and they're getting worse. Whether or not the world uses the dollar as their default currency isn't going to change that. Most of us are going to get screwed no matter how many nations use the dollar for trade.

Things are getting worse for anyone who isn't part of the economic elite.

Studies show that most Trump voters were motivated by racism, but those racist messages probably sound good right now because of all the belt-tightening everyone has been doing for the last half century. The angry trolls on FOX News or conservative talk radio tell Cletus that the reason his life is getting harder is because of them durned dark people and especially them durned dark immigrants. The trolls tell this to Cletus so that he won't blame the wealthy people who keep getting wealthier and wealthier while Cletus' life gets shittier and shittier.

By now, things have gotten so rough for Cletus, that he is now really really angry about non-white people and especially non-white immigrants, such that we can no longer explain to Cletus why toddler concentration camps are a really bad idea and really un-American.

So yeah, Cletus voted for Trump because Cletus is a racist, but Cletus' racism got worse because of economics.

We got here because the economic elites wanted to become wealthier at the expense of everyone else in this country, but they didn't want to take any blame for this. So now we're on the brink of the world dropping the dollar, which is probably going to really hurt the very economic elites who created this problem because they wanted America's income distribution to look more like Mexico.

Things are about to get really bad for America, and we can't stop it because that would involve convincing Republican voters that they might be wrong about something, and we can't even convince them that toddler concentration camps are a bad idea.
It's a huge propaganda machine on the right since Reagan.

Limbaugh and Hannity and FOX News and their minions.

An entire alternate world has been created where the rich are serving the poor, not the way it really is. Where the weakest, poor immigrants, are the biggest danger. Where Trump is not an incompetent liar.

Truth is stood on it's head over and over.

Breaking through this huge dark cloud of distortion is not going to be easy.

May not be possible.
One thing I find ironic. These billionaires push the economy to give them ever more money, but they will eventually push it so far that we will have economic collapse, and those billions of dollars won’t be worth as much as before.
One thing I find ironic. These billionaires push the economy to give them ever more money, but they will eventually push it so far that we will have economic collapse, and those billions of dollars won’t be worth as much as before.

Don't lose too much sleep over the plight of our billionaires - they won't be invested in the dollar to any great extent at the point where it declines precipiously.
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