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Yes, Trump is Stealing the Election


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs

We are IDIOTs

I for Ignorance — willful ignorance.
D for Denial and Dismissal.
I for Intellectualization — justification, rationalization.
O for Outrage and shock.
T for the Terror. The feeling impotent and hopeless bewilderment that ensues, right before…

We have been willfully ignorant and dismissive of Trump’s authoritarian takeover. He’s telegraphed it openly, and yet we rationalize it away. He doesn’t really mean that. He’s just owning the libs. You’ve got TDS. Nothing to see here. Well, let’s see what happens on November 5th when he declares victory regardless of the outcome.
Trump is trying to steal the election. The question is will he be successful? If he is, shame on the citizens of the US.
Yeah. Yeah. We Americans. All of us. More of painting all of us with that same brush. Fuck you, Umair. You want to scream at someone, scream at the senators I've been screaming at for four fucking years. Theirs are the voices that needed to speak out. That needed to quit talking around the edges before it's too late. I suspected this shit four years ago, before that disgrace even took office. I mentioned Sarah Kendzior more that two years ago, maybe three. The only other voice I heard on this forum back then speak with the level of concern the situation deserved was Elixir's. For every one of us oblivious to what is happening to the US right now, there is an equal number of intellectual knobs waiting for the evidence. And I think I may have mentioned this years back, we wait for the evidence and it will be too late. Well, it may be too late.
The politicians needed to be screaming about this. What are they going to do, start screaming now? It will look like an election year tactic at this point. So what? What are they going to do? Bring DeJoy in to answer questions. Big fucking deal. Can they do anything of substance? If so, I've yet to hear what that something might be. I'm expecting them to wag their finger at DeJoy while DeJoy sits there and smirks at them. Or maybe he'll be nice enough to lie just to make us feel better.

But to all you good Americans who plan on voting while sitting on your asses hoping the USPS does it's job, to all you good Americans who won't write to your representatives, to all you good Americans who won't go out and protest (myself included), to all you good Americans who won't give up your favorite yummy Goya food because it' will make no difference (fuck, I'm still boycotting BP), to all you good Americans wanting to hear AOC talk about the Green New Deal while our country collapses, get up off your asses and do the right thing. Do your small, tiny, insignificant right thing. Be inconvenienced enough to save your country because there are too many who aren't going to get it until it's just too late.

I feel ten pounds lighter.
What is the point of that article? Most of us already know that TRump is trying to fuck up this election. We know he is going to scream that it's rigged, unfair, etc. We know that if he loses he may have to be dragged out of the WH kicking and screaming. But, other than voting, what the fuck is the author of the article expecting us to do. And, we know that he is trying to be a dictator, which seems just fine with his Republican minions.

I know too many people who refuse to vote. I know too many people who have been brainwashed by Trump, especially white evangelicals. But, I also know that every single person who plans to vote for Biden has said they will crawl through glass, to get to the polls. Of course, they don't mean that literally, but I have 3 friends who are over 70, as well as myself, who have agreed we will mask up and go to the polls if we don't get our mail in ballots. If we do get our mail in ballots, we all plan on putting them in the box that is situated right outside the place where we go to vote early. The poll workers aren't all Trump supporters. They tend to be very good people who aren't going to going to purposely miscount the vote. WTF are we supposed to do! Trump supporters are all far too brainwashed to believe the truth about the man who has successfully manipulated them.

Being scared and going to bed in the fetal position isn't going to help.

Let's put it like the Dems did last night. Vote as if your life depends on it! That's what my friends and I plan to do.
What is the point of that article? Most of us already know that TRump is trying to fuck up this election. We know he is going to scream that it's rigged, unfair, etc. We know that if he loses he may have to be dragged out of the WH kicking and screaming. But, other than voting, what the fuck is the author of the article expecting us to do. And, we know that he is trying to be a dictator, which seems just fine with his Republican minions.

I know too many people who refuse to vote. I know too many people who have been brainwashed by Trump, especially white evangelicals. But, I also know that every single person who plans to vote for Biden has said they will crawl through glass, to get to the polls. Of course, they don't mean that literally, but I have 3 friends who are over 70, as well as myself, who have agreed we will mask up and go to the polls if we don't get our mail in ballots. If we do get our mail in ballots, we all plan on putting them in the box that is situated right outside the place where we go to vote early. The poll workers aren't all Trump supporters. They tend to be very good people who aren't going to going to purposely miscount the vote. WTF are we supposed to do! Trump supporters are all far too brainwashed to believe the truth about the man who has successfully manipulated them.

Being scared and going to bed in the fetal position isn't going to help.

Let's put it like the Dems did last night. Vote as if your life depends on it! That's what my friends and I plan to do.

I agree. As Jimmy says, turn the fuck out. But it’s never that easy. Their old people who can’t risk it. There are others who can’t either. They’ll try to vote by mail, but Trump will make sure that there aren’t enough postal workers in duty to pick up the mail. He plans on putting poll workers throughout to challenge every minority he can get away with. He will issue court challenges to the results, and he’s got the judges to help him in many places.

The point is, voting isn’t enough. You’ve got to ensure that everyone gets the right to vote. This means also in rural places in North Carolina, Georgia, Florida and other key states where they can try to suppress the AA vote. Last election, I went to NC to help ensure voters had rights. We helped anyone who couldn’t vote. There weren’t really much challenges, but this time around Trump is no longer bound by the consent decree. He plans on sending an army of poll challengers. I’m not sure where I’ll go this time.

It also means that you need to help people register to vote and to become motivated to vote. Too many people don’t give a shit. They say it doesn’t make a difference. But it’s crap. I talked to our democratic gubernatorial candidate last election, and he made the claim that if 35% of African American voters showed up to vote, he would win In Alabama. They didn’t and He lost.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ? Are the democrats having a laugh ? No thank you.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ? Are the democrats having a laugh ? No thank you.

That's your choice... So what are you going to do, write in Kayne? I mean if they are a laugh then what is Trump? a Shart?

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ? Are the democrats having a laugh ? No thank you.

That's your choice...

Yes it is and if that upsets you, oh well.

So what are you going to do, write in Kayne?

Kanye West would be preferable to the old (white) geezer and the crazy (black) chick. Too bad Charlie Sheen couldn't make the ticket.

I mean if they are a laugh then what is Trump? a Shart?

Such a short memory.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ? Are the democrats having a laugh ? No thank you.

That's your choice... So what are you going to do, write in Kayne? I mean if they are a laugh then what is Trump? a Shart?

Swizzle thinks the destruction of the American electoral system is hilarious.
'Nuff said.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ? Are the democrats having a laugh ? No thank you.

That's your choice... So what are you going to do, write in Kayne? I mean if they are a laugh then what is Trump? a Shart?

Swizzle thinks the destruction of the American electoral system is hilarious.
'Nuff said.

He thinks truncheons and tear gas are only used on lefties.
The first step?

Iran paid bounties for targeting US troops, intelligence reportedly suggests

U.S. intelligence reportedly indicates Iran’s government offered bounties to Taliban fighters to target U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan.

A Pentagon briefing document said a foreign government paid the Haqqani network, led by a top Taliban leader, to attack Bagram Air Base last December, CNN reported. While the government in question is classified in the memo, two sources familiar with the intelligence told the network it was in reference to Iran.

Four U.S. personnel and more than 75 others were injured in the Bagram attack, which occurred less than a month before the U.S. killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the commander of Iran’s Quds Force, in a drone strike in Baghdad. Both a current administration official and a former senior official told CNN that Iran-Taliban ties were cited as part of the justification for the strike against Soleimani.
Trump is trying to steal the election. The question is will he be successful? If he is, shame on the citizens of the US.

Who's going to stop him? The Post Office is where he is focusing one attack; Pelosi has called an emergency session to try to protect the Post Office but it would take 60 Senators to act. Do you think there will be 60 Senators who will stand up to Trump? Remember that only 50 voted against confirming Betsy DeVos, a criminal whose announced goal was, in effect, to destroy America's public schools.

Do you think the election-stealing will be as amateurish as a penciled-up hurricane map? Trump may be a dunce but some of his minions have tricks up their sleeves and 110+ IQs. With a myriad of election-stealing plans in play, some will have the veneer of legality. or will involve ballot destructions done too circumspectly to prove. Remember: The GOP already has plans to fill precincts with partisan "monitors" under orders to intimidate minority and young voters and others who seem likely to vote D.(*) Just in swing states there will be many tens of thousands of Biden voters unable to vote, whether due to long queues or hour-long drives, corrupt voter roll purges, destruction of mailed ballots by Post Office stooges, or intimidation by these monitors.
* - The GOP was specifically enjoined from this "monitoring" activity due to its corrupt methods circa 1980, but that order was allowed to expire some months ago.

Will the Supreme Court stop him? That Court is divided 4-4-1 with John Roberts — who started his career as a Republican hack in the style of Karl Rove — sometimes seeming to vote a conscience. But Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 87 years old with Stage 4 cancer (Hint: there's no such thing as Stage 5). If Ms. Ginsburg dies, even in November or December, you can bet Moscow Mitch will ram through a replacement and the Court will have a majority of certified evil-doers.

Will the U.S. Department of Justice do its duty? It is to laugh (or cry). Essentially every Cabinet post is now filled with sloths, sycophants or criminals. Barr was confirmed as Attorney General by a 54-45 vote; Romney, Collins, and Murkoski — the so-called "decent" Republicans — all voted to confirm, as did three Democrats. Rand Paul, bless his ideologically-deranged heart, was the only R to vote against Barr.

So again, Who's going to stop him? The Americans out marching with BLM? Do you think rubber bullets are the only kind of bullets that America's corrupt police have in their arsenals? It's hard for me to think about BLM protests now without recalling the white guy marching with BLM who was gunned down because he was carrying an assault rifle. What a crazy bunch of loons Americans are! He was marching on the "right" side, but still needed to prove his American manhood by pointlessly carrying an assault rifle. This would all be a colossal joke — a Monty Python movie — if it weren't so utterly tragic.

My hopes and prayers are with American Democracy, but if the election is close there's an excellent chance the R's will find a way to retain the White House. And this despite that many Republicans are finally realizing what a crooked and pathetic ass they're licking. Imagine the threat had the Kremlin-GOP axis settled on a mascot with a 100+ IQ!

Kanye West would be preferable ... In every way imaginable.
If I were a regular poster here, and "in with the in-crowd", I might be wondering whether some Members lack the high erudition and cognition skills for which Talkfreethought.Org is respected. Or even whether these forums are an audition stage for unemployed Albanians seeking a $1/hour job in a Kremlin-sponsored troll farm.

But I have just one little blue and three tiny greens of Reputation, so perhaps should avoid throwing stones from my glass house.
I'm reminded of a specific annoyance that, while it will seem minor to many, strongly affirms the message umair haque conveys.

I click to News.Google frequently just to see headlines, and click on top stories. When I do that just now, I see three of the political links are to FoxNews and one to New York Post. By contrast Washington Post and NPR get only one link each. The "philosophy" of many news aggregators seems to be that the Liars deserve equal time to rebut the truth-tellers.

I don't think Google is necessarily led by Trump-lickers. They'd lose shareholder value — America's premier ideal — if they were to suppress the liars. This insidious support by the mainstream for right-wing lies isn't even mentioned by umair.

Worse, the best American news sources — N.Y. Times, Wash. Post, WSJ — have all put up pay-walls. Americans end up turning to liars, because the truthtellers ask for credit cards! (I, for one, would be happy to toss a dollar or two if I ever saw one of these newspapers in print, but have no desire to put my credit card at risk for web-based news.)

I wish I could be more optimistic. Sorry.
I'm reminded of a specific annoyance that, while it will seem minor to many, strongly affirms the message umair haque conveys.

I click to News.Google frequently just to see headlines, and click on top stories. When I do that just now, I see three of the political links are to FoxNews and one to New York Post. By contrast Washington Post and NPR get only one link each. The "philosophy" of many news aggregators seems to be that the Liars deserve equal time to rebut the truth-tellers.

I don't think Google is necessarily led by Trump-lickers. They'd lose shareholder value — America's premier ideal — if they were to suppress the liars. This insidious support by the mainstream for right-wing lies isn't even mentioned by umair.

Worse, the best American news sources — N.Y. Times, Wash. Post, WSJ — have all put up pay-walls. Americans end up turning to liars, because the truthtellers ask for credit cards! (I, for one, would be happy to toss a dollar or two if I ever saw one of these newspapers in print, but have no desire to put my credit card at risk for web-based news.)

I wish I could be more optimistic. Sorry.

NYT and WaPo are still readable. Use private browsing mode After you’ve used up the ten free articles you get. Or another computer or the app. All get you more free articles. Except for WSJ.
I'm reminded of a specific annoyance that, while it will seem minor to many, strongly affirms the message umair haque conveys.

I click to News.Google frequently just to see headlines, and click on top stories. When I do that just now, I see three of the political links are to FoxNews and one to New York Post. By contrast Washington Post and NPR get only one link each. The "philosophy" of many news aggregators seems to be that the Liars deserve equal time to rebut the truth-tellers.

I don't think Google is necessarily led by Trump-lickers. They'd lose shareholder value — America's premier ideal — if they were to suppress the liars. This insidious support by the mainstream for right-wing lies isn't even mentioned by umair.

Worse, the best American news sources — N.Y. Times, Wash. Post, WSJ — have all put up pay-walls. Americans end up turning to liars, because the truthtellers ask for credit cards! (I, for one, would be happy to toss a dollar or two if I ever saw one of these newspapers in print, but have no desire to put my credit card at risk for web-based news.)

I wish I could be more optimistic. Sorry.

NYT and WaPo are still readable. Use private browsing mode After you’ve used up the ten free articles you get. Or another computer or the app. All get you more free articles. Except for WSJ.

The dark side has ways that some would consider unnatural.
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