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Yes, Trump is Stealing the Election

NYT and WaPo are still readable. Use private browsing mode After you’ve used up the ten free articles you get. Or another computer or the app. All get you more free articles. Except for WSJ.

I know. What I do is start up Chrome (instead of my usual Firefox) with Javascript disabled. As long as Script is disabled both NYT and WPO seem happy to serve unlimited articles. (I suppose I could avoid the need for a 2nd browser by instructing Firefox to disable Javascript just for those two sites, but am too lazy to learn how to do that.)

Mine was not a question ("How do I read NYT or WPO?") but a comment: Many Americans will not take the time to learn those paywall workarounds, so end up clicking to less truthful sites. (Kremlin-friendly or Koch-funded sites are happy to purvey lies for free.) Doesn't this seem like a shame?
Kanye West would be preferable to [Joe Biden and Kamala Harris]

In what way?

He admits that he is mentally ill, for one thing.
That puts him "above" the mentally ill who don't realize or don't admit that they're mentally ill. And it can be reasonably argued anyone questing for political power is by definition mentally ill.
So it's a matter of degrees. Kanye, having admitted to being bi-polar, is just the person we should want handling the Nuclear Football. At least we will get to use our nukes next time some Kardashian thing provokes another breakdown.
Sleepy Joe and not-quite-black-enough Harris would never let us do that.
I'm reminded of a specific annoyance that, while it will seem minor to many, strongly affirms the message umair haque conveys.

I click to News.Google frequently just to see headlines, and click on top stories. When I do that just now, I see three of the political links are to FoxNews and one to New York Post. By contrast Washington Post and NPR get only one link each. The "philosophy" of many news aggregators seems to be that the Liars deserve equal time to rebut the truth-tellers.

I don't think Google is necessarily led by Trump-lickers. They'd lose shareholder value — America's premier ideal — if they were to suppress the liars. This insidious support by the mainstream for right-wing lies isn't even mentioned by umair.

Worse, the best American news sources — N.Y. Times, Wash. Post, WSJ — have all put up pay-walls. Americans end up turning to liars, because the truthtellers ask for credit cards! (I, for one, would be happy to toss a dollar or two if I ever saw one of these newspapers in print, but have no desire to put my credit card at risk for web-based news.)

I wish I could be more optimistic. Sorry.

NYT and WaPo are still readable. Use private browsing mode After you’ve used up the ten free articles you get. Or another computer or the app. All get you more free articles. Except for WSJ.

The dark side has ways that some would consider unnatural.

The Truth is paywalled. Lies are still freely available.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ? Are the democrats having a laugh ? No thank you.

That's your choice... So what are you going to do, write in Kayne? I mean if they are a laugh then what is Trump? a Shart?

Swizzle thinks the destruction of the American electoral system is hilarious.
'Nuff said.

Also a choice.

Hopefully education and accountability for the intentional spread of misinformation will help people make smarter choices over time.
NYT and WaPo are still readable. Use private browsing mode After you’ve used up the ten free articles you get. Or another computer or the app. All get you more free articles. Except for WSJ.

I know. What I do is start up Chrome (instead of my usual Firefox) with Javascript disabled. As long as Script is disabled both NYT and WPO seem happy to serve unlimited articles. (I suppose I could avoid the need for a 2nd browser by instructing Firefox to disable Javascript just for those two sites, but am too lazy to learn how to do that.)

Mine was not a question ("How do I read NYT or WPO?") but a comment: Many Americans will not take the time to learn those paywall workarounds, so end up clicking to less truthful sites. (Kremlin-friendly or Koch-funded sites are happy to purvey lies for free.) Doesn't this seem like a shame?

That’s a good point. I never thought of that. I just assumed most people are smart enough to do what I did and would want to. But people are lazy and stupid so they get their news from Facebook friends who put up bullshit. Without true journalism, America is doomed.

Yeah. Yeah. We Americans. All of us. More of painting all of us with that same brush. Fuck you, Umair. You want to scream at someone, scream at the senators I've been screaming at for four fucking years.

... or further down to the root, I made up an ancient Chinese saying:

"If you want to blame someone, blame Gods and the people who invented them."

Seriously, a big part of the problem is that there is so much to scream about. And that's by design (if you can call such a hamfisted approach a "design").
With everybody screaming about the thing about which they are personally most outraged at a given moment, the paralysis of our representatives (those who are actually trying to be representatives) is understandable.

I feel ten pounds lighter.

Don't worry, you'll gain it back by tomorrow morning. :(
Trump is trying to steal the election. The question is will he be successful? If he is, shame on the citizens of the US.

No. Not really. Our system is structured to be hard to change from below but the rules for changing it from above are now quite well established.

It isn't Americans' fault that they are ignorant of government processes or ignorant in general. Most people are. Propaganda is power.
"You won't be safe in Joe Biden's America. What is the proof? The violence in Donald Trump's America." - Joe Biden
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