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Your Favourite Disney Movie?


New member
Jun 28, 2006
Basic Beliefs
I'm a big Disney fan. They are all pretty good, but my favourite is probably Mary Poppins.
I don't know whether it is being so far out from its release, but Mary Poppins seems like a disheveled mess. The Sound of Music on LSD of sorts.

I personally don't like Disney. They rewrite story endings and rip the meanings from them. However, the Toy Story saga (if you count that as Disney) is original material and very well done.
Disney films need to be taken in their own right and not as true interpretations of the original stories.
I don't know whether it is being so far out from its release, but Mary Poppins seems like a disheveled mess. The Sound of Music on LSD of sorts.

I personally don't like Disney. They rewrite story endings and rip the meanings from them. However, the Toy Story saga (if you count that as Disney) is original material and very well done.

While I can see your point,http://www.buzzfeed.com/leonoraepstein/mary-poppins-is-actually-an-extremely-messed-up-movie I like the movie's undercurrents of liberation and stewardship that were very much taking place during the Edwardian era as well as during the 60's (1964) when the movie came out...
The movie has many lessons, which I appreciated and enjoyed...as well as Julie Andrews' beauty...
At the moment it is Alladin. To be honest I have not seen ever Disney movie nor have I seen any recently.
I liked The Avengers.

There was also the cool Thor sequel where a witch got that magic ice box that Loki dropped and destroyed her kingdom with it because she was an evil lesbian.
If by Disney movies you mean the traditional "whole family" movies, then Lilo and Stitch is my favorite.

If we're including all movies under Disney corporate ownership, then I'll probably agree with Tom.
I have too many favourites to count
But my sorta top animated ones would be
Cinderella, Tangled and Beauty and the Beast
With the hugely underrated Rescuers Down Under

For live action
Well the Marvel Cinematic universe is one, Mary Poppins is still a classic for me and Who Framed Roger Rabbit
I just saw Frozen, and I think it blew all the others away.
It would be hard to pick just one. When I was growing up, I really loved The Sword in the Stone, which it seems to me wasn't very memorable for most people. I also particularly enjoyed Peter Pan, The Jungle Book, Robin Hood, The Rescuers, The Rescuers Down Under, Aladdin, and The Lion King.
I wasn't ever much of a fan of Disney movies, having grown up on a steady diet of WB cartoons - and they always seemed a bit saccharine. That being said I did enjoy The Jungle Book and Sword in the Stone.

Given the choice as a kid I always gravitated more toward things like Secret of NIMH and Riki Tiki Tavi by Chuck Jones.
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