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The Thread For New Republican Legislation


Loony Running The Asylum
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.

The House of Representatives is slated to vote on a bill Monday night that would cut more than $70 billion in Internal Revenue Service funding in an effort to prevent the agency from conducting new audits on Americans — fulfilling newly-elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s promise ahead of taking the gavel.
So Republicans support tax cheats.
My new hobby is trolling American right wing forums encouraging them to write to their members of Congress to investigate the 2020 election now that McCarthy is Speaker.

It's surprising how many Republicunts still believe that and openly admits as such in their "safe space". It takes very little effort on my part - like one post and they run with it.

The House of Representatives is slated to vote on a bill Monday night that would cut more than $70 billion in Internal Revenue Service funding in an effort to prevent the agency from conducting new audits on Americans — fulfilling newly-elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s promise ahead of taking the gavel.
So Republicans support tax cheats.
I mean...these are their donors. We can't have the IRS looking at the tax returns of people who give them untold amounts of dark money, now can we?

Plus, just look at what's happened with the small sliver of Trump's taxes that have become public. If more people find out that "billionaires" might actually have built their "wealth" on fraudulent schemes and scams, that would be really bad.

Oh, and they have to gut the House ethics operation before they dig too deep into Santos.
My new hobby is trolling American right wing forums encouraging them to write to their members of Congress to investigate the 2020 election now that McCarthy is Speaker.

It's surprising how many Republicunts still believe that and openly admits as such in their "safe space". It takes very little effort on my part - like one post and they run with it.
And then FSTDT?
My new hobby is trolling American right wing forums encouraging them to write to their members of Congress to investigate the 2020 election now that McCarthy is Speaker.

It's surprising how many Republicunts still believe that and openly admits as such in their "safe space". It takes very little effort on my part - like one post and they run with it.
And then FSTDT?
Perhaps you mean Fundies Say the Darndest Things. It's more like I'm disturbed what fundies say when they use their inside voices. (IDWFSWTUTIV if you will). Doesn't take much for their inside voice to be an outside voice.
Republicans in the House of Representatives will vote on a bill that would abolish the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), eliminate the national income tax, and replace it with a national consumption tax.

Fox News Digital has learned that the House will be voting on Georgia Republican Rep. Buddy Carter's reintroduced Fair Tax Act that aims to reel in the IRS and remove the national income tax, as well as other taxes, and replace them with a single consumption tax.

The vote on the bill was made as part of the deal between House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and members of the House Freedom Caucus and was pushed forward in his quest for the gavel.
Of course, when the “consumption“ tax is drawn up, it will be such that nothing consumed by billionaires is actually consumption: it’s all part of the awesome cost of being a billionaire. The rest of us have to consume to stay alive.
I wonder if contributions to PACs would be taxed as “consumption”?

Seems like the price of influence should be heavily taxed.
Few if any taxes are more regressive than consumption/sales taxes. Why don't they just call it a sales tax? Or do they actually define what the difference is/would be or is calling it a consumption tax just an attempt at obfuscation?
My civics knowledge may not be great, but, wouldn't we have to amended the 16th amendment?

The House of Representatives is slated to vote on a bill Monday night that would cut more than $70 billion in Internal Revenue Service funding in an effort to prevent the agency from conducting new audits on Americans — fulfilling newly-elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s promise ahead of taking the gavel.
So Republicans support tax cheats.
The CBO scored this as costing 114 billion dollars. So much for the Republicans caring about debt reduction.

The House of Representatives is slated to vote on a bill Monday night that would cut more than $70 billion in Internal Revenue Service funding in an effort to prevent the agency from conducting new audits on Americans — fulfilling newly-elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s promise ahead of taking the gavel.
So Republicans support tax cheats.
The CBO scored this as costing 114 billion dollars. So much for the Republicans caring about debt reduction.
Agreed, but isn't that tax cheating, not spending? Tax cheating is good in the Republican book!

The House of Representatives is slated to vote on a bill Monday night that would cut more than $70 billion in Internal Revenue Service funding in an effort to prevent the agency from conducting new audits on Americans — fulfilling newly-elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s promise ahead of taking the gavel.
So Republicans support tax cheats.
The CBO scored this as costing 114 billion dollars. So much for the Republicans caring about debt reduction.
They never did. If you buy into the "starve the beast" theory, they actually want the debt/deficit to get worse.

As far as taxes go, I'm going to steal something I wrote elsewhere:

Taxes are actually pretty simple according to Republicans.

Is the economy doing well? Great! That's an opportunity to cut taxes on the wealthy and spur even more growth!

Is the economy doing poorly? Hmm...That's an opportunity to cut taxes on the wealthy and spur even more growth!

Is the economy doing okay but headed towards a possible recession? That's an opportunity to cut taxes on the wealthy and spur even more growth!

Is the economy recovering from a recession? That's an opportunity to cut taxes on the wealthy and spur even more growth!

According to Republicans, there is no problem which can't be solved with tax cuts for the wealthy. It will all trickle down!
Members of the far-right Arizona Freedom Caucus walked out, unwilling even to listen to what a new governor, at the start of a new legislative session, had to say.

“As was foreseeable, Katie Hobbs utilized the time-honored State of the State Address to once again promote her radical, woke policy initiatives, rather than address the profoundly serious concerns that Arizonans have regarding the political and fiscal realities of daily life,” the caucus group said in a press release after the event.

So now it’s “radical” and “woke” to support public education, to require accountability when spending public money, to protect our dwindling groundwater supply?

Who, I wonder, is really out of step here?

Hobbs’ speech was hardly a wish list of the left. She called for:

– Overriding the aggregate spending limit so that schools attended by nearly 1 million Arizona children aren’t faced with widespread layoffs or even closures come April 1.

– Repairing crumbling schools and redirecting to all schools the $68 million in bonus funding that's now reserved only for schools with good test scores.

– Creating a task force to figure out why 1 in 4 teachers are fleeing the classroom and what to do about it.

– Requiring privately owned charter schools to account for our how they spend the public’s money.

– Boosting state spending on affordable housing and offering a child tax credit to families earning less than $40,000 a year and exempting diapers and tampons from the state sales tax.

– Expanding college scholarships, including $40 million for undocumented students who now qualify for in-state tuition rates, thanks to passage of Proposition 308.

– Updating the state’s water management plan to put a stop to large agricultural interests that are pumping the ground dry in rural areas.

– Holding the line on further restrictions to abortion.

“I will use every power of the governor’s office to stop any legislation or action that attacks, strips or delays the liberty or inherent right of any individual to decide what’s best for themselves or their families,” Hobbs said.
"It took 5 seconds for Katie Hobbs to begin legislating from the 9th floor, so I will not listen to her rhetoric for even 5 seconds," incoming Rep. Rachel Jones, R-Tucson, tweeted.

“We could not sit idly by while she repeatedly declared her intention to advance her woke agenda that stands at odds with the people of our state,” Rep. Jacqueline Parker, R-Mesa, explained, in a press release.

Republican Reps. Alexander Kolodin of Scottsdale and Jake Hoffman of Queen Creek also walked out. Sens. Anthony Kern of Glendale and Justine Wadsack of Tucson, meanwhile, stood and turned their backs.

Class acts, one and all.

Earlier in the day, the Freedom Caucus announced plans to sue Hobbs over last week’s ”unconstitutional” executive order – the one that strengthens worker protections for LGBTQ state employees and contractors.

Imagine filing a lawsuit because the state says it won’t fire people for being gay?

The House of Representatives is slated to vote on a bill Monday night that would cut more than $70 billion in Internal Revenue Service funding in an effort to prevent the agency from conducting new audits on Americans — fulfilling newly-elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s promise ahead of taking the gavel.
So Republicans support tax cheats.

This isn't new. In the 1990s I read an article in Forbes on law enforcement's use of code-breaking to investigate tax fraud. The Forbes writer objected, saying that law enforcement should go after "criminals" instead.
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