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So much for freedom of thought at universities

She should be there because she wants to be there. When you stop looking at it s a game and just enjoy it, things get easier.
Except that it's a game where the woman doesn't have to put up any stakes while the man has to go double right away.

You can always say no to the date, or ask that she go dutch.
Asking to go dutch would be a good way to weed out the women who are only in it for the free meals, like those two from Canada and New York.

It's not like you can't just enjoy your time with her and the feeling of being a gentleman.
Why is it that traditional gender roles are only acceptable when they benefit women?
Except that it's a game where the woman doesn't have to put up any stakes while the man has to go double right away.
Hmmm, how do I put this? I don't know you, but there seems to be an attitude you are giving off. I do not see dating as a game and have plenty of dates. Because I have plenty of dates, I am confident and am happy to spend time with a beautiful woman just for the sake of enjoying each other's company. The last three dates I was on cost a total of $15. (Free concert, hike on the prairie, and ice cream. - Nothing that even comes close to breaking the bank.) Of those three, I liked two of them. (The other was a model who was obsessively complaining about food.) Now that being said a woman definitely puts up stakes. It's so cute when they get all gussied up with push-up bras and make up to go for a hike. They are also trying to impress the man who they are meeting. I'm just baffled at the negative attitude toward women I hear posted in this thread and it is why I recommend dropping it and adopting more of a breezy, "I am enjoying life" attitude. It makes for a better dating experience over, "crap, I have to pay an extra $25 for a woman who won't put out tonight".

You can always say no to the date, or ask that she go dutch.
Asking to go dutch would be a good way to weed out the women who are only in it for the free meals, like those two from Canada and New York.
Or you can also weed them out before the date as they will usually reveal such attitudes in pre-date conversations. Or just enjoy their company.

It's not like you can't just enjoy your time with her and the feeling of being a gentleman.
Why is it that traditional gender roles are only acceptable when they benefit women?
Ahh, but they benefit the man too. The reason why women respond positively to gentlemen is the reason we all respond positively to gentlemen. They are displaying their intent and thoughtfulness. You can be a lazy brute, but gentlemen take the time to show they care and are committed to others. This works in all aspects of your life.
Any evidence that he derailed unrelated conversations rather than participated with non-PC opinions when they talked about things like "rape culture" in class
conference? The hippie professor didn't say that he derailed any other discussions, but that his opinions upset some students. I.e. he was not banned for disruption, but because of his viewpoint.

He makes it clear he likes being disruptive. I see no reason to think he wasn't banished over that.
Evidently some people here have, shall we say, limited dating experience.

I will now give a crash course in how dating has work with me. I believe it somewhat typical. Others here may have other experiences.

First, I have been known to go on more than one date with a man. (This alone may be the source of the problem if a guy can't ever get a second date.) in which case, the man may very well pay for dinner on our first date, but he may then on our second date eat a picnic lunch that I prepared, or we may go to a dinner party or a cookout at a friend's home which cost neither us anything more than some beer, or we may go to an amusement park and buy each other treats between rides. in the course of any resulting relationship we will do things for each other where we will spend money on each other, back and forth.

That is how relationships work.

Of course if you don't date much and when you do you don't get a second date, you won't know how relationships work.
Evidently some people here have, shall we say, limited dating experience.

I will now give a crash course in how dating has work with me. I believe it somewhat typical. Others here may have other experiences.

First, I have been known to go on more than one date with a man. (This alone may be the source of the problem if a guy can't ever get a second date.) in which case, the man may very well pay for dinner on our first date, but he may then on our second date eat a picnic lunch that I prepared, or we may go to a dinner party or a cookout at a friend's home which cost neither us anything more than some beer, or we may go to an amusement park and buy each other treats between rides. in the course of any resulting relationship we will do things for each other where we will spend money on each other, back and forth.

That is how relationships work.

Of course if you don't date much and when you do you don't get a second date, you won't know how relationships work.

Sure, that sounds all well and good, but you left out the part where...after you've used your feminine wiles to lull the man into a false sense of security...you spring your radical feminism on him!

Evidently some people here have, shall we say, limited dating experience.

I will now give a crash course in how dating has work with me. I believe it somewhat typical. Others here may have other experiences.

First, I have been known to go on more than one date with a man. (This alone may be the source of the problem if a guy can't ever get a second date.) in which case, the man may very well pay for dinner on our first date, but he may then on our second date eat a picnic lunch that I prepared, or we may go to a dinner party or a cookout at a friend's home which cost neither us anything more than some beer, or we may go to an amusement park and buy each other treats between rides. in the course of any resulting relationship we will do things for each other where we will spend money on each other, back and forth.

That is how relationships work.

Of course if you don't date much and when you do you don't get a second date, you won't know how relationships work.

Yup. It is an exchange of hosting each other if the dating continues to move forward.
And how does that refute the idea that men being expected to buy women drinks or pay for dates is a form of less overt paying for sex?

I suspect that men who view buying a woman drinks or paying for the date as a "form of... paying for sex" are the ones not getting laid.
Why? Not everybody has an easy time getting laid without overtly* paying for it due to a variety of reasons, often outside their control. Calling them all "pathetic" is actually quite mean.

* buying a woman a drink at a bar or paying for a date can certainly be understood as a less overt way guys pay for .

I would like to gently suggest that believing that buying a woman a drink or paying on a date means that the guy has also bought himself some sex shows an attitude that is likely to impede one's ability to get sex. Or a date.

Not referring to Derec in any way whatsoever, but believing that buying a woman a drink or paying on a date means the guy has also bought himself some sex is an attitude that leads to date rapes.
Evidently some people here have, shall we say, limited dating experience.

I will now give a crash course in how dating has work with me. I believe it somewhat typical. Others here may have other experiences.

First, I have been known to go on more than one date with a man. (This alone may be the source of the problem if a guy can't ever get a second date.) in which case, the man may very well pay for dinner on our first date, but he may then on our second date eat a picnic lunch that I prepared, or we may go to a dinner party or a cookout at a friend's home which cost neither us anything more than some beer, or we may go to an amusement park and buy each other treats between rides. in the course of any resulting relationship we will do things for each other where we will spend money on each other, back and forth.

That is how relationships work.

Of course if you don't date much and when you do you don't get a second date, you won't know how relationships work.

Sure, that sounds all well and good, but you left out the part where...after you've used your feminine wiles to lull the man into a false sense of security...you spring your radical feminism on him!


Yup. That's exactly what I did to my now husband! I overwhelmed him with lots of free! sex and then sprung the trap that I am a radical feminist out to steal his manhood and brainwash him. Now the poor guy actually cooks more than half our meals! And he used to dine exclusively on peanut butter sandwiches, pizza and popcorn! I still let him drink beer and he still lets me commute to my job.
I would like to gently suggest that believing that buying a woman a drink or paying on a date means that the guy has also bought himself some sex shows an attitude that is likely to impede one's ability to get sex. Or a date.

Not referring to Derec in any way whatsoever, but believing that buying a woman a drink or paying on a date means the guy has also bought himself some sex is an attitude that leads to date rapes.

Yeah, it does. Also slammed doors and screened calls.
She should be there because she is interested in the guy, not because he is paying for her lobster.

What do you think of women like these: Toronto Woman Serial Dates to Get Free Restaurant Meals and Blogs About It
She seems to have the same attitude like you
Erin Wotherspoon said:
"guys should feel honoured by this open invitation to date me."
I.e. she believes her very presence is enough to justify the "price of admission". :banghead:

Derec, do you sign up for some special service that helps you find articles about how women rule the world, take endless advantage of men, get away with murdering them when they are tired of the men and men are just helpless second class citizens?

Because if you do, you should do yourself a favor and unsubscribe to that 'service.'

I have found that if you look hard enough for something, you will certainly find it. So, maybe try looking for examples of people being kind to one another.

Here's a true story: My husband and I met when we were both poor college students. Our first official date came after knowing each other for some months, and lots of long conversations, lots of different kinds of interactions. We went dutch because frankly, we were both really poor. I think the next time we went out, he bought the pizza. Very few of our dates involved spending any money at all, actually.

I actually broke up with a guy before that because he objected to me wanting to pay my way on dates. There was no hint of he pays/I provide sex. He was pretty traditional and I was not (it was a little 'radical' for the girl to pay back then. That's me: radical feminist from the very beginning.)

Now, I get that you are past the poor college kid stage of your life but really, there are lots of low cost/no cost things to do.

How do you like to spend your free time when you aren't posting on internet forums and reading articles about how women rule the world?
Sure, that sounds all well and good, but you left out the part where...after you've used your feminine wiles to lull the man into a false sense of security...you spring your radical feminism on him!


Yup. That's exactly what I did to my now husband! I overwhelmed him with lots of free! sex and then sprung the trap that I am a radical feminist out to steal his manhood and brainwash him. Now the poor guy actually cooks more than half our meals! And he used to dine exclusively on peanut butter sandwiches, pizza and popcorn! I still let him drink beer and he still lets me commute to my job.

You she-devil, you! :angryfist:

Savery declined comment to BuzzFeed, but I was able to reach him via email. He confirmed that he was a "strong believer in the First Amendment," and maintained that the student's views were not the issue.

"He was not banned because of what he said but because of a series of disruptive behaviors," Savery told Reason.

I also reached True via email, and asked him whether he had been rowdy or disruptive in class. He responded by making a bizarre request. This was his email back to me:

Before I interview with you, you must agree to make "nigger" be the first word in your article.


Pretty good troll, getting his 15 minutes of fame and all. But I'm with his professor on this one. His fellow students shouldn't have to endure his little sideshow, considering they paid for that class and he's sucking the value right out of the discussions.

Savery declined comment to BuzzFeed, but I was able to reach him via email. He confirmed that he was a "strong believer in the First Amendment," and maintained that the student's views were not the issue.

"He was not banned because of what he said but because of a series of disruptive behaviors," Savery told Reason.

I also reached True via email, and asked him whether he had been rowdy or disruptive in class. He responded by making a bizarre request. This was his email back to me:

Before I interview with you, you must agree to make "nigger" be the first word in your article.


Pretty good troll, getting his 15 minutes of fame and all. But I'm with his professor on this one. His fellow students shouldn't have to endure his little sideshow, considering they paid for that class and he's sucking the value right out of the discussions.

Shouldn't it be possible to conduct a class on the art and literature of classical Greece without ever citing bogus campus rape statistics, thereby avoiding the need for any "sideshows" wherein the bogus statistic is disputed?

I mean, if your argument is that these students paid to hear about the art and literature of classical Greece, that is.

Pretty good troll, getting his 15 minutes of fame and all. But I'm with his professor on this one. His fellow students shouldn't have to endure his little sideshow, considering they paid for that class and he's sucking the value right out of the discussions.

Shouldn't it be possible to conduct a class on the art and literature of classical Greece without ever citing bogus campus rape statistics, thereby avoiding the need for any "sideshows" wherein the bogus statistic is disputed?

I mean, if your argument is that these students paid to hear about the art and literature of classical Greece, that is.

Shouldn't you be able to learn in a classroom that is not disruptive?
Shouldn't it be possible to conduct a class on the art and literature of classical Greece without ever citing bogus campus rape statistics, thereby avoiding the need for any "sideshows" wherein the bogus statistic is disputed?

I mean, if your argument is that these students paid to hear about the art and literature of classical Greece, that is.

Shouldn't you be able to learn in a classroom that is not disruptive?

Yes, exactly. There seems to be no particular reason for a professor teaching the art and humanities of classical Greece to disrupt the class by citing bogus campus rape statistics.

Savery declined comment to BuzzFeed, but I was able to reach him via email. He confirmed that he was a "strong believer in the First Amendment," and maintained that the student's views were not the issue.

"He was not banned because of what he said but because of a series of disruptive behaviors," Savery told Reason.

I also reached True via email, and asked him whether he had been rowdy or disruptive in class. He responded by making a bizarre request. This was his email back to me:

Before I interview with you, you must agree to make "nigger" be the first word in your article.


Pretty good troll, getting his 15 minutes of fame and all. But I'm with his professor on this one. His fellow students shouldn't have to endure his little sideshow, considering they paid for that class and he's sucking the value right out of the discussions.
What is interesting is that this was rather apparent in the OP's article, yet Derec decided to use his biases to allow him to see an alternative view about how the University system is being destroyed by radical feminism.
Shouldn't you be able to learn in a classroom that is not disruptive?

Yes, exactly. There seems to be no particular reason for a professor teaching the art and humanities of classical Greece to disrupt the class by citing bogus campus rape statistics.

I see you attended the course. Because you claim to know exactly what was said and who brought up the subject in the first place.
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