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Islam just can't stand images of Mohammed

The guys in the photo are the Garland PD? Not exactly pushing the "boys in blue" image are they? Maybe having a neighborhood cop walking a beat, building rapport with the community isn't such a good idea after all.

$20 says there's calls to drag the bodies through the streets of Garland.

As I heard it the two representatives of Islam got out of their car with assault weapons and body armor, shot a security guard and fired into a cop car. Cop got out and dropped both of them with a handgun. That's either some bad terrorism or one heckuva a good job by the cop. Probably saved dozens of people.
How is drawing a cartoon similar to shouting fire?

They both indicate you should pull your gun trigger to a militant extremist?

Jesus Christ, all speech outside of Sharia probably offends militant's extremists. In the US, shouting fire in a crowded room is "dangerous and false". Therefore it is not protected. Drawing a cartoon of Mo may be dangerous, but it is not false. Our freedom of speech is not determined by the extremists.
The guys in the photo are the Garland PD? Not exactly pushing the "boys in blue" image are they? Maybe having a neighborhood cop walking a beat, building rapport with the community isn't such a good idea after all.

$20 says there's calls to drag the bodies through the streets of Garland.

As I heard it the two representatives of Islam got out of their car with assault weapons and body armor, shot a security guard and fired into a cop car. Cop got out and dropped both of them with a handgun. That's either some bad terrorism or one heckuva a good job by the cop. Probably saved dozens of people.
It should be a lesson to anyone who doesn't already know that you shouldn't expect to shoot at anyone in Texas without also expecting serious and immediate repercussions. Isn't there an expression something like, "don't fuck with Texas"?
The above isn't possible if you live in a society that values free speech.
Absolutely. Expressing political opinion. especially in the US, generally involves going out of one's way to provoke, demean, and criticize anyone who holds differing opinions.

Other than that, why is it that, on this forum, any provocation is fair (and good) when aimed at Christianity but evil when aimed at Islam? Both should be made fun of.

Agreed. I've never understood it.
If I'm not mistaken, I think the rule regarding images of Muhammad was created in order to keep his image from becoming a false idol of sorts. Follow the rules, not the image.

There seems to be a lot of irony regarding that rule.
They both indicate you should pull your gun trigger to a militant extremist?

Jesus Christ, all speech outside of Sharia probably offends militant's extremists. In the US, shouting fire in a crowded room is "dangerous and false". Therefore it is not protected. Drawing a cartoon of Mo may be dangerous, but it is not false. Our freedom of speech is not determined by the extremists.

Hmm? It was a joke. 'Shouting fire' as in shouting for someone to fire their gun.
Yeah, because those two guys represent all of Islam.


Now they represent chalk outlines on the street.
And now they are martyrs. In heaven celebrating, having attempted to take the lives of others in order to stop drawing cartoons.

Extremists are dumb.
$20 says there's calls to drag the bodies through the streets of Garland.

If there were individuals calling to drag the representatives of Islam's bodies through the street those people would not be speaking for all the people of Garland.

So please stifle your Garlandophobic hate speech and bigotry.

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Now they represent chalk outlines on the street.
And now they are martyrs. In heaven celebrating, having attempted to take the lives of others in order to stop drawing cartoons.

Extremists are dumb.

Well, on the plus side, the chalk outlines won first prize at the art show.
This contest was just more ignorant American provocation. Conducted by lunatics.

5 Things To Know About The Organizers Of Muhammad Cartoon Contest


Did you not note that I said it was put on by scumbags?

That doesn't change the fact that some Islamists took the bait and came out guns blazing. There's no justification for that.
The above isn't possible if you live in a society that values free speech.

Your vision of free speech is where people are free to shout "Fire" for no reason beyond the desire to watch the reaction.

No. The reason that shouting "Fire!" is prohibited is because the immediacy of the reaction to the situation. When you shout "Fire!" in the crowded theater there is a supposed very imminent threat, people will react without ascertaining if the threat is real or not.

Very few kinds of speech are prohibited this way. If a reasonable person would not react in a potentially dangerous matter before ascertaining the reality of the situation then there's no such prohibition.

These guys didn't just see the contest and start blazing away, they obviously had time to think about it.

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Huh, in either case a religious group seeks to impose its religious laws on non-adherents. So if Christians express a little more anger at gay marriage they could get the same leftist apologies lavished on the Islamists?

By convention, the left-leaning stance is not an endorsement of violence or the values of Islam. Many simply believe freedom of belief is important, and that Muslims who practice their religion peacefully should not be demonized along with extremists. I doubt you will find many 'leftist apologies' for attacking and killing people for drawing Muhammed, though some (on the left or right) may see drawing Mo as more a matter of poking the bear than exercising free speech. 'Lefties' also tend to be critical of Islam as a religion, so even those who defend Muslims as human beings often don't accept facets of Islam which are homophobic, misogynistic, religiously intolerant, or other wise antagonistic toward others on the basis of bigotry.

We are talking about millions and millions of people when saying 'lefties' so one has to generalize. Despite exceptions which may exist, I believe what I have written is generally true. Evenas a joke, your comment doesn't seem to make much sense.

If it's a case of poking the bear then they are animals. (After all, what's a bear??)
Drawing Mohammad is nothing like shouting fire in a crowded place.

Both dangerous and serving no purpose but to satisfy some childish whim to excite others.

Drawing is not dangerous. I draw all the time, and not once have my drawings come to life and went on a rampage.

It's psychotic extremists who are willing to murder people over a drawing that are dangerous.

This seems like it ought to be quite elementary to grasp.
Both dangerous and serving no purpose but to satisfy some childish whim to excite others.

Drawing is not dangerous. I draw all the time, and not once have my drawings come to life and went on a rampage.

It's psychotic extremists who are willing to murder people over a drawing that are dangerous.

This seems like it ought to be quite elementary to grasp.

Well, these are the same people who need women to wrap themselves in a heavy blanket so that they'll be able to stop themselves from raping them. Clearly, everyone else needs to make an effort to restrain themselves so that these people won't need to make any kind of effort to similarly restrain themselves.
Drawing Mohammad is nothing like shouting fire in a crowded place.

Both dangerous and serving no purpose but to satisfy some childish whim to excite others.

Actually I don't think this is based on a childish whim. No, this was a well-planned and deliberate provocation. This result is - if not exactly what was desired - certainly advantageous to the agenda of Geller and her merry band of idiots. They wanted the stunt to cause trouble. Demonstrations, backlash, and anger at least. Violence perhaps. in any case, it worked out very well. There are two dead Muslims, and low-information folks around the country (and even here on this forum, apparently) get to point to this and say "see, all Muslims are like that."

This little cartoon contest served a purpose...to dupe stupid people (the two perps included) into even more stupidity. The two dead guys fell for the stunt (and fortunately didn't cause any more deaths) but they weren't the only ones who got sold a bill of goods.
Both dangerous and serving no purpose but to satisfy some childish whim to excite others.

Actually I don't think this is based on a childish whim. No, this was a well-planned and deliberate provocation. This result is - if not exactly what was desired - certainly advantageous to the agenda of Geller and her merry band of idiots. They wanted the stunt to cause trouble. Demonstrations, backlash, and anger at least. Violence perhaps. in any case, it worked out very well. There are two dead Muslims, and low-information folks around the country (and even here on this forum, apparently) get to point to this and say "see, all Muslims are like that."

This little cartoon contest served a purpose...to dupe stupid people (the two perps included) into even more stupidity. The two dead guys fell for the stunt (and fortunately didn't cause any more deaths) but they weren't the only ones who got sold a bill of goods.
I agree with you. Geller and her group were looking for a fight. Quite honestly, I had never even heard of her before, now she's famous! Sad.
Both dangerous and serving no purpose but to satisfy some childish whim to excite others.

Drawing is not dangerous. I draw all the time, and not once have my drawings come to life and went on a rampage.

It's psychotic extremists who are willing to murder people over a drawing that are dangerous.

This seems like it ought to be quite elementary to grasp.

Of course publicizing drawings of Mohammed is potentially dangerous.

And the people who did this knew it.

Anybody above the age of reason should know it too.

Mindless provocation for provocations sake.

Idiots and fanatics themselves.

It is possible to condemn both violence in the name of religion and fanatics who mindlessly provoke it.
Art that demeans religious icons have been a staple of modern art for decades now. Many win awards such as the Piss Christ and the Madonna painting that includes elephant dung. Why is it that icons of Islam are sacred and to be respected on this forum? Certainly Christians are just as upset as Muslims are by such art. People just don't expect Christians to resort to killing people over it.
Art that demeans religious icons have been a staple of modern art for decades now. Many win awards such as the Piss Christ and the Madonna painting that includes elephant dung. Why is it that icons of Islam are sacred and to be respected on this forum?

Is that a rhetorical question?
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