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1.36 Parts out of `16,000 Drives Climate? Not the Sun?


Apr 21, 2015
United States
Basic Beliefs
The Keeling Curve was created to mislead, not to inform.
1. It does not have a zero base.
2. It shows total atmospheric carbon dioxide, not the anthropogenic component which warmers want everyone to feel guilty about and suffer terribly for.
3. It does not show water vapor.
There are other important factors, but these three alone will do.

The Keeling Curve:


Anthropogenic atmospheric carbon dioxide in perspective:


Infrared spectra of water vapor, compared to carbon dioxide, showing the former absorbing far more IR energy than carbon dioxide:


On October 6, 2010, UC Santa Barbara Physics Professor Emeritus, Harold Lewis, resigned from the American Physical Society in protest of the Global Warming Fraud. His letter reads in part:"For reasons that will soon become clear my former pride at being an APS Fellow all these years has been turned into shame, and I am forced, with no pleasure at all, to offer you my resignation from the Society."It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford's book organizes the facts very well.) I don't believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist."So what has the APS, as an organization, done in the face of this challenge? It has accepted the corruption as the norm, and gone along with it." ---End of quote by Professor Lewis---

He was joined by Nobel Laureate in Physics, Ivar Giaever who likewise resigned in protest from the APS.

Science is not a matter of consensus, though many pretend that it is.
The Keeling Curve was created to mislead, not to inform.
1. It does not have a zero base.

The Curve does not have a zero base because the graph is clearer when a base of 310ppm is used. Not only can one see the rate of change, but the increasing rate of change is also evident in the graph published by the observatory.



When the graph is rendered with a y-axis starting at zero, the change in rate of change is not evident. It's a less-useful graph.



Your claim that the NOAA's graph is misleading is not the fault of the publisher; it is the fault of scientifically-illiterate readers who don't understand what they are looking at. Such scientifically-illiterate people can be found on either side of the political conflict regarding anthropogenic global warming. The use of graph without zero-based axes starts in high-school science classes, so it's not like people haven't seen those kinds of graphs before. Scientists, science journalists, and scientifically-literate laypersons are all familiar with this method of representing data.

In other words, if people don't have the sense to read the numbers on a graph's axis, it's their own damned fault. And it's not the fault of the observatory, or any other scientific publication, if scientifically-illiterate bloggers and dishonest politicians try to pass of the graph as if the y-axis begins at zero.

2. It shows total atmospheric carbon dioxide, not the anthropogenic component which warmers want everyone to feel guilty about and suffer terribly for.

'Warmers' are to deniers as heliocentrists are to geocentrists.

The inability of the Keeling Curve to show the anthropogenic component is not controversial: it is not supposed to. That you claim this is evidence of deception is attributing intent to the observatory that only exists in your imagination.

What the curve does show is that carbon dioxide levels are increasing and at an accelerating rate. The accelerating increase correlates with increased human industrial activity and fuel consumption, and therefore increased carbon dioxide emissions. It is only one piece of evidence contributing to the case for anthropogenic global warming.

3. It does not show water vapor.

The fact that atmospheric water vapour is the greatest contributor to the greenhouse effect, and is found in far greater volumes than atmospheric carbon dioxide, is only controversial to the scientifically illiterate. A stable greenhouse effect is essential for a human-habitable climate. The addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere increases the magnitude of the greenhouse effect, causing climate change. The rapid addition of carbon dioxide creates rapid and destructive climate change.

Bringing up water vapour at all is a red herring, designed to confuse those that don't understand the science, and to confuse those who are easily misled by graphs.

Infrared spectra of water vapor, compared to carbon dioxide, showing the former absorbing far more IR energy than carbon dioxide:


I wasn't able to find the source for that image using Google images; provide the link so that readers can verify your source as reliable.

The contribution of carbon dioxide becomes much clearer when the cumulative absorption is shown:



It's quite clear from the above that carbon dioxide contributes significantly to the greenhouse effect, trapping radiation not absorbed by water vapour, oxygen or ozone. The fact the water vapour absorbs more radiation than carbon dioxide does is irrelevant, as the greenhouse effect of water vapour is not disputed, is universally-known among the experts, and does not negate the additional greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide.

What makes you think the comparison between the two is relevant?

On October 6, 2010, UC Santa Barbara Physics Professor Emeritus, Harold Lewis, resigned from the American Physical Society in protest of the Global Warming Fraud. His letter reads in part:"For reasons that will soon become clear my former pride at being an APS Fellow all these years has been turned into shame, and I am forced, with no pleasure at all, to offer you my resignation from the Society."It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford's book organizes the facts very well.) I don't believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist."So what has the APS, as an organization, done in the face of this challenge? It has accepted the corruption as the norm, and gone along with it." ---End of quote by Professor Lewis---

He was joined by Nobel Laureate in Physics, Ivar Giaever who likewise resigned in protest from the APS.
Your source is globalwarmingliars.blogspot.com.au

If your idea of a reputable source is an unattributed blog, then you're way out of your depth.
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In other news today, Oxygen deniers stated again that the Atmosphere is made mostly out of Nitrogen and that the Oxygen level, which is a small percentage of the Nitrogen component in the atmosphere can't possibly be involved in sustaining life.
Your source is globalwarmingliars.blogspot.com.au

If your idea of a reputable source is an unattributed blog, then you're way out of your depth.

I'm fairly well certain the source is OP's own blog. He uses that hopelessly outdated website to create a "source" for whatever topic he wishes to "discuss" here, then links to it as if it were something other than a collection of gibberish on a platform that was old when MySpace was popular.
The Curve does not have a zero base because the graph is clearer when a base of 310ppm is used.

That is not REMOTELY true. The graph is perfectly clear with a zero base, and including water vapor.
But it's not SCARY, and frightening people is the only thing that matters to Global Warming Zealots intent on fleecing public and private
coffers worldwide. Property drawing this graph is crucial to perspective, which is something you do not wish the public to see.

Except for one more comment you made, I shan't bother with dissembling the remainder of your remarks, most of which constitute ad hominem attacks and appeals
to authority. Lord Kelvin stated in 1895 that "Heavier-than-air flight is impossible." Within a decade, two humble bicycle mechanics
flew that "heavier-than-air" contraption.

It's quite clear from the above that carbon dioxide contributes significantly to the greenhouse effect, trapping radiation not absorbed by water vapour, oxygen or ozone. The fact the water vapour absorbs more radiation than carbon dioxide does is irrelevant, as the greenhouse effect of water vapour is not disputed.....

You admit that water vapor is the dominant greenhouse gas, and then call that fact "irrelevant." What more misleading statement can be said than yours.

September 27, 2013 Former UN IPCC Lead Author Richard Lindzen: “In attributing warming to man, they fail to point out that the warming has been small, and totally consistent with there being nothing to be alarmed about”.

“I think that the latest IPCC report has truly sunk to level of hilarious incoherence. They are proclaiming increased confidence in their models as the discrepancies between their models and observations increase.”

“To capture the public imagination, we have to offer up some scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic statements and little mention of any doubts one might have. Each of us has to decide the right balance between being effective, and being honest.” – Climate scientist Stephen Schneider, interview with Discover magazine, October, 1989

September 27, 2013 Former UN IPCC Lead Author Richard Lindzen: “In attributing warming to man, they fail to point out that the warming has been small, and totally consistent with there being nothing to be alarmed about”.

“I think that the latest IPCC report has truly sunk to level of hilarious incoherence. They are proclaiming increased confidence in their models as the discrepancies between their models and observations increase.”

British environmental expert James Lovelock now admits he was an “alarmist” regarding global warming. Lovelock previously worked for NASA and became a guru to the environmental movement with his “Gaia” theory of the Earth as a single organism.In 2007, Time magazine named Lovelock one of its “Heroes of the Environment,” and he won the Geological Society of London’s W0llaston Medal in 2006 for his writings on the Gaia theory. That year he wrote an article in a British newspaper asserting that “before this century is over, billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable.” (Independent.co.uk, 16 January 2006)

“If present trends continue, the world will be … eleven degrees colder by the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age.” Kenneth E.F. Watt, in “Earth Day,” 1970.
This global warming scam is amazing.

It even involves creating record world-wide temperatures and the Polar ice caps are part of the scam too.
CO2 can't possibly affect the climate because it's only 1.36 parts per 16,000?

What a brilliant argument!

Cyanide can kill you at 4.7 parts per million.

If you're going to use a computing device to communicate an argument against science, couldn't you do it with a less ridiculous argument? You're already behind the 8 ball because your argument requires that we believe over 90% of the scientists on the planet are part of a vast complex international conspiracy to make you feel bad. When you start from a position like that, using arguments this bad really works against you.
This scam again, I see.

What it overlooks is that water vapor is basically a reflection of the temperature and geography of the planet, not an independent variable. It acts as an amplifier, not a driver.

Furthermore, your graphs showing the absorption of water vapor actually argue against your position. Note how the lines are in different places--CO2 closes holes in the spectrum that H2O leaves open.

Perhaps you are operating under the fallacy that we are saying the greenhouse effect is a bad thing. That's false--Earth already has and needs a lot of it. The worst-case IPCC predictions are only a 20% increase in the existing greenhouse effect. The worst-case predictions for the loss of the methane hydrate layers (which are not considered in the IPCC report as they aren't well enough understood) would only be a 50% increase--and would push us into the realm of an extinction event.
That is not REMOTELY true. The graph is perfectly clear with a zero base, and including water vapor.


The MS Paint drawing above that puts water vapour and carbon dioxide on the same graph is the opposite of "perfectly clear". the scale flattens the curve completely. For the purposes of analysis, it is useless; it does not show that carbon dioxide levels are rising and it does not show that the increase is accelerating.

But it's not SCARY, and frightening people is the only thing that matters to Global Warming Zealots intent on fleecing public and private
coffers worldwide. Property drawing this graph is crucial to perspective, which is something you do not wish the public to see.

The blogger's water vapour/carbon dioxide graph serves only to illustrate a point that deniers frequently bring up, that atmospheric water vapour exists in much greater quantities than atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Obviously, climatologists are all aware of the presence of water vapour and its function as a greenhouse gas; it is incorporated into every model, including those published by bodies such as the IPCC. Their models predict that atmospheric carbon dioxide elicits climate change even at very small concentrations compared to that of water vapour. The presence of water vapour in the air, and its role as a greenhouse gas, is well understood and has accounted for.

The question in the thread title -- "1.36 Parts out of `16,000 Drives Climate?'' -- suggests that you believe that the relatively small concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (compared to atmospheric water vapour) is too small to cause global warming. This is contrary to the findings of climate scientists, whose evidence I'm inclined to accept before I agree with your own incredulous opinion, or your notions of "perspective".

Except for one more comment you made, I shan't bother with dissembling the remainder of your remarks, most of which constitute ad hominem attacks and appeals
to authority.
The ad homs you refer to are presumably the references to the scientifically-illiterate and the politically-motivated.

Do you disagree with my statement that it is common practice, even in high school, to start the y-axis at a value other than zero to better fit the data to the graph? If it's not something you were taught in high school physics, chem, or biology, then at least say so so that I am not making incorrect assumptions.

Do you disagree with my statement that scientists, science journalists, and scientifically-literate laypersons are all familiar with this method of representing data? Once again, I'm willing to stand corrected if there are people out there with the appropriate credentials who aren't familiar with this graphing technique.

The 'warmers to deniers' insult was in direct response to your poor choice of words regarding guilt and suffering. If you choose to write polemics then expect to read polemics in response.

Do you disagree that the Keeling curve is not intended to differentiate between anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic carbon dioxide? If so then what makes you think that the Keeling Curve should have shown the components?

Do you disagree that the accelerating increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide has a positive correlation with increasing industrial activity and fuel consumption?

Lord Kelvin stated in 1895 that "Heavier-than-air flight is impossible." Within a decade, two humble bicycle mechanics flew that "heavier-than-air" contraption.

That is not a quotation from Kelvin. Kelvin's knew that heavier-than-air flight was possible as it had already been done with both balloon and steam-powered aeroplanes; he simply doubted the commercial practicality of airships and aeroplanes.

Kelvin's letter to the Aeronautical Society:

An interview with Kelvin:

Unfortunately for your argument, Kelvin's hubris, regarding flight and also scientific advancement in general, has absolutely no bearing on climate science. No-one is claiming that scientists are infallible, and climate science does not hinge on the infallibility of scientists. Rather, one only needs to look the scientific literature regarding climate change to see that the evidence, not the word of some famous scientist, is irrefutable.

It's quite clear from the above that carbon dioxide contributes significantly to the greenhouse effect, trapping radiation not absorbed by water vapour, oxygen or ozone. The fact the water vapour absorbs more radiation than carbon dioxide does is irrelevant, as the greenhouse effect of water vapour is not disputed.....

You admit that water vapor is the dominant greenhouse gas, and then call that fact "irrelevant." What more misleading statement can be said than yours.

How were you misled by my statement? As I have discussed above, the presence of atmospheric water vapour is trivial; it is absurd to cite its existence as evidence that climatologists are wrong, and doing so is a red herring tactic, designed to confuse those who aren't familiar with the science.

September 27, 2013 Former UN IPCC Lead Author Richard Lindzen: “In attributing warming to man, they fail to point out that the warming has been small, and totally consistent with there being nothing to be alarmed about”.

“I think that the latest IPCC report has truly sunk to level of hilarious incoherence. They are proclaiming increased confidence in their models as the discrepancies between their models and observations increase.”
This is an appeal to authority. You are appealing to Lindzen's authority, as an atmospheric physicist and former lead author of Chapter 7 of the IPCC's 2001 Third Assessment Report, to support your attempt to discredit the IPCC. Immediately above this, you admonished me for making appeals to authority. That is hypocrisy. If you're willing to make appeals to authority, then you have no grounds for dismissing appeals to authority made by others.

In his comments to Climate Depot that you have quoted, Lindzen doesn't provide the rationale behind his claim that warming is nothing to be alarmed about. The IPCC report in question quite clearly shows a decades-long trend of warming that is predicted to continue into the future.

It also isn't clear whether Lindzen is referring to the mythical warming pause, or whether he accepts the IPCC's projections and considers the warming to be unthreatening despite evidence to the contrary.

Perhaps you should cite something more substantial from Lindzen where he presents a thesis rather than merely giving a short, uninformative opinion to his fanbase.

“To capture the public imagination, we have to offer up some scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic statements and little mention of any doubts one might have. Each of us has to decide the right balance between being effective, and being honest.” – Climate scientist Stephen Schneider, interview with Discover magazine, October, 1989

Whoever your source is, they are parroting Julian Simon's mistake of quoting Schneider out of context, and therefore reversing the meaning of his statement. Here is the full version of the statement from the Discover interview:

On the one hand, as scientists we are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but — which means that we must include all the doubts, the caveats, the ifs, ands, and buts. On the other hand, we are not just scientists but human beings as well. And like most people we'd like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change. To do that we need to get some broadbased support, to capture the public's imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. This 'double ethical bind' we frequently find ourselves in cannot be solved by any formula. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest. I hope that means being both.


In context, it is clear that Schneider was objecting to "soundbite science" and the lack of sufficient airtime to explain the science.

Your source has either fucked-up by not going back to the original source, or has deliberately quote-mined Schneider to misrepresent his statement.

British environmental expert James Lovelock now admits he was an “alarmist” regarding global warming. Lovelock previously worked for NASA and became a guru to the environmental movement with his “Gaia” theory of the Earth as a single organism.In 2007, Time magazine named Lovelock one of its “Heroes of the Environment,” and he won the Geological Society of London’s W0llaston Medal in 2006 for his writings on the Gaia theory. That year he wrote an article in a British newspaper asserting that “before this century is over, billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable.” (Independent.co.uk, 16 January 2006)
Considering that James Lovelock isn't a climate expert, his opinions aren't particularly important.

“If present trends continue, the world will be … eleven degrees colder by the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age.” Kenneth E.F. Watt, in “Earth Day,” 1970.
Kenneth Watt, the zoologist? Most definitely not a climate expert, or anything approaching one. Are you getting that desperate for soundbites?
CO2 can't possibly affect the climate because it's only 1.36 parts per 16,000?

What a brilliant argument!

Cyanide can kill you at 4.7 parts per million.

1. Earth's climate is not a living organism. Humans are.
2. Earth's climate is governed primarily by the sun. I know that is a difficult concept for you, but think of winter versus summer.
3. To the extent that infrared radiation emitted by the earth is retained by BOTH water vapor as well as carbon dioxide, it is
reprehensibly dishonest for warmers to do the sleight of hand trick of ignoring water vapor, on top of all their other sleight of hand.
4. There is FAR MORE water vapor than carbon dioxide. You gloss over that salient point.
HOW MANY TIMES must I make it before you get it?

If you're going to use a computing device to communicate an argument against science, couldn't you do it with a less ridiculous argument? You're already behind the 8 ball because your argument requires that we believe over 90% of the scientists on the planet are part of a vast complex international conspiracy to make you feel bad. When you start from a position like that, using arguments this bad really works against you.

Consensus often works against discovering the truth. The examples are far too numerous to cite, but think Lord Kelvin in 1895: "Heaver-than-air flying machines are impossible" and the Wright Brothers in, what was it, 1903. They flew. Bicycle mechanics, not scientists.

Billions for research, and don't you mess up their party or else!

Oh, and by the way, if you're so convinced of AlGorianism, don't you:
1. Take any more vacations
2. Take any more hot showers or baths
3. Drive to the movies, or stores because

Al Gore and the U.N., and Barack Obama order you to cut back your carbon dioxide emissions 80%. Have fun!
I'm going to Europe.
2. Earth's climate is governed primarily by the sun. I know that is a difficult concept for you, but think of winter versus summer.

Wait, what? What do you think changes about the Sun between winter and summer?

Summer and winter are caused by the Earth - specifically, its axial tilt. The distance to the Sun is slightly greater in June than it is in December, so the Earth as a whole is a touch warmer in December than it is in June; Winter and summer are not global phenomena, they are local - they occur only at mid to high latitudes, and only in one hemisphere at a time. Singapore doesn't have a winter or a summer.

Right now, it is a lot cooler here than it was just a few months ago, as we are moving into our winter. I can assure you this has nothing to do with any change in the Sun whatsoever.

Really, if you are not even aware of the basics of climate, you can hardly expect not to make a total fool of yourself if you start spouting off about climate change.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm going to Europe.

Why? If you imagine that there is less action on climate change in Europe than there is in the US, you will get a rude shock when you arrive there.
4. There is FAR MORE water vapor than carbon dioxide. You gloss over that salient point.
HOW MANY TIMES must I make it before you get it?<snip>

Everyone gets it. It's you who doesnt get that this is irrelevant. Insisting on its relevance is like insisting that, if a mix of 50ppm cyanide dissolved in a mineral water with 200ppm calcium is unhealthy, it can only be because of the calcium.
Everyone gets it. It's you who doesnt get that this is irrelevant. Insisting on its relevance is like insisting that, if a mix of 50ppm cyanide dissolved in a mineral water with 200ppm calcium is unhealthy, it can only be because of the calcium.

Why don't you give everyone reading this a real lesson in chemistry, hmmm?

Go ahead. Let's see what you know.

Climate is not a living organism. A good analogy would be the earth wrapped by 16,000 very thin blankets which trap heat.
You are pretending that 1 more blanket every year is REALLY forcing climate change.
One more blanket on top of 16,000 of them.

Water absorbs infrared radiation, and water vapor absorbs far more. You just don't get it because you're a groupie, like Al Gore.
He has ZERO training in chemical engineering or geology, and yet his word is gospel to other sheep bellowing.
like Al Gore.
He has ZERO training in chemical engineering or geology, and yet his word is gospel to other sheep bellowing.
In the 'racism in Baltimore' thread, you assert that asking for people's qualifications in a subject is ad hominem. Here, you dismiss someone because of his lack of qualifications in a subject without even a trace of self-consciousness.
Everyone gets it. It's you who doesnt get that this is irrelevant. Insisting on its relevance is like insisting that, if a mix of 50ppm cyanide dissolved in a mineral water with 200ppm calcium is unhealthy, it can only be because of the calcium.

Why don't you give everyone reading this a real lesson in chemistry, hmmm?

Go ahead. Let's see what you know.

Climate is not a living organism. A good analogy would be the earth wrapped by 16,000 very thin blankets which trap heat.
You are pretending that 1 more blanket every year is REALLY forcing climate change.
One more blanket on top of 16,000 of them.

Water absorbs infrared radiation, and water vapor absorbs far more. You just don't get it because you're a groupie, like Al Gore.
He has ZERO training in chemical engineering or geology, and yet his word is gospel to other sheep bellowing.

Look at the spectrums. CO2 absorbs in some bands that water does not.

You have 16,000 blankets on your body. Don't you think a blanket on your head is going to make a difference?
It's quite clear from the above that carbon dioxide contributes significantly to the greenhouse effect, trapping radiation not absorbed by water vapour, oxygen or ozone.

You contradict yourself and your outrageous claims of anthropogenic global warming.

Oxygen and ozone account for the overwhelming majority of absorption in your own curve. I drew red arrows pointing at your self-contradiction.


If your idea of a reputable source is an unattributed blog, then you're way out of your depth.

If you are so lazy that you can't look up this quote and find it elsewhere, I'll do it for you. tsk, tsk.
And you talk about "depth."


One hundred sixty physicists echoed Professor Lewis' words. That is considerably more depth than you will ever have in your life.
Why don't you give everyone reading this a real lesson in chemistry, hmmm?

Go ahead. Let's see what you know.

Look at the spectrums. CO2 absorbs in some bands that water does not.

That's it? That's YOUR chemistry lesson?

1. Chemists call the plural of spectrum "spectra." That's your first mistake at trying to give others lessons in chemistry.
2. Water vapor has a concentration in the atmosphere of about 15,000 ppmv.
Anthropogenic CO2 increases at 1.36 ppmv per YEAR, over the past 50 YEARS!
Humans account for a small fraction of this 1.36 ppm.
And so you are going to return to the pre-industrial age, at the diktats of hypocrites Al Gore and Barack Obama and U.N. ?
Go ahead. I'd like to see you do that.

Loren: You have 16,000 blankets on your body. Don't you think a blanket on your head is going to make a difference?

I make a simple and comprehensible analogy, and you try to spin it aside.

1. The 16,000 blankets cover the whole earth. They leave NOTHING exposed.
2. BUT IF THEY DID, your nonsensical point still fails. I have lived in a very cold state, and had a good time outside with nothing covering my head,
and a great deal less than a 16,000 blanket equivalent covering my body. One sixteen thousandth of a winter coat would be far less than a tiny sheet of saran wrap for the equivalent "blanket."

But keep arguing. That's all you Leftists know how to do, even after you have repeatedly lost.
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