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Police abuse thread


Jun 10, 2005
Basic Beliefs
So many of these stories come out everyday I thought it'd be good to have a one-stop thread for them.

Here's the first one:

Baltimore police officer slashed dog's throat, authorities say

A Baltimore police officer faces felony animal cruelty charges after he slit the throat of a dog that had escaped from home, authorities said.

Nala, a 7-year-old Chinese shar-pei breed, went missing Saturday from her home in Baltimore.

The same day, officers responded to a call that a dog had bitten a woman. The dog was Nala, whom police restrained using a pole around her neck, authorities said.

Shortly afterward, Officer Jeffrey Bolger cut Nala's throat with a knife, even though she was contained, according to police spokesman Eric Kowalczy.

She later died.
I'd like to know what the other officers on the scene were doing when Officer Bolger slit Nala's throat? Were they just standing around watching him do it?
I'm against it.

When the people for it show up it should be an interesting debate.
I'm against it.

When the people for it show up it should be an interesting debate.

The officer who did it? Fry him. There was no threat, stress, or confusion. He just walked up and decided to kill someone's cherished pet. Maybe after we discover how to lobotomize away the desire to ruin peoples lives and happiness, he can be a cop again.
If people want to abuse the police, then that's on them. I have no say one way or the other. But, I do have thoughts on the matter.
I often get the impression that the job self-selects for authoritarian personalities with poor impulse control, and that this is further encouraged by the work culture.
I think better psych screenings for police academy admission might be a good idea.
I often get the impression that the job self-selects for authoritarian personalities with poor impulse control, and that this is further encouraged by the work culture.
I think better psych screenings for police academy admission might be a good idea.
They have extensive psych screenings, that tells me their behavior is intentionally selected for.
Perhaps all you guys see is the abusive police, the ones who attack people, because that's all the news outlets ever show. Nobody seems to see the cops who help the guy whose tire is falling off get home, or the officer that pulls the guy out of a mangled wreck, the officer who takes the kids away from an abusive parent, or the officer that investigates homicides, rapes, and racketeering to the best of their ability. Nobody sees the cop who turns a blind eye to some harmless 20-somethings smoking weed, or the officer that tells the guy growing a plant that the next time he comes by the thing needs to be gone, or else he'll HAVE to do something. Nobody sees the cop who arrests the sorry son of a bitch who beats his wife, before the bastard can kill her.

The people here are often like the racists that everyone loves to poke a finger at: they see the most awful 1% of a given population and declare them to be terrible, every last one. I'm married to a black trans-woman; the cops even treat HER civally. I've known cops and even been arrested before. I don't resent them for doing their job, and every cop I've interacted with has been civil and very lenient, even when I WAS breaking the law. There are bad cops. Every one described here so far is a terrible not-even-person who needs to get forcibly ejected from our society, put into a walled compound, island, or shipped to a different continent where someone who wants them will take them, such that they'll be shot if they ever return. But most cops aren't that. Hell, the most aggressive cop I have ever come into contact with was on drunk-patrol at 2 AM and gave a minimum-penalty ticket when my (wife?) was going 35 over the limit when he realized the speeding was due to an argument rather than alcoholism.
Perhaps all you guys see is the abusive police, the ones who attack people, because that's all the news outlets ever show. Nobody seems to see the cops who help the guy whose tire is falling off get home, or the officer that pulls the guy out of a mangled wreck, the officer who takes the kids away from an abusive parent, or the officer that investigates homicides, rapes, and racketeering to the best of their ability. Nobody sees the cop who turns a blind eye to some harmless 20-somethings smoking weed, or the officer that tells the guy growing a plant that the next time he comes by the thing needs to be gone, or else he'll HAVE to do something. Nobody sees the cop who arrests the sorry son of a bitch who beats his wife, before the bastard can kill her.

The people here are often like the racists that everyone loves to poke a finger at: they see the most awful 1% of a given population and declare them to be terrible, every last one.

OMFG. Why did you post such a reasonable post.

People like you are what cause all the problems in the world for people like us. You make us look bad by being good. If you were bad too, we'd seem normal, but good people make us look bad, so we have to bring you down. Your goodness makes us look bad!! Stop being good, because by doing so, you are being bad to us! Our hypocrisy was fine and dandy until you pointed it out!

You know what sucks, actually good people, if they exist anywhere. Because obviously they use their goodness to lord it over the bad people. And then the people who are bad can't admit they are bad, and have to come up with fake stuff about the good people, and in the end, the good people are just playing the game to lord it over others, and are no better than anyone else.

Then someone who knows the truth draws a line between the actual good, and the bad, and tosses the bad together, and separates the good so they don't have to deal with the bad, and the accusations. And the good, who were good through luck of the draw, get an idyllic life. And the bad people, who were bad because of luck of the draw, get to suffer forever and ever. Or someone comes along to point out that people fuck up sometimes... and that their intent isn't always good, or intelligent and thought out.

Perhaps all you guys see is the abusive police, the ones who attack people, because that's all the news outlets ever show. Nobody seems to see the cops who help the guy whose tire is falling off get home, or the officer that pulls the guy out of a mangled wreck, the officer who takes the kids away from an abusive parent, or the officer that investigates homicides, rapes, and racketeering to the best of their ability. Nobody sees the cop who turns a blind eye to some harmless 20-somethings smoking weed, or the officer that tells the guy growing a plant that the next time he comes by the thing needs to be gone, or else he'll HAVE to do something. Nobody sees the cop who arrests the sorry son of a bitch who beats his wife, before the bastard can kill her.

The people here are often like the racists that everyone loves to poke a finger at: they see the most awful 1% of a given population and declare them to be terrible, every last one. I'm married to a black trans-woman; the cops even treat HER civally. I've known cops and even been arrested before. I don't resent them for doing their job, and every cop I've interacted with has been civil and very lenient, even when I WAS breaking the law. There are bad cops. Every one described here so far is a terrible not-even-person who needs to get forcibly ejected from our society, put into a walled compound, island, or shipped to a different continent where someone who wants them will take them, such that they'll be shot if they ever return. But most cops aren't that. Hell, the most aggressive cop I have ever come into contact with was on drunk-patrol at 2 AM and gave a minimum-penalty ticket when my (wife?) was going 35 over the limit when he realized the speeding was due to an argument rather than alcoholism.

People often do forget about the good cops out there.

As a species, I believe that a lot of people PREFER to focus on the 'most awful 1%' of any profession.

However, the aspect of this thread is 'cops who abuse' and it isn't the place to thank them. I am thinking that this thread could be about the negative interactions we may experience, a little like the RANTS thread. Perhaps Jarhyn, you would like to start a thread APPLAUDING these same people, to give the discussion list some balance.
Police burst into wrong apartment, shoot innocent woman hiding in closet

HEMPSTEAD, NY — An innocent woman hid in a closet when armed strangers unexpectedly broke into her apartment. While cowering in fear, she was discovered by one of the intruders — actually a police officer raiding the wrong address — who promptly shot her in the chest after opening the closet door.

Whilst I can see Jarhyn's point. I think we need to ask ourselves why do we have Police breaking into peoples homes and shooting people who are trying to hide or protect themselves.

i think a starting point would be to end the ridiculous failure known as the "war on drugs". It's a failure. Then we won't have so many heavily armed police breaking into innocent peoples homes and shooting them.
We could also start paying our cops decent pay so that the force doesn't self-select for the ones ready to do it just for the power trip.
(oh, and provide psy support for the idealist who accepted the pay because they wanted to be useful to society so that they don't burn-out or jad too fast)
Perhaps all you guys see is the abusive police, the ones who attack people, because that's all the news outlets ever show. Nobody seems to see the cops who help the guy whose tire is falling off get home, or the officer that pulls the guy out of a mangled wreck, the officer who takes the kids away from an abusive parent, or the officer that investigates homicides, rapes, and racketeering to the best of their ability. Nobody sees the cop who turns a blind eye to some harmless 20-somethings smoking weed, or the officer that tells the guy growing a plant that the next time he comes by the thing needs to be gone, or else he'll HAVE to do something. Nobody sees the cop who arrests the sorry son of a bitch who beats his wife, before the bastard can kill her.

The people here are often like the racists that everyone loves to poke a finger at: they see the most awful 1% of a given population and declare them to be terrible, every last one. I'm married to a black trans-woman; the cops even treat HER civally. I've known cops and even been arrested before. I don't resent them for doing their job, and every cop I've interacted with has been civil and very lenient, even when I WAS breaking the law. There are bad cops. Every one described here so far is a terrible not-even-person who needs to get forcibly ejected from our society, put into a walled compound, island, or shipped to a different continent where someone who wants them will take them, such that they'll be shot if they ever return. But most cops aren't that. Hell, the most aggressive cop I have ever come into contact with was on drunk-patrol at 2 AM and gave a minimum-penalty ticket when my (wife?) was going 35 over the limit when he realized the speeding was due to an argument rather than alcoholism.

Ah, the old "stop criticizing bad behavior because of unrelated good behavior" meme. Why do you hate America?
Better psych screening is a good idea. So are threads like this, showing that authority does not equal good. As children pretty much all of us look up to police as paragons and protectors. Some dont seem to want to let that be questioned.
Better psych screening is a good idea. So are threads like this, showing that authority does not equal good. As children pretty much all of us look up to police as paragons and protectors. Some dont seem to want to let that be questioned.

The more powerful an authority is, the more good that authority is. That's how we know God is omnibenevolent: because he is the most powerful authority. Based on the Christian principle of might makes right, the cop is clearly more in the right than that teenage protester, therefore his violence is justified. :cheeky:
Better psych screening is a good idea. So are threads like this, showing that authority does not equal good. As children pretty much all of us look up to police as paragons and protectors. Some dont seem to want to let that be questioned.

The more powerful an authority is, the more good that authority is. That's how we know God is omnibenevolent: because he is the most powerful authority. Based on the Christian principle of might makes right, the cop is clearly more in the right than that teenage protester, therefore his violence is justified. :cheeky:
More like 'sometimes shit happens, and it isn't anyone's fault'. And sometimes shit happens and it's not the fan's fault but the guy who threw it at said fan. As to the woman who got shot, sometimes police get the address wrong. I disagree with the war on drugs, and the reason the police got sent in was totally fucked: implementing sensible drug policy is not the job of police (though not is it something they should be impeding as they are in minnesota).

That said, given the expected duty of cops to serve warrants and the reality of armed resistance due to the forced criminality of drug activities, I think that it sucks to be the woman, and it sucks to be the officer who shot her, but shit happens. Anything from being startled to hyperactive threat detection due to adrenaline. I don't blame the officer or the woman. I blame a society where we force cops to raid people for doing things that are not wrong.
I'm sure letting people know "shot happens" will make them feel better about an innocrnt, unarmed woman being shot by a police officer as he was serving a warrant at an incorrect address.

Would "Shit happens" Also Work For You If She Had Gunned Down The Officer As He Entered Her closet?

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Where the hell did all those caps come from?

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