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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Where the heck have you been?

I'm just trolling you <edited to remove violation of TOS>!
Okay, one would most accurately say, that "whoever the real identity is behind the repoman online persona consistently posts in such a way that the online persona presents as a Nazi sympathizer."
So, then "repoman is a Nazi sympathizer" is the less pedantic way of saying the same thing.
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Cafe Press, $24.99. Kind of pricey but I'm tempted
More bad news for Der Trump.


Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton holds a large lead over Republican nominee Donald Trump among millennial voters, according to a new USA Today/Rock the Vote poll.

Clinton is favored by 56 percent of voters under the age of 35, while Trump is backed by only 20 percent, according to the survey of millennials.In a four-way matchup including Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein, Clinton gets 50 percent of the vote from those under 35 and Trump receives only 18 percent. Johnson is favored by 11 percent and Stein by 4 percent. Another 18 percent say they won't vote or don't know whom they will vote for.
I've been to plenty of those. I haven't met many nazi sympathizers. I assume that you are saying "since I don't know what either of those are I'll just say they're the same thing."

No. I am merely alluding to the well known and documented presence of racists within the Libertarian party. Case in point, when the current nominee said he's support the Civil Right Act, he was roundly booed. To their credit, the majority of Libertarians went on to nominate him, but you can't pretend the racist minority doesn't exist, and there is a long history of libertarians defending the liberty to discriminate.

I also shouldn't have to point out the relationship between white supremecists and anti government groups. I myself have detailed the philosophical relationship between modern libertarians and the slaveowning class of the South prior to this. I shouldn't have to point out that Nazism was influenced by slavery advocates in the USA (as well as colonialists in Europe) and how during the thirties and again during the civil rights movement, the ideas of nazism returned to influence white-supremecist thought.

Of course, you always act shocked when these things are pointed out.
Of course, you always act shocked when these things are pointed out.

It is worth noting (again) that Jason is the self-appointed arbiter of what is and is not libertarian on this board.

So if you find a person (or persons, or organization) that claims the "liberty" to discriminate along racial lines, Jason will simply declare them to not be a "true libertarian" and be done with it.
Siena NY poll. Nearly 1 in 2 Republicans not supporting Trump! He only has 55% (2 way) and 52% (4 way) support among the Republican Party.

Nate Silver's 538 site predicts Clinton blowout.

Popular vote
Hillary Clinton - 49.5%
Donald Trump - 40.9%
Gary Johnson - 8.3%

Electoral votes
Hillary Clinton - 368.9
Donald Trump - 168.6
Gary Johnson

Trumpo better get his ass in gear. Hillary is ahead by 8.6% That's grim.
Clinton better do better than that. I don't want to hear "Johnson stole the election from Trump" for 4 fucking years! Yes, Johnson + Trump doesn't beat Clinton up above, but Trump followers don't understand how math works.

Clinton 55%
Trump 40%
Johnson 5%
Stein 100 votes
tbh, if it isn't a huge double-digit blowout I'll be upset.

As it is, the fact that there is a non-negligible percentage of the population that is willing to vote for Trump is an embarrassment. Him losing doesn't really make that go away, even if it's a landslide.
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