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Anti-semitic activity in the US on the rise

laughing dog

Dec 29, 2004
Basic Beliefs
Dogs rule
During this past year, anti-Semitic imagery proliferated on social media, Jewish journalists were targeted and longstanding anti-Jewish conspiracy theories got a fresh airing. Much of the bias originated with the alt-right, or alternative right, a loose group espousing a provocative and reactionary strain of conservatism. It’s often associated with far right efforts to preserve “white identity,” oppose multiculturalism and defend “Western values.”

In addition to the online intimidation, reports of anti-Semitic vandalism and other attacks have risen.....

As the presidential race intensified, Jews started seeing their names bracketed with a series of parentheses in harassing tweets, signaling that the person had been identified as a Jew. The image became known as the Jewish cowbell and its source was traced to neo-Nazis and white nationalists.

The ADL investigated the harassment and found more than 800 journalists had suffered anti-Semitic attacks on Twitter during the election, mostly from anonymous Twitter accounts, although some belonged to white supremacists....


I find it hard to believe that this is disturbing phenomenon driven by a revulsion to political correctness or the shrinking of the middle class.
During this past year, anti-Semitic imagery proliferated on social media, Jewish journalists were targeted and longstanding anti-Jewish conspiracy theories got a fresh airing. Much of the bias originated with the alt-right, or alternative right, a loose group espousing a provocative and reactionary strain of conservatism. It’s often associated with far right efforts to preserve “white identity,” oppose multiculturalism and defend “Western values.”

In addition to the online intimidation, reports of anti-Semitic vandalism and other attacks have risen.....

As the presidential race intensified, Jews started seeing their names bracketed with a series of parentheses in harassing tweets, signaling that the person had been identified as a Jew. The image became known as the Jewish cowbell and its source was traced to neo-Nazis and white nationalists.

The ADL investigated the harassment and found more than 800 journalists had suffered anti-Semitic attacks on Twitter during the election, mostly from anonymous Twitter accounts, although some belonged to white supremacists....


I find it hard to believe that this is disturbing phenomenon driven by a revulsion to political correctness or the shrinking of the middle class.

How about the US' blank check policy in regards to the Israeli state that has kept us in a state of conflict and contempt with their neighbors for decades? Or how about the subversive efforts of pro-Isreali lobbying to maintain that policy by silencing criticism of the Isreali government and waving off it's detractors as "Anti-semites"? It doesn't take much imagination to see how this plays into political correctness and then connect the dots from there.

I find it hard to believe that this is disturbing phenomenon driven by a revulsion to political correctness or the shrinking of the middle class.

How about the US' blank check policy in regards to the Israeli state that has kept us in a state of conflict and contempt with their neighbors for decades? Or how about the subversive efforts of pro-Isreali lobbying to maintain that policy by silencing criticism of the Isreali government and waving off it's detractors as "Anti-semites"? It doesn't take much imagination to see how this plays into political correctness and then connect the dots from there.
And it is just serendipity that this is coming out now?
How about the US' blank check policy in regards to the Israeli state that has kept us in a state of conflict and contempt with their neighbors for decades? Or how about the subversive efforts of pro-Isreali lobbying to maintain that policy by silencing criticism of the Isreali government and waving off it's detractors as "Anti-semites"? It doesn't take much imagination to see how this plays into political correctness and then connect the dots from there.
And it is just serendipity that this is coming out now?

Not at all, movements don't just magic themselves out of thin air after all.

It's not like there was a serious progressive movement in this country prior to the sandman giving them a voice. Why should the alt right be any different?
Are you saying when someone tells someone that they should die in a gas chamber, it's because of their views on American foreign policy?
Because as a group some of it is deserved, at least from the hypocritical neocons:

Are you saying when someone tells someone that they should die in a gas chamber, it's because of their views on American foreign policy?

What I am saying is that when you tell people they can't boycott Israeli goods and that they're anti-semites for wanting to do so, that it feeds into the idea that "Jews control the world and want to stop you from speaking out!"
Are you saying when someone tells someone that they should die in a gas chamber, it's because of their views on American foreign policy?

What I am saying is that when you tell people they can't boycott Israeli goods and that they're anti-semites for wanting to do so, that it feeds into the idea that "Jews control the world and want to stop you from speaking out!"

Ahh, so that's what causes anti-semitism. If nobody called anybody anti-semitic, then people would stop spray painting swastikas on buildings. I get it now. If Jews would shut the fuck up, there would be no problem.
During this past year, anti-Semitic imagery proliferated on social media, Jewish journalists were targeted and longstanding anti-Jewish conspiracy theories got a fresh airing. Much of the bias originated with the alt-right, or alternative right, a loose group espousing a provocative and reactionary strain of conservatism. It’s often associated with far right efforts to preserve “white identity,” oppose multiculturalism and defend “Western values.”

In addition to the online intimidation, reports of anti-Semitic vandalism and other attacks have risen.....

As the presidential race intensified, Jews started seeing their names bracketed with a series of parentheses in harassing tweets, signaling that the person had been identified as a Jew. The image became known as the Jewish cowbell and its source was traced to neo-Nazis and white nationalists.

The ADL investigated the harassment and found more than 800 journalists had suffered anti-Semitic attacks on Twitter during the election, mostly from anonymous Twitter accounts, although some belonged to white supremacists....


I find it hard to believe that this is disturbing phenomenon driven by a revulsion to political correctness or the shrinking of the middle class.
There has been a lot of anti-Semitic stuff on 4chan, for years. I thought people posted it there mostly for it's shock-value, but it has been going on for a long time.
About a years ago, an anti-cult forum I occasionally go to, banned a couple long-time members for promoting bizarre anti-Semitic conspiracies (e.g. Jews and Gypsies are basically same. Nearly all the members of that race are involved with world domination, to one degree or another.)

I find it hard to believe that this is disturbing phenomenon driven by a revulsion to political correctness or the shrinking of the middle class.

How about the US' blank check policy in regards to the Israeli state that has kept us in a state of conflict and contempt with their neighbors for decades? Or how about the subversive efforts of pro-Isreali lobbying to maintain that policy by silencing criticism of the Isreali government and waving off it's detractors as "Anti-semites"? It doesn't take much imagination to see how this plays into political correctness and then connect the dots from there.

I think there is often the mistake of mixing the issue of Israel with antisemitism. Iran is anti-Israel but the Jewish community there has parliamentary representation.
How about the US' blank check policy in regards to the Israeli state that has kept us in a state of conflict and contempt with their neighbors for decades? Or how about the subversive efforts of pro-Isreali lobbying to maintain that policy by silencing criticism of the Isreali government and waving off it's detractors as "Anti-semites"? It doesn't take much imagination to see how this plays into political correctness and then connect the dots from there.

I think there is often the mistake of mixing the issue of Israel with antisemitism. Iran is anti-Israel but the Jewish community there has parliamentary representation.
Yeah, Holding non-Zionist views doesn't equate to being anti-Semitic. e.g. Some Orthodox Jews are also anti-Zionists.
I don't think that the Jews have much to worry about in Trump's America. There's so many groups of people whom the Trumpettes hate - blacks, Mexicans, gays, atheists, etc - that they are way down the list of people that anyone would be coming for, so there's no need for them to speak out or anything.
This is about the normalization of vocal hatred that we haven't seen since the Civil Rights movement.
He was playing at Niemoeller
I'm not amused. This shit is bad. A cop kills an unarmed man in SC (on tape) and there is a hung jury, armed goons occupy a Federal building and threaten violence and were acquitted, documented acts of hate have gone up since Trump won the Presidency. These people were angry when a black man became President and things have been going mostly there way for a few years now... globally. This shit isn't a joke.
I think we need to distinguish extremely carefully between anti-Zionism, which with all decent people is automatic, and anti-Semitism, which is apparently just about showing its hideous head again after a very long time. The Zionists are murderous racist scum who care nothing for Judaism but learned all their notions from Hitler, while the Jews are a decent and creative people who need defending with all we've got. Do not be confused by Zionist propaganda!
He was playing at Niemoeller
I'm not amused. This shit is bad. A cop kills an unarmed man in SC (on tape) and there is a hung jury, armed goons occupy a Federal building and threaten violence and were acquitted, documented acts of hate have gone up since Trump won the Presidency. These people were angry when a black man became President and things have been going mostly there way for a few years now... globally. This shit isn't a joke.

Sorry, dude, but your country is actually a joke.
I'm not amused. This shit is bad. A cop kills an unarmed man in SC (on tape) and there is a hung jury, armed goons occupy a Federal building and threaten violence and were acquitted, documented acts of hate have gone up since Trump won the Presidency. These people were angry when a black man became President and things have been going mostly there way for a few years now... globally. This shit isn't a joke.

Sorry, dude, but your country is actually a joke.

At least it isn't a fucking ISLAND! :p

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