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Sessions has resigned

How are you guys wondering why he resigned (was fired) now? OBVIOUSLY because the midterms are over and the senate sits with the Republicans (like I said, by the way). Trumps nomination can't be obstructed by the Dems. He didn't know that would be the case for sure until the votes were counted. How is this even a question... oh ya.. cause you're democrats and don't know anything about TODAY'S politics.

Sessions recused himself. Rod would not fire Mueller. Trump is undertaking to fire anyone who dares to investigate him and bury the Mueller probe before the Democrats take over the House. This is Nixon all over again.

I don't think our President is unaware that evidence can exist without it being posted on twitter. You do realize its all an act, right? An act that the Reality TV show consuming public craves.

He recently said in an interview that he would have "toned it down" quite a bit if that was what worked. But it is what he is doing that is working that proves he is only representing the needs of the people (such as that is).
Sessions is gone because he has small balls, unlike Kavanaugh who obviously is proud of his big balls. Trump likes men with big balls and likes to flaunt them. Sessions faked the size of his balls with his "lock her up" participation but then actaully had to expose his balls during the beginning stages of this idiotic Russia probe. What Sessions exposed was tiny balls. If one is not proud enough of the size of his balls, there is no place for them in the Trump Administration.
How are you guys wondering why he resigned (was fired) now? OBVIOUSLY because the midterms are over and the senate sits with the Republicans (like I said, by the way). Trumps nomination can't be obstructed by the Dems. He didn't know that would be the case for sure until the votes were counted. How is this even a question... oh ya.. cause you're democrats and don't know anything about TODAY'S politics.

Sessions recused himself. Rod would not fire Mueller. Trump is undertaking to fire anyone who dares to investigate him and bury the Mueller probe before the Democrats take over the House. This is Nixon all over again.

I don't think our President is unaware that evidence can exist without it being posted on twitter. You do realize its all an act, right? An act that the Reality TV show consuming public craves.

He recently said in an interview that he would have "toned it down" quite a bit if that was what worked. But it is what he is doing that is working that proves he is only representing the needs of the people (such as that is).

There are so many obvious holes in everything you posted, I still can't tell if you're just trolling, but...
  1. Trump's "nomination" could never have been obstructed by the Dems before, either. Repugs control the senate just as they did before. They merely extended that control (meaning they now have a buffer in case of any turncoat Republicans among them).
  2. He therefore absolutely knew that to be the case "for sure" before the midterms even began
  3. He absolutely knows the evidence exists, which is why he's acting so desperately NOW (the day after losing the House), because until now the House was in check and the rat was not yet in a corner. Now he is.
  4. Whether or not he thinks it's "an act" for reality TV watching morons is ancillary to the fact that his actions are real world, deadly serious and in no way an act to any of the people he's fucking over for what you are ludicrously trying to dismiss as dinner theater, so the outcome is the same regardless of the "needs of the people," which, btw, would be a shrinking 15-20% of all Americans.

In light of the blue wave that just hit, no Republican in office thinks they're in any way safe, particularly with 2020 coming up when the Senate Republicans will face the same conditions the Dems faced.

Trump can continue his little reality TV show from prison and the morons will be equally as happy.
Sessions is gone because he has small balls, unlike Kavanaugh who obviously is proud of his big balls. Trump likes men with big balls and likes to flaunt them. Sessions faked the size of his balls with his "lock her up" participation but then actaully had to expose his balls during the beginning stages of this idiotic Russia probe. What Sessions exposed was tiny balls. If one is not proud enough of the size of his balls, there is no place for them in the Trump Administration.

I never understood the 'size of balls' thing. size of tits.. sure... but not balls. I never once met a women who so much as knew of a women that had any interest in any man's balls. The range of interest, I think, goes from "uninterested' to 'gross'.
Sessions is gone because he has small balls, unlike Kavanaugh who obviously is proud of his big balls. Trump likes men with big balls and likes to flaunt them. Sessions faked the size of his balls with his "lock her up" participation but then actaully had to expose his balls during the beginning stages of this idiotic Russia probe. What Sessions exposed was tiny balls. If one is not proud enough of the size of his balls, there is no place for them in the Trump Administration.

So... by "balls" you mean treasonous intent. Substitute that throughout your post and it actually makes a lot of sense.
I don't think our President is unaware that evidence can exist without it being posted on twitter. You do realize its all an act, right? An act that the Reality TV show consuming public craves.

He recently said in an interview that he would have "toned it down" quite a bit if that was what worked. But it is what he is doing that is working that proves he is only representing the needs of the people (such as that is).

There are so many obvious holes in everything you posted, I still can't tell if you're just trolling, but...
  1. Trump's "nomination" could never have been obstructed by the Dems before, either. Repugs control the senate just as they did before. They merely extended that control (meaning they now have a buffer in case of any turncoat Republicans among them).
  2. He therefore absolutely knew that to be the case "for sure" before the midterms even began
  3. He absolutely knows the evidence exists, which is why he's acting so desperately NOW (the day after losing the House), because until now the House was in check and the rat was not yet in a corner. Now he is.
  4. Whether or not he thinks it's "an act" for reality TV watching morons is ancillary to the fact that his actions are real world, deadly serious and in no way an act to any of the people he's fucking over for what you are ludicrously trying to dismiss as dinner theater, so the outcome is the same regardless of the "needs of the people," which, btw, would be a shrinking 15-20% of all Americans.

In light of the blue wave that just hit, no Republican in office thinks they're in any way safe, particularly with 2020 coming up when the Senate Republicans will face the same conditions the Dems faced.

Trump can continue his little reality TV show from prison and the morons will be equally as happy.

1. makes no sense... regardless of the Dems ability to obstruct in the past, the midterms could have changed that... theoretically.

nothing you posted after that logically follows.
He'll fire Mueller and squash the investigation before the next congress is seated.

Thus insuring an impeachment for obstruction of justice. Even a Republican Senate would be unlikely to impede such an impeachment since most are patriots first and Trump supporters second, if at all.
I don't think our President is unaware that evidence can exist without it being posted on twitter. You do realize its all an act, right? An act that the Reality TV show consuming public craves.

He recently said in an interview that he would have "toned it down" quite a bit if that was what worked. But it is what he is doing that is working that proves he is only representing the needs of the people (such as that is).

There are so many obvious holes in everything you posted, I still can't tell if you're just trolling, but...
  1. Trump's "nomination" could never have been obstructed by the Dems before, either. Repugs control the senate just as they did before. They merely extended that control (meaning they now have a buffer in case of any turncoat Republicans among them).
  2. He therefore absolutely knew that to be the case "for sure" before the midterms even began
  3. He absolutely knows the evidence exists, which is why he's acting so desperately NOW (the day after losing the House), because until now the House was in check and the rat was not yet in a corner. Now he is.
  4. Whether or not he thinks it's "an act" for reality TV watching morons is ancillary to the fact that his actions are real world, deadly serious and in no way an act to any of the people he's fucking over for what you are ludicrously trying to dismiss as dinner theater, so the outcome is the same regardless of the "needs of the people," which, btw, would be a shrinking 15-20% of all Americans.

In light of the blue wave that just hit, no Republican in office thinks they're in any way safe, particularly with 2020 coming up when the Senate Republicans will face the same conditions the Dems faced.

Trump can continue his little reality TV show from prison and the morons will be equally as happy.

1. makes no sense...

You have demonstrated you don't have the credibility to make that call by the very argument you are defending. Sessions could have been fired any time and Trump would have had a Republican controlled Senate to pass his nomination for Sessions' replacement.

So your sophistry makes even less than zero sense, because it would mean Trump was waiting to fire Sessions until after the midterms, risking not getting a Republican controlled Senate, when he already had a Republican controlled Senate.
Sessions is gone because he has small balls, unlike Kavanaugh who obviously is proud of his big balls. Trump likes men with big balls and likes to flaunt them. Sessions faked the size of his balls with his "lock her up" participation but then actaully had to expose his balls during the beginning stages of this idiotic Russia probe. What Sessions exposed was tiny balls. If one is not proud enough of the size of his balls, there is no place for them in the Trump Administration.

I never understood the 'size of balls' thing. size of tits.. sure... but not balls. I never once met a women who so much as knew of a women that had any interest in any man's balls. The range of interest, I think, goes from "uninterested' to 'gross'.
Perhaps that's why Trump's inner circle is mostly male and his outter circle, meaning the face he shows the public (Sarah Sanders, Kelly Anne Conway, Nicki Haley, Betsey Devose) are female.
He'll fire Mueller and squash the investigation before the next congress is seated.

Thus insuring an impeachment for obstruction of justice. Even a Republican Senate would be unlikely to impede such an impeachment since most are patriots first and Trump supporters second, if at all.

Well we can hope. The orange menace has been able to weasel out of everything else so far.
Sessions is gone because he has small balls, unlike Kavanaugh who obviously is proud of his big balls. Trump likes men with big balls and likes to flaunt them. Sessions faked the size of his balls with his "lock her up" participation but then actaully had to expose his balls during the beginning stages of this idiotic Russia probe. What Sessions exposed was tiny balls. If one is not proud enough of the size of his balls, there is no place for them in the Trump Administration.

Thanks for an amusing homoerotic interpretation of the Trump administration but the reality is that Trump has failed in his promise to only hire the best people. How many people have rotated through the Trump administration in less than two years?
Sessions is gone because he has small balls, unlike Kavanaugh who obviously is proud of his big balls. Trump likes men with big balls and likes to flaunt them. Sessions faked the size of his balls with his "lock her up" participation but then actaully had to expose his balls during the beginning stages of this idiotic Russia probe. What Sessions exposed was tiny balls. If one is not proud enough of the size of his balls, there is no place for them in the Trump Administration.

So... by "balls" you mean treasonous intent. Substitute that throughout your post and it actually makes a lot of sense.

I'm amazed this needs clarification! Moxie, my young friend, moxie.
No sympathy here for Sessions. He was a racist SOB. He never should’ve been AG. The only silver lining was that he was no longer my Senator.

But Trump’s blatant attempt to squash the Mueller investigation is really beyond the pale. A Wednesday morning massacre. He’d do well to remember what happened the last time a President did that. Not that he has any clue about history.

Sessions is gone because he has small balls, unlike Kavanaugh who obviously is proud of his big balls. Trump likes men with big balls and likes to flaunt them. Sessions faked the size of his balls with his "lock her up" participation but then actaully had to expose his balls during the beginning stages of this idiotic Russia probe. What Sessions exposed was tiny balls. If one is not proud enough of the size of his balls, there is no place for them in the Trump Administration.

Thanks for an amusing homoerotic interpretation of the Trump administration but the reality is that Trump has failed in his promise to only hire the best people. How many people have rotated through the Trump administration in less than two years?

It depends what Trump means by "the best people". My interpretation is this means loyal and trusting of Trump as a leader.
But Trump’s blatant attempt to squash the Mueller investigation is really beyond the pale. A Wednesday morning massacre. He’d do well to remember what happened the last time a President did that. Not that he has any clue about history.

Rat's in corners don't think; they just act. Which is why the actions reveal and confirm the guilt.
But Trump’s blatant attempt to squash the Mueller investigation is really beyond the pale. A Wednesday morning massacre. He’d do well to remember what happened the last time a President did that. Not that he has any clue about history.

Rat's in corners don't think; they just act. Which is why the actions reveal and confirm the guilt.

Spin it, baby, spin it.
Sessions is gone because he has small balls, unlike Kavanaugh who obviously is proud of his big balls. Trump likes men with big balls and likes to flaunt them. Sessions faked the size of his balls with his "lock her up" participation but then actaully had to expose his balls during the beginning stages of this idiotic Russia probe. What Sessions exposed was tiny balls. If one is not proud enough of the size of his balls, there is no place for them in the Trump Administration.

Thanks for an amusing homoerotic interpretation of the Trump administration but the reality is that Trump has failed in his promise to only hire the best people. How many people have rotated through the Trump administration in less than two years?

It depends what Trump means by "the best people". My interpretation is this means loyal and trusting of Trump as a leader.

Regardless of what "the meaning of is is", you're agreeing with me that Trump failed in not hiring the best people. Why do you think he failed so badly?
He'll fire Mueller and squash the investigation before the next congress is seated.
Even a Republican Senate would be unlikely to impede such an impeachment since most are patriots first and Trump supporters second, if at all.

Uh ... one would like to think so. But I see no evidence whatsoever to support that notion. They'll ALL fall into line with Mitch, no matter what. And that guy isn't going to do one thing to dethrone his puppet-king.
So, I don't know how many of y'all know about this, but the Red Line has been crossed. Protests tomorrow, Tuesday the 8th at 5:00pm. If you would like to look up the closest event to yourself, TrumpIsNotAboveTheLaw.com has a convenient search by zip code
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