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Sessions has resigned

He'll fire Mueller and squash the investigation before the next congress is seated.
Even a Republican Senate would be unlikely to impede such an impeachment since most are patriots first and Trump supporters second, if at all.

Uh ... one would like to think so. But I see no evidence whatsoever to support that notion. They'll ALL fall into line with Mitch, no matter what. And that guy isn't going to do one thing to dethrone his puppet-king.

Time will tell. Our nation is very robust. Despite all the hoopla, we'll be fine.
Uh ... one would like to think so. But I see no evidence whatsoever to support that notion. They'll ALL fall into line with Mitch, no matter what. And that guy isn't going to do one thing to dethrone his puppet-king.

Time will tell. Our nation is very robust. Despite all the hoopla, we'll be fine.

Yeah - a very little time might tell us a whole lot. We'll see what kind of shape the Mueller investigation is in come February. My guess is that it will be all SDNY and closed-door House sessions.
It depends what Trump means by "the best people". My interpretation is this means loyal and trusting of Trump as a leader.

Regardless of what "the meaning of is is", you're agreeing with me that Trump failed in not hiring the best people. Why do you think he failed so badly?

He doesn't know his way around the political world. He's delusional. He's a lousy judge of character. He's a poor leader. He's a one-man trick-pony show.

I'll stop there.
So, I don't know how many of y'all know about this, but the Red Line has been crossed. Protests tomorrow, Tuesday the 8th at 5:00pm. If you would like to look up the closest event to yourself, TrumpIsNotAboveTheLaw.com has a convenient search by zip code

Link doesn’t work.
So... by "balls" you mean treasonous intent. Substitute that throughout your post and it actually makes a lot of sense.

I'm amazed this needs clarification! Moxie, my young friend, moxie.

Unfortunately that doesn't comport with reality in the least. But this does:

"Sessions is gone because he lacks treasonous intent ... Trump likes men with lots of treasonous intent ... Sessions faked the degree of his treasonous intent with his "lock her up" participation but then actually had to expose his lack of treasonous intent by recusing himself as required by law, during the beginning stages of this Russia probe. What Sessions exposed was lack of treasonous intent. If one does not harbor enough treasonous intent, there is no place for them in the Trump Administration."

IOW, pledge unconditional loyalty to the head of this organized crime syndicate masquerading as an administration, or hit the road. And that's exactly the deal on the table in the WH.
So... by "balls" you mean treasonous intent. Substitute that throughout your post and it actually makes a lot of sense.

I'm amazed this needs clarification! Moxie, my young friend, moxie.

Unfortunately that doesn't comport with reality in the least. But this does:

"Sessions is gone because he lacks treasonous intent ... Trump likes men with lots of treasonous intent ... Sessions faked the degree of his treasonous intent with his "lock her up" participation but then actually had to expose his lack of treasonous intent by recusing himself as required by law, during the beginning stages of this Russia probe. What Sessions exposed was lack of treasonous intent. If one does not harbor enough treasonous intent, there is no place for them in the Trump Administration."

IOW, pledge unconditional loyalty to the head of this organized crime syndicate masquerading as an administration, or hit the road. And that's exactly the deal on the table in the WH.

Then create your own metaphor next time, but quit hijacking mine.
Sessions is gone because he has small balls, unlike Kavanaugh who obviously is proud of his big balls. Trump likes men with big balls and likes to flaunt them. Sessions faked the size of his balls with his "lock her up" participation but then actaully had to expose his balls during the beginning stages of this idiotic Russia probe. What Sessions exposed was tiny balls. If one is not proud enough of the size of his balls, there is no place for them in the Trump Administration.

Sessions was fired because he wouldn't protect Trump. Trump expects the FBI and Justice Dept to protect him, not follow the law.
It depends what Trump means by "the best people". My interpretation is this means loyal and trusting of Trump as a leader.

Regardless of what "the meaning of is is", you're agreeing with me that Trump failed in not hiring the best people. Why do you think he failed so badly?

He doesn't know his way around the political world. He's delusional. He's a lousy judge of character. He's a poor leader. He's a one-man trick-pony show.

I'll stop there.

Common ground. You got it all right!
Uh ... one would like to think so. But I see no evidence whatsoever to support that notion. They'll ALL fall into line with Mitch, no matter what. And that guy isn't going to do one thing to dethrone his puppet-king.

Time will tell. Our nation is very robust. Despite all the hoopla, we'll be fine.

Yeah - a very little time might tell us a whole lot. We'll see what kind of shape the Mueller investigation is in come February. My guess is that it will be all SDNY and closed-door House sessions.

A good possibility. I doubt Trump will have any problems, but Junior and Jared may have some serious questions to answer.
Yeah - a very little time might tell us a whole lot. We'll see what kind of shape the Mueller investigation is in come February. My guess is that it will be all SDNY and closed-door House sessions.

A good possibility. I doubt Trump will have any problems, but Junior and Jared may have some serious questions to answer.

It's hard to see Donny not having serious problems if Jr. and Jared do. Both will have to be willing to go down for Donny, and if federal prison is on the table, I could see one taking it, but not both. There's also the matter of state law crimes, for which a federal pardon has no effect. Neither would be able to stand up to that when they can just go home. Jr. might, because he seems that willing of a stooge, but Jared will sing like a canary.
There's nothing to go down for. They did nothing illegal.

Seriously, it would serve aniti-Trumpers well to put this silliness behind them. This is what he and his followers feed off. It's time to starve the beast.
The entire Trump clan has done some rather illegal things. Such as inflating costs of maintenance of apartments to skim money. And then using the doctored and false costs to raise rents. Which by all accounts is illegal. And then there are the games played with real estate deals with Russian crooks and other to launder money through Trump real estate. There was obvious conspiracy to work with the Russia GRU to swing elections by releasing hacked e-mails. That is a done deal, the only question will be, what was Trump's role in all of that. It is going to be an interesting year for Trump and the Trumpoids.
Yeah - a very little time might tell us a whole lot. We'll see what kind of shape the Mueller investigation is in come February. My guess is that it will be all SDNY and closed-door House sessions.

A good possibility. I doubt Trump will have any problems, but Junior and Jared may have some serious questions to answer.

It's hard to see Donny not having serious problems if Jr. and Jared do. Both will have to be willing to go down for Donny, and if federal prison is on the table, I could see one taking it, but not both. There's also the matter of state law crimes, for which a federal pardon has no effect. Neither would be able to stand up to that when they can just go home. Jr. might, because he seems that willing of a stooge, but Jared will sing like a canary.

I liked to use a line from the Godfather II when discussing the Clintons, but the same applies to Trump:

Senator Pat Geary: Mr. Cici, was there always a buffer involved?

Willi Cici: A what?

Senator Pat Geary: A buffer. Someone in between you and your possible superiors who passed on to you the actual order to kill someone.

Willi Cici: Oh yeah, a buffer. The family had a lot of buffers!

While I think Junior and Jared have some vulnerability, I think Trump has enough buffers that he will be protected....unless either Junior or Jared rolls on him. That could get interesting.

- - - Updated - - -

The entire Trump clan has done some rather illegal things. Such as inflating costs of maintenance of apartments to skim money. And then using the doctored and false costs to raise rents. Which by all accounts is illegal. And then there are the games played with real estate deals with Russian crooks and other to launder money through Trump real estate. There was obvious conspiracy to work with the Russia GRU to swing elections by releasing hacked e-mails. That is a done deal, the only question will be, what was Trump's role in all of that. It is going to be an interesting year for Trump and the Trumpoids.

Agreed, but notice how often Trump has been up on criminal charges. As noted above, the Trumps have a lot of buffers....and a shitload of lawyers. Even if Trump did shoot someone in the middle of the street, it would be years before he'd have to go to trial on the murder....and he won't be around that long.
Unfortunately that doesn't comport with reality in the least. But this does:

"Sessions is gone because he lacks treasonous intent ... Trump likes men with lots of treasonous intent ... Sessions faked the degree of his treasonous intent with his "lock her up" participation but then actually had to expose his lack of treasonous intent by recusing himself as required by law, during the beginning stages of this Russia probe. What Sessions exposed was lack of treasonous intent. If one does not harbor enough treasonous intent, there is no place for them in the Trump Administration."

IOW, pledge unconditional loyalty to the head of this organized crime syndicate masquerading as an administration, or hit the road. And that's exactly the deal on the table in the WH.

Then create your own metaphor next time, but quit hijacking mine.

Metaphor??? Lol! Don't you wish? That was just statement of fact.
Trump fired Sessions for recusing himself as the law required. Sessions pretended to be willing to flout the law when he joined in the idiot chants, but then followed the law by recusing himself, which pissed Cheato off.
If you are not corrupt enough, there's no place for you in Cheato's organized crime syndicate.

You can keep your metaphor, poster - I sure don't need it! :) I merely pointed out that you are conflating moxy with fear of the truth.
I think Trump has enough buffers that he will be protected....unless either Junior or Jared rolls on him. That could get interesting.
I really don't think Trump has that many buffers. He's totally unprepared for the league he's playing in. For all his mob connections, he's never really played by 'it's too hard to prove my guilt' rules. His is more of a delaying game, driving up the costs of prosecution.

Up to now, he's been playing against people who care about their budgets, whether criminal or civil cases. Throw enough lawyers at them, it will cost them so much to win in court that it'll be a losing proposition. If it costs them $2million to collect $1million in fines, they'll be open to making a deal.

The Federal government, though, doesn't really care how much it'll cost to prosecute. Especially if anyone involved campaigned on, or is planning to one day run for office on a platform of being 'tough on crime.' And they have all the lawyers they could ever want.
I think Trump has enough buffers that he will be protected....unless either Junior or Jared rolls on him. That could get interesting.
I really don't think Trump has that many buffers. He's totally unprepared for the league he's playing in. For all his mob connections, he's never really played by 'it's too hard to prove my guilt' rules. His is more of a delaying game, driving up the costs of prosecution.

Up to now, he's been playing against people who care about their budgets, whether criminal or civil cases. Throw enough lawyers at them, it will cost them so much to win in court that it'll be a losing proposition. If it costs them $2million to collect $1million in fines, they'll be open to making a deal.

The Federal government, though, doesn't really care how much it'll cost to prosecute. Especially if anyone involved campaigned on, or is planning to one day run for office on a platform of being 'tough on crime.' And they have all the lawyers they could ever want.

If it was true that he doesn't have many buffers and is out of his league, why is it so hard to nail him? Because there's nothing there to nail?...or the buffers? I'm inclined to accept the buffer theory. While Trump may be a dumbass, he has enough lawyers and advisors, not to mention investors, who would keep him from doing something stupid without any protection....banging Stormy bareback being an uncontrolled situation. :)

Agreed about Federal legal assets, but unless you're advocating a Federal vendetta, then those investigations will stop when it's clear there's nothing to find or that can be proved. Example: Hillary passing classified information via her private server.
While I think Junior and Jared have some vulnerability, I think Trump has enough buffers that he will be protected....unless either Junior or Jared rolls on him. That could get interesting.

The biggest problem for Trump is that he has no buffers for most of what he says. It goes right from his angry brain or emotional thinking or RW propaganda or his own spinning--right to documentation on the Intertubes. All his going after people and firings and obstruction are right there in writing. That also includes some very specific stuff and some very vague stuff. Now, while the vagueness may indicate the culture he is creating, the specific things can be used against him in a court of law or other hearing. Don't forget he is the one who dictated a letter than Jr signed and it was very misleading. All the writing on Twitter both before that and after that show different stories.

Now, the second biggest problem for what you are saying is that they already have people who have no buffer to Trump, such as Cohen and Manafort and soon to be Roger Stone.

It takes a long time to cook a Turkey and you have to start 5:30am. I recommend going back to sleep and waking up much later when it's already done and you can enjoy the nice crispy skin, juicy meat, and cranberry sauce someone else already put on the table for you.
While I think Junior and Jared have some vulnerability, I think Trump has enough buffers that he will be protected....unless either Junior or Jared rolls on him. That could get interesting.

The biggest problem for Trump is that he has no buffers for most of what he says. It goes right from his angry brain or emotional thinking or RW propaganda or his own spinning--right to documentation on the Intertubes. All his going after people and firings and obstruction are right there in writing. That also includes some very specific stuff and some very vague stuff. Now, while the vagueness may indicate the culture he is creating, the specific things can be used against him in a court of law or other hearing. Don't forget he is the one who dictated a letter than Jr signed and it was very misleading. All the writing on Twitter both before that and after that show different stories.

Now, the second biggest problem for what you are saying is that they already have people who have no buffer to Trump, such as Cohen and Manafort and soon to be Roger Stone.

It takes a long time to cook a Turkey and you have to start 5:30am. I recommend going back to sleep and waking up much later when it's already done and you can enjoy the nice crispy skin, juicy meat, and cranberry sauce someone else already put on the table for you.

Yes Trump's mouth is often working when his brain is shut down, but his lawyers can point to as many instances of him saying the opposite of what a prosecutor is presenting that they neutralize each other. Trump flip-flops more often the John Kerry.

Agreed Cohen and Manafort will probably flip on Trump, but it depends upon what what said and who said it. If they only interacted with Junior or Jared on certain issues, then Trump is protected.
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