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Feminism ruins everything: Underarmor edition

Strip clubs are a pretty terrible establishment for women. This is a basic fact about strip clubs.
How much of an arsehole do you have to be to be outraged by this? You can't go to strip clubs on the company's dime anymore? Oh the humanity! Do it in your own fucking time, no one is stopping you.
How much of an arsehole do you have to be to be outraged by this? You can't go to strip clubs on the company's dime anymore? Oh the humanity! Do it in your own fucking time, no one is stopping you.

If a company is giving employees expenses to entertain clients, I do not see any good reason for strip clubs to be off limits, other than either religious or (as in this case) feminist prudishness.
I agree with Tom Sawyer. Should bars be off limits because it may offend Muslims, Baptists, Mormons or teetotalers? Non-halal restaurants because they offend Muslims? Restaurants serving meat because they offend vegans? Pretty soon, nothing is PC enough.

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:hysterical: That's the reason you give? :hysterical:
Why is that so funny?
Not according to this site https://www.payscale.com/research/US/Job=Stripper%2FExotic_Dancer/Salary. Some strippers do, but it is not clear that lots of strippers make a lot of money (I don't consider $48K or so, "a lot of money").

It's certainly better than most jobs. Median household income in the US is $59k, but many households have more than one wage earner. Also consider that many strippers work part time, either because they are in school or because of kids or for some other reason. One of my regulars only works one day a week for example and has a different full time job. So a $48k average is pretty good.

In how many jobs can you make $10 per song? :)
Perhaps a reasonable compromise solution could be along the lines of carbon trade-offs. So for example if the strip club was strictly vegetarian, the company could subsidise visits if strippers only went as far as stripping down to underwear?
Because you assume people are being treated well just because they "make money". :hysterical:
Well compensation is an important criterion in a job. Why do you think they are horrible environments exactly?

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How is an employee taking a client to a strip club a "hostile work environment" exactly?
Probably because clients came to expect their vendors to provide nsked women.
How horrible!

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Perhaps a reasonable compromise solution could be along the lines of carbon trade-offs. So for example if the strip club was strictly vegetarian, the company could subsidise visits if strippers only went as far as stripping down to underwear?

What about vagitarians though?
All I see here is a good argument against allowing the expenseing of drug consumption (alcohol).
All the more proof that feminists love Islamists ...

When it comes to meat/vegan Ian, this isn't something likely to be kept personal in the first place (it would certainly have come up in the break room, when he turns down meat). But if he believes that "Meat is Murder", I suspect that Bob himself would be contributing to a "hostile work environment", on some level; though even so, a LOT of places have vegan options now.
What if he was considering it "hostile" for his company to pay for meals with clients at places like Chops?

It is particularly when group activities involving drugs and sex get dragged into the mix that the private madness we each experience gets dragged into the public, especially when these are things we reserve for only those we decide to love.
Nobody should be forced to go to places they feel uncomfortable at. But I am sure Underarmour had plenty of volunteers for Cheetah duty or whatever.
Does it even occur to you that Under Armour might employ women? Or that clients might be female?
It does. Nobody should be pressured to do things they are uncomfortable with. On the other hand, I do not see why this should not be a possibility among others. If a client is visiting say Atlanta from a city with strict restrictions of strip clubs, and he or she expenses a desire to go, I see no reason why it should be treated any differently than any other spot a client might choose.

As to female clients, there are always male strip clubs. :)

Or that any woman might find a strip club to be a hostile work environment? Including those who work in strip clubs? Does it occur to you at all that women exist for any reason than to service men?
Why should mere existence of strip club outings be a "hostile work environment"?
And no, I do not think women exist only to service men, but strippers do work in the service sector. Nothing wrong with that. Neither do I find anything wrong with women going to male strip clubs. I do not find that existence of those means that men exist only to service women.

Consider then if the world were different and women expected men to strip for them, provide erotic services—only the ones we consider attractive enough, of course. The rest of you can cook and clean and do grunt work—how would you feel?
There already are male strip clubs. Nothing wrong with either.
You seem to be confusing your company paying for you to go to a strip club with people going to a strip club.
I am not confusing it. I know what the policy is about - singling out strip clubs as off limits when literally anything - alcohol, college football etc. can offend some employees.

But you bring up a good point. If Feminazis had their way, they'd ban strip clubs altogether. They already succeeded in Iceland.
There already are male strip clubs. Nothing wrong with either.

That's your strongest card. :)

Personally, I don't think feminism ruins everything. For example, I'm sure there are many women working at Underarmour who are a bit happier now, and likely most of them aren't even Feminists. So a good question might be 'ruins everything for who'?

But back to male strip clubs, here's an article by a female feminist:

Verity Johnson: Why going to a male strip club is a feminist experience

Somewhat surprisingly, she describes the strip club as akin to a 'safe space' for women (in more than one way), the sense of female camaraderie, and.....

.....I can't remember the last time I felt that when I went out. Normally, for young women, going out to a bar means being in a constant state of semi-alertness: has my drink been spiked, is my friend OK, and can I escape the creep trying to dry-hump my leg?

.....Where else do we get encouraged to own our sexuality proudly and publicly? Christ, I've been slut-shamed by passersby on the street for wearing ripped jeans.

After the revolution, there will be strip clubs for everyone? Maybe. maybe not.
Get this. There are strip clubs which have both male and female strippers. Who knew?

Olympic Gardens in Las Vegas had female strippers on one floor and male strippers on another. Ditto The Hustler Club, apparently.
Derec, Underarmour made a savvy and sensible commercial decision, probably one that you would have made if you were the CEO of Underarmour. Times have changed. Yes, Feminism is part (only part) of the reason. Change in this aspect of human society has brought good and not good, more of the former, on the whole, if you're a woman, which I think is somewhere around 50% of the population, or thereabouts.
Derec, Underarmour made a savvy and sensible commercial decision. Times have changed. Yes, Feminism is part (only part) of the reason. Change in this aspect of human society has brought good and not good, more of the former, on the whole, if you're a woman.

In other words, they are being pressured by illiberal feminists to do this. Just like museums covering up nudes (what was ridiculed when Ashcroft did it in 2000s is celebrated when inspired by #MeToo) or F1 banning grid girls.

Change can be for the worse, and such change should be resisted.
In other words, they are being pressured by illiberal feminists to do this.

I don't think it's just illiberal feminists. It's probably not even just feminists, given that they are only a minority of women.

What probably prompted them more than anything was customers.

Change can be for the worse, and such change should be resisted.

Like I said, worse for who?
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