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Feminism ruins everything: Underarmor edition

Not according to this site https://www.payscale.com/research/US/Job=Stripper%2FExotic_Dancer/Salary. Some strippers do, but it is not clear that lots of strippers make a lot of money (I don't consider $48K or so, "a lot of money").

It's certainly better than most jobs. Median household income in the US is $59k, but many households have more than one wage earner. Also consider that many strippers work part time, either because they are in school or because of kids or for some other reason. One of my regulars only works one day a week for example and has a different full time job. So a $48k average is pretty good.
As you point out, the median household income is 59K, so your initial claim that it is a lot of money is bs. Your attempts at spinning the average as pretty good would not even get applause for a pole dancer.
Strip clubs are a pretty terrible establishment for women. This is a basic fact about strip clubs.
Strippers make a lot of money.
Not according to this site https://www.payscale.com/research/US/Job=Stripper%2FExotic_Dancer/Salary. Some strippers do, but it is not clear that lots of strippers make a lot of money (I don't consider $48K or so, "a lot of money").
I would consider it a lot if people gave that much to see me naked.
As you point out, the median household income is 59K, so your initial claim that it is a lot of money is bs. Your attempts at spinning the average as pretty good would not even get applause for a pole dancer.

Hang on a sec, are you comparing like with like (an individual versus a household)?

Two people, both strippers.......$96k?

Or to look at it another way, average female earnings....$28k? (male $39k?).
As you point out, the median household income is 59K, so your initial claim that it is a lot of money is bs. Your attempts at spinning the average as pretty good would not even get applause for a pole dancer.
As I said, it is average household income. And strippers tend to be younger, 18-35. As you can see below, the $48k is significantly more than young people make overall. And you have ignored by point that many strippers work part time.
Let's not pretend that strippers are not well paid.
As you point out, the median household income is 59K, so your initial claim that it is a lot of money is bs. Your attempts at spinning the average as pretty good would not even get applause for a pole dancer.

Hang on a sec, are you comparing like with like (an individual versus a household).

Two people, both strippers.......$96k?

Or to look at it another way, average female earnings....$25k? (male $39k?).
No one is comparing like with like. Derec has no effing clue whether strippers are part of multi-earner households. Nor does he has a clue what the median or average number of earners per household are. In particular, it is known that the number of earners in a household rises with income (https://www.bls.gov/opub/btn/volume-6/use-with-caution-interpreting-consumer-expenditure-income-group-data.htm)
If the average earnings for female strippers is $48k, that would seem to be well above average, all other things being equal, such as educational attainment and age.
So, when it is an employer who pays their employees shit wages, that is the employer's right, but when it is the employer doing their best to prevent a hostile work environment, it what? Isn't their right anymore? Be consistent or be silent.
How is an employee taking a client to a strip club a "hostile work environment" exactly? That's the big problem with feminism - they want everybody else to get rid of everything that offends them. If puritanism is "the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy" (H.L. Mencken), then feminism is surely "the haunting fear that some man, somewhere, may be having a good time".

Oh FFS, you were being serious :rolleyes:

About 30 years ago, my husband and I owned a company that bought & managed investment property throughout Florida. At one point, we bought an apartment building, and inherited the on-site manager. Shortly after, the manager - David - asked to speak with me. He was visibly nervous, but he wanted to 'come-out' to me... not because it was any of my business, but because he wanted his partner to move in with him. (Since we provided his apartment as part of his compensation, he wanted my approval upfront rather than risk losing his job later).

Anyway, needless to say I had no problem with either his being gay nor his having his partner live with him. But because of that conversation, David always felt he could trust me after that, and I was treated to some hilarious stories about the previous building owner.

The story that pertains to this thread was how the previous owner was constantly inviting David to strip clubs. I'm sure the man thought he was attempting to create a fun, casual working environment, but in fact he was making David very uncomfortable.

Moral of the story - it's not just "feminists", Derec. :rolleyes: In a diverse workplace, with people of all types of backgrounds, having business-related activities at a strip club is just fucking stupid. Anyone who wants to go to a strip club can do so at their own expense.
As you point out, the median household income is 59K, so your initial claim that it is a lot of money is bs. Your attempts at spinning the average as pretty good would not even get applause for a pole dancer.
As I said, it is average household income. And strippers tend to be younger, 18-35. As you can see below, the $48k is significantly more than young people make overall. And you have ignored by point that many strippers work part time.
You're the one who said strippers make a lot of money. I showed that as a group, they do not. Some strippers do, just like some boxers make good money. But on average, neither do.

Unless you have access to actual data on the distribution of earnings of strippers, you are literally making shit up to justify your fantasy-driven views.
You're the one who said strippers make a lot of money. I showed that as a group, they do not. Some strippers do, just like some boxers make good money. But on average, neither do.
As a group, strippers make more than 50% more than the median personal income in the US. That's good money.
Just curious... what the fuck does a stripper's salary have to do with whether a private company allows strip clubs as an approved expense or not?

Are all of the strippers going to be on unemployment because Underarmour decided to join modern society?
No one is comparing like with like.
I am coming much closer than you. For example, I found the median individual income, so number of earners in the household is irrelevant.
Median personal income in the US is $31k. That means that strippers, on average, earn 155% of median income.
Median personal income includes pension, and other non-labor income. It includes people on SS. Strippers labor for their income.

You literally are trying to hard to defend an incredibly stupid claim - strippers do not makes lots of money.

Whether strippers make "good money" depends on
a) the definition of "good money", and
b) one's view of the labor required to make "good money".
It includes people on SS. Strippers labor for their income.
As do other people in their age range. I posted income data broken down by age as well. Strippers make significantly more than the median 20-something for example.

You literally are trying to hard to defend an incredibly stupid claim - strippers do not makes lots of money.
Your claim is the one that is incredibly stupid. And instead of admitting you were wrong, you are digging in.

Whether strippers make "good money" depends on
a) the definition of "good money", and
b) one's view of the labor required to make "good money".

$48k is certainly good money. Especially for a young person and especially for a job that does not require a college degree.
Just curious... what the fuck does a stripper's salary have to do with whether a private company allows strip clubs as an approved expense or not?
I responded to Genesis' claim that strip clubs are horrible establishments for women. Then laughing dog dug in claiming that $48k is not a good amount of money for an individual to earn.

Are all of the strippers going to be on unemployment because Underarmour decided to join modern society?

- No, but their earnings are going to go down somewhat. Easier to spend expense account money than your own.
- Strip clubs are a modern phenomenon. What does blackballing strip clubs have to do with "joining the modern society"? If anything it's the opposite. Conservative religion and radical feminism are both pulling us in a very regressive direction.
Just curious... what the fuck does a stripper's salary have to do with whether a private company allows strip clubs as an approved expense or not?
I responded to Genesis' claim that strip clubs are horrible environments for women. Then laughing dog dug in claiming that $48k is not a good amount of money for an individual to earn.

Are all of the strippers going to be on unemployment because Underarmour decided to join modern society?

- No, but their earnings are going to go down somewhat.
- Strip clubs are a modern phenomenon. What does blackballing strip clubs have to do with "joining the modern society"?

No one is "blackballing strip clubs" :rolleyes:

You just have to go on your own time at your own expense.

And if you all are too cheap to do that, thereby causing these poor strippers to suffer a decline in income... well that's on you; not on feminists or anyone else who would prefer not to be forced to conduct business in a strip club.
No one is "blackballing strip clubs" :rolleyes: You just have to go on your own time at your own expense.
If Underarmor says "you can take the client everywhere except a strip club" that is blackballing strip clubs.

And if you all are too cheap to do that, thereby causing these poor strippers to suffer a decline in income... well that's on you; not on feminists or anyone else who would prefer not to be forced to conduct business in a strip club.
Unfortunately I do not have a job that gives me a budget to entertain clients, but if it did, I would certainly enjoy spending it at Cheetah or Follies or Tattletale. :)
So yeah, I have to use my own money at strip clubs. :( But radfems want to ban strip clubs altogether, like in Iceland.
Strip clubs promote immorality.

They promote lying.

The promote men lying to themselves that these woman want anything but their money.
RavenSky said:
well that's on you; not on feminists or anyone else who would prefer not to be forced to conduct business in a strip club.

Nobody’s talking about forcing anyone to do anything. The question is why it would or would not be acceptable if everyone agrees to it.

Clearly if there are women in a group and someone suggests taking a client to a strop club, that guy is a dick and the women have a legitimate complaint about him to management. However, if the client is a guy who likes going to strip clubs and the people working on the account are guys who don’t mind going to strip clubs, why are they a more illegitimate way to woo a client than taking that client to other legal businesses would be?
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