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Obama drags his feet on Keystone XL, again


Aug 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Basic Beliefs
Administration again delays Keystone pipeline decision

This pipeline should have been approves years ago. Instead, Obama administration is delaying a decision again, probably to after the midterm elections. Given how critical the Senate is and that the endangered Democrats support the pipeline I fear that he already decided to reject the pipeline but doesn't want to announce it before the elections.

That would be a big mistake. Pipeline transport is safer, cheaper and more energy efficient than rail. So rejecting the pipeline and having to haul the oil sands by rail will actually increase carbon emissions.
And even if ecomenatlists managed to shut down Canadian oil sands completely not even that will decrease emissions because there are other sources of oil sands like Orinoco Belt in Venezuela. Of course compared to Canada Venezuela is further away, has less strict environmental regulations and is rather unstable politically.
How does this monster joke of a pipeline add anything positive to America?

I hate to burst the Faux News alternative reality universe bubble my dear Derec, but the XL pipeline will serve no benefit to the American people. Cornell and Rutgers did two extensive surveys and studies which concluded two facts. The construction of the pipeline will generate some immediate jobs in the 1-2 year construction. This is good in the short term, hence the union support. Yet 8 to 10 K jobs for two years is a drop in the bucket for a positive incentive per employment.

The other point is that the "permanent" jobs that the pipeline will generate will actually be in the range of 80 to 100! The various studies show that the maintenance of the pipeline will be mostly automatic and digital as with all state of the art energy technology. Please notice that I am not even going to bring up the environmental aspects of the pipeline because it pretty much speaks for itself. This is why there are quite a few conservative farmers and ranchers in its path that oppose it.

And as an extra added bonus the energy interest have constructed these huge $$ expensive refineries that are specifically design to handle the dirty tar sand oil. And all this investment windfall is to be shipped out of the Gulf and to world markets. Hence the last point and the most important, IMO, the XL pipeline does nothing to lower the cost of gas at the pump for domestic relief! Even if we pump and refine all the crude out of the ground domestically, not from Canada or Mexico, we would be lucky if the price of gas at the pump lowered a few cents on the gallon.

So basically the XL Pipeline is an " energy $$$ investment" directed from the oil interest. And the oil/energy interest are based solely on the world markets and corporate profits. The Canadian people seen this and voted the western outlet on the Pacific of this monster out and this is why we have seen the investment in the Gulf region vs v the XL pipeline domestically.

The only reason why the neo-liberal puppet Obama is "dragging his feet" is that he is trying not to piss off his base. We have seen this over and over again. Both Republican and Democrats have their constituents $$$ interest in mind for the eventual finishing of this monster running through the heartland of America! Translation Derec we have no say. It's a done deal.

But it sounds real good as a partisan faux issue!

Peace and please do not pay attention to the black stuff coming out of your sidewalk. It is OK, just move along people.

Derec: Why don't they just upgrade an existing pipeline and ship it out via Superior, WI?

Funny how the alternatives aren't discussed.
Why don't the Canadians build their own pipeline and risk environmental catastrophe to their own country?
It is my fervent hope that this pipeline never gets completed. We should stop expanding the fossil fuel usage on the entire planet. This pipeline is a pipeline to increased pollution and global warming. Admittedly it is just one of many but it is a significant one. People are not aware of just how thin a layer our atmosphere is on the surface of our globe. If the world were the size of a basketball, the atmospheric layer would be about 1/1666 th of the diameter or far less than a guarter of an inch. It is not a good reservoir for our fossil fuel wastes. It is incredibly tiny and vulnerable, though it seems immense to a person walking on the earth.

The dimensions of the earth and our atmosphere are not going to change anytime soon and we have about worn out this pollution sink. Hansen and McKibben know what they are talking about. Wake up Derek! Wake up Obama!
The threat to the major aquifer is real. It makes sense to go slow on this.
Administration again delays Keystone pipeline decision

This pipeline should have been approves years ago. Instead, Obama administration is delaying a decision again, probably to after the midterm elections. Given how critical the Senate is and that the endangered Democrats support the pipeline I fear that he already decided to reject the pipeline but doesn't want to announce it before the elections.

That would be a big mistake. Pipeline transport is safer, cheaper and more energy efficient than rail. So rejecting the pipeline and having to haul the oil sands by rail will actually increase carbon emissions.
And even if ecomenatlists managed to shut down Canadian oil sands completely not even that will decrease emissions because there are other sources of oil sands like Orinoco Belt in Venezuela. Of course compared to Canada Venezuela is further away, has less strict environmental regulations and is rather unstable politically.

Why are you so desperate to pay more for gas and oil? If you wanted that so badly, you could have moved to practically any European country.
The threat to the major aquifer is real.
That old tune?
1. Keystone XL has been rerouted already to avoid the Sand Hills region.
2. Many pipelines criss-cross the Ogallala Aquifer already.

The aquifer is a pretend argument.

It makes sense to go slow on this.
Yeah, we passed "slow" about 3 years ago. By this time, it's glacial.
It is my fervent hope that this pipeline never gets completed.
Was the McKibben & Bits Koolaide at least tasty?

We should stop expanding the fossil fuel usage on the entire planet.
That's the demand side. And I agree with you to a point. Which is why I think for example using Keystone to negotiate a carbon tax or investing federal Keystone revenues into projects like improving public transit in US cities.
But as far as supply side we need to use all the domestic and friendly foreign resources that we can. We will be dependent on oil for a few more decades even under the best case scenario and there isn't enough easy oil to cover demand. So deep water, oil sands/shales, Arctic etc. will make up an increasing portion of the global oil picture.
And as such it makes sense to get this additional supply as economically and ecologically responsibly as possible.
This pipeline is a pipeline to increased pollution and global warming.
No it is not. The alternative is not solar power and butterflies overnight. The alternative is to ship by either rail or ship (from Venezuela for example). Both methods use more energy (pollution and global warming) than pipelines and are more accident prone. Furthermore Canada has more strict environmental regulations than Venezuela and is more stable and friendly toward US.
Admittedly it is just one of many but it is a significant one.
Again, it's a net positive for the environment as the alternative is not nothing but getting the supply elsewhere and/or by other, inferior, means.

People are not aware of just how thin a layer our atmosphere is on the surface of our globe. If the world were the size of a basketball, the atmospheric layer would be about 1/1666 th of the diameter or far less than a guarter of an inch.
So? If all the oil produced so far in the history of mankind (about 1 trillion bbl) were to be shrunk to the same scale it would be the size of a cube 0.1 mm to the side.

It is not a good reservoir for our fossil fuel wastes. It is incredibly tiny and vulnerable, though it seems immense to a person walking on the earth.

As I said above, Keystone XL is not about fossil fuels or no fossil fuels but about how to get fossil fuels from A to B.

Hansen and McKibben know what they are talking about.
I am not sure if the two have vested interests in PDVSA or if they are just ignorant of the fact that killing Keystone XL will not help the climate one bit. Quite the contrary.

Wake up Derek! Wake up Obama!

Still Derec with a c.
Why don't the Canadians build their own pipeline and risk environmental catastrophe to their own country?
Because many of our heavy crude capable refineries are on the Gulf Coast. Those refineries supply much of Eastern US, especially the South East. For example one of the major terminals of the Colonial Pipeline (which is a product pipeline) is only a couple of miles from me here.

It's not like Canadians do not want to build other pipelines toward the Pacific and Atlantic. The Pacific one is perfect to supply East Asia and west coast of US. Unfortunately they are having some problems with the "North Portlandia" crowd in British Columbia. :(
The delay itself is a stupid political calculation so that Obama can avoid making a decision until after the midterms. He should let people know that this is dead so that they can move onto other solutions or approve it so that they can start building.

Regardless of which course he takes, he's not going to be getting any additional information to factor into his decision and he needs to man up and make a choice.
OT: What happened to the automatic-post-combining feature? I guess I'll have to do it the old fashioned way ...

I'm thinking that waiting for suits to decide is a good idea. Limits Fed liability.
What suits?

I hate to burst the Faux News alternative reality universe bubble my dear Derec,
Why is the Left so obsessed with Fox News? Every time anyone expresses an opinion contrary to a left wing dogma (e.g. pipelines are bad, mkey) the name Fox News get dropped. I linked to a USA Today article, not Fox News. But if you want Fox News, I can give you Fox News:
‘Ridiculous’: Administration punts on Keystone, Obama faces Dem revolt
The "ridiculous" is not Fox editorializing but a statement by Sen Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, incidentally a Democrat.
The bigger question is, do you have any plans to burst out of the MSNBC "alternative reality universe bubble"?

but the XL pipeline will serve no benefit to the American people.
Except give us a secure oil supply. Except provide revenues. Except provide construction jobs during this slow recovery.
Cornell and Rutgers did two extensive surveys and studies which concluded two facts. The construction of the pipeline will generate some immediate jobs in the 1-2 year construction. This is good in the short term, hence the union support. Yet 8 to 10 K jobs for two years is a drop in the bucket for a positive incentive per employment.
It's a construction project so of course most jobs are created during construction. And thousands of jobs is nothing to scoff at. The reason there are few jobs during operation is actually because pipelines are so efficient and cheaper per bbl-mile than the alternatives.
The other point is that the "permanent" jobs that the pipeline will generate will actually be in the range of 80 to 100! The various studies show that the maintenance of the pipeline will be mostly automatic and digital as with all state of the art energy technology.
The horrors! A largely automated, efficient operation! It must be killed forthwith! And electric street lighting must be replaced by gas lights because the latter required a man to out and light them each evening whereas electric is automated.

Please notice that I am not even going to bring up the environmental aspects of the pipeline because it pretty much speaks for itself.
No it doesn't. You must compare it with the alternatives (rail or ship from Venezuela) rather than nothing at all.

This is why there are quite a few conservative farmers and ranchers in its path that oppose it.
NIMBY effect and result of sustained, well-funded (Steyer et al) disinformation campaign. But the majority of the US and even a slight majority of Democrats supports the pipeline.

And as an extra added bonus the energy interest have constructed these huge $$ expensive refineries that are specifically design to handle the dirty tar sand oil.
That happened long before to deal with Venezuela oil. The fact is that the world doesn't have enough light sweet crude to cover global demand.

And all this investment windfall is to be shipped out of the Gulf and to world markets.
No it is not. First and foremost it will be used to cover domestic demand. If there is a surplus it can be shipped out resulting in additional revenues and jobs, so it's not a bad thing, especially since it won't be crude but the value added finished product to be exported. It's amazing how much the propaganda took hold when exporting stuff is seen as a bad thing. Especially given our trade deficit we need to export more, not less.

Hence the last point and the most important, IMO, the XL pipeline does nothing to lower the cost of gas at the pump for domestic relief!
Why should it not? We would not be dependent on imports from Venezuela to supply the SE domestic market but rather from the much more reliable Canadians. Furthermore, an increase in accessible global supply reduces prices compared to what they would have been without the additional supply.

Even if we pump and refine all the crude out of the ground domestically, not from Canada or Mexico, we would be lucky if the price of gas at the pump lowered a few cents on the gallon.
Which is still better than it increasing by it increasing by quite a bit more than a few cents on the gallon if ecomenatlists are successful in their ultimate goal of shutting Canadian oil sands altogether.

So basically the XL Pipeline is an " energy $$$ investment" directed from the oil interest.
It's a private industry project, yes. It's also paid from with private investments.

And the oil/energy interest are based solely on the world markets and corporate profits. The Canadian people seen this and voted the western outlet on the Pacific of this monster out and this is why we have seen the investment in the Gulf region vs v the XL pipeline domestically.
The two are hardly mutually exclusive. I.e. Keystone XL would still be needed even if (and hopefully when) Enbridge Northern Gateway is built.

The only reason why the neo-liberal puppet Obama is "dragging his feet" is that he is trying not to piss off his base. We have seen this over and over again. Both Republican and Democrats have their constituents $$$ interest in mind for the eventual finishing of this monster running through the heartland of America! Translation Derec we have no say. It's a done deal.
It is my fervent hope that you are right on this one. Alas, I fear the opposite - that he is dragging his feet because he doesn't want to harm embattled red state Democrats even more but that he will cave to the radical ecomentalists and Steyer's billions come November.
But it sounds real good as a partisan faux issue!
You mean MSNBC issue?

Peace and please do not pay attention to the black stuff coming out of your sidewalk. It is OK, just move along people.
Because oil train derailments are so much better, yes?

Derec: Why don't they just upgrade an existing pipeline and ship it out via Superior, WI?Funny how the alternatives aren't discussed.
That's hardly an alternative to get the oil to the Gulf Coast refineries.
Derek, you responded to everyone else and I take it you know a lot about pipeline transport and refining. So I will ask my question again: why is it not possible to expand existing pipeline to the current port facilities and refineries in Superior, WI?
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Dude Derec nice try my man. But what planet and country are we talking about?

I thought that we were taking about Canada and America. Uh does not domestic oil production continually increase year after year with all the new technologies being employed? And call me stupid my dear Derec but has not the U.S. seen a first ever increase of export petroleum products for the first time in our history? What is it in the last two years of this export boom? I mean this is what I am hearing/seeing. In how I understand it is that we as a country are now exporting for the first time lubricants, gas, fuels, etc., because of the decline from domestic demand and the steady increase or plateau of oil and gas.

So again if we shipping out the stuff how would this dirty sandy crap of oil infused soil help America's domestic production? Now if you and your pundits, see Faux News reg TM, were honest and forthcoming and said that this XL is for export on the world market then I would say meh. I mean at least it would be admitted and all this other coconut shell games about "energy independence" could be shelved and or reported on Rupert Murdoch's GOP mouth piece, Fox, as being good for America. Some of us would have more respect for the obvious truth that all the XL pipeline is a private venture to process the dirty crap in the Gulf, put it on some huge tanker and off to Asia and or India. All this talk about "energy independence" is rather lame and long in the tooth. But please do not get me wrong. It sounds good and it surely fits the narrative. And by narrative it is " drill baby drill!" USA! USA! USA! And please do not bring up the fact that all this so called "energy independence" will have little to no affect at the pump! Why? Because it does not fit the narrative. Also never mind that oil prices in America are determined on the world market. So then, USA! USA! USA! Can anyone say jingoism?

We know that the energy interest did not invest all that $$$ money in building special refineries to handle this dirty tar sands crap. Does anyone here with a smidgen of logic actually think that the energy interest would put the concerns of this nation's citizens first over the need and greed for profit$$? Derec you seem smart though sometimes clouded in your ideology as you must deem me also. Yet the fact remains that there is 54 billion cubic meters of this tar sand crap in Alberta alone! That my man translates into 340 BILLION BARRELS OF OIL!!!! $$$$$!!!! As you know this alone puts Canada's Alberta tar sand field right after those taco benders in Venezula and our good dear Saudi allies with their knife in our backs.

All this talk and debate is how the fregin lawyers say, "moot." But to claim that this XL pipeline will help America is absurd and pathetic to say the least. In like manner if it was up to the energy interest to play this "energy independence " game we would have scores of nasty oil rigs off the coast of California to this day. And I do not know about you dude but I remember surfing by those rigs and the crap in the water. And years from now after all segments of XL Keystone are in you can bet your sweet bippy that it will be fun for all the locals.

And fun of course will be dealing with all the dirty tar sand oil leaks. But heh who cares right? It is NIMBY! And of course FREEDOM reg TM. Oh and by the way the reason why progressives hate Fox and 24/7 Hate Radio is that they just make shit up and report it as news.

Have fun dude and drill baby drill. Oh and an extra added bonus fun pack, just wait when all that land above Canada starts becoming accessible to the energy interest. It will make Montana and the Dakotas look like child's play! It is all about the profits$$$$! We do not count.


That old tune?
1. Keystone XL has been rerouted already to avoid the Sand Hills region.
2. Many pipelines criss-cross the Ogallala Aquifer already.
All the more reason to go slow. The people who depend on that aquifer have to lose from a disaster than advocates who live elsewhere
The aquifer is a pretend argument.
Only to those who pretend to use reason.
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