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Jebus! Trump quadrupling down on rhetoric against Democrats.

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist

article said:
In a clear reference to Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., Trump said: “These left-wing ideologues see our country as a force for evil.”

He proceeded to attack each congresswoman.

“Rep. Omar blamed the United States for the terrorist attacks on our country,” Trump said, without citing a specific instance. Earlier in the week, Trump falsely accused Omar, one of the first Muslim women in Congress, of proclaiming “how great al-Qaida is.”
“Send her back!” his crowd chanted in response to Trump’s criticisms of Omar.
Jebus! This is the President of the United States saying this shit. I know we need to concentrate on other things, but when the POTUS is riling up crowds with cruel lies like a dictator would, it sure the heck is discomforting. It is unprecedented. This is shit Alex Jones says.

Regarding Ocasio-Cortez...
article said:
“She said essentially Nazis are running concentration camps,” Trump continued. While Ocasio-Cortez did describe the U.S. facilities as concentration camps, she never said they were run by Nazis.
The US has never ever had a leader like this before.

Sure, he isn't telling his followers to go out and kill liberals. The problem is, I don't know how many of them would not... if he did so. 30% of our nation seems to be living in a 1930's pro-fascist world.

article said:
In a clear reference to Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., Trump said: “These left-wing ideologues see our country as a force for evil.”

He proceeded to attack each congresswoman.

“Rep. Omar blamed the United States for the terrorist attacks on our country,” Trump said, without citing a specific instance. Earlier in the week, Trump falsely accused Omar, one of the first Muslim women in Congress, of proclaiming “how great al-Qaida is.”
“Send her back!” his crowd chanted in response to Trump’s criticisms of Omar.
Jebus! This is the President of the United States saying this shit. I know we need to concentrate on other things, but when the POTUS is riling up crowds with cruel lies like a dictator would, it sure the heck is discomforting. It is unprecedented. This is shit Alex Jones says.

Regarding Ocasio-Cortez...
article said:
“She said essentially Nazis are running concentration camps,” Trump continued. While Ocasio-Cortez did describe the U.S. facilities as concentration camps, she never said they were run by Nazis.
The US has never ever had a leader like this before.

Sure, he isn't telling his followers to go out and kill liberals. The problem is, I don't know how many of them would not... if he did so. 30% of our nation seems to be living in a 1930's pro-fascist world.

Sure, he isn't telling his followers to go out and kill liberals, but he has another 16 months to make it okay to do so, okay to militarize polling places, okay to overtly intimidate voters of color trying to cast ballots, okay to assassinate members of Congress who oppose Trumputinism...
By this time next year, "send her back!" will seem like a tame message. If it persists at all, it will have evolved into "send her back in a box" or something similar.
House Dems warn Omar in 'imminent danger' after Trump rally chants - POLITICO
Senior Democrats are now calling for authorities to evaluate security for Omar (D-Minn.), as well as the three other lawmakers who Trump called out by name at his Wednesday night rally in North Carolina — warning that Trump has escalated the risk of threats or even acts of violence toward the four minority freshmen.

“It’s crystal clear to me that her life is in imminent danger,” said Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.), a senior member of the Congressional Black Caucus. “He has threatened the safety of a member of Congress. That takes this to a whole different level.”

“It’s bad enough that the president didn’t stop the chant last night. But he started it. It’s instilling fear, it’s going to instill violence,” added Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D-N.M.), the House’s No. 4 Democrat
George Takei on Twitter: "Extremely disturbing, friends. https://t.co/JApUn95E2j" / Twitter noting
READ: Jason Stanley Tweets 'I Am Not Easily Shocked. But We Are Facing an Emergency...This Is the Face of Evil'
About "Send her back!" in reference to Ilhan Omar,
But the President encouraging racist attacks against a sitting member of Congress in a rally was worse according to Jason Stanley, an expert on fascism.

Fascism is “a form of radical right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.” It is marked by exaltation of nation and often race above the rights of individuals, especially minorities and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader.
Jason Stanley on Twitter: "I am not easily shocked. But we are facing an emergency. Journalists must not get away with sugar coating this. This is the face of evil. https://t.co/XD0OAHvZao" / Twitter noting
Shaun King on Twitter: "This is one of the single most racist moments in modern American political history. As Trump began attacking my friend Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, the crowd began chanting “SEND HER BACK, SEND HER BACK.” It’s utterly despicable and dangerous. We are here. We are in THAT time. UGLY. https://t.co/6M0PBXe4Lr" / Twitter

LibertyBansTrump on Twitter: "@shaunking "Donald Trump Is #Radicalizing His Followers." Terrorism expert @MaajidNawaz explains how Trump's political tactics, like rhetoric espoused by racist groups and terror groups, serves to radicalize supporters. @CNN #NewDay 12/8/2015 [url]https://t.co/BddmH4usoU #Terrorism" / Twitter[/url] noting
Donald Trump is radicalizing his followers: Terrorism expert explains how Trump is marching Americans towards extremism | Salon.com
Nawaz told host Alisyn Camerota that after observing and studying radical Islamist groups and extremism for years, he now worries that Trump's "followers, when he doesn't deliver what he's promised them, end up joining fascist or far-right groups and taking matters into their own hands against the eight million Muslims in the United States and we end up with an extremely polarized discourse and it's very bad for social cohesion."

"This isn't a presidential candidate," Nawaz said of Trump, "this is a presidential troll."
Ilhan Omar is a national treasure.

Anyone working at the White House who goes to work tomorrow should be disqualified from holding any future job
Ilhan Omar is a national treasure.

Anyone working at the White House who goes to work tomorrow should be disqualified from holding any future job

Anyone working at the White House is already disqualified from any future job. That doesn't mean that some disqualified employer won't give them one.
Finchelstein on Twitter: "In my book “From Fascism to Populism” I explain why trumpist racism makes his populism closer to fascism than ever before https://t.co/UHoIP9ShZB" / Twitter noting
The Daily Beast on Twitter: "Trump rally crowd launches into "send her back" chant over Ilhan Omar [url]https://t.co/VMaxlgbQn1 https://t.co/92v7Lh4Uza" / Twitter[/url]

David Lammy on Twitter: "A cult of white supremacists chanting “send her back” in support of Donald Trump’s racist attack on Ilhan Omar. Fascism spreads like wildfire. Especially when it comes from the President of the United States of America. Chilling to my core. https://t.co/mQ0Cy0ffMw" / Twitter

Paul Mason on Twitter: "I don't care what your textbook says about fascism: when a white crowd howls for the deportation of an American lawmaker, when the left is otherised as "alien" - this is a grand-scale preparation for fascism in the USA. My blog on #IStandWithIlhan https://t.co/Q4zCmemRxe" / Twitter noting
Donald Trump's attacks on Ilhan Omar show fascism is coming to the US

Jordan on Twitter: "This is how authoritarian fascism eventually evolves into full-blown murderous fascism. I have resisted Hitler comparisons for Trump—but this falls into that territory. He needs to be removed from office. https://t.co/tVAsDe3LpR" / Twitter

David Roth on Twitter: "I won't keep spamming my TNR bit but I feel compelled to note that every stagger Trump takes towards pure racial fascism is led by Fox News. The more white nationalist they get the more white nationalist he gets, because it's all he watches and he obsesses over their approval." / Twitter

David Roth on Twitter: "He doesn't have ideas, really. He doesn't read and doesn't listen, and all he knows about what's happening in the world is what he sees on Fox News and Fox Business, which he watches because they cover him a lot. If they're going in on Ilhan Omar, he will, too, just the same." / Twitter

David Roth on Twitter: "This is how conservative media works re: staking out extreme positions and making pols gesture in that direction. This is just a uniquely stupid, uniquely insecure guy. Everyone capitulating to him is as craven and lame as they've always been. It's just not come to this before." / Twitter

David Roth on Twitter: "Sometimes it really just feels like It Can't Happen Here is just an optimistic way of saying No One Has Really Been Serious About Trying It Here. Trump is dumb as shit and deathly afraid of Lou Dobbs calling him a pussy on TV. He'd kill many poor people to avoid that." / Twitter

David Roth on Twitter: "Anyway long way around to me spamming the TNR thing again, but: https://t.co/z8T3qqsXxa" / Twitter noting
The Man Who Was Upset | The New Republic

David Roth on Twitter: "I've written the same shit about him a dozen times at least. It's amazing and frightening that Democrats don't seem to get that you can't do a deal with this guy, or find common ground. It's not in him. He will just take and take. https://t.co/XvSL0gNqjc" / Twitter noting
The NFL Is Too Dumb To Realize That Donald Trump Is Never Going To Stop With This Shit

David Roth on Twitter: "There are no deals to be made with Trumpism because it and he cannot bargain. There's no strategizing around it because it and he do not strategize. You either push it into the fucking sea or it will destroy every value this country has ever been proud to claim. That's it." / Twitter

Much of pResident tRump's day is spent in "Executive Time", and much of that time seems to be watching Fox and Friends. To the point that some of his staffers try to manipulate their boss with appearances in F&F. So it all fits.

As to pushing the boundaries, that is what AOC and like-minded people are now doing on the Left, after a long time of only the Right doing it.
Mehdi Hasan on Twitter: "“what happened in North Carolina last night was not just racist-fueled demagoguery but bordered on fascism”
When even Trump’s most sycophantic supporters can’t defend him.
Piers Morgan: https://t.co/400SQ3sjs4" / Twitter

This was the most sickening moment of your presidency, Mr Trump | Daily Mail Online
The President keeps insisting he’s not a racist, and I’ve repeatedly said that in the 13 years I’ve known him, I’ve personally never witnessed him being a racist.

But since running for the White House, his inflammatory language has flirted ever closer to crossing the line into overt racism, and now he’s crossed that line. Big time.

Let’s be very unambiguously clear: what happened in North Carolina last night was not just racist-fueled demagoguery but bordered on fascism.

There was the President of the United States whipping his supporters into a hyper-animated state of rage about a political opponent because of her ethnicity.
PM then argued that her policies would have been fair game for him, but this is far out of line.
Kamala Harris on Twitter:
"It’s vile.
It’s cowardly.
It’s xenophobic.
It’s racist.
It defiles the office of the President.
And I won't share it here.
It’s time to get Trump out of office and unite the country." / Twitter

Joshua Potash on Twitter: "Warning: This is horrifying.
At the Trump rally in North Carolina the entire crowd chants:
About Congresswoman Ilhan Omar.
The fight against the @GOP isn’t politics as usual. It’s a fight against racism and fascism. https://t.co/AWDtKL9pJ5" / Twitter
Here's the clip:

Man, he becomes a spineless jellyfish when asked to make a stand on anything. I guess he really doesn't have a racist bone in his body.
The US has never ever had a leader like this before.

Sure, he isn't telling his followers to go out and kill liberals. The problem is, I don't know how many of them would not... if he did so. 30% of our nation seems to be living in a 1930's pro-fascist world.

Actually, there was a president who was an actual member of the KKK and explicitly racist. It was a century ago though.

Also, he did put journalists and political opponents in jail.
If you're going to claim that Thomas Jefferson was in the KKK you should provide a source.

Dude. The KKK wear hoods. You can’t just up and identify their members.

So because the KKK wear hoods we can't be sure if Thomas Jefferson was a member or not?

That's right. Airplanes have been around since 1776. Cloning has been around since the 1850s. The Klan started in 1865. Do the math.
If you're going to claim that Thomas Jefferson was in the KKK you should provide a source.

Dude. The KKK wear hoods. You can’t just up and identify their members.

So because the KKK wear hoods we can't be sure if Thomas Jefferson was a member or not?

I'm saying that it makes it unclear. You're making the claim that he never signed up for the KKK, but if he never showed his face at any meetings you wouldn't know, so what are you basing that on?
Can we acknowledge that far-right fascism and white nationalism have arrived in America at the highest levels of power and that we have no institutional opposition to it


Also, required reading:


And you can add Chelsea Clinton and Meghan McCain to that list. They are paving the way for this and have no means of distancing themselves from it now that it has arrived

Meghan McCain Feels Trump’s Racism Takes Away Her ‘Agency’ to Bash Ilhan Omar

She then complained that Trump’s hyper-focus on Omar’s race and immigrant roots has suddenly prevented her from personally going after the Minnesota lawmaker as much as she’d like to.

“But the problem right now is, you’re taking away my agency to criticize her policy,” McCain continued. “You’re making this about race, xenophobia, racism. I think any time you’re hitting in a territory where you’re telling any American citizen of a different color than you, to send them back, I too didn’t think this is something I would see in my country, especially going into 2020.”
So because the KKK wear hoods we can't be sure if Thomas Jefferson was a member or not?

That's right. Airplanes have been around since 1776. Cloning has been around since the 1850s. The Klan started in 1865. Do the math.

That reply should be to Don2, as he is the one who replied "Also, Thomas Jefferson" after I posted about a president who was actually a member of the KKK.

So because the KKK wear hoods we can't be sure if Thomas Jefferson was a member or not?

I'm saying that it makes it unclear. You're making the claim that he never signed up for the KKK, but if he never showed his face at any meetings you wouldn't know, so what are you basing that on?

No, I'm asking Don2 to clarify his statement. I posted about a president who in fact really was a member of the KKK and he replied "Also, Thomas Jefferson".

Given his statement by him, why is everyone assuming that I was the one who made that statement about Thomas Jefferson and the KKK. My statement was a request for clarification.

Here, let me try to make it easy for you.

Actually, there was a president who was an actual member of the KKK and explicitly racist. It was a century ago though.

Also, he did put journalists and political opponents in jail.

Also, Thomas Jefferson.

If you're going to claim that Thomas Jefferson was in the KKK you should provide a source.

See who mentioned Thomas Jefferson first. It wasn't me. I asked for clarification and everyone jumped on me as having made the initial statement.
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