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Another Day In The USA

More instances - every single god damn antifa brawl. Even when their intended targets don't even show up.

Not as good at it - the attack on the ICE center and the shooter at the Republican baseball practice are some examples.
Yeah, we are quite aware that liberals and leftists are capable of performing criminal acts of violence. You were the one that both assigned magnitudes of harm and frequency to them relative to those on the right-wing. You were asked to back that​ up.
Also, I haven't seen anyone on the left try to justify or ignore those attacks by pointing out right wing attacks. Whereas that's about all the rightwingers (especially here on TFT apparently) do.

You haven't read any of the "punch a nazi" threads where it is asserted that their mere existence is violence.
Also, I haven't seen anyone on the left try to justify or ignore those attacks by pointing out right wing attacks. Whereas that's about all the rightwingers (especially here on TFT apparently) do.

You haven't read any of the "punch a nazi" threads where it is asserted that their mere existence is violence.

But those are Nazis getting punched. It's invalid to compare them to crimes which have a victim.
So a black man can call a white man a "white boy" but a white man can not call a black man a "black boy."

Thanks for demonstrating my point of how leftists believe only whites can be racists.
It does not demonstrate what you think. First, calling a black man "boy" has a long history of the USA as a direct insult. Calling a white man "boy" does not. So, your proof has no basis in reality.

Second, you have offered no evidence that "leftists" believe only whites can be racists.

Personally, I think anyone can be a racist. Black people are often racist against black people, too, particularly black law enforcement officers.

But black people can be racists too. Just look up the Israelites in Minneapolis, a black church (synagogue?) Of Jewish-based faith that preaches war against white people is coming, and encourages violence because they don't believe white people are properly human.

There are all kinds of racists, of all races, against all races.

But that doesn't change the fact that America still has an overwhelming cultural bias against black people.

And that blacks are still suffering from this systemic racism. Halflife is also the victim here, too, not from black racism, but from the people who use race to divide the middle class against itself. He has a lot of built-up irrational resentment against black and brown people because that is the weapon used to divide us: that and his endless complaints about the left that don't have any basis in reality.

The US is rapidly getting worse in these matters. Is it because the left has been in power for fifty years by dominating both political parties? Was it the left sowing this divisiveness to pass the socialistic programs that are dominating every aspect of modern life? Was it the left who convinced all of the mainstream media, owned by some of the largest corporations in the country, to become leftist propaganda outlets, and among other evil things, to tear down the largest corporations in the country? Did the left become so convinced of the superiority of the black and brown races that they use this belief and their considerable political power to suppress the white race?

These are some of the nonsense you have to believe in holding Halflife's worldview.
I have long favored a different approach: The background check gets you a license that lets you buy guns and ammo. That license gets periodically renewed (as driver's licenses are) and can be pulled if you commit a disqualifying offense (as driver's licenses can.) You can either have a background check at the time of purchase, or show your license and walk out the door with your stuff. (The license would also include a test of the relevant law, same as driver's licenses.)

Not disagreeing with the basic idea there (damn near anything would be an improvement over the status quo), but still wondering a couple of things... what's a disqualifying offense? Killing more than 2 people at a sitting? Jaywalking? Saying bad things about Republicans?

I would say committing a violent offense or being judged mentally incompetent. They took my guns away because of my disabling disease, which makes me at risk for suicide. I'm okay with it, I certainly don't need them now.
I have long favored a different approach: The background check gets you a license that lets you buy guns and ammo. That license gets periodically renewed (as driver's licenses are) and can be pulled if you commit a disqualifying offense (as driver's licenses can.) You can either have a background check at the time of purchase, or show your license and walk out the door with your stuff. (The license would also include a test of the relevant law, same as driver's licenses.)

Not disagreeing with the basic idea there (damn near anything would be an improvement over the status quo), but still wondering a couple of things... what's a disqualifying offense? Killing more than 2 people at a sitting? Jaywalking? Saying bad things about Republicans?

I was going on the current rules: Any felony, or misdemeanor domestic violence. I wouldn't be adverse to including two DUIs in the list.
They are in favor of deportations, not mass murder. It's perfectly fine for other countries to want to keep out immigrants, but for some reason, the leftists say it's racist when the U.S. just tries to do what every other country does.

Hitler started out with driving out the Jews, also.

The parallels between His Flatulence and Hitler are considerable.

You're way off base Loren! Were the Jews non-citizens of Germany breaking the law attempting illegal border crossings into Hilter's fatherland? Or has Trump made any statements to the effect he would even prefer legal citizens of a different race (such as his own wife) to move out of the country? I think not. Thus far, Trump has only been following current laws that have been on the books for decades.

The only fair parallels I can see is a lot of false hysteria driven by statements like yours and the drive-by media. And there was a lot of this same kind of false hysteria during Germany as well.

Why isn't Trump enforcing the laws against hiring illegal immigrants? This would reduce the demand for these low wage workers and be much more effective than building a wall which even in the likely event that it eliminates 100% of the border crossing illegals it will nothing to stop the majority of illegals who overstay legal visas and will do nothing about the illegals already in the country. What if we lockup the CEO's of companies who hire illegals in the detention centers that are not concentration camps whenever illegals are found working for a company? Wouldn't that be a more effective use of existing laws? And we wouldn't have to worry about what happened in Germany.
They are in favor of deportations, not mass murder. It's perfectly fine for other countries to want to keep out immigrants, but for some reason, the leftists say it's racist when the U.S. just tries to do what every other country does.

Hitler started out with driving out the Jews, also.

The parallels between His Flatulence and Hitler are considerable.

You're way off base Loren! Were the Jews non citizens of Germany breaking the law attempting illegal border crossings into Hilter's fatherland? Or has Trump made any statements to the effect he would even prefer legal citizens of a different race (such as his own wife) to move out of the country? I think not. Thus far, Trump has only been following current laws that have been on the books for decades.

The only fair parallels I can see is a lot of false hysteria driven by statements like yours and the drive-by media. And there was a lot of this same kind of false hysteria during Germany as well.

Whether they are trying to get in or not doesn't change the pattern.

And His Flatulence has gone well beyond what the law allows. We have repeated court challenges to his misbehavior.
You take your gun to a gunsmith for repair. You have a background check when you pick it up. Plenty of other situations exist where you have a background check to take possession of a gun you already own. One check per gun when multiple guns are being transferred.

I believe almost all of the unfair background check issues could be solved by providing a firearms card that shows you have passed the background check, you can show that in lieu of the actual check. Locally, we used to use CCW licenses for this purpose, I don't know if that survived a stupid ballot measure in 2016. (Despite support for checks on private-party transfers being near 90% the measure barely got 50%--and then got thrown in the trash by the attorney general because compliance was impossible the way it was written.)

While you don't want to be inconvenienced, I am sure that most gun owners would put up with the hassle to try to keep guns out of criminals' hands. I was a gun owner and I wouldn't mind a reoccurring check to make sure that there is some effort to try to keep guns from criminals.

Goalposts! You're replying to a subthread about what constitutes an unreasonable background check.

Furthermore, the original claim was that the list did not in any way impose on the law abiding. You're saying it's not an excessive imposition. Whether it is worth it is a different thing than saying it has no cost.
You take your gun to a gunsmith for repair. You have a background check when you pick it up. Plenty of other situations exist where you have a background check to take possession of a gun you already own. One check per gun when multiple guns are being transferred.

I believe almost all of the unfair background check issues could be solved by providing a firearms card that shows you have passed the background check, you can show that in lieu of the actual check. Locally, we used to use CCW licenses for this purpose, I don't know if that survived a stupid ballot measure in 2016. (Despite support for checks on private-party transfers being near 90% the measure barely got 50%--and then got thrown in the trash by the attorney general because compliance was impossible the way it was written.)

While you don't want to be inconvenienced, I am sure that most gun owners would put up with the hassle to try to keep guns out of criminals' hands. I was a gun owner and I wouldn't mind a reoccurring check to make sure that there is some effort to try to keep guns from criminals.

Goalposts! You're replying to a subthread about what constitutes an unreasonable background check.

Furthermore, the original claim was that the list did not in any way impose on the law abiding. You're saying it's not an excessive imposition. Whether it is worth it is a different thing than saying it has no cost.
I have to renew my driver's license every couple of years, need to get the car inspected every two years... and it is just a car.
Congressman Claims Charging El Paso Domestic Terrorist With a Hate Crime Will Lead to Putting Preachers in Prison

U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) told two (really bad) local television news reporters he opposes charging the man suspected of slaughtering 22 people at an El Paso, Texas Walmart with a federal hate crime because that will lead to locking up preachers in prison.

(Fact check: false.)

Rep. Gohmert, who brought America the racist term “terror babies,” has occasionally been called the “stupidest” Congressman, and his Monday interview with KETK did nothing to dispel the rumor.

“There is no death penalty under federal law,” Rep. Gohmert said, as Mediaite reports. That, too, is not only false (here’s the DOJ’s page on the death penalty), the DOJ just a week ago announced it is executing five death row inmates starting in December. “All of this screaming and yelling, ‘we need to punish him for hate crimes,’ you know, that’s just going to be something used to lock up preachers someday.”

Apparently this goon has a double standard, one for religious hate preachers and one for secular hate preachers. Religious hate preachers are somehow okay I guess because they're religious.

Trump Cited As A Motivating Factor In 81 Murders And 6 Terrorist Plots

Donald Trump has been directly cited as a motivating factor for violence in at least 6 terrorist plots and 81 murders.

Lest anyone get too comfortable believing that words don’t matter and Donald Trump’s nativist rhetoric is merely a political “nothing burger,” it is worth noting that the President of the United States has been directly cited as motivation for violent acts in at least six terrorist plots and 81 murders.

Not all of these incidents were successful, but the intent to harm was real for each and every one.

It doesn't matter. Don the Con's supporters want the same thing. They like the violence.
We've already established that the El Paso shooter was a fan of Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Andrew Yang.



Why are you guys still mentioning Trump?
It doesn't matter. Don the Con's supporters want the same thing. They like the violence.

Nope. We do not. We want mass deportations the way Obama did it without being called bigoted, racist and xenophobic....like Obama wasn't called.
It doesn't matter. Don the Con's supporters want the same thing. They like the violence.

Nope. We do not. We want mass deportations the way Obama did it without being called bigoted, racist and xenophobic....like Obama wasn't called.

So you want "mass deportations" just like the citizens of another regime that had a fondness for red accessories...

I don't support Obama with his mass deportations. It was bigoted and xenophobic. You don't get a pass either, especially since while the left didn't call for that, you most certainly DO.
We've already established that the El Paso shooter was a fan of Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Andrew Yang.



Why are you guys still mentioning Trump?

Because Trump is doing it NOW, and NOW is the only time anyone can ever make a change. The past is over and gone, and I don't live in it like some do.
It doesn't matter. Don the Con's supporters want the same thing. They like the violence.

Nope. We do not.
True that. Every time Campaign-Trump suggested violence, against Hillary, against protesters, sgainst liberals, his supporters were uniformly ahhast at the possibility.
Not even half-hearted clapping.
We want mass deportations the way Obama did it without being called bigoted, racist and xenophobic....like Obama wasn't called.
Then you racists shouldn't deport people xenophobically, or bigotedly.
Goalposts! You're replying to a subthread about what constitutes an unreasonable background check.

Furthermore, the original claim was that the list did not in any way impose on the law abiding. You're saying it's not an excessive imposition. Whether it is worth it is a different thing than saying it has no cost.
I have to renew my driver's license every couple of years, need to get the car inspected every two years... and it is just a car.

Driver's license is about permission to operate a car in public, not to own a car.

Everyone is free to own as many cars as they want with no inspections. Only if you want to take them out in public is any sort of inspection needed and that only in some areas.
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