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Exposing Atheistic Myths

No, i really have not. You MIGHT want to go back and read my actual response, doofus. I did not evade. And 'Why does it matter to you?' was not my answer to your question. Um, yes. As far as it doesn't affect me IN ANY FUCKING WAY, she can be a hyena. Sure.
Now, YOU answer MY question. Why does it matter to you?
Simple, Keith!!!!! All you have to type in your next post is "yes" or "no."
I did.
NOW you have to answer my question, right?
Simple, Halfie, all you have to do is explain what in the name of fuck it matters to you.

Keith, if you truly believe that a woman is an actual hyena just because she says she is, then I believe you might want to run (not walk) to the nearest mental asylum and check yourself in. This is a severe loss of contact with reality, Keith. People dress in costumes on Halloween but if anyone actually believed they were a real monster, Michael Myers etc., they would have a severe mental problem.

If someone identifies as a great white shark and goes to live with them, how long do they survive swimming with them, Keith? This is pure delusion Keith. Seek help immediately.
You are confusing not giving a shit if someone wants to clam to be a hyena or great white shark and believing that they are what they claim. The question is why does someone claiming to be a hyena knot your panties to this extent? And then why do your panties knot so when those who don't give a shit don't have knotted panties over what knots your panties... seems like control freak mentality to me.
Keith, if you truly believe that a woman is an actual hyena just because she says she is, then I believe you might want to run (not walk) to the nearest mental asylum and check yourself in. This is a severe loss of contact with reality, Keith. People dress in costumes on Halloween but if anyone actually believed they were a real monster, Michael Myers etc., they would have a severe mental problem.

If someone identifies as a great white shark and goes to live with them, how long do they survive swimming with them, Keith? This is pure delusion Keith. Seek help immediately.
You are confusing not giving a shit if someone wants to clam to be a hyena or great white shark and believing that they are what they claim. The question is why does someone claiming to be a hyena knot your panties to this extent? And then why do your panties knot so when those who don't give a shit don't have knotted panties over what knots your panties... seems like control freak mentality to me.

No. It's simply the difference between an actual belief and a belief claim.

I can make lots of claims. I can claim I have enough money to pay one-million dollars for an ice cream cone, that I have enough money to have anything I could ever want or need or know. Big deal, right? It's just a claim. It's only a verifiable, quantifiable, bona fide belief if I live it and practice it.

Claiming that I have a god which is infinitely, exponentially more than all the resources in the universe is just comforting fantasy, otherwise known as bullshit. That's my take anyway.
No, i really have not. You MIGHT want to go back and read my actual response, doofus. I did not evade. And 'Why does it matter to you?' was not my answer to your question. Um, yes. As far as it doesn't affect me IN ANY FUCKING WAY, she can be a hyena. Sure.
Now, YOU answer MY question. Why does it matter to you?
Simple, Keith!!!!! All you have to type in your next post is "yes" or "no."
I did.
NOW you have to answer my question, right?
Simple, Halfie, all you have to do is explain what in the name of fuck it matters to you.

Keith, if you truly believe that a woman is an actual hyena just because she says she is, then I believe you might want to run (not walk) to the nearest mental asylum
BLAAAAT! Wrong. You did NOT fucking ask what i truly believe. You stated what you think 'we' would say. Now you move the goalpost. I call foul, bitch.
Dhe wants to call herself a hyena, no skin off my nose.
and check yourself in. This is a severe loss of contact with reality, Keith.
check it yourself, then. Look to see what you stated, and my response, then your shift away from reality.
People dress in costumes on Halloween but if anyone actually believed they were a real monster, Michael Myers etc., they would have a severe mental problem.
your use of pronouns is becoming incoherent. Who do you mean by the they in each case?
If someone identifies as a great white shark and goes to live with them, how long do they survive swimming with them, Keith? This is pure delusion Keith. Seek help immediately.
Fuck off.

And still, i answered your question.
So, now you must answer mine, or it is an evasion.

What the fuck difference does it make to you if a man calls himself a woman?
Trump is not a perfect man, but we can forgive the man for his faults. Big part of Christianity is the forgiveness.
That would be part of walking the talk, wouldn't it? How 'forgiving' have y'all been about gays? Transexuals? Democrats?
Pick any post you use 'Leftists' or 'the Left' and show us how forgiving you have ever been...

You only forgive when you think it's something that's in your best interest. That's not forgiving. That's enabling.

We forgive gays, transexuals, and Democrats, Keith.
doesn't looklike it.
You go on and on about how stupid they are.
How about someone who lies about being the victim of a racist attack? Can you show me the post where you forgive someone like thst?
The problem is that gays live in perpetual sin, just like transexuals and Democrats.
so, why is this your pronlem?
Some gay people have become straight.
no, they have not.
This is ascam
This is forgiveness. They made an effort.

Motherfuck, them changing how they live their life to something you approve of is not an example of foregiveness. Your approval != foregive.
That's the opposite of foregive.

Someone who is divorced is also in perpetual sin because they are literally divorced every day of their lives. The sin keeps on going.
so, not an example of foregiving.
I thought i asked for an example of you walking your talk....
Big difference between sinning and perpetual sinning where you make no effort to stop.
big difference for them, if the whole 'sin' thing is real.

Why do you care?
What does it cost you to tyolerate a divorced person being divorced?
Keith, if you truly believe that a woman is an actual hyena just because she says she is, then I believe you might want to run (not walk) to the nearest mental asylum
BLAAAAT! Wrong. You did NOT fucking ask what i truly believe. You stated what you think 'we' would say. Now you move the goalpost. I call foul, bitch.
Dhe wants to call herself a hyena, no skin off my nose.
and check yourself in. This is a severe loss of contact with reality, Keith.
check it yourself, then. Look to see what you stated, and my response, then your shift away from reality.
People dress in costumes on Halloween but if anyone actually believed they were a real monster, Michael Myers etc., they would have a severe mental problem.
your use of pronouns is becoming incoherent. Who do you mean by the they in each case?
If someone identifies as a great white shark and goes to live with them, how long do they survive swimming with them, Keith? This is pure delusion Keith. Seek help immediately.
Fuck off.

And still, i answered your question.
So, now you must answer mine, or it is an evasion.

What the fuck difference does it make to you if a man calls himself a woman?


Why do we have mental asylums if we go by your logic? Suppose a schizophrenic is running around saying they see walruses everywhere. By your logic everyone should say, "Doesn't matter to me. No skin off my nose. Why do you want this person to seek help?" You just rendered all psychiatric hospitals moot!!!! All those doctors getting their panties in a knot over someone who doesn't affect their life!

Try again!
No. It's simply the difference between an actual belief and a belief claim.

I can make lots of claims. I can claim I have enough money to pay one-million dollars for an ice cream cone, that I have enough money to have anything I could ever want or need or know. Big deal, right? It's just a claim. It's only a verifiable, quantifiable, bona fide belief if I live it and practice it.

Claiming that I have a god which is infinitely, exponentially more than all the resources in the universe is just comforting fantasy, otherwise known as bullshit. That's my take anyway.

Then it's your turn.

Suppose you worked for a newspaper. A woman in a hospital said she was a hyena. Do you print story, "Breaking news! Hyena gives birth to baby hyena in hospital!" Why or why not?
We forgive gays, transexuals, and Democrats, Keith.
You invent this "sin" something in your mind (or rather your programmers do then implant it in your mind). Then imagine it somehow sticks to people who aren't compliant with the group of "we". Then you forgive them the invented "sin" - if they'll comply.

The problem is that gays live in perpetual sin just like transexuals and Democrats.
Translation: "These willfully non-compliant people are especially bad."

Some gay people have become straight. This is forgiveness. They made an effort.
If some gay people make an effort to become straight, it's from being manipulated by religious oppression. They live in bad faith by complying with group pressure, as you do.

You use the word "forgiveness" to mean "compliance" because you're a submissive robot and want everyone else to be also.

Someone who is divorced is also in perpetual sin because they are literally divorced every day of their lives. The sin keeps on going.
They just go on not complying with your group's rules.

Big difference between sinning and perpetual sinning where you make no effort to stop.

"Big difference between non-compliance and wilful non-compliance where you make no effort to obey my group's rules."
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BLAAAAT! Wrong. You did NOT fucking ask what i truly believe. You stated what you think 'we' would say. Now you move the goalpost. I call foul, bitch.
Dhe wants to call herself a hyena, no skin off my nose. check it yourself, then. Look to see what you stated, and my response, then your shift away from reality.
People dress in costumes on Halloween but if anyone actually believed they were a real monster, Michael Myers etc., they would have a severe mental problem.
your use of pronouns is becoming incoherent. Who do you mean by the they in each case?
If someone identifies as a great white shark and goes to live with them, how long do they survive swimming with them, Keith? This is pure delusion Keith. Seek help immediately.
Fuck off.

And still, i answered your question.
So, now you must answer mine, or it is an evasion.

What the fuck difference does it make to you if a man calls himself a woman?


Why do we have mental asylums if we go by your logic?
You have yet to show that you even grasp my logic.
Suppose a schizophrenic is running around saying they see walruses everywhere. By your logic everyone should say, "Doesn't matter to me. No skin off my nose. Why do you want this person to seek help?"
someone actually seeing walruses, hallucinating, could be a danger to others.
That's a far cry from a man who identifies as a woman.
How, i ask YET AGAIN are YOU affected by a transexual?

Please answer rather than pose another more absurdist analogy.
You just rendered all psychiatric hospitals moot!!!!
nope. Not if you actually read for comprehension.
All those doctors getting their panties in a knot over someone who doesn't affect their life!

Try again!
you shifted from 'self-identify as' to a more problematic delusion.
Did you see where you did that?

Now, answer the actual question, if you have the balls.(or ovaries. Not judging.)
BLAAAAT! Wrong. You did NOT fucking ask what i truly believe. You stated what you think 'we' would say. Now you move the goalpost. I call foul, bitch.
Dhe wants to call herself a hyena, no skin off my nose. check it yourself, then. Look to see what you stated, and my response, then your shift away from reality.
People dress in costumes on Halloween but if anyone actually believed they were a real monster, Michael Myers etc., they would have a severe mental problem.
your use of pronouns is becoming incoherent. Who do you mean by the they in each case?
If someone identifies as a great white shark and goes to live with them, how long do they survive swimming with them, Keith? This is pure delusion Keith. Seek help immediately.
Fuck off.

And still, i answered your question.
So, now you must answer mine, or it is an evasion.

What the fuck difference does it make to you if a man calls himself a woman?


Why do we have mental asylums if we go by your logic? Suppose a schizophrenic is running around saying they see walruses everywhere. By your logic everyone should say, "Doesn't matter to me. No skin off my nose. Why do you want this person to seek help?" You just rendered all psychiatric hospitals moot!!!! All those doctors getting their panties in a knot over someone who doesn't affect their life!

Try again!

Who here has tried to get you to seek help? Do we not allow you in your diseased that to run around "seeing" all kinds of nonsense? And it is no skin off my nose, I just checked.
BLAAAAT! Wrong. You did NOT fucking ask what i truly believe. You stated what you think 'we' would say. Now you move the goalpost. I call foul, bitch.
Dhe wants to call herself a hyena, no skin off my nose. check it yourself, then. Look to see what you stated, and my response, then your shift away from reality.your use of pronouns is becoming incoherent. Who do you mean by the they in each case?
If someone identifies as a great white shark and goes to live with them, how long do they survive swimming with them, Keith? This is pure delusion Keith. Seek help immediately.
Fuck off.

And still, i answered your question.
So, now you must answer mine, or it is an evasion.

What the fuck difference does it make to you if a man calls himself a woman?


Why do we have mental asylums if we go by your logic? Suppose a schizophrenic is running around saying they see walruses everywhere. By your logic everyone should say, "Doesn't matter to me. No skin off my nose. Why do you want this person to seek help?" You just rendered all psychiatric hospitals moot!!!! All those doctors getting their panties in a knot over someone who doesn't affect their life!

Try again!

Who here has tried to get you to seek help? Do we not allow you in your diseased that to run around "seeing" all kinds of nonsense? And it is no skin off my nose, I just checked.

Yeah, i thought you had a cut, but it was just lighting. You're good.

Halfie, though, keeps sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and getting skinned...
No. It's simply the difference between an actual belief and a belief claim.

I can make lots of claims. I can claim I have enough money to pay one-million dollars for an ice cream cone, that I have enough money to have anything I could ever want or need or know. Big deal, right? It's just a claim. It's only a verifiable, quantifiable, bona fide belief if I live it and practice it.

Claiming that I have a god which is infinitely, exponentially more than all the resources in the universe is just comforting fantasy, otherwise known as bullshit. That's my take anyway.

Then it's your turn.

Suppose you worked for a newspaper. A woman in a hospital said she was a hyena. Do you print story, "Breaking news! Hyena gives birth to baby hyena in hospital!" Why or why not?

I wouldn't accept a position with Breitbart, Stormfront, The Blaze, Infowars or the Enquirer.
BLAAAAT! Wrong. You did NOT fucking ask what i truly believe. You stated what you think 'we' would say. Now you move the goalpost. I call foul, bitch.
Dhe wants to call herself a hyena, no skin off my nose. check it yourself, then. Look to see what you stated, and my response, then your shift away from reality.your use of pronouns is becoming incoherent. Who do you mean by the they in each case? Fuck off.

And still, i answered your question.
So, now you must answer mine, or it is an evasion.

What the fuck difference does it make to you if a man calls himself a woman?


Why do we have mental asylums if we go by your logic? Suppose a schizophrenic is running around saying they see walruses everywhere. By your logic everyone should say, "Doesn't matter to me. No skin off my nose. Why do you want this person to seek help?" You just rendered all psychiatric hospitals moot!!!! All those doctors getting their panties in a knot over someone who doesn't affect their life!

Try again!

Who here has tried to get you to seek help? Do we not allow you in your diseased that to run around "seeing" all kinds of nonsense? And it is no skin off my nose, I just checked.

Yeah, i thought you had a cut, but it was just lighting. You're good.

Halfie, though, keeps sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and getting skinned...

Correction marks.
I wouldn't accept a position with Breitbart, Stormfront, The Blaze, Infowars or the Enquirer.

OK, it's a newspaper of your choice. Go! What's your answer?

No more dodging.
Maybe you should answer questions asked of YOU before accusing others of dodging, huh?

I am asking a question that requires a simple yes or no answer. YOU guys are the ones running around in circles refusing to answer it and you just make fun of me instead.
I wouldn't accept a position with Breitbart, Stormfront, The Blaze, Infowars or the Enquirer.

OK, it's a newspaper of your choice. Go! What's your answer?

No more dodging.

I just checked with the editor, she told me to gtf offa that and go report on endemic corruption and the partisnshitheads on "both" sides who prop it up.
Maybe you should answer questions asked of YOU before accusing others of dodging, huh?

I am asking a question that requires a simple yes or no answer. YOU guys are the ones running around in circles refusing to answer it and you just make fun of me instead.

Sorry, you're funny in a short bus kinda way. Hyenawoman can call herself what she wants, don't care. Just like we let you pretend your not a racist pig.
Sorry, you're funny in a short bus kinda way. Hyenawoman can call herself what she wants, don't care. Just like we let you pretend your not a racist pig.

Once again, saying "she can call herself whatever she wants" is not the same as you actually agreeing with her that she's a hyena!

Do you agree she is a real hyena or not? Sheesh, this is like the 500th time I'm asking and all you have to do is type yes or no.
Sorry, you're funny in a short bus kinda way. Hyenawoman can call herself what she wants, don't care. Just like we let you pretend your not a racist pig.

Once again, saying "she can call herself whatever she wants" is not the same as you actually agreeing with her that she's a hyena!

Do you agree she is a real hyena or not? Sheesh, this is like the 500th time I'm asking and all you have to do is type yes or no.

Am I not to leave this to your omnipotent and loving god? Are not all things in his hands, .... in his hands? Can your god not handle this without your intrepid self-righteous assistance? Why, I don't even care wtf you call yourself.
Sorry, you're funny in a short bus kinda way. Hyenawoman can call herself what she wants, don't care. Just like we let you pretend your not a racist pig.

Once again, saying "she can call herself whatever she wants" is not the same as you actually agreeing with her that she's a hyena!

Do you agree she is a real hyena or not? Sheesh, this is like the 500th time I'm asking and all you have to do is type yes or no.

Am I not to leave this to your omnipotent and loving god? Are not all things in his hands, .... in his hands? Can your god not handle this without your intrepid self-righteous assistance? Why, I don't even care wtf you call yourself.

OK, judging by your inability to type yes or no and instead opting for longer sentences, I will assume you would not write the story because you don't believe the woman is a hyena. So, transgenderism has been invalidated.

Fair enough. Disagree if you wish, but I doubt you will.
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