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Warren on Gay Marriage

Don't forget that essay Sanders wrote in the 70's saying that all men have rape fantasies. He's truly a sick man.

You want a sick individual like that for President? Progressives swept it under the rug as "Bernie being young!" but he was 30 when he wrote it, not 17.
Halfie, you support an admitted sexual assaulter, so gtfo.
Don't forget that essay Sanders wrote in the 70's saying that all men have rape fantasies. He's truly a sick man.

You want a sick individual like that for President? Progressives swept it under the rug as "Bernie being young!" but he was 30 when he wrote it, not 17.

Having rape fantasies doesn't make someone sick.

I mean SHIT, I have rape fantasies. It's only sick if the instantiation of those fantasies doesn't involve a safeword.

Because fantasies are not realities.

And as Blastula pointed out, your chosen candidate has rape REALITIES. Involving little girls. GTFO with your bad faith garbage. Want to decry someone for rape? Decry the one who ACTUALLY rapes CHILDREN, not the one who pretend-rapes consenting adults.
Don't forget that essay Sanders wrote in the 70's saying that all men have rape fantasies. He's truly a sick man.

You want a sick individual like that for President? Progressives swept it under the rug as "Bernie being young!" but he was 30 when he wrote it, not 17.

You have to drag something up from the 1970s to find something bad Bernie said (that as Jarhyn noted isn't even necessarily bad). I have to drag something up from one day ago to find something bad Trump said. Do you notice a difference?
Halfie, you support an admitted sexual assaulter, so gtfo.

When did Trump ever admit that he sexually assaulted a woman?

"You just grab em by the pussy."

Not to mention when he walked into a child beauty pageant dressing room.

Or was a close friend to Epstein.
Don't forget that essay Sanders wrote in the 70's saying that all men have rape fantasies. He's truly a sick man.

You want a sick individual like that for President? Progressives swept it under the rug as "Bernie being young!" but he was 30 when he wrote it, not 17.

Having rape fantasies doesn't make someone sick.

I mean SHIT, I have rape fantasies. It's only sick if the instantiation of those fantasies doesn't involve a safeword.

Because fantasies are not realities

You have rape fantasies? This is very disturbing. Please get help immediately.

If someone said, "I have fantasies about killing all Christians," you're damn right I would be scared.
Don't forget that essay Sanders wrote in the 70's saying that all men have rape fantasies. He's truly a sick man.

You want a sick individual like that for President? Progressives swept it under the rug as "Bernie being young!" but he was 30 when he wrote it, not 17.

Having rape fantasies doesn't make someone sick.

I mean SHIT, I have rape fantasies. It's only sick if the instantiation of those fantasies doesn't involve a safeword.

Because fantasies are not realities

You have rape fantasies? This is very disturbing. Please get help immediately.

If someone said, "I have fantasies about killing all Christians," you're damn right I would be scared.

As I said, it's only sick if the instantiation doesn't have a safe word. You must have a really boring sex life. No, I take that back, you must not have any kind of sex life.

And for the record, in my fantasies, I'm the one getting raped. That said, if someone doesnt respect my safeword, I would literally kill them.
Don't forget that essay Sanders wrote in the 70's saying that all men have rape fantasies. He's truly a sick man.

You want a sick individual like that for President? Progressives swept it under the rug as "Bernie being young!" but he was 30 when he wrote it, not 17.

Having rape fantasies doesn't make someone sick.

I mean SHIT, I have rape fantasies. It's only sick if the instantiation of those fantasies doesn't involve a safeword.

Because fantasies are not realities

You have rape fantasies? This is very disturbing. Please get help immediately.
Having the fantasty is not illegal, Halfie.
Acting on it without the partner's consent, that would be illegal.
But the fantasy is not that alarming.
This is how fiction is created.
If someone said, "I have fantasies about killing all Christians," you're damn right I would be scared.
but where would the Left Behind series be without Christain fantasies of anti-christain death gangs?
You have rape fantasies? This is very disturbing. Please get help immediately.
Having the fantasty is not illegal, Halfie.
Acting on it without the partner's consent, that would be illegal.
But the fantasy is not that alarming.
This is how fiction is created.
If someone said, "I have fantasies about killing all Christians," you're damn right I would be scared.
but where would the Left Behind series be without Christain fantasies of anti-christain death gangs?

IKR? I read those books, every one but the last. The whole thing reads like a persecution based BDSM fantasy.
You have rape fantasies? This is very disturbing. Please get help immediately.
Having the fantasty is not illegal, Halfie.
Acting on it without the partner's consent, that would be illegal.
But the fantasy is not that alarming.
This is how fiction is created.
If someone said, "I have fantasies about killing all Christians," you're damn right I would be scared.
but where would the Left Behind series be without Christain fantasies of anti-christain death gangs?

You don't understand what a rape fantasy is. It is fantasizing about raping someone against their will. If someone agrees to be raped, it is not rape by definition. It is consensual sex.
Having the fantasty is not illegal, Halfie.
Acting on it without the partner's consent, that would be illegal.
But the fantasy is not that alarming.
This is how fiction is created.but where would the Left Behind series be without Christain fantasies of anti-christain death gangs?

You don't understand what a rape fantasy is. It is fantasizing about raping someone against their will. If someone agrees to be raped, it is not rape by definition. It is consensual sex.

You really apparently don't understand BDSM/safeword/headspace sex play. Or what Bernie was talking about. All of us here except you seem to understand the difference between fantasy and reality, being able to have a pornographic fiction, a suspension of reality, vs a criminal reality.

YOU don't understand what a fantasy is, or to have a healthy fantasy life.

Of course, what I have is consensual sex. It just happens to be consensual sex that sometimes simulates rape.
Half Life said:
You don't understand what a rape fantasy is. It is fantasizing about raping someone against their will. If someone agrees to be raped, it is not rape by definition. It is consensual sex.

I enjoy playing the Grand Theft Auto games. Do you read that and think I may want to steal your car and run over your grandma?
Half Life said:
You don't understand what a rape fantasy is. It is fantasizing about raping someone against their will. If someone agrees to be raped, it is not rape by definition. It is consensual sex.

I enjoy playing the Grand Theft Auto games. Do you read that and think I may want to steal your car and run over your grandma?

Or hire a (gay, maybe?) Prostitute, fuck them, run them over repeatedly, and steal.all the money back from them before stealing a purple double-ended dildo from the police station and beati g a cop to death with it to steal their gun and car to go on a spree of running over other criminals, breaking into an airport, stealing a plane, and crashing it into a building.
Half Life said:
You don't understand what a rape fantasy is. It is fantasizing about raping someone against their will. If someone agrees to be raped, it is not rape by definition. It is consensual sex.

I enjoy playing the Grand Theft Auto games. Do you read that and think I may want to steal your car and run over your grandma?

Or hire a (gay, maybe?) Prostitute, fuck them, run them over repeatedly, and steal.all the money back from them before stealing a purple double-ended dildo from the police station and beati g a cop to death with it to steal their gun and car to go on a spree of running over other criminals, breaking into an airport, stealing a plane, and crashing it into a building.

The people who do that stuff would most likely love doing that in a world with no laws. I know people who played that game and stopped at the traffic lights every time. It all depends on what mindset you have.
No. Not in the least. YOU might; I assume you WOULD if you didn't fear your imaginary friend torturing you.

Me, on the other hand, if you pay attention to what I argue here and elsewhere, I argue that laws are an attempt to model a hidden but real relationship between actions, consent, and the well-being of people in society and thus whole our laws may be wrong, they are very much an attempt to get as close as we can currently get on a collective level to doing something that is right.

In a situation of a world with no laws, I would get together with like-minded people, form a social collective, and attempt to institute and enforce laws that are as close as possible to modeling my understanding of natural ethics.
You don't understand what a rape fantasy is. It is fantasizing about raping someone against their will. If someone agrees to be raped, it is not rape by definition. It is consensual sex.
No, pretty sure i know what rape is, what a rape fantasy is, whst 'acting out' a rape fantasy is. I have gotten good feedback on a number of short stories that have included rape scenes.
Thing is, as long as it's not real, nor likely to become real, it's not illegal. So, the fantasies, the fictions, the sex play with a consenting partner, that's distinct from rape, the felony.

And it's also pretty stupid how people insist that if you think or write about something sexual, you must want to do that. No one thinks every shootout in a cop show means the writer wants to rob a gas station and die in hot pursuit....

In reality, i always take no for an answer. Even on a night already designated for sex. Even if she starts it. Because i have control ovrr my actions.
I don't have that sort of control over what i find attractive. Just how we're wired.
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