• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

"Always" to ax female symbol from sanitary products packages in nod to trans users....GOD HELP US!

No, you're the one confusing 'rare' and 'common' with 'normal' and 'defective.'
But, that seems like a conservative. If it'snot mainstream, it's wrong.

You seem to have defined defect and deformity out of existence.

I don't think i did. But i don't try to say that real educated scientists would use frequency to define a defect. That's a little simplistic. And wrong.
Don't you guys realize that all these new positions are part of the Marxist doctrine?
can you come up with a reference for thus, or are you just throwing 'Marxism' out as one of your scare words?

My money is on a scare word. Argument failed, go for an emotional reflex. "COMMUNISM! Boogeymen! Blah!"
Having both sets of genitals is a deformity. It’s a false equivalence to compare that to red hair. If the left keeps maintaining these intellectually dishonest stances, they will lose the culture war.

People with your attitude and belief system lost an actual war in 1945. You'll lose this one as well.

Have you heard of the Frankfurt school? It's full of Marxist thought with a plot to destroy Western Civilization:

The creation of racism offences
Continual change to create confusion
The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority
Huge immigration to destroy identity
The promotion of excessive drinking
Emptying of churches
An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
Dependency on the state or state benefits
Control and dumbing down of media
Encouraging the breakdown of the family

Look at how all these are being done today, so you can't say there's no evidence behind it. This is happening NOW, folks.
Don't you guys realize that all these new positions are part of the Marxist doctrine?
can you come up with a reference for thus, or are you just throwing 'Marxism' out as one of your scare words?

My money is on a scare word. Argument failed, go for an emotional reflex. "COMMUNISM! Boogeymen! Blah!"

Imagine unironically believing that there was no red scare in the 80's.
Don't you guys realize that all these new positions are part of the Marxist doctrine?
can you come up with a reference for thus, or are you just throwing 'Marxism' out as one of your scare words?

My money is on a scare word. Argument failed, go for an emotional reflex. "COMMUNISM! Boogeymen! Blah!"

Imagine unironically believing that there was no red scare in the 80's.

Yep. No links. Just babbling about how scary your scary monsters are.
Blue eyes do not cause a genetic disorder though. Once we get better at gene editing, we would be able to stop intersex and transgender people from happening. We can fix it.

You'd be for that, right? Hopefully you won't be against it just so you have a class of victims to prop up.

Well, let's assume there is a simple and singular genetic cause (not all heredity conditions are purely genetic, and even those that are can be a complex interaction of multiple genes)...

There is a hesitancy to do such a thing for a few reasons:

i) There is general discomfort with eugenics. In some cases there are genetic disorders which lead to immense suffering and often premature fatality where no one would shed a tear if they simply disappeared from the gene pool. In other cases, it's harder to say where lines should be drawn and what statement that makes. It's also hard to know what ramifications there would be. For instance, the skin colour we generally refer to as 'white' has a much higher predisposition to skin cancer. Why wouldn't we want to reduce this risk by selecting for darker skin? If we did, what further complications might arise? How far would we go to optimize newborns and how might this affect the genetic diversity of the species? I understand that is a slippery slope fallacy, but I do think it contributes to a feeling of general uneasiness regarding this form of eugenics.

ii) It has a vaguely genocidal feel to it. In the hypothetical case where we removed whiteness from the gene pool, it would likely be classified as a genocide of sorts. Transgender identities? Perhaps not, but it feels similar. I have an odd perspective on it. If you asked me if, given the chance, I would redo my life as a cisgender person, I'd say no. Despite the pain and sacrifice it has caused, it feels too much like erasure of who I am. Yet if I were to have a child and a doctor could guarantee they would be cisgender, I'd consider it. It's not that I would feel a transgender child would be inferior or any less worthy than any other; it's just hard to know that that child would have to make sacrifices and endure hardships which could otherwise be avoided. It becomes a complicated question about what it would mean to remove part of the diversity in the human population, and whether it would be better to do so, or if it would be better to learn to better recognize and embrace it.

iii) Resource allocation. Despite the level of theoretical knowledge and practical ability we have in medicine, it's not like we're at a point where we can run endless tests and treatments on all pregnancies. Of all the potential causes for concern, how high would transgender identities rank?

Personally, I don't really care if someone refers to the underlying cause of my atypical gender identity as a 'defect' or as divergent, aberrant, deviant etc. The problem is, people seem to quickly lose the context in which these terms are used. Medically and statistically, I am an outlier and it results in some measure distress and discomfort. But the idea that I have a 'disorder' of sorts gets taken too far. People try to use it to treat me as generally inferior when I am certainly not. It's been used to disqualify me from vocations and positions for no valid reason. It's used to treat me as if I am morally inferior, which is utter fucking nonsense. It's used to treat me as if I have cognitive, psychological or physical defects I don't have. It is just generally stigmatized.

Terms like 'defect' in reference to a genetic trait, perhaps, become imprecise because they take on a shit load of cultural baggage. Terms like 'disorder' with regard to gender identity similarly suffer and end up replaced with 'dysphoria' which is more specific to where the disorder lies. And so it goes, slowly and painfully as we realize our language has an awful lot of baggage based on antiquated world views and prejudices.

Did you just say that if you could not be transgender, you wouldn't want that??

You prefer to live with mental illness?

I can't imagine anyone saying, "I'd prefer to live with Down syndrome. I don't want to eradicate it."
Imagine unironically believing that there was no red scare in the 80's.

Yep. No links. Just babbling about how scary your scary monsters are.

Ah, so the Cold War was just a fantasy war. Everything was perfectly fine between the U.S. and Russia! Peaches and cream!

I spent the cold war underwater, with nuclear weapons. It was real enough. But none, absolutely none of our security briefings were about discoveries from right-wing radio talk show hosts blaming everything upon the evil 'Marxists,' certainly nothing about the enemy coming to teach homosexuality acceptance in the schools. You take wsy too much of thrir bullshit as gospel.
Imagine unironically believing that there was no red scare in the 80's.

Yep. No links. Just babbling about how scary your scary monsters are.

You mean like the left does?

Nazi's are everywhere today!

Trump Russia collusion!

Scary monsters, indeed. :rotfl:
yes, keep laughing.
History will judge you and your ilk as accomplices in his treason.

But i remember nixon. In ten years everyone will be back to where they were in 2015, calling him a fake and a sleazeball.
Did you just say that if you could not be transgender, you wouldn't want that??

No, I said I wouldn't redo my life as a cisgender person given the magical opportunity to do so.

You prefer to live with mental illness?

Most of my dysphoria is resolved. I've gained other benefits having gone through it, chiefly in the form of perspective.

I can't imagine anyone saying, "I'd prefer to live with Down syndrome. I don't want to eradicate it."

That is a total non-sequitur. I am aware you likely don't think so, but it is. It also leaves me with the distinct impression you didn't really read what I wrote.
You mean like the left does?

Nazi's are everywhere today!

Trump Russia collusion!

Scary monsters, indeed. :rotfl:
yes, keep laughing.
History will judge you and your ilk as accomplices in his treason.

But i remember nixon. In ten years everyone will be back to where they were in 2015, calling him a fake and a sleazeball.

The only thing I see people judging him for are for not paying back bank loans. Yes, the left, the side who claims to despise the banks and their practices, are now mad that trump screwed the banks. The same leftists who have unpaid credit card debt which they say, "Who cares? The banks don't need my money!" are mad Trump didn't pay back the precious banks.

Seriously, you can't make this stuff up Keith.
Half-Life said:
You prefer to live with mental illness?
What an odd question given that you clearly do.

I'm the person with mental illness?

I'm not the one suggesting we redefine our schools' curriculums and change our language just to accommodate 1% of the population.

Teaching children about transgender and intersex people is only going to confuse them even more so than they already are.

THAT is the mental illness. The religion of secularism is being forced upon us, despite atheists claiming no religion should have any dominance in schools. :shrug:
You mean like the left does?

Nazi's are everywhere today!

Trump Russia collusion!

Scary monsters, indeed. :rotfl:
yes, keep laughing.
History will judge you and your ilk as accomplices in his treason.

But i remember nixon. In ten years everyone will be back to where they were in 2015, calling him a fake and a sleazeball.

The only thing I see people judging him for are for not paying back bank loans.
missed the lawsuits on Trump University and Trump Foundation, i see.
Yes, the left, the side who claims to despise the banks and their practices, are now mad that trump screwed the banks. The same leftists who have unpaid credit card debt which they say, "Who cares? The banks don't need my money!" are mad Trump didn't pay back the precious banks.
not sure whose talking point you're hiding behind.
Fid you hear they found Stone guilty of lying, to protect Trump?

Seriously, you can't make this stuff up Keith.
Sure you can, the Right has been tryingbto make made-up-shit stick to Hillary for 25 years. But she, at oeast, shows up when subpoenaed...
I'm the person with mental illness?

I'm not sure you know what mental illness is.

I'm not the one suggesting we redefine our schools' curriculums and change our language just to accommodate 1% of the population.

Where have I suggested such a thing?

Teaching children about transgender and intersex people is only going to confuse them even more so than they already are.

Nonsense. They aren't idiots, mostly.

THAT is the mental illness.

That isn't what mental illness is. Not even equivocally. That is just a selective characterization for the sake of being diminutive and revealing, as I suggested earlier, you likely don't know what mental illness is.

The religion of secularism

Online dictionaries are fee and decent enough, you know.

...is being forced upon us, despite atheists claiming no religion should have any dominance in schools.

Educational institutions are tasked with educating children with information which is current and relevant. For those determined to steadfastly remain in antiquated views, it may seem like an imposition, but this isn't the dominance of atheism or the influence of a religious mindset.
Half-Life said:
You prefer to live with mental illness?
What an odd question given that you clearly do.

I'm the person with mental illness?
You quote Fox news as if it is a reliable source. You claim President Trump is the cleanest President in history. You want a white ethnostate. You claim there was no quid pro quo. You continually make unverifiable ridiculous claims about 'leftists". It is rare that your response to a post is relevant. I'd say there is plenty of evidence suggesting you are with seriously delusional or trolling.
Educational institutions are tasked with educating children with information which is current and relevant. For those determined to steadfastly remain in antiquated views, it may seem like an imposition, but this isn't the dominance of atheism or the influence of a religious mindset.

Yes, secularism views "untraditional" marriage and sexual relationships as normal. Christians view "traditional" marriage and relationships as normal.

Why does one get special treatment in schools and the other does not? If you wanted to remai neutral, you wouldn't teach them about ANY type of sex or marriage, right?

This is a sneaky way to indoctrinate children with secularism.

Child in school: My parents say homosexuals are wrong.
Teacher: Well, I say homosexuals are right.
Child in school: Why can your opinion be taught but not my parents?
Teacher: .......
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