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Won't Someone Think of the Cows?!

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
The President had the udders to bring up the most diabolical part of Biden's green new deal, and that involves cows.

While numbers vary, North America at any time has no fewer than 10 cows. That statistic might not look frightening, but that is because it is a staggeringly poor statistic and means absolutely nothing. Regardless, cows have been part of the American lexicon ever since they began speaking English, the Americans not the cows. Cows can't talk. Biden won't let them! Even FDR planned to ensure that during the Great Depression when America just got real down on itself, that every house had a chicken in every pot and two farting cows in every garage.

And this brings us to today, well yesterday... yesterday evening, when President Trump exposed the diabolical plan of Biden's New Green Deal. The elimination of cows. *dramatic music*

President Trump... really said:
… where they want to take out the cows too.
There are roughly 90 million cows in America, and there are 130 million jobs in America (...well, were). That means for every cow, there are1.5 jobs provided for Americans. No, you can't argue against statistics. So clearly, the elimination of cows means the elimination of the American dream!

And why? Why does Biden want to wrest the cows from the bosoms' of Americans? The lie of climate change. The vast majority of qualified people to speak on climate science concur that methane is a "greenhouse gas" which allegedly makes the planet warmer. But they don't have what we have... a gut feeling. You can try and replace a gut feeling with scientific observations, study, review, and consensus, but you would only be making a fool of yourself. According to math 1 of every 10 to 20 ppm of methane released into the atmosphere by the United States comes from the anus of a cow (one way or the udder). Monsanto is currently working on breeding a non-methane cow, however, we are decades away from that. But that is all fake, so we don't need a replacement communist methane free cow.

So we must protect ourselves from these Bovine thieves that are stalking our treasured dairy and beef stocks. What can you do, you ask? You are only one person? Well, all it takes to walk a journey is a single step. There are many avenues of actions. Public awareness, make people away of how much cows mean to you. Protect the cows directly by chaining yourself to a cow. It can't be eliminated if you are chained to it. And you can always check the Internet for other means and methods, all that information is certain to check out.

So don't be fooled by the fake media which is concentrating on a night of Donald Trump high of Adderall, incapable of using an adjective anywhere in between disaster and incredible. Remember our bovine heroes and take a stand and help ensure that Biden doesn't steal America's cows.
To be fair. I was thinking about the cows.

...as I was grilling last night. ;)

I hope you were not cooking that steak ala Trump. Burnt til it was crispy and slathered with ketchup.
While I have proposed the idea of grinding the hopefully soon to be former President into sausage, that gives me an entirely different idea for Trump Steaks. Just listen to all of that gristle cook!

Where's the meat daddy?
Honey, people are saying this is the meatiest steak we'll ever see. It is unbelievable!
Maybe for the next debate, Joe Biden could wear a "They want to take out the cows!" T-shirt.
I can just see BREAKING NEWS ON FOX NEWS, and show a picture of Ocasio-Cortez walking in an airport terminal with a cow in tow.

Hannity: HAW! HAW!!! We told you! Fucking hypocritical left! She says you can't have beef but she has her own cow!
So much BS about Trump, I forgot about the cow line at the debate. As a reminder... he actually said that.
Rancher neighbor's family has been running cows on their several thousand acres while the area grows up around them. The cows sometimes get out, and like to come to our place. I wouldn't mind but it gets my cutting horse all excited. A few days ago I had to drive a dozen or so of them out the gate which I had left open. Found myself feeling guilty; they were so trusting, gentle and compliant. I could anticipate them cussing me out when they are led to slaughter in a year or two...
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