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Bidengate Breaks... err... down

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
So the seminal Pulitzer prize winning toilet paper homeless blanket company, NY Post, has broke open Bidengate proving that Hunter Biden set up a meeting between an Burisma biggie and the the world's 92,828th most powerful man, the VP of the United States!

And it took like a few hours for the allegation to breakdown.

Rudy Giuliani, former famed Mayor of New York turned crazy Grandpa, is likely behind this story as he claimed "they have emails" when investigating with his large mob-like buddies in Ukraine.

article said:
Federal investigators are examining whether the emails allegedly describing activities by Joe Biden and his son Hunter and found on a laptop at a Delaware repair shop are linked to a foreign intelligence operation, two people familiar with the matter told NBC News.

The FBI seized the laptop and a hard drive through a grand jury subpoena. The subpoena was later published by the New York Post. The bureau has declined to comment.

The Post, a conservative tabloid, has published a series of stories based on emails the newspaper said it obtained from President Donald Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani. The first story highlighted what it called a “smoking gun email” that suggested a meeting between Vice President Biden and a representative of a Ukrainian company that once paid Hunter Biden. The Biden campaign says there is no evidence the meeting happened, and the story was greeted with widespread skepticism.
Smoking gun turned out to be a ham sandwich.

Okay, set your BS detector to the HIGH setting or you'll blow it. Maybe wrap some foil around it too.
article said:
Questions have swirled around the Post’s account of how it obtained the emails and other materials. The newspaper said they were found on a laptop left in a Delaware repair shop in April 2019 and never claimed. The repair shop owner then took it upon himself to access the private material, the Post said.

The Post said the shop owner, who has been identified as Mac Isaac, called the FBI, and also called a Giuliani associate. The shop owner said he believed the laptop was among equipment left by Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, because a sticker on the laptop bore the name of the Beau Biden Foundation, a charity named after his late brother.

Damn it! Those things aren't cheap. Okay, so random computer shop gets an uncleaned laptop from Beau Biden Foundation. A five plus year old laptop is unclaimed (has years of emails on it? no passwords?), so the repair guy goes snooping on it. He finds information and contacts the FBI and then of course... an associate of fucking Rudolph Giuliani? Are you fucking kidding me?! Yeah, one time I was having an issue getting a permit in Cleveland, so I contacted an associate of Giuliani to get things set.
I like the part where the shop owner is blind so he can't say whether it was Hunter that actually dropped the laptop off. :hysterical:
The conservative narrative is currently focused on their perceived persecution by social media corporations: It doesn't matter whether whether the NY Post article is factual; what matters is that Twitter and Facebook have singled out conservatives for censorship, but don't enforce the same standard on leftist news sources. On top of that this narrative is supported by other stories claiming that Twitter shut itself down to prevent the story from spreading. So basically: this story must be true because the evil leftist media are desperately trying to suppress it in order to stop Trump from being re-elected.

This isn't some fringe lunacy, it's mainstream lunacy: the conservative establishment is getting in on the action, too. GOP senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee are supposedly a subpoena to force the Twitter CEO to appear at a hearing to answer for this unfair censorship, It is a clever way to potentially rally potential supporters. I'm sure there are still people out there who are cold on Trump but who can be scared into voting to keep The Left out of power.
I like the part where the shop owner is blind so he can't say whether it was Hunter that actually dropped the laptop off. :hysterical:
The shop owner is blind?!

Oh... "legally blind". My mother is that, she can see, but not very well. Can't drive.

article said:
MacIsaac told reporters on Wednesday that a MacBook laptop was dropped off at his shop in Wilmington, Del., in April 2019. MacIsaac, who said he was legally blind, said that he was almost certain that it was Hunter Biden who dropped off the computer. He said that he made several attempts to get in touch with Hunter Biden but the equipment was still in his hands 90 days after it had been left there, and he said that he became curious about what he’d seen.
So Hunter Biden dropped off a broken laptop, himself, didn't pick it back up. You know, I'm politically savvy, and wouldn't have been able to pick Hunter Biden out of a two man lineup more than half the time.
The conservative narrative is currently focused on their perceived persecution by social media corporations: It doesn't matter whether whether the NY Post article is factual; what matters is that Twitter and Facebook have singled out conservatives for censorship, but don't enforce the same standard on leftist news sources. On top of that this narrative is supported by other stories claiming that Twitter shut itself down to prevent the story from spreading. So basically: this story must be true because the evil leftist media are desperately trying to suppress it in order to stop Trump from being re-elected.

This isn't some fringe lunacy, it's mainstream lunacy: the conservative establishment is getting in on the action, too. GOP senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee are supposedly a subpoena to force the Twitter CEO to appear at a hearing to answer for this unfair censorship, It is a clever way to potentially rally potential supporters. I'm sure there are still people out there who are cold on Trump but who can be scared into voting to keep The Left out of power.
The story that twitter shut itself down: from the Babylon Bee. The BB is basically right wing Onion, and orange dumbo was stupid enough to retweet it! :D :rofl:
You guys are missing the point.

A blind shop owner didn't get the laptop. The Russians did. A blind shop owner didn't get past its security, Russian intel hacked it. Don't think your stuff is as safe as you think....things can often be hacked, if not cracked. And then things that have been deleted can be seen in the background if not overwritten.

This isn't a nothingburger. Actually it is, but it's not a nothingburger YET. It will only be a nothingburger after the election. Think about it. They have emails or allegedly have alleged emails. So why aren't they releasing the contents? Because this is Act 1.

Don't forget that Ghouliani was in Urkaine to make a documentary about Hunter Biden. That the Trump administration tried to use government money to get that Ukrainian govt to announce an investigation of Biden. There was a bunch of work done already and they weren't held to account for the illegal nature of bribing people to go along with their propaganda. So they are going forward with it...

So what else is going to happen next with this story? There will be email drips, quotemines, things taken out of context.

Among the things that are coming will be the following (in no particular order):
  • email drips that goes after moral character so that everyone just accepts the quote-mines. For example, Hunter's choices in porn exaggerated, an affair, emails about drug deals, emails about "money laundering" (taken out of context)...
  • email drips implicating Joe Biden (more out of context stuff)...
  • a full release of all the emails with not enough time to go through them...
  • some Eastern European guy being interviewed by Ghouliani who seems to confirm part of the story...
  • an American being interviewed, probably an "ex-friend" of Hunter's because that is more convincing than a foreigner to some people.

The drips will be timed up to Election Day for maximum impact.
You guys are missing the point.

A blind shop owner didn't get the laptop. The Russians did. A blind shop owner didn't get past its security, Russian intel hacked it. Don't think your stuff is as safe as you think....things can often be hacked, if not cracked. And then things that have been deleted can be seen in the background if not overwritten.
The most unbelievable part of this story? The $85 invoice for the data recovery. Who the hell charges just $85 for data recovery that doesn't include just turning on computer and copying the hard drive to an external?

Among the things that are coming will be the following (in no particular order):
  • email drips that goes after moral character so that everyone just accepts the quote-mines. For example, Hunter's choices in porn exaggerated, an affair, emails about drug deals, emails about "money laundering" (taken out of context)...
  • email drips implicating Joe Biden (more out of context stuff)...
  • a full release of all the emails with not enough time to go through them...
  • some Eastern European guy being interviewed by Ghouliani who seems to confirm part of the story...
  • an American being interviewed, probably an "ex-friend" of Hunter's because that is more convincing than a foreigner to some people.

The drips will be timed up to Election Day for maximum impact.
We'll see. The drips are so innocuous up to now, it really feels like they are trying to kill someone via tiny paper cuts because they don't have anything bigger.
The conservative narrative is currently focused on their perceived persecution by social media corporations: It doesn't matter whether whether the NY Post article is factual; what matters is that Twitter and Facebook have singled out conservatives for censorship, but don't enforce the same standard on leftist news sources. On top of that this narrative is supported by other stories claiming that Twitter shut itself down to prevent the story from spreading. So basically: this story must be true because the evil leftist media are desperately trying to suppress it in order to stop Trump from being re-elected. ...
For people who decry other people considering themselves victims, they are obsessed with what victims they supposedly are.
The conservative narrative is currently focused on their perceived persecution by social media corporations: It doesn't matter whether whether the NY Post article is factual; what matters is that Twitter and Facebook have singled out conservatives for censorship, but don't enforce the same standard on leftist news sources. On top of that this narrative is supported by other stories claiming that Twitter shut itself down to prevent the story from spreading. So basically: this story must be true because the evil leftist media are desperately trying to suppress it in order to stop Trump from being re-elected. ...
For people who decry other people considering themselves victims, they are obsessed with what victims they supposedly are.
Well, yes. Most conservative whining is merely projection onto others.

See, for example, every one of them that posts here. ;) Hypocrisy is their bread and butter.
Damn it! Those things aren't cheap. Okay, so random computer shop gets an uncleaned laptop from Beau Biden Foundation. A five plus year old laptop is unclaimed (has years of emails on it? no passwords?), so the repair guy goes snooping on it. He finds information and contacts the FBI and then of course... an associate of fucking Rudolph Giuliani? Are you fucking kidding me?! Yeah, one time I was having an issue getting a permit in Cleveland, so I contacted an associate of Giuliani to get things set.

Passwords without encryption wouldn't keep a competent computer guy out.

And I can easily see a 5 year old laptop going unclaimed--there's not a lot you can fix on them, it could easily have been a case of repairing it wasn't worthwhile.
You guys are missing the point.

A blind shop owner didn't get the laptop. The Russians did. A blind shop owner didn't get past its security, Russian intel hacked it. Don't think your stuff is as safe as you think....things can often be hacked, if not cracked. And then things that have been deleted can be seen in the background if not overwritten.
The most unbelievable part of this story? The $85 invoice for the data recovery. Who the hell charges just $85 for data recovery that doesn't include just turning on computer and copying the hard drive to an external?

Not unreasonable for simply pulling the drive and copying the data--but that's beyond what an awful lot of users could handle.
Damn it! Those things aren't cheap. Okay, so random computer shop gets an uncleaned laptop from Beau Biden Foundation. A five plus year old laptop is unclaimed (has years of emails on it? no passwords?), so the repair guy goes snooping on it. He finds information and contacts the FBI and then of course... an associate of fucking Rudolph Giuliani? Are you fucking kidding me?! Yeah, one time I was having an issue getting a permit in Cleveland, so I contacted an associate of Giuliani to get things set.

Passwords without encryption wouldn't keep a competent computer guy out.

And I can easily see a 5 year old laptop going unclaimed--there's not a lot you can fix on them, it could easily have been a case of repairing it wasn't worthwhile.

A five year old macbook is still pretty pricey.

A professional repair shop takes in a computer for repair, doesn't get any contact info from the person dropping it off? This stinks to high heaven.
This may come as a surprise, but despite the fact that it was obvious many months that Hunter Biden was corrupt for his Ukraine dealings and that this laptop data is just confirming what I already knew....

Trump and his family are as corrupt and likely even more corrupt than this. So considering that the corruption is roughly the same (generous towards Trump) than well above than normal corrupt Presidents should never have two terms.

My vote is for Biden.

Giuliani is highly connected to the RIVAL faction of corrupt bastards in Ukraine that Biden is cozy with. So who know how this laptop info leak happened.

But it is interesting that there a lot of Jews involved,

This may come as a surprise, but despite the fact that it was obvious many months that Hunter Biden was corrupt for his Ukraine dealings and that this laptop data is just confirming what I already knew....

Trump and his family are as corrupt and likely even more corrupt than this. So considering that the corruption is roughly the same (generous towards Trump) than well above than normal corrupt Presidents should never have two terms.

My vote is for Biden.

Giuliani is highly connected to the RIVAL faction of corrupt bastards in Ukraine that Biden is cozy with. So who know how this laptop info leak happened.

But it is interesting that there a lot of Jews involved,

I am unsure it is interesting. A lot of anti-semiticism in Europe is a factor in Jews becoming connected to and eventually emigrating to the US. If you were talking about Jewish connections to Somalia, I'd find that more interesting.
The Hunter-Ukraine connection has been a political sideshow since the Biden campaign began. It got new voltage this week when the New York Post published what it claimed were emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop suggesting that he had helped arrange a 2015 meeting between his father and a Burisma executive. The Biden campaign denied any such meeting, and its accounts, based on recollections of multiple staff members, are believable. An Eastern European expert in digital forensics who has examined some of the Ukrainian documents leaked to the New York Post told me he found anomalies — such as American-style capitalization of the names of ministries — that suggest fakery.

Some alleged emails allegedly were also missing meta data, headers etc. But that can be fixed.
Even if these allegations are true, IMO, they pale in comparison to the breadth and depth of corruption in Mr. Trump and his family's dealing while he was running for POTUS and during his presidency.
Damn it! Those things aren't cheap. Okay, so random computer shop gets an uncleaned laptop from Beau Biden Foundation. A five plus year old laptop is unclaimed (has years of emails on it? no passwords?), so the repair guy goes snooping on it. He finds information and contacts the FBI and then of course... an associate of fucking Rudolph Giuliani? Are you fucking kidding me?! Yeah, one time I was having an issue getting a permit in Cleveland, so I contacted an associate of Giuliani to get things set.

Passwords without encryption wouldn't keep a competent computer guy out.

And I can easily see a 5 year old laptop going unclaimed--there's not a lot you can fix on them, it could easily have been a case of repairing it wasn't worthwhile.
So they pay $85 to get data recovered, but don't show up? I thought I read somewhere it was water damaged. And the Beau Biden group can't handle data recovery itself?

The guy thinks it was Hunter Biden (a guy I wouldn't be able to identify!) who dropped it off, but for whatever reason the invoice is definitely to Hunter Biden?

And of course, he made a copy of the hard drive and gave it to Giuliani's lawyer.
This may come as a surprise, but despite the fact that it was obvious many months that Hunter Biden was corrupt for his Ukraine dealings and that this laptop data is just confirming what I already knew....

Can you outline this corruption cuz I'm not seeing it.

Yeah, Biden took a job where his name was the most important qualification. He needed the money. But I don't see that as corrupt.

And getting in an honest prosecutor could have gone badly for Burisma. The corrupt prosecutor was corrupt because he WASN'T prosecuting corrupt businesses.
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