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The End of Democracy In The USA

They may have to drag him out kicking and screaming.

But it's the norm for presidents (demagogues), not a threat to Democracy.

I suspect both the democrats and the media of cheating to elect Joe Biden. Trump should keep fighting. If there's a chance that cheating is involved, Trump should fight it all the way. He should fight because of the principle.

Put yourself in Trump's shoes. If you were President and you believed you were cheated, would you want to concede? Of course not.

I want to believe there was no cheating and I hope there was no cheating. But I am suspicious. Cheating may have occurred and if it did, the people who are responsible must not succeed. I hope that Biden won fair and square and if he did win fair and square, he deserves to be our 46th President. But if he was elected immorally and cheating is allowed to prevail, America can kiss its democracy goodbye. Democracy will be a thing of the past.

By the same token, of course, Hilary Clinton should have kept fighting in 2016.

She would have if she had been the incumbent President. Once a demagogue has held such power for 4 years, s/he is reluctant to give it up and would likely suspect cheating (if the vote is close) and be a sore loser.

Trump's case is unique -- the first incumbent President to lose re-election by a close (electoral) vote.

I suspect both the democrats and the media of cheating to elect Joe Biden. Trump should keep fighting. If there's a chance that cheating is involved, Trump should fight it all the way. He should fight because of the principal.

Put yourself in Trump's shoes. If you were President and you believed you were cheated, would you want to concede? Of course not.

I want to believe there was no cheating and I hope there was no cheating. But I am suspicious. Cheating may have occurred and if it did, the people who are responsible must not succeed. I hope that Biden won fair and square and if he did win fair and square, he deserves to be our 46th President. But if he was elected immorally and cheating is allowed to prevail, America can kiss its democracy goodbye. Democracy will be a thing of the past.

Cheating. Election cheating. GOP standard. Extreme gerrymandering. Voter caging, voter suppression, voter discouragement. Voter purging. Dirty tricks. On the federal, state and local levels. Relentless, shameless, rampant.

Evil, wicked, un-American and very unpatriotic. I am down here in Houston, one of this nation's biggest counties, Harris County, home of Houston the 4th largest metropolitan area of the US. Our moron GOP governor, Greg "Shit-For-Brains" Abbot tried to decree our massive county, in the middle of a pandemic, could legally only have one drop off for this entire county metropolitan area for early voting ballots. This is typical GOP vote stealing tactics we have come to expect from the GOP applauded wildly by 'conservatives'.

Using tactics like this all across the US, the GOP tried to steal the election for Trump, from Biden, and in the end, failed. We have a few last gasp attempts by the GOP to steal this election from Biden, but in the end, they will fail.

Die, GOP, die! Evil, wicked, un-American and very unpatriotic!
All of these calls asking for proof and evidence are really unfair. Everyone knows that facts have a distinct liberal bias, so by requiring that positions be based on them instead of spurious allegations some crazy person pulls out of their ass, you are inherently advocating a skewed and partisan position.

I think that the only fair and balanced way to count the votes is to have 50% the total votes be based on who people voted for and have the other half go to Donald Trump because Hillary Clinton runs a pedophile ring of dead voters who've been stuffing ballot boxes under the direction of an evil cabal run by George Soros (or some other Jew) which is trying to make everyone muslim and gay.

Using logic is cheating.
It's stealing when you pay for something that someone else could not afford to buy.
It's unjust to favor evidence over shouts.
It's fraud to withhold loyalty
We're old here and have no history with Randy either. 3 hit and run posts, no responses... it is a BOT. I mean seriously, no Trump supporter even sounds remotely like that.

The fact that Trump looks likely to finish within 20 million votes of Biden is compelling evidence of cheating, though.
Let's list the ways republicans have been cheating:

Removing eligible voters from the rolls (several differant methods involved in this category)

Closing polling places in predominantly minority districts causing hours long waits

Gerrymandering districts

Illegal disinformation campaigns that mail-in ballots will be used for debt collection and criminal warrant service

And this year we get a new one, Illegally delaying mail in ballots.

Anyone have a list anywhere near this much that democrats do.




Use science.

Use facts.

I have no idea what this even means.

You were asking for the wrongs committed by Democrats. I was listing their main ones.
Just look at the news! Biden "won". That's not possible, thus it was cheating!
Manufactured consent. If you read the main stream media who are already arms of the Democrat party then Trump does look like an insane madman. If they wanted you to look insane they could do that to.




There really is another side of the story but you and others do not even know. I predict ahead of your response that you will now attack these sources of news because:

1. You have Trump derangement syndrome. And anything contrary to that will not be read or tolerated in your worldview.
2. You have actually been propagandized to your usual sources of media because of their repetitive falsehoods.

Considering that half the population has little faith in the election process right now it will be important that Trump proceeds legally as he is doing. Unfortunately, if he does prove the fraud that is out there, that will probably change the projected winner. And if that happens there will probably be much rioting in blue cities because the left is very violent. I do not like that prospect but I still hope for a clean election in order to restore faith to many on the right.

P.S. I'm not a spammer. Been on this board for many years.

You have completely missed the fact that I was presenting their "evidence", I don't agree with it.
The absence of tyranny is never a valuable waste of our justice system. If for no other reason to prove conclusively to half the population that Trump is really the idiot you think he is.

So, we should waste courts’ time trying to prove something doesn’t exist for which there is no current evidence it does exist I don't know exists?

The courts do not investigate, the examine the results of investigations.
Trump's followers are just plain suckers. Some of them still believe in Birtherism. A sizeable chunk of them are Q-Anon morons.
Or maybe their lives improved under Trump and they really do not care about his undesirable traits. Because they know correct policy is what really counts for their lives.

People's lives improved more under Obama than under His Flatulence. His Flatulence talked good but really only delivered much to the rich.
Everyone knows that facts have a distinct liberal bias

Facts don't have a political bias. Facts don't have ideologies, beliefs, or morals. Facts are objective and neutral.
Objective and neutral, huh?
That IS the liberal bias.
Facts are facts no matter what the authority figures try to tell you the facts are.

Note how the Conservatives depend on alternative facts.
Note how kids go off to college and learn things outside the echo chamber their parents and church promote, and change their politics. Conservatives think the kids have neen brainwashed, when they have merely been EDUCATED. Exposed to reality. Which gives them a librral outlook.

For a specific example
Conservatives have spent my whole life telling me gays are shit-eating, Satanic, family-hating, communists. Then i got out and met a few. The FACT is they are people. Just like everyone else. Leading me to treat them as people. Which i would have thought was a vonservative value, but everyone tells me it's liberal....
Everyone knows that facts have a distinct liberal bias

Facts don't have a political bias. Facts don't have ideologies, beliefs, or morals. Facts are objective and neutral.
Objective and neutral, huh?
That IS the liberal bias.
Facts are facts no matter what the authority figures try to tell you the facts are.

Note how the Conservatives depend on alternative facts.
Note how kids go off to college and learn things outside the echo chamber their parents and church promote, and change their politics. Conservatives think the kids have neen brainwashed, when they have merely been EDUCATED. Exposed to reality. Which gives them a librral outlook.

For a specific example
Conservatives have spent my whole life telling me gays are shit-eating, Satanic, family-hating, communists. Then i got out and met a few. The FACT is they are people. Just like everyone else. Leading me to treat them as people. Which i would have thought was a vonservative value, but everyone tells me it's liberal....

Well, to be fair, I am, besides a gay man, a (christian conservatives would call me satanic) wizard, who loves eating ass (anyone who believes this about gays would say this implies eating shit), and who professes to be a pioneer of "social ethical game theory" (which would be heard as "socialism" which == communism to anyone who doesn't have enough of an education to appreciate the differences).
Everyone knows that facts have a distinct liberal bias

Facts don't have a political bias. Facts don't have ideologies, beliefs, or morals. Facts are objective and neutral.

But conservatism isn't. So facts are biased towards liberalism, which (more frequently) is.
Objective and neutral, huh?
That IS the liberal bias.
Facts are facts no matter what the authority figures try to tell you the facts are.

Note how the Conservatives depend on alternative facts.
Note how kids go off to college and learn things outside the echo chamber their parents and church promote, and change their politics. Conservatives think the kids have neen brainwashed, when they have merely been EDUCATED. Exposed to reality. Which gives them a librral outlook.

For a specific example
Conservatives have spent my whole life telling me gays are shit-eating, Satanic, family-hating, communists. Then i got out and met a few. The FACT is they are people. Just like everyone else. Leading me to treat them as people. Which i would have thought was a vonservative value, but everyone tells me it's liberal....

Well, to be fair, I am, besides a gay man, a (christian conservatives would call me satanic) wizard, who loves eating ass (anyone who believes this about gays would say this implies eating shit), and who professes to be a pioneer of "social ethical game theory" (which would be heard as "socialism" which == communism to anyone who doesn't have enough of an education to appreciate the differences).

So by "fair" you mean "bend over backwards to give the fuggers the slightest chance."

Fair enough.
Objective and neutral, huh?
That IS the liberal bias.
Facts are facts no matter what the authority figures try to tell you the facts are.

Note how the Conservatives depend on alternative facts.
Note how kids go off to college and learn things outside the echo chamber their parents and church promote, and change their politics. Conservatives think the kids have neen brainwashed, when they have merely been EDUCATED. Exposed to reality. Which gives them a librral outlook.

For a specific example
Conservatives have spent my whole life telling me gays are shit-eating, Satanic, family-hating, communists. Then i got out and met a few. The FACT is they are people. Just like everyone else. Leading me to treat them as people. Which i would have thought was a vonservative value, but everyone tells me it's liberal....

Well, to be fair, I am, besides a gay man, a (christian conservatives would call me satanic) wizard, who loves eating ass (anyone who believes this about gays would say this implies eating shit), and who professes to be a pioneer of "social ethical game theory" (which would be heard as "socialism" which == communism to anyone who doesn't have enough of an education to appreciate the differences).

So by "fair" you mean "bend over backwards to give the fuggers the slightest chance."

Fair enough.

Well how else am I supposed to get my head any further up my own ass?
Just a quick note on the silly idea that somehow the Democrats stole the presidential election: They somehow also did this in Republican governed Arizona and Georgia. They somehow did this but lost seats in the House; they somehow did this, but may not take the Senate. Sure the Clownstick lawsuits will be allowed to work their way thru the courts, like our system allows, but that in no way means that Biden isn't President Elect. RVonse, this is clearly a misinformation campaign that you have bought hook line and sinker...as you obviously spend too much time reading garbage sites.

RVonse said:
P.S. I'm not a spammer. Been on this board for many years.

Yes, I know. You voted for Trump in 2016 because you are against globalization and you wanted to disrupt the establishment political parties. But did you know that despite Trump's aggressive behavior toward China, they are actually pleased with the damage he has been doing to the long term economic viability of the US? China loves the US's economic decline. https://asiatimes.com/2020/11/why-china-actually-prefers-trump-over-biden/ If Trump was really bad for China, surely they would have made their preference clear at some point. The truth is that despite your perception of reality, Trump didn't and won't fix the issues you care about.
I have a more nuanced view of the CCP/China. They want to be rich and powerful of course, but they also want the 800lb gorilla (US) to no longer hovering over their neighborhood. Somehow, so many people seem to think that the US is a nice benign pleasant presence just doing goody too shoo stuff around the globe. Just think what the US would do/think of if the 'commies' started doing bigly military things on an island just off the US. Oh, would that have been Cuba? Yeah, that didn't bother us...

If the CCP really wanted another 4 years of Clownstick they would have made sure to buy shitloads of more farm goods in the waning months of the election season. They may have appreciated just how much the Dotard fucked up our international arrangements in 4 years, but that doesn't necessarily mean they wanted another 4 years of it. They didn't go on a buying spree:

Sadly, no. The latest trade figures, ably collated and analyzed by Chad P. Bown of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, show that China has fallen far behind on its purchase commitments. So far behind, Bown says, that the chances it will meet its year-end 2020 commitments are effectively nil.

As of Sept. 30, Bown calculates, China has purchased only about half as much from the U.S. as it should have bought by that point in the year. It’s possible that China will step up purchases over the last three months of 2020 in some sectors such as agriculture.

“China is buying more farm products each month,” Bown told me. “But still well below the pace it would need to meet the year-end target. So it’s got a lot of buying it needs to do in October-November-December.”
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