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Pence plans to form fundraising group as he moves beyond Trump, Capitol riot


Loony Running The Asylum
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.
The former vice president plans to settle back in Indiana, where he has been staying with family.

WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Mike Pence is beginning to build a political future without Donald Trump, including making plans to form a policy-focused fundraising committee that would help him maintain a relationship with donors, according to multiple sources familiar with his plans.

Pence, who left Washington and took a post-inauguration vacation with his wife in St. Croix, in the U.S. Virgin Islands, ahead of resettling in Indiana, is expected to announce his new venture in the coming weeks, sources said.

To say the end of his time in office was rocky would be to put it mildly. His relationship with Trump has been virtually non-existent since a mob of the former president's followers stormed the U.S. Capitol in a failed attempt to assassinate Pence and overturn the outcome of the election. Before the Jan. 6 riot, Pence's time with Trump had been defined by the vice president's role as a loyal soldier.

Will the group be called "Watching paint dry. org"?
The former vice president plans to settle back in Indiana, where he has been staying with family.

WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Mike Pence is beginning to build a political future without Donald Trump, including making plans to form a policy-focused fundraising committee that would help him maintain a relationship with donors, according to multiple sources familiar with his plans.

Pence, who left Washington and took a post-inauguration vacation with his wife in St. Croix, in the U.S. Virgin Islands, ahead of resettling in Indiana, is expected to announce his new venture in the coming weeks, sources said.

To say the end of his time in office was rocky would be to put it mildly. His relationship with Trump has been virtually non-existent since a mob of the former president's followers stormed the U.S. Capitol in a failed attempt to assassinate Pence and overturn the outcome of the election. Before the Jan. 6 riot, Pence's time with Trump had been defined by the vice president's role as a loyal soldier.

Will the group be called "Watching paint dry. org"?

I suspect so.

I'm from Pence's home state, nearly his home town.

I remember the political fiasco he created by attempting to amend the Indiana State Constitution to forbid marriage equality. He spent years raising money and acquiring power by promising to get that amendment passed. But a few months before the referendum, where the voters had a choice, it became clear that it was a losing proposition for the Republicans. Society had changed enough during those years that the amendment would probably fail. And worse, it would bring out the base. People with strong opinions on the subject would show up at polls and vote.

But it wasn't the base the Republicans wanted to show up and vote, it was the supporters of marriage equality. The opponents didn't care all that much. So, Pence and the Republicans ignominiously let the amendment they'd been promising their supporters for years die "in committee". This caused huge outrage amongst their Christian Conservative supporters. So the Republicans tried to push through RFRA legislation, allowing Christian businesses to discriminate against gay customers and employees based on "Religious freedom". That was another disaster, as giant corporations threatened to pull out of Indiana.
So Pence and the Republicans scrambled to explain that the new law wasn't going to be enforced or anything, it was just an expression of Hoosier values...

Pence's political career was doomed by then. His reelection campaign was showing really terrible numbers. Even as an incumbent, he would almost certainly lose the next gubernatorial election. His "I'm a Christian, Conservative, Republican. In that order!" schick wasn't playing any more. He'd managed to alienate everyone from the megacorporations to the lbgt to the christian religionists.

Then Trump came along. Trump desperately needed Christian cred, because he had none amongst the biggest voter bloc in the conservative Republicans base. Trump was a greedy lying slut and the Christians weren't buying it. It was a political match made in heaven/hell. Trump picked up Pence as VP and got the ill-informed Christian vote. Pence got dragged out of the political gutter.

The rest is history.
The former vice president plans to settle back in Indiana, where he has been staying with family.
He's been couch surfing. He's lived in govt.-supplied housing for over a decade. Kind of surprised he has to find a forever-home, now, i guess.

The plan was probably four more years at VP-house, then inherit Trump's throne.... whoops.
My partner's Evangelical parents voted for Trump on both occasions, but they were praying - not metaphorically, literally praying, like as a literal request to God and his Holy Son - that Trump would either die or be impeached shortly after the election, thus landing their man Pence in the White House.
The former vice president plans to settle back in Indiana, where he has been staying with family.
He's been couch surfing. He's lived in govt.-supplied housing for over a decade. Kind of surprised he has to find a forever-home, now, i guess.

The plan was probably four more years at VP-house, then inherit Trump's throne.... whoops.

I realize you're being sarcastic, but still.

I live in Pence's home region, southern Indiana. He's extremely popular here, nobody needs to worry about his future prospects.

He's popular because he really is a solid human being. He's smart and charismatic. He's a staunch family man and pillar of the community type. As much as I dislike his politics and religious proclivities, he's a good guy. I'd probably enjoy a beer with him at a backyard bbq or something. We live in smallsville Indiana. Everyone knows everything about everyone. Pence really doesn't have any skeletons in the closet, everything he's done that I despise he did out loud and in public from a sense of conviction. He's real.

The former vice president plans to settle back in Indiana, where he has been staying with family.
He's been couch surfing. He's lived in govt.-supplied housing for over a decade. Kind of surprised he has to find a forever-home, now, i guess.

The plan was probably four more years at VP-house, then inherit Trump's throne.... whoops.

I realize you're being sarcastic, but still.

I live in Pence's home region, southern Indiana. He's extremely popular here, nobody needs to worry about his future prospects.

He's popular because he really is a solid human being. He's smart and charismatic. He's a staunch family man and pillar of the community type. As much as I dislike his politics and religious proclivities, he's a good guy. I'd probably enjoy a beer with him at a backyard bbq or something. We live in smallsville Indiana. Everyone knows everything about everyone. Pence really doesn't have any skeletons in the closet, everything he's done that I despise he did out loud and in public from a sense of conviction. He's real.


I will believe that when he comes out and says in plain language "I knew Trump was a conman and a fraud all along. I was wrong to enable his cruel and evil anti-Christian policies, and beg your forgiveness.".
I realize you're being sarcastic, but still.

I live in Pence's home region, southern Indiana. He's extremely popular here, nobody needs to worry about his future prospects.

He's popular because he really is a solid human being. He's smart and charismatic. He's a staunch family man and pillar of the community type. As much as I dislike his politics and religious proclivities, he's a good guy. I'd probably enjoy a beer with him at a backyard bbq or something. We live in smallsville Indiana. Everyone knows everything about everyone. Pence really doesn't have any skeletons in the closet, everything he's done that I despise he did out loud and in public from a sense of conviction. He's real.


I will believe that when he comes out and says in plain language "I knew Trump was a conman and a fraud all along. I was wrong to enable his cruel and evil anti-Christian policies, and beg your forgiveness.".

The man hitched his cart to someone doing his damnedest to apply for the position of "literally the antichrist".

I don't think there's any way to walk away from that while upholding any kind of religious convictions honestly.
The former vice president plans to settle back in Indiana, where he has been staying with family.
He's been couch surfing. He's lived in govt.-supplied housing for over a decade. Kind of surprised he has to find a forever-home, now, i guess.

The plan was probably four more years at VP-house, then inherit Trump's throne.... whoops.

I realize you're being sarcastic, but still.

I live in Pence's home region, southern Indiana. He's extremely popular here, nobody needs to worry about his future prospects.

He's popular because he really is a solid human being. He's smart and charismatic. He's a staunch family man and pillar of the community type. As much as I dislike his politics and religious proclivities, he's a good guy. I'd probably enjoy a beer with him at a backyard bbq or something. We live in smallsville Indiana. Everyone knows everything about everyone. Pence really doesn't have any skeletons in the closet, everything he's done that I despise he did out loud and in public from a sense of conviction. He's real.


He was the front man for a fascist who tried to overturn democracy. This matters more to me than whether someone would be nice to have a beer with, personally.
I certainly wouldn't want to share a beer with that asshole, that's exactly what he did with his master, Shitstain. Pence is another delusional, psychotic christian who needs to have a master in his life or he doesn't know how to take a shit and wipe his ass. It's obvious that he wants people to think about him in some benevolent way just like Putin does, and despite his behavior. So he decided to save his political skin and we're all supposed to say "Hallelujah I love you." He attracts flies, I'll keep my distance.
Hey [MENTION=98]Angry Floof[/MENTION];

Where you at?
C'mon. You can out do these boys.
Pence's political career can be used as a benchmark for history books on the defunct republican party. They started out strong, then fizzled out the rear end without disturbing waters.
Every attempt by an elected official to change the results of the election have been a symbolic, but futile gesture, and they knew it from the beginning. From the lawsuits by State's Attorney Generals to Cruz and Hawley, no one expected to change anything. Pence had one last chance to make a futile gesture. He could have refused to preside over the certification. It wouldn't matter if he stood up and refused to read the final electoral vote. McConnell or Schumer would have pushed him to the side and made the announcement.

In the end, it's the last nail in Pence's political coffin. Trump supporters see him as a coward, the guy who killed Trump's last chance to remain President. If he tries to appeal to the non-Trump branch of the party, they'll sneer and ask, "Did you figure it out before or after he tried to have you killed?"

The best advice Pence could heed right now is to start writing his book.
The former vice president plans to settle back in Indiana, where he has been staying with family.

WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Mike Pence is beginning to build a political future without Donald Trump, including making plans to form a policy-focused fundraising committee that would help him maintain a relationship with donors, according to multiple sources familiar with his plans.

Pence, who left Washington and took a post-inauguration vacation with his wife in St. Croix, in the U.S. Virgin Islands, ahead of resettling in Indiana, is expected to announce his new venture in the coming weeks, sources said.

To say the end of his time in office was rocky would be to put it mildly. His relationship with Trump has been virtually non-existent since a mob of the former president's followers stormed the U.S. Capitol in a failed attempt to assassinate Pence and overturn the outcome of the election. Before the Jan. 6 riot, Pence's time with Trump had been defined by the vice president's role as a loyal soldier.

Will the group be called "Watching paint dry. org"?
Did not know that. I did hear the comment from time to time but never any substantiated claims of names of people who were part of a real conspiracy to assassinate him. I always considered this just a "conspiracy theory".
When Pence was first chosen by Trump to be his running mate my first thought was a bad choice because they had nothing in common, especially with regards to globalism. But after 6 months it became very apparent Pence was not only the right choice but an excellent choice for Trump. Of all the other bad choices Trump made he really did luck out with Pence. Pence had everything that Trump did not have (morals and level headed) but Trump had everything that Pence did not have (risk taking and alpha personality). As different as they were they still got along very well. Their combined effort was more than just 1 + 1=2. It was 1+1=3.

So I hope the best for Pence now and respect him even more than I did before I knew anything about him.
The former vice president plans to settle back in Indiana, where he has been staying with family.

WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Mike Pence is beginning to build a political future without Donald Trump, including making plans to form a policy-focused fundraising committee that would help him maintain a relationship with donors, according to multiple sources familiar with his plans.

Pence, who left Washington and took a post-inauguration vacation with his wife in St. Croix, in the U.S. Virgin Islands, ahead of resettling in Indiana, is expected to announce his new venture in the coming weeks, sources said.

To say the end of his time in office was rocky would be to put it mildly. His relationship with Trump has been virtually non-existent since a mob of the former president's followers stormed the U.S. Capitol in a failed attempt to assassinate Pence and overturn the outcome of the election. Before the Jan. 6 riot, Pence's time with Trump had been defined by the vice president's role as a loyal soldier.

Will the group be called "Watching paint dry. org"?
Did not know that. I did hear the comment from time to time but never any substantiated claims of names of people who were part of a real conspiracy to assassinate him. I always considered this just a "conspiracy theory".

Seriously, dude, what do you use for news sources?

The rioters were screaming "Hang Mike Pence!" and brought a gallows with them.
Did not know that. I did hear the comment from time to time but never any substantiated claims of names of people who were part of a real conspiracy to assassinate him. I always considered this just a "conspiracy theory".

Seriously, dude, what do you use for news sources?

The rioters were screaming "Hang Mike Pence!" and brought a gallows with them.

And that kind of stuff never happens at any other political rally? I can remember when the locals here hung and burned a manikin with the mayors name around its neck. But that is a far far cry from planning and/or executing an actual assassination.
Did not know that. I did hear the comment from time to time but never any substantiated claims of names of people who were part of a real conspiracy to assassinate him. I always considered this just a "conspiracy theory".

Seriously, dude, what do you use for news sources?

The rioters were screaming "Hang Mike Pence!" and brought a gallows with them.

And that kind of stuff never happens at any other political rally? I can remember when the locals here hung and burned a manikin with the mayors name around its neck. But that is a far far cry from planning and/or executing an actual assassination.

Did they form a huge violent mob, go to the mayor's office, and break in forcing the mayor and staff to flee and hide?

Leave your false equivalence at home.
And that kind of stuff never happens at any other political rally? I can remember when the locals here hung and burned a manikin with the mayors name around its neck. But that is a far far cry from planning and/or executing an actual assassination.

Did they form a huge violent mob, go to the mayor's office, and break in forcing the mayor and staff to flee and hide?

Leave your false equivalence at home.
No they did not go into the mayor's office and he did not go off into hiding but the symbolism was the same. The actual breaking into the white house was unexpected no argument there. But there was still no evidence of an actual assassination attempt unless I am mis-informed. And if there was no actual plot to assassinate the vp, to say so is just a conspiracy theory.
And that kind of stuff never happens at any other political rally? I can remember when the locals here hung and burned a manikin with the mayors name around its neck. But that is a far far cry from planning and/or executing an actual assassination.

Did they form a huge violent mob, go to the mayor's office, and break in forcing the mayor and staff to flee and hide?

Leave your false equivalence at home.
No they did not go into the mayor's office and he did not go off into hiding but the symbolism was the same. The actual breaking into the white house was unexpected no argument there. But there was still no evidence of an actual assassination attempt unless I am mis-informed. And if there was no actual plot to assassinate the vp, to say so is just a conspiracy theory.

Did you miss the gallows they built?

Pretty sure building an execution platform qualifies as "evidence".
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