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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

The importance of morale and motivation cannot be overstated.

Russian conscripts who don't want to be there and assuredly don't want to be shot at, are facing Ukrainian forces who are keen to defend their homes.

That the former are better equipped and more numerous than the latter, may not make enough difference to close the gap.

What's the word on a Belarussian revolt against Russian domination, if things go badly for Putin in Ukraine?
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Just hours after declaring cyberwar on Russia, hacker group Anonymous has claimed a significant victory.

They managed to breach the Russian Ministry of Defence’s database and posted it online for the world to see.

Among the information are emails, passwords and telephone numbers.

The group tweeted: ‘Hackers all around the world: target Russia in the name of #anonymous let them know we do not forgive, we do not forget. Anonymous owns fascists, always.’

This morning they also announced they had uncovered a huge cache of emails – 200 gigabytes worth – from Belarusian weapons manufacturer Tetraedr. They claim the company has provided Putin with logistical support in the invasion.

The Anonymous collective has answered Ukraine’s call for hackers to strike and is now taking part in spam and malware attacks against Russia those listed on the database.
Just hours after declaring cyberwar on Russia, hacker group Anonymous has claimed a significant victory.

They managed to breach the Russian Ministry of Defence’s database and posted it online for the world to see.

Among the information are emails, passwords and telephone numbers.

The group tweeted: ‘Hackers all around the world: target Russia in the name of #anonymous let them know we do not forgive, we do not forget. Anonymous owns fascists, always.’

This morning they also announced they had uncovered a huge cache of emails – 200 gigabytes worth – from Belarusian weapons manufacturer Tetraedr. They claim the company has provided Putin with logistical support in the invasion.

The Anonymous collective has answered Ukraine’s call for hackers to strike and is now taking part in spam and malware attacks against Russia those listed on the database.
That's great news! Unfortunately, Russia has the best cyber hacker thugs in the world. They've caused immense hardship and problems for many people (not just Ukrainians.). Nice to see them get some of their medicine.
The importance of morale and motivation cannot be overstated.

Russian conscripts who don't want to be there and assuredly don't want to be shot at, are facing Ukrainian forces who are keen to defend their homes.

That the former are better equipped and more numerous than the latter, may not make enough difference to close the gap.

What's the word on a Belarussian revolt against Russian domination, if things go badly for Putin in Ukraine?
Belarus would be fighting their government. Ukrainians are on the same side as their government.
Just hours after declaring cyberwar on Russia, hacker group Anonymous has claimed a significant victory.

They managed to breach the Russian Ministry of Defence’s database and posted it online for the world to see.

Among the information are emails, passwords and telephone numbers.

The group tweeted: ‘Hackers all around the world: target Russia in the name of #anonymous let them know we do not forgive, we do not forget. Anonymous owns fascists, always.’

This morning they also announced they had uncovered a huge cache of emails – 200 gigabytes worth – from Belarusian weapons manufacturer Tetraedr. They claim the company has provided Putin with logistical support in the invasion.

The Anonymous collective has answered Ukraine’s call for hackers to strike and is now taking part in spam and malware attacks against Russia those listed on the database.
Russia has pissed nearly everyone.
The importance of morale and motivation cannot be overstated.

Russian conscripts who don't want to be there and assuredly don't want to be shot at, are facing Ukrainian forces who are keen to defend their homes.

That the former are better equipped and more numerous than the latter, may not make enough difference to close the gap.

What's the word on a Belarussian revolt against Russian domination, if things go badly for Putin in Ukraine?
Belarus would be fighting their government. Ukrainians are on the same side as their government.
Sure. But that's probably not a very important distinction.

Certainly not when the Belarussian government is a puppet of the humiliated Russian government.
Actually, the Russian Army now occupies Belarus. They allegedly sent their troops in for joint exercises and at Lukashenko's invitation, but Lukashenko is now just a figurehead anyway. Russian troops are stationed at other places in the country than on Ukraine's border.

Any revolt there would be suppressed by Russian arms, if Putin were still in power back in Moscow. If Putin got deposed, there would probably be a swift withdrawal of Russia's military from both countries, and Putin would be held out as a scapegoat to save the necks of whoever was in Putin's orbit earlier but ended up deposing him.
The 13 Ukrainian border guards who were reportedly massacred while defending a small Black Sea island after telling a Russian warship to “Go f–k yourself” may still be alive, officials said.

“We [have a] strong belief that all Ukrainian defenders of Zmiinyi (Snake) Island may be alive,” the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGSU) said in a statement Saturday.

“Preliminary information that border guards may be dead came before the defenders lost contact.”

The story of the brave soldiers defiantly refusing to surrender their post on Snake Island made headlines across the globe after Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine had both confirmed that they were wiped out two days ago.

Now there is hope that they are still alive.
No links but saw this reported:
Rep. Clay Higgins tweeted
You millennial leftists who never lived one day under nuclear threat can now reflect upon your woke sky.
You made quite a non-binary fuss to save the world from intercontinental ballistic tweets.

Dictionary.com replied
Replying to @RepClayHiggins
We’re not entirely sure what this tweet is supposed to mean, and we’re literally the dictionary.
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Try to make sense out of this.

Rep. Clay Higgins on Twitter: "You millennial leftists who never lived one day under nuclear threat can now reflect upon your woke sky.
You made quite a non-binary fuss to save the world from intercontinental ballistic tweets." / Twitter

His Twitter blurb: "Proudly representing #LA03 in the U.S. House of Representatives. Member of @HomelandGOP and @GOPOversight"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I’ve sat on a committee with this guy for years. He talks like this every day. 🙃" / Twitter

She's in the House Oversight Committee with him.

A lot of people dunked on him, like in
Rep. Clay Higgins Baffles Internet with 'Woke Sky' Tweet, Jokes Fly

I'm guessing that he is saying that gender identity is a frivolous concern compared to the prospect of nuclear war, but I am far from alone in finding his tweet difficul to parse.
Trump warns 'world war' could be next as Russia continues invasion in Ukraine | Fox News - from his speech at the recent CPAC conference
When asked if he had a message to Putin, the former president said: "I have no message."

"I just think it's a shame that this is going on. It's something that should not be going on," Trump said.

"Thousands of people, I mean, this can lead to much bigger than this one area," Trump warned. "This could lead to a lot of other countries and can lead to world war."

Trump said "you never know how it starts, in a world war."

"You never think a war is going to come out of it," he continued. "All of a sudden, you end up in a world war."

He added: "This is a very dangerous period for our nation, for the country."
Seems very incoherent, almost like he barely understands what's going on.

At CPAC, Trump Misleads About Biden, a Russian Pipeline and Gas Prices - The New York Times - "The former president made inaccurate claims about his border wall, the Biden administration and a Russian pipeline, among other topics."
Mr. Trump repeatedly invoked the lie that the 2020 election was “rigged” and mounted exaggerated attacks on President Biden. Even as he condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as an “atrocity” and praised the country’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, as a “brave man,” he repeated his misleading claim that the Obama administration had merely provided Ukraine with “blankets.”
Then fact checking his speech. Lots of false and misleading statements in it.
Perhaps Putin won’t dare attack a NATO country, but he might very well go against Moldova. They‘ve had problems with Transnistria and IIRC, the Russians, Putin particularly, supported their breaking away. I can see him pushing into Moldova.
Trump warns 'world war' could be next as Russia continues invasion in Ukraine | Fox News - from his speech at the recent CPAC conference
When asked if he had a message to Putin, the former president said: "I have no message."

"I just think it's a shame that this is going on. It's something that should not be going on," Trump said.

"Thousands of people, I mean, this can lead to much bigger than this one area," Trump warned. "This could lead to a lot of other countries and can lead to world war."

Trump said "you never know how it starts, in a world war."

"You never think a war is going to come out of it," he continued. "All of a sudden, you end up in a world war."

He added: "This is a very dangerous period for our nation, for the country."
Seems very incoherent, almost like he barely understands what's going on.

At CPAC, Trump Misleads About Biden, a Russian Pipeline and Gas Prices - The New York Times - "The former president made inaccurate claims about his border wall, the Biden administration and a Russian pipeline, among other topics."
Mr. Trump repeatedly invoked the lie that the 2020 election was “rigged” and mounted exaggerated attacks on President Biden. Even as he condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as an “atrocity” and praised the country’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, as a “brave man,” he repeated his misleading claim that the Obama administration had merely provided Ukraine with “blankets.”
Then fact checking his speech. Lots of false and misleading statements in it.
Trump makes Dan Quayle seem like an intellectual.
Germany to send anti-tank weapons and missiles to Ukraine, in major reversal of restrictive arms export policy that 'marks a turning point' for the country -- 1,000 antitank weapons and 500 Stinger missiles, small antiaircraft missiles launched from shoulder-held launchers.

Over the last half-century, there was a joke about Germany that the rest of Europe wanted a pacifist Germany and they were now getting one.

China is Russia's best hope to blunt sanctions, but wary | AP News

Russia and China Cemented Economic Ties Before Ukraine Invasion - The New York Times - "Facing a wary United States and worried about depending on imports by sea, China is buying more energy and food from its northern neighbor."

Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson praised Vladimir Putin for not eating dogs, but Russia's biggest supporter seems to be the ones that he had in mind as dog eaters.

Putin waves nuclear sword in confrontation with the West | AP News

Finland, Sweden brush off Moscow's warning on joining NATO | AP News

Tucker Carlson leads rightwing charge to blame everyone but Putin | Fox News | The Guardian
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