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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

The media mills are active. There may be a lot of misinformation around.
After your "hug" comment, you've pretty much put yourself in the same league with barbos.
Article 5. NATO declares war on Russia.
how? Cuba is not a member of NATO. And you illegally occupy part of the country.
If Cuba wants their territory back they should get all the weapons and training they need to achieve that.
it's their land. Imperialist invaders should be kicked out.
That is pretty rich, coming from you! I'm sure that you know advocate Russia giving back the lands that it stole from Ukraine! However, you are incorrect. The US signed a lease with Cuba giving us the base. The lease was upheld in 1934. The US pays a rent to Cuba each year and has upheld the terms of the lease.
Sorry, that's bullshit.

The Cubans have wanted Guantanamo Bay closed since the 50s at least. US military forces keep our presence by sheer power.
Gitmo is an ugly reminder that the USA doesn't play by the same rules we demand that other countries play by.

It's solid evidence that Barbos is not entirely wrong. Like it or not.
Article 5. NATO declares war on Russia.
how? Cuba is not a member of NATO. And you illegally occupy part of the country.
If Cuba wants their territory back they should get all the weapons and training they need to achieve that.
it's their land. Imperialist invaders should be kicked out.
That is pretty rich, coming from you! I'm sure that you know advocate Russia giving back the lands that it stole from Ukraine! However, you are incorrect. The US signed a lease with Cuba giving us the base. The lease was upheld in 1934. The US pays a rent to Cuba each year and has upheld the terms of the lease.
Sorry, that's bullshit.

The Cubans have wanted Guantanamo Bay closed since the 50s at least. US military forces keep our presence by sheer power.
Gitmo is an ugly reminder that the USA doesn't play by the same rules we demand that other countries play by.

It's solid evidence that Barbos is not entirely wrong. Like it or not.
Negative. A lease is a lease is a lease. China would have loved to have gotten out of its lease with England for Hong Kong. But it didn't. Ironically, my loving daughter just decided to change her major again! She's leaving for a new school. But unfortunately, we can't get out of her lease. The Cuban lease is controversial. No doubt. It's a sweet deal for the US. But a lease is a lease. I didn't read Barbos's argument. But I sure hope that he isn't arguing that there is an ongoing Russian - Ukraine lease giving them rights to Ukranian land.

Looking forward to a Modi-Putin hug today. :)


That's gotta annoy the hell out of regimes in the West.
Ah, we are not that important.

Apparently, Modi told Putler that India is ready to move their arms purchases to more dependable sources, including the US:

Apparently, Modi told Putler that India is ready to move their arms purchases to more dependable sources, including the US:
Modi has not done anything of that kind. Even if we are buying Rafale, we still need parts for Sukhoi 30 Mk1. But ..
Modi was received by the Deputy Prime Minister at the airport. That is a let-down. :D
After your "hug" comment, you've pretty much put yourself in the same league with barbos. Congratulations.
Nothing wrong with the hug. Perhaps Modi can convince Putin that war is not always the answer, and find some way to peace.
The mediator needs to have the confidence of both the parties.
When you feel like you gotta have someone else’s property and they won’t give it to you, war, theft and genocide are the answers, if you’re a despot like Putin.
You better hope you're not. Psychotic dictators can be pretty vengeful.
We can take care of our interests. Modi is smart.
"Modi hai to mumkin hai" (If Modi is around, then it is possible) - popular saying in the Sub-continent.
Apparently, Modi told Putler that India is ready to move their arms purchases to more dependable sources, including the US: - MSN
Media report. When did we say that we will buy all our requirements from Russia only? Sure, we buy things from US, France, UK, too.

"The U.S. Congress designated India a “Major Defense Partner” in 2016, conveying certain defense trade and security cooperation privileges."
"Major U.S. defense sales to India over the past 15 years include transport and maritime aircraft (C- 130J Super Hercules, C-17 Globemaster IIIs, and P-8I Poseidons); transport, maritime, and attack helicopters (CH-47F Chinooks, MH-60R Seahawks, and AH-64E Apaches); Harpoon anti-ship missiles; and M777 howitzers, .."

Click to enlarge the image.

Our own defense production and exports are growing rapidly.
"Looking ahead projections suggest that India could be producing defense equipment worth about USD 35.9 billion annually by 2027. Despite being the world's largest arms importer, India is also making strides in defense exports."
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When you feel like you gotta have someone else’s property and they won’t give it to you, war, theft and genocide are the answers, if you’re a despot like Putin.
The war was started by NATO in 2014.
Huh? That's when Russia, just five years after signing the treaty with Ukraine, giving them guaranteed sovereignty in exchange for them giving up their nukes, broke that treaty and forcibly occupied and “annexed” Crimea.

NATO had nothing to do with it or Russia would have been slapped down immediately.

Putin has been trying to villainize NATO ever since the 1999 treaty, because he so resents losing the glory of the USSR. But NATO is a purely defensive pact, and has never raised a flag over someone else’s territory. Now, due to Russian expansionist aggression, genocide and war crimes, Putin has placed himself in a no-win situation. There are more NATO countries on Russia’s border than ever, limiting Pootey’s imperial ambitions. And it’s a direct result of Putin’s actions. His word, his signature, his treaties, mean nothing. Why talk to a person whose word means nothing?
Apparently, Modi told Putler that India is ready to move their arms purchases to more dependable sources, including the US: - MSN
Media report. When did we say that we will buy all our requirements from Russia only? Sure, we buy things from US, France, UK, too.

"The U.S. Congress designated India a “Major Defense Partner” in 2016, conveying certain defense trade and security cooperation privileges."
"Major U.S. defense sales to India over the past 15 years include transport and maritime aircraft (C- 130J Super Hercules, C-17 Globemaster IIIs, and P-8I Poseidons); transport, maritime, and attack helicopters (CH-47F Chinooks, MH-60R Seahawks, and AH-64E Apaches); Harpoon anti-ship missiles; and M777 howitzers, .."

Click to enlarge the image.

Our own defense production and exports are growing rapidly.
"Looking ahead projections suggest that India could be producing defense equipment worth about USD 35.9 billion annually by 2027. Despite being the world's largest arms importer, India is also making strides in defense exports."
India is slated to be in the club of super powers. It's just smart to be friends with India. For everyone. Modi is flexing now
Why are you saying this? What are you basing it on?
The tilt lead to a fall.
Putin agrees. Indians, drafted in to Russian army by recruiter subterfuge, will be discharged.
India is slated to be in the club of super powers. It's just smart to be friends with India. For everyone. Modi is flexing now.
What will we do with that label? We do not want war or territory. We just want to be left in peace so that we can help our people to prosper - become 1.6 billion. :D
That will be the peak of Indian population. After which, it is slated to decrease.
India is friends to every one. Even Pakistan - if it so desires.
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Why are you saying this? What are you basing it on?
The tilt lead to a fall.
Putin agrees. Indians, drafted in to Russian army by recruiter subterfuge, will be discharged.

I don't understand what you are saying? What does this mean.

India is slated to be in the club of super powers. It's just smart to be friends with India. For everyone. Modi is flexing now.
What will we do with that label? We do not want war or territory. We just want to be left in peace so that we can help our people to prosper - become 1.6 billion. :D
That will be the peak of Indian population. After which, it is slated to decrease.
India is friends to every one. Even Pakistan - if it so desires.

Today, super power just means absolute financial and industrial power. It's the amount of resources concentrated into one office that can be used to promote the nation. You are absolutely correct that only a stupid super power uses their military might to expand its borders militarily. Russia is a bit of a special case because Russian power comes from Putin's control over fossil fuels. And pretty much only that. It makes him less sensitive to the whims of the market.

China is doing a lot of sabre rattling. But a large chunk of Chinese wealth is in USA. American companies and real estate. Not to mention all the countries that produce stuff in China. Yes, it's a fact that right now there's no other nation that has the capability of mass producing mobile phones and computer chips. But it's not like that knowledge doesn't exist in the west. If China starts doing a Putin, China will get financially isolated and it's going to suck for China. It's going to suck for everyone else as well. But China has more to lose. Xi Jinpin is in a very strong position right now. But that's because he keeps delivering an increased standard of living. If that changes his position will not be as strong. That's what happened to Mao. Repeatedly. China is going to continue to make noise, but do nothing.

I think you are exactly right about India. If India joins the big super power boys, I think they're going to do what China is doing now. Get richer and enjoy it. Pakistan is a dysfunctional mess of a country. At this point, if India attacks Pakistan it'd be like picking on the handicapped kid in school. It's not a good look. Also... what in Pakistan does India want? Certainly not the people. What else are they going to attack? China? Lol. At most we'll get a Polish style partitioning of Bangladesh between China and India. Then what?
There were some Indians who were sent to Russia by agents promising them jobs. They ended up among the Russian fighters in Ukraine. One or two died.
We had been asking the Russian government to return them. Glad that our request has been accepted, and those people will return to India.

Yeah, we want financial and industrial development of India as well as that of our army (since we have some troublesome neighbors). Attack Pakistan? For what reason? We do not want to import problems. I do not rule out strike on terror locations as it happened in Balakot. There is a renewed terror activity in Kashmir, but not so much that it worries us. Pakistan is already stumbling because of regional differences, political and financial mismanagement, we need not do anything.
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When you feel like you gotta have someone else’s property and they won’t give it to you, war, theft and genocide are the answers, if you’re a despot like Putin.
The war was started by NATO in 2014.
Oh boy. You're repeating this nonsense again? Imperialist countries always put the blame for their expansion on third parties.
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