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Yet another reason we don't want The Felon

Loren Pechtel

Super Moderator
Staff member
Sep 16, 2000
Basic Beliefs

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but the latter is misbehaving for me.

In an interview with Bloomberg, he implied the United States under his presidency would not defend the island from a Chinese attack. “Taiwan is 9,500 miles away,” he explained. “It’s 68 miles away from China.”
If we abandon NATO, Ukraine, and Taiwan, then our allies will be former allies and the world's thugs will be encouraged to go after more prizes. Balance of power, national security....hard to imagine. Trump is that deadly combination of stupid, crazy, and (to a hopelessly deluded 35% of us) extremely charismatic.
If we abandon NATO, Ukraine,
So you admit that you had Ukraine.
The US should spend lives and money on all the rest of the world? I have an idea ... maybe the countries that want our protection should pay us for it.

Having served in Korea, that would be a complete reversal of the status quo.
The US should spend lives and money on all the rest of the world? I have an idea ... maybe the countries that want our protection should pay us for it.

Did you think the USA protected the rest of the world because it was a nice thing to do? Or because it was a revenue stream?

I thought history, sociology, anthropology and political science all agreed that protecting ourselves from their soil was cheaper and safer than protecting ourselves from our own soil.

Did you go to a different school?
The US should spend lives and money on all the rest of the world? I have an idea ... maybe the countries that want our protection should pay us for it.
I have a question ... do you think they haven't?

How, do you think, did the USA become the wealthiest country on the planet? Before WWII, the wealthiest nation was the UK, whose military might spanned the globe much as America's does today.

Do you think that that's a pure coincidence?

Are you aware of the Anglo-American loan? The UK made the last payment to the US in 2006, more than sixty years after the end of the war.
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do you think they haven't?
Can’t speak for Jason but it does seem that he’s been drinking an awful lot of RW Kool Ade. It harkens back to Dolt45’s constant whining that everyone is ripping us (him) off, as he diligently rips everyone off. Maybe Jason thinks he’d be a billionaire if we weren’t giving our expired shit away.
Yeah, and I've seen it first hand. In South Korea, the US pays South Korea to provide auxiliary troops to support the US military. They are called Katusas. Korean Augmentees To United States Army. The US provides to SKorea the equivalent of E6 pay for each Katusa, even though the individual troops don't receive that. I was earning E3 at the time. I'd have been much happier wasting a year of my life in SKorea had I been receiving E6 pay instead of E3 pay. Plus the AAFES stores and the Commissary were all staffed by locals, giving more money away. I once spent three hours trying to explain the concept of "order a book you don't have in stock" to the cashier at the AAFES Bookstore because the only thing she knew was to say "not on hand" if it wasn't in the store. Then our rations were tightly controlled because so much of what the Commissary and the Class Six were going off base. It wasn't us doing that.

Forget the "they're not paying their fair share of NATO" argument. NATO was never intended for them to pay their fair share. It was always meant to be the US doing the heavy lifting. Financially, manpower, all if it. Trump fundamentally misunderstood NATO when he tried to get the others to pay their promised shares.

Given that, how did the US become the wealthiest country after WWII? Have you forgotten that every other country had its infrastructure blown to smithereens during that war? What was the manufacturing capacity of France, Germany, UK, Japan, or USSR after everything had been bombed? I'm surprised you had to even ask, it is such a well known and obvious result of WWII. It wasn't because they were paying us for protection, it is because we were the only major industrial nation with infrastructure intact. If you wanted manufactured good, it was going to be Made In America. That's why the torch was passed from the UK to the US. It wasn't because other countries were paying protection money.

No, they're not paying for us to defend them. We are paying to defend them. If we're going to throw the lives of our troops away, perhaps we should adopt a more mercenary attitude. The US is broke right now, and all of you think we should still throw our lives and money at everyone else's fight. Quit thinking the US is the indispensable nation. I've long though that if some country wants the US to provide protection, that country should apply for statehood. What I'm suggesting now, a more mercenary attitude, is actually a more moderate position.

Finally, "fight them there or else fight them here" is simple minded sophistry that doesn't even actually support the position of the US as the indispensable world policeman involved in every petty conflict around the globe. The North Elbonians and the South Elbonians are having another slap fight? Gotta send the US to intervene, or the winner will turn around and attack the US? No. Nobody is preparing a major invasion of the US, and nobody is going to be preparing one for a long time. The biggest attack we had in my lifetime was 9/11. We visit that on other countries regularly. Gotta show we're strong by killing brown foreign kids after all.
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Have you forgotten that every other country had its infrastructure blown to smithereens during that war?
No, I have not "forgotten" this mythical claim.
What was the manufacturing capacity of France, Germany, UK, Japan, or USSR after everything had been bombed?
Slightly higher than before the war, in most cases. Much higher in the case of the USSR.

They were fighting a war. That requires massive production of materiel, and rapid repair or replacement of that which is damaged or destroyed. They had also trained the other half of their population to do work traditionally reserved only for men. Europe and Japan boomed in the 1950s, just as the USA did.
I'm surprised you had to even ask, it is such a well known and obvious result of WWII.
It's a popular myth in the USA. I grew up in the UK, so I was never told this nonsense; It would have been obvious that it was nonsense anyway.
It wasn't because they were paying us for protection, it is because we were the only major industrial nation with infrastructure intact. If you wanted manufactured good, it was going to be Made In America.
Except, it wasn't. Most manufactured goods were made in Germany or Japan.

Europe was awash with German and Italian cars, most made in factories that had quickly shifted from building aircraft or tanks.

The UK struggled to compete with Germany, particularly in the 1960s and '70s, because at that time Germany had modern factories built in the '50s and full of new 1950s machinery and equipment, while British industry was still trying to build consumer goods with machines designed and built in the 1920s and '30s.

The countries that had their infrastructur destroyed in WWII suffered in the late '40s and early '50s, but it didn't last.
That's why the torch was passed from the UK to the US. It wasn't because other countries were paying protection money.
Your myths might feel to you like knowledge; They might he fairly internally consistent, and even appear 'obvious'; But they are, nonetheless, myths.
To clarify: In the US we were taught that during both world wars, but the second in particular, Europe and Asia suffered much damage to physical buildings, homes, hospitals, factories, schools, etc. the US did not suffer anything close to that level of destruction suffered elsewhere And THAT is what allowed the US to become so wealthy: we were not re-building houses and schools and hospitals —or factories, some of which were damaged in Europe. We had many, many, many fewer civilian casualties as well: negligible in comparison with the losses suffered in Europe and Asia. As a portion of our pre-WW2 population, the US got off very lightly in terms of both military and civilian deaths.

The US recovery was further aided by the immigration of some of the most pre-eminent scientific minds in the world, who helped us before and after the war.

The US is broke right now,

I did my best to read and understand your post,

But what the fuck are you talking about the US is broke? Not even close!

The billionaires will keep saying that as long as their goal is to end taxes and regulations, but that's the huge bullshit the Naz
Oh wait I meant Teaparty keep telling you and people like you.
The USA is nowhere near broke, that's why people like Trump and Crowe keep getting richer and richer.

The US is broke right now,

I did my best to read and understand your post,

But what the fuck are you talking about the US is broke? Not even close!

The billionaires will keep saying that as long as their goal is to end taxes and regulations, but that's the huge bullshit the Naz
Oh wait I meant Teaparty keep telling you and people like you.
The USA is nowhere near broke, that's why people like Trump and Crowe keep getting richer and richer.
Oh gee, if one group or person is rich, that means no other group or person is poor.

Look at the federal deficit. Look at the federal debt. Look at household debt. Look at the prices of food, gas, and housing.

Never mind, there exist billionaires who aren't broke so everyone else is doing fine. How very Republican of you.
Have you forgotten that every other country had its infrastructure blown to smithereens during that war?
No, I have not "forgotten" this mythical claim.

I see that's the only part of my post you got anything out of.

Even if I were wrong about that, it still doesn't support any point about how the US is getting paid by its allies for defense services. On the contrary, the US pays much to defend everyone else.

The US is broke right now,

I did my best to read and understand your post,

But what the fuck are you talking about the US is broke? Not even close!

The billionaires will keep saying that as long as their goal is to end taxes and regulations, but that's the huge bullshit the Naz
Oh wait I meant Teaparty keep telling you and people like you.
The USA is nowhere near broke, that's why people like Trump and Crowe keep getting richer and richer.
Oh gee, if one group or person is rich, that means no other group or person is poor.

Look at the federal deficit. Look at the federal debt. Look at household debt. Look at the prices of food, gas, and housing.

Never mind, there exist billionaires who aren't broke so everyone else is doing fine. How very Republican of you.
Being broke means debt exceeds assets. Do you have any data showing debt exceeds assets?
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