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The Race For 2024

Biden tests negative for COVID-19, leaves isolation to return to White House

President Biden tested negative for COVID-19 on Tuesday and soon after left isolation to return to the White House.

The president took a Binax rapid antigen test and is negative, his doctor, Kevin O’Connor, said in a letter. Biden’s “symptoms have resolved,” he said. Moments before the negative test was announced, Biden’s motorcade left his Rehoboth Beach home to return to the White House.

The White House had planned for Biden to return Tuesday afternoon, before the official letter from O’Connor that he was COVID-19 free.

O’Connor said that Biden “never manifested a fever” during his infection and that his vital signs “remained normal” and his lungs “clear.” The doctor said he will monitor for any recurrence of illness and keep the White House updated with changes to Biden’s condition.

Trump donated to a Black / South Asian woman? I thought he was racist and sexist.

He is. Don't forget, you think OK isn't a white power symbol because Barack HUSSEIN Obama did it that one time. Nuance and context is shit you haven't understood or learned yet.

And yeah... this is me being a woke cunt. Understanding context makes you part of the fucking woke mob nowadays apparently. This is me educating you. You're welcome.
It's amazing how the Republican Party puts up with him. He is the Mule of American politics. In the Foundation series, the Mule is a telepath who controls people with his mind and who disrupted the Seldon Plan of predicted history.

Pretty certain it was "The Mule". But other than that you are spot on. I mean, Democrat could just make campaign ads of quotes from Republicunts pre-2016 about Trump and if you strung those quotes together it would last longer than all the director's cut of Lord of the Rings combined.
Heard today:
JD Vance is the Sarah Palin of Dan Quayles.
I don't find that remotely accurate.

Dan Quayle was a Mike Pence. Conservative Christian of little value. Sarah Palin was a firebrand who quickly rose the ranks after hacking elections by making people angry. Then she burned all of her bridges and couldn't govern. She was selected as VP as a hail mary, and her inadequacies started pouring out, even questioning her woodsman claims, such as hunters realized she couldn't hold a rifle right. JD Vance is a true believer of the Heritage Foundation, and he made a living on his own. And now he wants to help scuttle the Federal Government. He says what is politically expedient for his political career.

The main difference is Vance has goals, bad ones for the Government. He isn't stupid. He might not be a great politician, but he doesn't need to be one in order to destroy the Government.
Don't forget, you think OK isn't a white power symbol
I think it's not a white power symbol... because the overwhelming majority of the uses in the real world are not at all associated with white power in any fashion at all. I also think this fascination that some people have with trying to force common language, phrases, gestures, etc. to be viewed as inherently racist is creepy and disturbing.
Don't forget, you think OK isn't a white power symbol
I think it's not a white power symbol... because the overwhelming majority of the uses in the real world are not at all associated with white power in any fashion at all. I also think this fascination that some people have with trying to force common language, phrases, gestures, etc. to be viewed as inherently racist is creepy and disturbing.
Of course, you snipped the part that followed ("Nuance and context is shit you haven't understood or learned yet.") in order to, oddly enough, remove the nuance and context of the statement, which really is well... expected.
Don't forget, you think OK isn't a white power symbol
I think it's not a white power symbol... because the overwhelming majority of the uses in the real world are not at all associated with white power in any fashion at all. I also think this fascination that some people have with trying to force common language, phrases, gestures, etc. to be viewed as inherently racist is creepy and disturbing.
Of course, you snipped the part that followed ("Nuance and context is shit you haven't understood or learned yet.") in order to, oddly enough, remove the nuance and context of the statement, which really is well... expected.
There was never any nuance involved in the idiotic push to force the OK gesture to be viewed as a white power symbol. It was stupid from the get-go, and no amount of manufactured "nuance and context" can make it not stupid.
her [Sarah Palin’s] inadequacies started pouring out, even questioning her woodsman claims, such as hunters realized she couldn't hold a rifle right
She attended training at Learn to Return, and was trained to use a shotgun by Brian Horner, an old associate.
He told me she’s a very nice lady. “But she’s not allowed to be President”, which was his understated way of saying she is well intended but too stupid to do anything right. Including hold a shotgun.

Trump donated to a Black / South Asian woman? I thought he was racist and sexist.

Not following your thought process here. Trump donated to several people he thought could be pressured to intervene in his court case against the scam that was Trump University. You seem to be under the impression that racists and misogynists would not attempt to bribe someone they hate/fear?

That does not match the evidence of human behavior. Did you not know that?
Don't forget, you think OK isn't a white power symbol
I think it's not a white power symbol... because the overwhelming majority of the uses in the real world are not at all associated with white power in any fashion at all. I also think this fascination that some people have with trying to force common language, phrases, gestures, etc. to be viewed as inherently racist is creepy and disturbing.
It is a white power symbol. The fact it is not exclusively a white power symbol does not change that fact. Why anyone persists in denying reality puzzles me.
Don't forget, you think OK isn't a white power symbol
I think it's not a white power symbol... because the overwhelming majority of the uses in the real world are not at all associated with white power in any fashion at all. I also think this fascination that some people have with trying to force common language, phrases, gestures, etc. to be viewed as inherently racist is creepy and disturbing.
Of course, you snipped the part that followed ("Nuance and context is shit you haven't understood or learned yet.") in order to, oddly enough, remove the nuance and context of the statement, which really is well... expected.
There was never any nuance involved in the idiotic push to force the OK gesture to be viewed as a white power symbol. It was stupid from the get-go, and no amount of manufactured "nuance and context" can make it not stupid.
The nuance part would be some WP folk wanted to troll. When it was noticed, they said it was just to rile the libs... but again, only the WP folk were doing it. So maybe we should just call it a calling card symbol for the WP folk. Matt Bors has a good cartoon on it.
Elon Musk has withdrawn his intent to donate $45m/ month to the Cheato campaign.
Apparently he thought it would buy him a President at bargain basement pricing. But it’s not worth the money now, since Trump’s assumed victory is in question and he is no longer running against an enfeebled old mumbling white man with a decrepit look and a speech impediment
KH's small donor donation are up to 124 million and a record number of voter registrations have been recorded. Most ever in any 24 hour period.
Trump is fostering a particularly virulent kind of hatred and bias directed at Harris. Likee schoolyard bullies.

She appears up to the challenge.

I remember when Obama was being painted in such a way.

Ar a John McCain rally a woman asked him about Obama being something or other and he said 'Obama would make a fine president'.

Trump destroyed any hope of such decency.
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