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The Race For 2024

Bernie Sanders is doing to Harris what he did to Clinton.

Criticizing, chastising, and perching from the pulpit and no endorsement.

Berni should retire before he becomes fossilized and desiccated.

I am starting to feel hopeful she will beat Trump.
Bernie Sanders is doing to Harris what he did to Clinton.

Criticizing, chastising, and perching from the pulpit and no endorsement.

Berni should retire before he becomes fossilized and desiccated.
I am starting to feel hopeful she will beat Trump.
Harris should be good enough. Dobbs is always there under the surface. The Democrats need a candidate that can run and sell a message. I'd say Biden's biggest fault was while he was nuanced, he never sold nuance. Harris with Gaza made a clear statement regarding the lack of a binary standing on Gaza. That stuff is important when trying to get support among multiple sides of the Gazan problem.
I think Kamala can beat Trump. I've never seen so much enthusiasm for a Democratic candidate in my lifetime and I was born when Truman was president. She's gathering more excitement and raising more money than Obama did. When a group of woman called, "Black women for Harris", another group called "White women for. Harris" quickly appeared. How about just "Women for Harris" or "Voters for Harris". She has far more charisma than I originally thought. She has a fantastic sense humor and can laugh at herself, unlike her toddler opponent. She's bright and experienced and assuming she picks a white male governor with lots of experience that should help bring in more independents. I want a diversity ticket, although I'll vote for her regardless of who becomes her VP.

And here's a little chuckle. Last night Mr. Sohy called his old boss, a guy who we both like and have gotten together with at times. Don is a Democrat who is thinking of taking a temporary consulting job in West Virginia. He told Mr. Sohy that a lot of people in WV aren't going to vote because they despise the way Vance has described and denigrated people in their area in his book.They won't vote for a Democrat, so they will just not vote, since they can't stomach the idea of voting for a ticket with JD Vance on it. We had a good laugh over that. Not saying the Dems can win WV, but maybe more Republicans will leave off the presidential vote due to Vance or I hope due to Trump.

My neighbor said she hopes the stress kills Trump. I said I hope he loses in a landslide because that would kill him, metaphorically speaking or maybe literally. :p
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