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Racism And Kamala Harris

Now that Kamala Harris is running for President of The United States, far right racists like Sebastian Gorka are now playing the racist, misogynist games. Harris is being painted as a black woman who did not rise because of her abilities and talents and hard work, but by being a token black woman, a DEI candidate.
Oh, give me a break! It's not racist to point out that KH was a DEI pick for veep. Dems were not even hiding that they were looking for a black woman to nominate. Just like with SCOTUS justice or US Senator from California, nobody except black women needed to apply.
and this in rather crude terms.
What is crude was the tokenism at display in 2020. It had all the subtlety of a sledgehammer.
Only European right winged White males need apply for positions of power.
Bullshit. It is exactly the opposite. Only black women were considered.
So you say stuff like forced busing
Forced busing was an idiotic policy, and it is to Kamala Harris' demerit that she tried to make hay out of it in her racist attacks against Biden.
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Don't forget about the sexism. They will also say she had sex to get jobs... use your imagination to write the talking points.
It is likewise not sexist to point out that her 60 year old sugary daddy appointed her to state boards while they were fucking.

If somebody like MTG was selected as veep by Trump and had that kind of baggage, the Ilk would not stop talking about it. But when it'sa Dem woman, it's "sexism" to even mention it.
Sebastion Gorka called KH "colored" and a DEI hire on NewsMax.

The Reichwing needs to get their story straight. First, they say she was hired because of diversity, then they say she was hired by sexxing her way to the top, but then they also claim she was secretly an evil genius socialist who was in charge behind the scenes instead of Biden. They're running around like chickens with their heads cut off or maybe monkeys flinging poop, waiting for a narrative to catch on.
I think the way they figure it is that a typical MAGA will latch on to one of these claims, and ignore the inconsistency with the other claims, because they rightly adjudge that these MAGA people don't have much logical thought when it comes to their political position.
Then those claims will be spread by these followers to other people that they know.
Also they are hoping that undecided voters will not notice or remember.
Oh, give me a break! It's not racist to point out that KH was a DEI pick for veep.
Dude, everyone knows conservatives what conservatives mean when they say "DEI", your little codes and shit get broken the second they air.

Just type out "I don't believe black people can deserve positions of political authority unless they are extreme conservatives", if that's what you mean. The cutesy internet slang doesn't make you sound any less racist, and it certainly doesn't succeeding in concealing anything.
Seeing a lot of attacks on Twitter. Mostly sexist, saying she slept her way to the top,
That's preposterous. She did not sleep her way to the top. She merely slept her way to the relatively low rungs of the ladder.
some pretty nasty, and a few making fun of her laugh.
She does have a rather unfetching cackle.
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Dude, everyone knows conservatives what conservatives mean when they say "DEI", your little codes and shit get broken the second they air.
1. I am not a conservative.
2. DEI is a lefty term. Diversity, Inclusion, Equity. That last part is the real issue. Left wing dogma is all about treating people differently in order to get a supposedly "equitable" outcome. Like when only black women are considered for important positions like veep, SCOTUS justice or US Senator from California.
Just type out "I don't believe black people can deserve positions of political authority unless they are extreme conservatives",
I won't type that because I do not believe it. The movement leftism must believe it though - why else would they insist on racial preferences if they didn't, deep down, believe that black people can deserve such a position on merit. It's the soft bigotry of low expectations all over again.

Again, it is not even necessary to speculate or suspect that she was a token pick. Biden and the rest of the Dems were quite clear. Biden first pledged that he would not consider any men. Then the George Floyd insurrections came, and he was pressured into further restricting it to only black women.

if that's what you mean. The cutesy internet slang doesn't make you sound any less racist, and it certainly doesn't succeeding in concealing anything.
It's not a "cutesy internet slang". It's a policy sadly adopted by many businesses (and the Democratic Party) to be discriminatory in the name of "equity".
It's Newspeak to say that being against picking running mates by race and gender is "racist" and "sexist".
Actually, I thought that Biden had the better chance of beating Trump, especially since he’s done it before. And if he didn’t feel up to it, Harris would take over.
A fit Biden would have an excellent chance beating Trump. Had Biden not been pushed aside in 2016, we would even have been spared the phrase "President Trump" altogether.
The way I see it the voters will have a choice between a young, black, woman;
Who? Kamala Harris is young only by comparison. She will be Big 6-0 at the time of election.
and a very old has-been with a lot of unsavory baggage.
That is true, of course.
I feel Democrat voters, even if some of them don't like Harris for whatever reasons they have will not want to vote for Trump, and that will have an impact on their choice.
Not just Dems, but independents like me as well.
I do not particularly like KH; she made some rather questionable choices in 2019 that make me nervous about her tenure. And I do not like the way she was selected as Joe's running mate. Nevertheless, I plan to vote for her as the lesser of two weevils.
Meanwhile on the other side I'm sensing some optimism

Lefties when the Donald is depicted as a superhero in AI "art": Haha, look at those deranged MAGAts with their cult of personality.
Lefties when Kamala is depicted as a superheroine in AI "art": You go girl!
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If you can't be bothered watching, Beau said it best; "Republicans are screaming Harris is a DEI candidate and they are saying DEI with the hard R"

Or you could just skim through Derec's posts, I suppose.
And because Beau is fucking notorious for not sourcing his reporting (he does that deliberately) here is the context of the video;

Leaders of the House Republican caucus scolded members on Tuesday after several representatives went off-script to attack Vice President Kamala Harris on the basis of her race and gender, according to multiple reports.
Meanwhile partisan racism against JD Vance's wife. Oh wait... no... the far-right is criticizing JD Vance not marrying a Christian.
article said:
The wife of Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance, Usha Chilukuri Vance, and the couple's children have become the targets of backlash for their Indian ancestry.

Chilukuri Vance, the daughter of Indian immigrants who grew up in San Diego, as well as RNC speaker Harmeet Dhillon -- who is Sikh and Indian – are facing anti-Asian hate from far-right figures online.

Posts appear to have spiked this week following Vance's nomination criticizing Vance for marrying someone who is non-white, expressing concerns about an influx of Indian immigrants as a result and the so-called Great Replacement conspiracy have garnered hundreds of thousands of views according to individual post engagement figures.
Seems deplorable to me.
Dude, everyone knows conservatives what conservatives mean when they say "DEI", your little codes and shit get broken the second they air.
1. I am not a conservative.
Agreed, more like self-serving.
2. DEI is a lefty term. Diversity, Inclusion, Equity. That last part is the real issue. Left wing dogma is all about treating people differently in order to get a supposedly "equitable" outcome. Like when only black women are considered for important positions like veep, SCOTUS justice or US Senator from California.
One can disagree with DEI policies all they like. The problem I had was Donald Trump was targeted in an assassination attempt and the near immediate far-right's response was misogyny. And once it became apparent the shooter was apolitical in the targeting, the far-right really doubled down on it. I saw a shooting, Trump dropping to the ground, SS covering over him, and the far-right saw 'women in places they didn't belong'. That's fucked up.

Funny though, that the deplorable portion of the base is now criticizing JD Vance's wife's identity. So at least they are somewhat consistent.
Again, it is not even necessary to speculate or suspect that she was a token pick. Biden and the rest of the Dems were quite clear. Biden first pledged that he would not consider any men. Then the George Floyd insurrections came, and he was pressured into further restricting it to only black women.
Biden's cabinet.

Meanwhile Justice Jackson has done remarkable with her penned decisions. You don't give a damn about performance.
Actually, I thought that Biden had the better chance of beating Trump, especially since he’s done it before. And if he didn’t feel up to it, Harris would take over.
A fit Biden would have an excellent chance beating Trump. Had Biden not been pushed aside in 2016, we would even have been spared the phrase "President Trump" altogether.
I don’t entirely disagree but I’m uncertain of the history of a VP immediately being ejected POTUS.

I also think Biden is much, much more fit than Trump, physically and mentally as well as character.
Meanwhile partisan racism against JD Vance's wife. Oh wait... no... the far-right is criticizing JD Vance not marrying a Christian.
article said:
The wife of Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance, Usha Chilukuri Vance, and the couple's children have become the targets of backlash for their Indian ancestry.

Chilukuri Vance, the daughter of Indian immigrants who grew up in San Diego, as well as RNC speaker Harmeet Dhillon -- who is Sikh and Indian – are facing anti-Asian hate from far-right figures online.

Posts appear to have spiked this week following Vance's nomination criticizing Vance for marrying someone who is non-white, expressing concerns about an influx of Indian immigrants as a result and the so-called Great Replacement conspiracy have garnered hundreds of thousands of views according to individual post engagement figures.
Seems deplorable to me.
That would be deplorable to me too. I read that article but the evidence backing up the claim of "the far right critisizing JD for not marrying a Christian" seems missing. What social media posts are they talking about? Is it a significant percentage of the right doing this, or some de minimus amount consistenting mostly of the usual trolls and kooks?

When it comes to discrimination and hate directed towards Asians, I see it generally coming from the left side of the aisle. We have seen this with the recent SCOTUS ruling on lefty college admissions, for example. In San Francisco, there has been a lot of blatant racism against Asians by the school board and other agencies (resulting in forced resignations), as well as many physical racially motivated attacks on the streets. The perpetrators do not generally fit the mold of "far right" Maga extrememists.
Don't forget about the sexism. They will also say she had sex to get jobs... use your imagination to write the talking points.
It is likewise not sexist to point out that her 60 year old sugary daddy appointed her to state boards while they were fucking.
Since it had nothing to do with her ability to be POTUS or her qualificatiobs, it is sexist.
Derec said:
If somebody like MTG was selected as veep by Trump and had that kind of baggage, the Ilk would not stop talking about it. But when it'sa Dem woman, it's "sexism" to even mention it.
Your hypothetical whataboutism is only illustrative of the views of your ilk.
Derec said:
If somebody like MTG was selected as veep by Trump and had that kind of baggage, the Ilk would not stop talking about it. But when it'sa Dem woman, it's "sexism" to even mention it.
Your hypothetical whataboutism is only illustrative of the views of your ilk.
Thats some heavy myopia to think the issues with MTG are due to her being a woman.
With regard to KH and her relationship with Willie Brown, here's what Snopes (a left leaning fact checker) has to say about it. Its rather detailed and well supported:

Did Kamala Harris Have an Extramarital Affair with Willie Brown That Boosted Her Career?

What's True
Harris did date former San Francisco Mayor and State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown for a period of time between 1994 to 1995. In his capacity as speaker, Brown appointed her to two political posts — first to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, and then to the Medical Assistance Commission.

What's False
Although Brown was technically still married during the time period that he dated Harris, he had been estranged from his wife Blanche Brown for more than a decade. Harris' first, successful run for office in 2003 happened well after the relationship ended, and Harris sought to distance herself from Brown.
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