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Democrats trying to unseat each other III

"Indypendent"[sic] is a far left rag.

Latimerism #10: He is “confident” in the Biden Administration’s approach to the crisis in Gaza.
If anything, it is too critical of Israel.
Latimerism #9: Although he has received a record high $14.5 million in AIPAC support, Latimer wants to make sure voters know he’s not alone.
And Firemarshal Jamaal did not receive support from fauxgressive groups?
Latimerism #7: As county exec, Latimer placed the same mistress, retired New Rochelle judge Susan Kettner, on the county payroll with a $136,000 per year job.
Didn't the Ilk defend Willie Brown when he gave his mistress, one Kamala Harris, positions on state boards?
Latimerism #5: During his 2017 bid for county exec, Latimer got in an accident in New Rochelle. ... According to independent journalist Robert Cox, such an account contradicted “basic trigonometry.”
There is a British journalist named Robert Cox who is 90. I doubt they mean him.
Latimerism #2: Latimer asserted that Bowman’s “constituency is in Dearborn, Michigan,” the nation’s largest city with a majority Arab-American population.
Given JB's hostility toward Israel, how is that wrong?
This shows a lack of focus. What does "end to [so-called] genocide" have to do with the "mf Green New Deal"?

A Sunrise Movement campaigner talked about what it was like to campaign for Jamaal Bowman. The people she contacted agreed with many of his positions, but AIPAC's huge blast of negative ads made many people doubtful about him.
I am sure a "Sunrise Movement campaigner" contacted were hardly a representative sample of the NY16 electorate.

This is a good argument for more multicandidate-friendly voting systems like ranked-choice voting and proportional representation.
With proportional representation, lists are made by the parties. There is no chance at an insurgency like when JB ousted Elliott Engel. Or when AOC ousted Crowley for that matter. I am not sure how ranked choice would have helped the fire marshal because it was a two-horse race.

The campaigner was also critical of the Democratic party for having "utterly failed young people and working-class people", and that she hopes that by 2028, the party can have a Presidential candidate that she can support.
I hope not. Or we will probably get President JD Vance.
"Indypendent"[sic] is a far left rag.
A far left rag rated high for factual reporting.
By whom?
What lpetrich posted is not "factual reporting" but an opinion piece anyway. The hit piece was written by one Theodore Hamm, who also writes for the Marxist rag "Jacobin".
This is a good argument for more multicandidate-friendly voting systems like ranked-choice voting and proportional representation.
With proportional representation, lists are made by the parties. There is no chance at an insurgency like when JB ousted Elliott Engel. Or when AOC ousted Crowley for that matter.
Politics under PR is very different from what Americans are accustomed to. It's about parties rather than individuals, though some politicians still become celebrities. So what would have happened instead is that AOC and JB would be members of some Progressive Party and EE and JC members of some Democratic Center Party. So EE and JC would lose their seats and AOC and JB gain their seats if the PP got an increased number of votes and the DCP a decreased number. If the DCP got an increased number again, then EE and JC might get their seats back.
I am not sure how ranked choice would have helped the fire marshal because it was a two-horse race.
That's because JB's opponents decided to consolidate around one candidate. They didn't do that in 2022, and with RCV, JB would likely have had a squeaker of a victory back then.
Politics under PR is very different from what Americans are accustomed to. It's about parties rather than individuals, though some politicians still become celebrities.
I am familiar with PR systems, most closely the German system even though that is technically a mixed member system. Half the MdBs are elected directly from districts, but there is an adjustment so that the overall composition closely matches the proportions of the Zweitstimmen (or "second votes" where the party lists are voted for) minus the parties that failed the 5% threshold that was implemented to avoid excessive fragmentation of the parliament that would make governing coalitions unstable.
So what would have happened instead is that AOC and JB would be members of some Progressive Party and EE and JC members of some Democratic Center Party.
Most likely. But is it questionable if the bartender and the middle school principal, respectively, would have been placed high enough on their party list to be elected given the percentage of votes it was likely to get. After all, these two only became well known after they took out incumbents in their low turnout, partisan primaries that would not exist under PR.
That's because JB's opponents decided to consolidate around one candidate. They didn't do that in 2022, and with RCV, JB would likely have had a squeaker of a victory back then.
It would still not have helped him in 2024 nor in 2022 - a squeaker is not better than a clear victory.
Seems like they were repeating an old poll from some months back.

New poll shows close race for Squad member Cori Bush - 9:37 a.m. ET June 26, 2024
The poll, conducted by The Mellman Group between June 18 and June 22, found that St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell overcame a double-digit deficit in January to lead Bush 43% to 42%. Four percent of the survey respondents supported other candidates on the ballot while 11% were undecided.
This is more plausible, considering the margin that she won by back in 2022.
AOC has this eulogy for Jamaal Bowman's Congressional career:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on X: ".@JamaalBowman. ..." / X
Son of a single mother.
Grew up in public housing.
Dedicated his life to teaching.
Became a school principal.
Founded a prized school to serve Bronx youth.
Elected as the 1st Black Congressman for NY16.
Never took a dime in corporate money.

A true public servant.
with a picture of the two together.
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