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Harris Trump debate

Trump already won. By a landslide.
The only way he lost the debate is if she cheated, in which case Dolt45 will have her arrested and executed by his goons real Americans as soon as he is rightfully seated as President.
Harris started with the ‘opportunity economy’ offering a $50k tax benefit.

Trump opened by dumping out everything he had – immigration, greatest everything, even claiming he handled the pandemic well – taking claim for producing masks

Harris ignored Trump’s Gish gallop. She ignored his increased tariffs proposal - a key point she should have made.
Harris started with the ‘opportunity economy’ offering a $50k tax benefit.

Trump opened by dumping out everything he had – immigration, greatest everything, even claiming he handled the pandemic well – taking claim for producing masks

Harris ignored Trump’s Gish gallop. She ignored his increased tariffs proposal - a key point she should have made.
I absolutely agree. She should have said "this moron believes tariffs are paid for by the country of origin."
Trump talking about post birth abortion. There was a South Park episode where Cartman’s mom was looking to get it legalized by sleeping with various politicians. Maybe that’s where he got it from. Even the moderator called him out on it and they aren’t supposed to fact check them.

Harris scores talking about real health and moral issues with banning abortion.

Trump still says everyone wanted the issue going back to the states. In reality, no one wanted Roe V Wade as only a Supreme Court ruling but they did want it enshrined in law, not what Trump says. Student loans? WTF?

Trump is a leader on IVF? What fertilizing his wives?

Harris spoke while Trump was talking - they kept the mics on?

Harris mentions the bill Trump asked Republicans to kill.

Trumps ego is on full display talking about his rallies and maligning her. Then he loses it on the Springfield Haitian dog eating fallacy (police and the city manager says it’s not happening). I laughed out loud.

So this is how we discuss immigration.
How will he deport 11 million immigrants?

Trump says it’s even higher but never actually discusses the process. Says crime is down all over the world because their criminals came here. Says crime here is up and through the roof (but it’s really down). Again, he gets fact checked.

Harris says “this is so rich” coming from someone who has multiple indictments. Says Trump wanted to defund federal agents after he was indicted. She wants to move forward addressing housing shortages, helping small businesses, cost of groceries.

Yes, Trump’s documents case was thrown out but that won’t stand.
“Transgender operations on illegal immigrants in prison” – that says it all!
Back to the number of votes again. More than any republican, more than any previous president (but he still lost).
Trump did close the border on the west coast for Covid. However, he left the East coast open and people just changed where they entered the US.
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