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Harris Trump debate

This is getting even crazier - Trump is picking on Biden and claiming he was thrown out of office by Harris.
How will Trump stop the war in Ukraine in 24 hours?

Trump says he will stop the war before he gets in office. He won’t say how. He won’t say he supports Ukraine. Rants about NATO.

Harris said the war would end because Trump would stop supporting Ukraine. If it wasn’t for NATO, the Russians would be in Kiev.

Extra time for Trump – no one wants to talk about Russia’s nuclear weapons. Says Harris was sent to negotiate to prevent the war and the war started 3 days later (this has been debunked).

Extra time for Harris – Trumps comments were lies. She did not go in to negotiate, but to support Ukraine.

Harris –Trump released 5000 Taliban, left out the Afghan government from the negotiations, and invited the Taliban to Camp David.

Trump – Taliban was killing our soldiers with snipers, brought up the 18 months of no US soldiers killed (only if you count Biden’s term), left 87 million in weapons behind (totally bogus number - it's based on the total expenditure for the war in Afghanistan).

They did not give Harris an opportunity to respond.
Trump says he saved Obama Care. Moderator - So yes or no – do you have a plan to replace Obama Care? He has an idea of a plan that we will hear about in the future (and the check's in the mail).
I watched the first half hour, but these things are over-rehearsed for the most part. I wish they'd ask Trumpy about all those kids who come back from school "with an operation" -- and the many 'childs' who are saying, "Who did this to me?" Tommy became Tammy all because he/she/whatever went to the big bad school!
In their closing remarks, Harris outlines programs to help small businesses and first time home buyers, a woman's right to choose, etc. A message of moving forward away from the past.

Trump asked why she hasn't done this over the last 3 1/2 years. We are a failed nation and people are laughing behind our backs (in reality world leaders openly laughed at Trump in his presence).
I'm glad I saw this. It's hard to accept anyone believes what Trump’s saying. At least Harris maintained a very even keel with her performance.
He’s off his damn rocker for sure. Panicked.
And it probably won’t matter.
Well this was both fun and disturbing but well tempered with a few shots of Heaven Hill bottled in bond bourbon!
More disturbing than fun here.
Despite the fine finish on Harris' veneer, the grain of the wood might not be to the preference of the American electorate's "college".
Hopefully no damage done, and maybe even a victory for Harris. But Trumpsters eat up all that vitriol, namecalling and demonizing crap. All of Trump's responses sounded to me like desperate pleas to his base:
"Please don't listen to this mean woman!"
Harris' failure to follow up on the ever-important crowd size issue was lamentable, as it really brought out the best in ol' Donny. :ROFLMAO:

All in all... who won? It seemed like Cheato's talking time was 2x Harris'. I wouldn't vote for him on that basis alone, if it turns out that they had even roughly equal time. What a bore that guy is.
Right after the debate ended, Harris was endorsed by Taylor Swift, so I’d say Harris won.

WaPo reports:
Trump campaign spokesman Brian Hughes declined to comment on the endorsement. “I’m not a teeny-bopper,” he said.

I’m looking forward to Steven Cheung’s claim that Tay-Tay feeds dogs to her cats, or some other idiotic comment.
She sounds a little too canned to me. She needs to go off script and talk like a real person more.
I didn’t think so at all. She sounded well prepared, as though she had command of facts. Her opening was a bit tentative—the only weak spot.

And she got her digs in and that rattled him.
It was a surprisingly classy and effective celebrity endorsement. Well, maybe not surprising, Swift has always been a canny PR maven before she is anything else really.

taylorian work model.png
I thought Ms. Harris carried herself well. I liked there were a few times we got to see her laughing at Trump. I wished she was a little more adroit with economics so she could quickly point out Trump's tariff plans are inane.

I thought Mr. Trump was a bit less unhinged than normal. He actually spoke some complete sentences (never mind they were lies). I did think he became more unhinged towards the end.

I thought the moderators at least tried to limit his lies. Linsey Davis seemed more determined that David Muir to correct Trump's blatant lies.
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"Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison."

What the living actual ever loving fuck. I love how TSwizzle/RVonse/MAGA etc thinks Brandon is the one with dementia but that *this* sounds totally reasonable.
Rump tonight said he never read Project 2025.
I believe it. He never listens to anybody. Not even his allies. He builds an echo chamber around himself, and fires any other voices.
Even his allies knew he needed a presidential 'cheat-sheet'. He will probably do most of what the cheat-sheet suggests. But he has to think they are his ideas.
OMG!!! They're eating the pets!!!!
Good. It takes the heat of us eating babies.
Says crime is down all over the world because their criminals came here.
Right, and they all snuck across our southern border.
How will Trump stop the war in Ukraine in 24 hours?
Buy politely asking his good buddy Putin to stop. Putin respects Rump so much.

T.S. recommends voting early.
Hell No. Don't do that. Those are the votes the republicans are going to contest, want to throw out.
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