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The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx
Pay attention from time stamp 9:33 to 10:44, and you will see senator Schumer admit from his own lips what we all knew anyway.

The Democrats are shunning labor so then when they hear anything sounding promising from MAGA rhetoric, those same Americans are then called dumb fuckers by CNN.

In the meantime the Democrats have become the new party of the mega rich donor class. And the party of the Mit Romney's and over educated elites.
Pay attention from time stamp 9:33 to 10:44, and you will see senator Schumer admit from his own lips what we all knew anyway.

The Democrats are shunning labor so then when they hear anything sounding promising from MAGA rhetoric, those same Americans are then called dumb fuckers by CNN.

In the meantime the Democrats have become the new party of the mega rich donor class. And the party of the Mit Romney's and over educated elites.

Republicians are a coalition of White nationalists, christian nationalists, conspiracy theorists, anti-woke/trans/LGBTQ, ambivalents towards liberal democracy, autocratic tech bros, isolationists who believe we just need to let the dictators invade whomever they want with no resistance from the US (usually repeating Putin's talking points), and working class (mainly men) who fall for the MAGA con and get sucked into the cult thinking he will do one iota of good to improve their job prospects. Many of these are overlapping categories.

The Democrats are pretty much everyone else, including mostly college educated, rejection of conspiracies, pro-safety net, pro-tax increases on wealthy, pro-choice, pro-union, pro-instiution (like media, medicine, public education, courts, FBI, etc.), pro-democracy, pro-strong alliances and pro-defending that democracy around the world against invaders (NATO). And no, the Democrats have not had any kind of coalition I describe above for the republicians in recent memory that I'm aware of.
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The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats​

Didn’t the completion of this already occur under LBJ?
Why are we resurrecting news from 50 years ago?

Republicians are a coalition of White nationalists, christian nationalists, conspiracy theorists, anti-woke/trans/LGBTQ, ambivalents towards liberal democracy, autocratic tech bros, isolationists who believe we just need to let the dictators invade whomever they want with no resistance from the US (usually repeating Putin's talking points), and working class (mainly men) who fall for the MAGA con and get sucked into the cult thinking he will do one iota of good to improve their job prospects. Many of these are overlapping categories.

Right ^^. That group used to be democrats, and now they are republicans
In the meantime the Democrats have become the new party of the mega rich donor class.

Oh RVonse, I feel so sorry for you, having to choke on the lies that Breitbart is feeding you.
If you look at who is donating to which political party, and how the mega-rich are contributing, it’s so obvious and clear that this is a lie meant to rile up your emotions and turn off your reason. And it is utterly, obviously, demonstrably, a total lie.

I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this.
The Democrats became the Reagan Republicans, just with progressive social values. Were you not alive during the 90s when that centrist Democrat was President.

Republicans are becoming a hyper-partisan religious authoritarian party that don't like it when people vote for the other party, or we could just call them Limbaugh Babies. What is the GOP running ads on? Saying Sherrod Brown wants men in women sports and to cut the genitals off children. The fucker running against Brown got in trouble for not paying his workers overtime... yet that guy is the one you'd support... they owner that tried to fuck over the workers.
Pay attention from time stamp 9:33 to 10:44, and you will see senator Schumer admit from his own lips what we all knew anyway.

The Democrats are shunning labor so then when they hear anything sounding promising from MAGA rhetoric, those same Americans are then called dumb fuckers by CNN.

In the meantime the Democrats have become the new party of the mega rich donor class. And the party of the Mit Romney's and over educated elites.

Just another dumb video that tells you lies you unthinkingly swallow because you want to believe them.
The original Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, was the party of human rights, of opposition to the spread of slavery, of free markets internally but some tariffs externally, of centralized government authority to some extent, of land-grant colleges, of government financing of the transcontinental railroad, and a pro-labor party whose second presidential candidate, Lincoln in 1860. declared labor prior to and superior to capital. The Democratic Party of that time was a state’s rights party that was pro-slavery, insurrectionist and traitorous, and steeped in a warped and poisonous right-wing religious world view that held it to be God’s word that black were inferior to whites.

So, yes, the two parties since then have basically switched sides.
Pay attention from time stamp 9:33 to 10:44, and you will see senator Schumer admit from his own lips what we all knew anyway.

The Democrats are shunning labor so then when they hear anything sounding promising from MAGA rhetoric, those same Americans are then called dumb fuckers by CNN.

In the meantime the Democrats have become the new party of the mega rich donor class. And the party of the Mit Romney's and over educated elites.

Just another dumb video that tells you lies you unthinkingly swallow because you want to believe them.

The time stamp marks where senator Schumer made his statements. My OP references only those statements made by him.

The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats​

Didn’t the completion of this already occur under LBJ?
Why are we resurrecting news from 50 years ago?

LBJ was a Democrat who simply continued and added to the liberal policies (great society) already started by Roosevelt.
ts), and working class (mainly men) who fall for the MAGA con
You mean the people who do the dirty hard labor jobs that keep what's left of the country running and producing real value. People like the truckers?
Yes, those type of people... who'll vote for Bernie Moreno who stiffed his workers... and Donald Trump who was notorious for stiffing contractors.
Pay attention from time stamp 9:33 to 10:44, and you will see senator Schumer admit from his own lips what we all knew anyway.

The Democrats are shunning labor so then when they hear anything sounding promising from MAGA rhetoric, those same Americans are then called dumb fuckers by CNN.
What do you think Schumer said that indicates that Democrats are becoming Republicans? Schumer talked about picking up moderate Republicans which I interpret as moderate Republicans are fleeing the party of Trump not that Democrats
are becoming Republicans.

And those fleeing the GOP are fleeing because if Trump - someone you helped capture the GOP. Do you feel any remorse or responsibility for helping Trump gain this stranglehold?
In the meantime the Democrats have become the new party of the mega rich donor class.
RVonse - The Democrats are the party of the rich mega donor class!

Also RVonse - I support Donald Trump and believe anything Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson and Russell Brand tell me!
The original Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, was the party of human rights, of opposition to the spread of slavery, of free markets internally but some tariffs externally, of centralized government authority to some extent, of land-grant colleges, of government financing of the transcontinental railroad, and a pro-labor party whose second presidential candidate, Lincoln in 1860. declared labor prior to and superior to capital. The Democratic Party of that time was a state’s rights party that was pro-slavery, insurrectionist and traitorous, and steeped in a warped and poisonous right-wing religious world view that held it to be God’s word that black were inferior to whites.

So, yes, the two parties since then have basically switched sides.

Lincoln: "A disloyal portion of the American people have during the whole year been engaged in an attempt to divide and destroy the Union. A nation which endures factious domestic division is exposed to disrespect abroad, and one party, if not both, is sure sooner or later to invoke foreign intervention."

:unsure: Yeah, that definitely sounds like something a Democrat would say.
The original Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, was the party of human rights, of opposition to the spread of slavery, of free markets internally but some tariffs externally, of centralized government authority to some extent, of land-grant colleges, of government financing of the transcontinental railroad, and a pro-labor party whose second presidential candidate, Lincoln in 1860. declared labor prior to and superior to capital. The Democratic Party of that time was a state’s rights party that was pro-slavery, insurrectionist and traitorous, and steeped in a warped and poisonous right-wing religious world view that held it to be God’s word that black were inferior to whites.

So, yes, the two parties since then have basically switched sides.

Lincoln: "A disloyal portion of the American people have during the whole year been engaged in an attempt to divide and destroy the Union. A nation which endures factious domestic division is exposed to disrespect abroad, and one party, if not both, is sure sooner or later to invoke foreign intervention."

:unsure: Yeah, that definitely sounds like something a Democrat would say.

The analogy of the politics today, and the politics then, is never perfect. What Lincoln is talking about is analogous to a condemnation of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol, but of course the insurrection of the 1860s was much greater, a full-blown Civil War. When Lincoln speaks of foreign intervention, that was a real fear at the time, because the U.S. was far from a super power. There was great anxiety that the Union blockade of the Confederate coast, which cut off the flow of cotton to Britain, would invite British intervention on the side of the Confederates.
ts), and working class (mainly men) who fall for the MAGA con
You mean the people who do the dirty hard labor jobs that keep what's left of the country running and producing real value. People like the truckers?
Yes, but that's the con. Trump and Trumpism will not help these people. The idea that all we need is 20% tariffs on all imported goods, tax cut for the rich, mass deportation and a closed border (basically the only policy positions of MAGA) is how these towns will be revitilized and workers will get jobs is false.

"What's left of the country" already demonstrates you fell for the con.
The original Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, was the party of human rights, of opposition to the spread of slavery, of free markets internally but some tariffs externally, of centralized government authority to some extent, of land-grant colleges, of government financing of the transcontinental railroad, and a pro-labor party whose second presidential candidate, Lincoln in 1860. declared labor prior to and superior to capital. The Democratic Party of that time was a state’s rights party that was pro-slavery, insurrectionist and traitorous, and steeped in a warped and poisonous right-wing religious world view that held it to be God’s word that black were inferior to whites.

So, yes, the two parties since then have basically switched sides.

Lincoln: "A disloyal portion of the American people have during the whole year been engaged in an attempt to divide and destroy the Union. A nation which endures factious domestic division is exposed to disrespect abroad, and one party, if not both, is sure sooner or later to invoke foreign intervention."

:unsure: Yeah, that definitely sounds like something a Democrat would say.

The analogy of the politics today, and the politics then, is never perfect. What Lincoln is talking about is analogous to a condemnation of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol, but of course the insurrection of the 1860s was much greater, a full-blown Civil War. When Lincoln speaks of foreign intervention, that was a real fear at the time, because the U.S. was far from a super power. There was great anxiety that the Union blockade of the Confederate coast, which cut off the flow of cotton to Britain, would invite British intervention on the side of the Confederates.

Given the way the Republican Party is behaving these days, I wouldn't be surprised if they sought foreign intervention—not in the way Lincoln once feared, but in a modern form aimed at influencing the hearts and minds of Americans. You know, through staged conflicts or events paired with social media manipulation.
The original Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, was the party of human rights, of opposition to the spread of slavery, of free markets internally but some tariffs externally, of centralized government authority to some extent, of land-grant colleges, of government financing of the transcontinental railroad, and a pro-labor party whose second presidential candidate, Lincoln in 1860. declared labor prior to and superior to capital. The Democratic Party of that time was a state’s rights party that was pro-slavery, insurrectionist and traitorous, and steeped in a warped and poisonous right-wing religious world view that held it to be God’s word that black were inferior to whites.

So, yes, the two parties since then have basically switched sides.

Lincoln: "A disloyal portion of the American people have during the whole year been engaged in an attempt to divide and destroy the Union. A nation which endures factious domestic division is exposed to disrespect abroad, and one party, if not both, is sure sooner or later to invoke foreign intervention."

:unsure: Yeah, that definitely sounds like something a Democrat would say.

The analogy of the politics today, and the politics then, is never perfect. What Lincoln is talking about is analogous to a condemnation of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol, but of course the insurrection of the 1860s was much greater, a full-blown Civil War. When Lincoln speaks of foreign intervention, that was a real fear at the time, because the U.S. was far from a super power. There was great anxiety that the Union blockade of the Confederate coast, which cut off the flow of cotton to Britain, would invite British intervention on the side of the Confederates.

Given the way the Republican Party is behaving these days, I wouldn't be surprised if they sought foreign intervention—not in the way Lincoln once feared, but in a modern form aimed at influencing the hearts and minds of Americans. You know, through staged conflicts or events paired with social media manipulation.
We already have that with Russian troll farms. And yes, today’s Republicans welcome it.

Lincoln also had some interesting insights on foreign immigration and Russia, which will sound very familiar to today’s ears.
The Russia Lincoln so succinctly and colorfully identified back then is the same Russia today. And the “Know Nothings” he referred to are today’s MAGGOTS. They took the name “Know Nothing” because, unlike today’s MAGGOTS who are proudly upfront in their hateful bigotry, the “Know Nothings” were trying to disguise it: I “know nothing” about the harm I support. The delicious irony, of course, is that they revealed themselves as “know nothings” in the pejorative sense of the term, as utter ignoramuses, just like today’s MAGGOTS.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
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