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The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

At least WW1 and WW2 were about winning, taking spoils, and resetting nations again.

How can anyone have such an abject ignorance of history as to say this?

How does the Marshall Plan, which has been perhaps one of the most significant actions by the USA in shaping the modern world, fit in with the medieval idea of "taking spoils"?

The Russians treated WWII that way, and that gives us a rare opportunity as historians to see a direct comparison between two approaches. Defeated Germany, divided into two parts, one run under the new paradigm, and one the old.

The differences in outcome - from the exact same starting point, in two adjacent polities, with the exact same culture, language, attitudes, history, and heritage - were so stark that even the dullest student should be able to see that what the British, French, and American victors did was utterly different from, and VASTLY more successful in every way than, what the Soviet victors did.

And one if the most significant differences was something radical and new - faced with a defeated and despised enemy, the western allies did NOT loot their country for the spoils. They did the EXACT OPPOSITE - they poured money and food and building materials and machinery INTO the conqured territory.

How can you be so clueless about one of the most outlandish and most successful departures from historical norms by any nation in history, when that astonishing success was achieved by your OWN COUNTRY, less than eighty years ago?? There are still a few people alive in your country who remember this history FIRST HAND. Have you never thought to talk to any of them??
Pretty obvious what some people have become. But I'm not going to mention any names. ;)

Some people get lost in their fantasies and hatreds.
That is an absolute BS interpretation about my position on dictators. My position is protect countries from invasion by dictators. Prevent dictators from expanding territory and taking over countries. Protect those countries who are being invaded or are being threatened. Not eliminate them.
That is even all the much better for you neocons. Never ending wars for the military complex.

At least WW1 and WW2 were about winning, taking spoils, and resetting nations again. You and the neocons just want to crap around the world pretending to be protectors while you bankrupt the US financing needless violence that can not ever be won or resolved.

Of course all the money spent on this needless protectionism isn't going to anyone who actually comes home wounded....its going into their pockets as CEO salary.
Liberal democracy is worth protecting. Our country is better off for it by far. I'm sorry you don't feel that way. You've really lost the plot on this one with the MAGA nonsense.
If it is such a good cause then let all the neocons donate their sons and daughters to do the protecting. And let them pay into a special democracy fund that is separate from my federal tax return. Then I will be for liberal democracy too just as you are.

View attachment 47885
The neocons are the group of
That is an absolute BS interpretation about my position on dictators. My position is protect countries from invasion by dictators. Prevent dictators from expanding territory and taking over countries. Protect those countries who are being invaded or are being threatened. Not eliminate them.
That is even all the much better for you neocons. Never ending wars for the military complex.

At least WW1 and WW2 were about winning, taking spoils, and resetting nations again. You and the neocons just want to crap around the world pretending to be protectors while you bankrupt the US financing needless violence that can not ever be won or resolved.

Of course all the money spent on this needless protectionism isn't going to anyone who actually comes home wounded....its going into their pockets as CEO salary.
Liberal democracy is worth protecting. Our country is better off for it by far. I'm sorry you don't feel that way. You've really lost the plot on this one with the MAGA nonsense.
If it is such a good cause then let all the neocons donate their sons and daughters to do the protecting. And let them pay into a special democracy fund that is separate from my federal tax return. Then I will be for liberal democracy too just as you are.

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The neocons have great compassion for others as long as their cause produces easy and convenient profits for themselves at great expense of others who are exploited. It is now the new Democrat cause.

Look no further than Mit Romney, the complete screwing existing workers in pursuit of his obscene profits. The perfect example of his private equity buyouts. He is in good company of your morals.
That is an absolute BS interpretation about my position on dictators. My position is protect countries from invasion by dictators. Prevent dictators from expanding territory and taking over countries. Protect those countries who are being invaded or are being threatened. Not eliminate them.
That is even all the much better for you neocons. Never ending wars for the military complex.

At least WW1 and WW2 were about winning, taking spoils, and resetting nations again. You and the neocons just want to crap around the world pretending to be protectors while you bankrupt the US financing needless violence that can not ever be won or resolved.

Of course all the money spent on this needless protectionism isn't going to anyone who actually comes home wounded....its going into their pockets as CEO salary.
Liberal democracy is worth protecting. Our country is better off for it by far. I'm sorry you don't feel that way. You've really lost the plot on this one with the MAGA nonsense.
If it is such a good cause then let all the neocons donate their sons and daughters to do the protecting. And let them pay into a special democracy fund that is separate from my federal tax return. Then I will be for liberal democracy too just as you are.

View attachment 47885
The neocons are the group of
That is an absolute BS interpretation about my position on dictators. My position is protect countries from invasion by dictators. Prevent dictators from expanding territory and taking over countries. Protect those countries who are being invaded or are being threatened. Not eliminate them.
That is even all the much better for you neocons. Never ending wars for the military complex.

At least WW1 and WW2 were about winning, taking spoils, and resetting nations again. You and the neocons just want to crap around the world pretending to be protectors while you bankrupt the US financing needless violence that can not ever be won or resolved.

Of course all the money spent on this needless protectionism isn't going to anyone who actually comes home wounded....its going into their pockets as CEO salary.
Liberal democracy is worth protecting. Our country is better off for it by far. I'm sorry you don't feel that way. You've really lost the plot on this one with the MAGA nonsense.
If it is such a good cause then let all the neocons donate their sons and daughters to do the protecting. And let them pay into a special democracy fund that is separate from my federal tax return. Then I will be for liberal democracy too just as you are.

View attachment 47885
The neocons have great compassion for others as long as their cause produces easy and convenient profits for themselves at great expense of others who are exploited. It is now the new Democrat cause.

Look no further than Mit Romney, the complete screwing existing workers in pursuit of his obscene profits.
Mitt Romney is a Republican.
The perfect example of his private equity buyouts. He is in good company of your morals.
JD Vance anyone? Bernie Moreno cheated his employees. Trump is notorious for cheating everyone from bondholders to contractors, to the idiots that bought his NFT cards or shares of DJT.
That is an absolute BS interpretation about my position on dictators. My position is protect countries from invasion by dictators. Prevent dictators from expanding territory and taking over countries. Protect those countries who are being invaded or are being threatened. Not eliminate them.
That is even all the much better for you neocons. Never ending wars for the military complex.

At least WW1 and WW2 were about winning, taking spoils, and resetting nations again. You and the neocons just want to crap around the world pretending to be protectors while you bankrupt the US financing needless violence that can not ever be won or resolved.

Of course all the money spent on this needless protectionism isn't going to anyone who actually comes home wounded....its going into their pockets as CEO salary.
Liberal democracy is worth protecting. Our country is better off for it by far. I'm sorry you don't feel that way. You've really lost the plot on this one with the MAGA nonsense.
If it is such a good cause then let all the neocons donate their sons and daughters to do the protecting. And let them pay into a special democracy fund that is separate from my federal tax return. Then I will be for liberal democracy too just as you are.

View attachment 47885
The neocons are the group of
Mitt Romney is a Republican.
Who is joining up with Axulus et all with the Democrats now.

Let me ask you and the Democrats this question. If I have to help Dick Cheney pay for Haliburton to be compassionate helping democracy in Iraq....how come the neocons don't have to help me pay my FICA tax for my social security retirement? After all they want to be do gooders and compassionate they should all jump at this opportunity
That is an absolute BS interpretation about my position on dictators. My position is protect countries from invasion by dictators. Prevent dictators from expanding territory and taking over countries. Protect those countries who are being invaded or are being threatened. Not eliminate them.
That is even all the much better for you neocons. Never ending wars for the military complex.

At least WW1 and WW2 were about winning, taking spoils, and resetting nations again. You and the neocons just want to crap around the world pretending to be protectors while you bankrupt the US financing needless violence that can not ever be won or resolved.

Of course all the money spent on this needless protectionism isn't going to anyone who actually comes home wounded....its going into their pockets as CEO salary.
Liberal democracy is worth protecting. Our country is better off for it by far. I'm sorry you don't feel that way. You've really lost the plot on this one with the MAGA nonsense.
If it is such a good cause then let all the neocons donate their sons and daughters to do the protecting. And let them pay into a special democracy fund that is separate from my federal tax return. Then I will be for liberal democracy too just as you are.

View attachment 47885
The neocons are the group of
Mitt Romney is a Republican.
Who is joining up with Axulus et all with the Democrats now.

Let me ask you and the Democrats this question. If I have to help Dick Cheney pay for Haliburton to be compassionate helping democracy in Iraq....how come the neocons don't have to help me pay my FICA tax for my social security retirement? After all they want to be do gooders and compassionate they should all jump at this opportunity

Cheney is not a Democrat so your question is meaningless.
Mitt Romney is a Republican.
Who is joining up with Axulus et all with the Democrats now.
Because the GOP is going el Loco. That is the whole point. The GOP in the US House has accomplished virtually nothing. They have no plans, no goals, other than starve the Government.
Let me ask you and the Democrats this question. If I have to help Dick Cheney pay for Haliburton to be compassionate helping democracy in Iraq....how come the neocons don't have to help me pay my FICA tax for my social security retirement?
Dick Cheney isn't supporting the Democrats because of policy, but because Trump is a danger to our democracy... how many more riots are needed to demonstrate that? The GOP is big on not having the wealthy contribute enough as they acquire more and more of the nation's wealth and income. The Democrats have been complaining about this for a while.

The question to ask you is how in the heck is a vote for Trump going to fix your problems. The tariffs didn't save the heavy industry in the US. He has no plans for Social Security funding. He has no plans at all, other than deportations.
Cheney is voting Democrat now. He has Democrat values for the endless wars the Democrats stand for.

So I ask again. I helped Cheney out with his retirement, would it not be the do gooder opportunity for the neocons and Democrats to help me out with my retirement? After all, social security is supposed to be ill funded for the future and Cheney et all would have the funds to help.
Cheney is voting Democrat now. He has Democrat values for the endless wars the Democrats stand for.
Utter nonsense. Cheney and the other neocons started the War on Terra under a Republican figurehead of a president. They are all Republicans. It’s true those ridiculous wars got some Democratic Party support. because like all politicians they had their wet fingers in the air to see which way the wind was blowing and it was blowing for war because of 9/11. Biden has started no wars during his time in office. The left segment of the Democratic Party is against war, against our financial support for Israel’s Gaza genocide. Trump, meanwhile, seems to have done a NIxon and encouraged Netanyahu to continue the war with even more U.S. aid if Trump wins. Did you read the link I gave you? Cheney is supporting Harris because he thinks Trump is a threat to democracy, which he is. And people like Cheney use democracy to get what they want, sure enough, but Cheney isn’t going to get very many domestic policies he liked under Harris, and if he wants war he likely won’t get that either, in the same way Biden has started no war.

The question to ask you is how in the heck is a vote for Trump going to fix your problems.
He won't. In fact, no one person can or will solve America's decline at this point.

The best we might hope for is to not make our problems any worse than they are. To at least get out of the needless endless wars as a first step. To not double the deficit more trillions in the future.

And that's not much but it is more than we have looking forward with a Biden/Harris platform right now.
. Biden has started no wars during his time in office.
Ukraine and giving away tons if support to Israel who arguably can afford war better than the US right now.

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The question to ask you is how in the heck is a vote for Trump going to fix your problems.
He won't. In fact, no one person can or will solve America's decline at this point.

The best we might hope for is to not make our problems any worse than they are. To at least get out of the needless endless wars as a first step. To not double the deficit more trillions in the future.

And that's not much but it is more than we have looking forward with a Biden/Harris platform right now.
Voting for the GOP to reduce deficits, based on the GOP's historical performance going all the way back to Reagan, is about as wise as trusting the wolf to guard the henhouse. Reagan, HW Bush, W Bush, Trump all had large deficits.

Trump's deficits were nearly $1 trillion a year before the pandemic.

You keep demanding that the Government do something, but you don't want them to pay up. You are upset that the wealthy don't pay enough in taxes, yet the GOP have saw to that since Reagan. The GOP are the source of a lot of the ills you are complaining about. Trump is proposing no solutions to any of these problems. There is no reason to think his deficits will be any better than they were in his first term.

And seeking comfort in pre-WWI isolationism exposes a grave deficiency in historical knowledge.
The question to ask you is how in the heck is a vote for Trump going to fix your problems.
He won't. In fact, no one person can or will solve America's decline at this point.

The best we might hope for is to not make our problems any worse than they are. To at least get out of the needless endless wars as a first step. To not double the deficit more trillions in the future.

And that's not much but it is more than we have looking forward with a Biden/Harris platform right now.


Bush and Trump tax cuts are primarily responsible for the increasing debt ratio

Extending Trump tax cuts would add $4.6 trillion to the deficit, CBO finds
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. Biden has started no wars during his time in office.
Ukraine and giving away tons if support to Israel who arguably can afford war better than the US right now.
What about Ukraine? Biden started the war in Ukraine? :oops:

And the greatest elements against U.S. Gaza policy are in … the Democratic Party.
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Sadly I don't think either party is a solution right now. But what I do know for sure is the Democrats courting the neocons for their success is a BIG mistake for America.
Sadly I don't think either party is a solution right now. But what I do know for sure is the Democrats courting the neocons for their success is a BIG mistake for America.
Courting? Now you are really into fiction here. Cheney noted support for Harris, in part Trump is a danger to the nation and because he was involved in the ousting of his daughter from the party. Harris didn't make concessions in the form of a coalition to get that.

Trump is bad for this country. That the Neocons see it should be a massive red flag. Dick Cheney was also bad for this country, but I never doubted whether his interests, no matter how misguided, were for US's benefit (in some form). Trump is beyond a simpleton, signing an agreement with North Korea that he didn't even understand.
Sadly I don't think either party is a solution right now. But what I do know for sure is the Democrats courting the neocons for their success is a BIG mistake for America.

LIke all political parties who have people running for office at all levels, they are “courting” as many votes as they can get. If they can get a small segment of Republicans who hate Trump to vote for Harris, all to the good. Obviously this doesn’t mean that Harris is suddenly going to adopt Cheney’s positions, and there is no evidence that the Republicans are any less war supporters than the Democrats. The Republicans, including the fake populist Trump, remain the party of big business and mega-corporations, and guess who benefits most from war?
Cheney is voting Democrat now. He has Democrat values for the endless wars the Democrats stand for.

So I ask again. I helped Cheney out with his retirement, would it not be the do gooder opportunity for the neocons and Democrats to help me out with my retirement? After all, social security is supposed to be ill funded for the future and Cheney et all would have the funds to help.
Obama got us out of Iraq and Biden got us out of Afganistan. The US started no wars under Biden. What are you going on about?

Your hero Pootey, which Trump supports, wants endless wars.
Cheney is voting Democrat now. He has Democrat values for the endless wars the Democrats stand for.

So I ask again. I helped Cheney out with his retirement, would it not be the do gooder opportunity for the neocons and Democrats to help me out with my retirement? After all, social security is supposed to be ill funded for the future and Cheney et all would have the funds to help.
Obama got us out of Iraq and Biden got us out of Afganistan. The US started no wars under Biden. What are you going on about?

Your hero Pootey, which Trump supports, wants endless wars.
This is exactly right. What are you actually talking about, RVonse? Biden has gotten us into no wars. Putin started the war in Ukraine. The U.S. is not fighting in it. Putin supports Trump, Trump supports Putin. Trump wants even more slaughter in Gaza. Biden and Harris are trying to end it. It’s like you live in an alternate universe, but that’s par for the course these days.

Cheney is not a Democrat. The Democrats do not support Cheney’s policies. Most of the neocons are Republicans. They got their start under Bush/Cheney. The MAGGOTS are false populists, starting with Trump.
Not only that, but Trump has repeatedly tackled about nuking North Korea, nuking Iran, and invading Venezuela. This is your anti-war president?
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