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The party of free speech strikes again by ordering tv stations to remove abortion ad

Can you please point me to bills that AOC has sponsored that promote Socialism as you would define it (I.e., government control of the means of production, etc.)?
Several come close. The federal job guarantee has a whiff of similar Soviet polices to it. As does her plan to make the federal government a real estate developer.
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AOC introduced the Green New Deal, which aims to address climate change and economic inequality through sweeping reforms.
Yes. Her goal is to fundamentally "reform" US economic system. Climate is a fig-leaf, an excuse she needs to push these wide-reaching reforms. That's why GND is loaded with tofu that has nothing to do with climate. In other words, it's a watermelon bill.
measures like national rent control
Rent control is an incredibly dumb idea.
Can you please point me to bills that AOC has sponsored that promote Socialism as you would define it (I.e., government control of the means of production, etc.)?
Several come close. The federal job guarantees have a whiff of similar Soviet polices to them. As does her plan to make the federal government a real estate developer.
So your answer is "No, I don't know of anything AOC has said like that."?
So your answer is "No, I don't know of anything AOC has said like that."?
She might herself be just as confused about socialism as you are. She has certainly flirted with it at least though.

My initial point in this thread, before it got derailed with definitions of socialism, is that embrace of socialism by prominent Democrats like her is a big part of the reason why Florida Cubans have flocked to Republicans. AOC has embraced the "democratic socialism" label and has been, until recently, been affiliated with Democratic Socialists of America. That matters, whether or not she read and understood what DSA stands for.
Anyone who genuinely opposes socialism should be calling for the disbandment of the US military, the biggest socialist organization in the world.
For the millionth time, government institutions and government programs are not "socialism". Defining "socialism" that way would make it a useless designation, as by it any functioning country would be "socialist".
Agreed. Labeling government programs as socialism is the republican definition. I’ve never understood why so many people on the left use this definition. Ronald Reagan must be rolling in his grave over this!
So your answer is "No, I don't know of anything AOC has said like that."?
She might herself be just as confused about socialism as you are. She has certainly flirted with it at least though.

My initial point in this thread, before it got derailed with definitions of socialism, is that embrace of socialism by prominent Democrats like her is a big part of the reason why Florida Cubans have flocked to Republicans. AOC has embraced the "democratic socialism" label and has been, until recently, been affiliated with Democratic Socialists of America. That matters, whether or not she read and understood what DSA stands for.
How’s defining socialism a derail on a thread about whether democrats are embracing socialism. It is clear that the term means different things to different people so it would seem vitally important to understand its definition in this discussion.
This is a great detail. About the comment about Harris wanting to get into the federal real estate business; let’s circle back to DeSantis wanting to build golf and hotel resorts on public property in addition to engaging in actual government censorship. That is the GOP Musky vision for America.
In the USA, socialism is a useless term, as right-wingers apply it to anything they (witlessly) don't like.
In this thread, and more generally on this forum, left-wingers apply "socialism" to anything they (witlessly) like.
In this thread, and more generally on this forum. right wingers progressives apply "leftist: fascist to anyone they (witlessly) dislike, making the term pretty much useless.
In the USA, socialism is a useless term, as right-wingers apply it to anything they (witlessly) don't like.
In this thread, and more generally on this forum, left-wingers apply "socialism" to anything they (witlessly) like.
In this thread, and more generally on this forum. right wingers progressives apply "leftist: fascist to anyone they (witlessly) dislike, making the term pretty much useless.
You cannot fix what is not broken. It would be unsurprising and ironic if you disagree with my observation. I do agree "fascist", "communist", "socialist", "progressive", and "leftist" are have different meaning depending on the users.

Judge blocks Florida's order:

“To keep it simple for the state of Florida: It’s the First Amendment, stupid,” Chief U.S. District Judge Mark E. Walker of the Northern District of Florida wrote on Thursday as he granted a restraining order against the surgeon general.

You expect them to understand words like "amendment"? All that matters is the word of god and that is perfect, there is no amending.
In the USA, socialism is a useless term, as right-wingers apply it to anything they (witlessly) don't like.
In this thread, and more generally on this forum, left-wingers apply "socialism" to anything they (witlessly) like.
In this thread, and more generally on this forum. right wingers progressives apply "leftist: fascist to anyone they (witlessly) dislike, making the term pretty much useless.
You cannot fix what is not broken. It would be unsurprising and ironic if you disagree with my observation. I do agree "fascist", "communist", "socialist", "progressive", and "leftist" are have different meaning depending on the users.

Its the overuse of such terms that is the problem. Overuse and misuse renders them largely worthless.
I don't think it's entirely accidental that it has become effectively impossible to even talk about any economic system other than lassez-faire free-market capitalism, without the discussion being immediately derailed into pointless bickering over definitions of words, and argument by dictionary.

Even if a supporter of the funding of something via taxation, rather than through the "free" market, is extremely careful not to use words like "socialist", some acolyte of Ayn Rand will pop up, use the word, and then force the locomotive, wagons, caboose and all off the rails and into yet another trainwreck debate about what "socialism" means.
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