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  1. S

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    Here's another example of police misconduct regarding sexually assaulting teens. https://wapo.st/3Vn3lLg Why do so few of you seem concerned about this, when it's done out of pure malice and most of the time the police officer gets away with it, or only receives a shorts sentence. I get that...
  2. S

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    It wan't meant as a dig. Sorry you took it that way. I felt as if the other posters didn't understand exactly what you meant, which is why I said, regardless of what you thought. Sometimes what people write in their posts isn't clearly understood. It appeared that that was the case, and...
  3. S

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    I'm sharing another article, if anyone is interested, that explains how the Post investigated this type of misconduct by the police. These are rather long, detailed articles, but it does make you wonder what kind of people are being hired in law enforcement and why so many aren't even brought to...
  4. S

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    Regardless of what Loren thinks, shouldn't we all be outraged and disgusted that so many police have abused children and women? Shooting innocent people by the police is one terrible problem, but in I think this is even worse, as these police didn't shoot someone out of fear or a...
  5. S

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    I challenge you to read the the entire article I'm about to share from WaPo. It's not about police shooting an unarmed person. It's about a large number of police from many different parts of the country, raping, molesting and sexually abusing in other ways, children and teens. I might add some...
  6. S

    The Race For 2024

    Actually, he probably promised to pay for them, but then didn't give the women the money he promised them. :)
  7. S

    White People Think Black People Are Magical

    Now, y'all are making me think of the sheriff in Mel Brooks, greatest hit, imo, "Blazing Saddles". The Black sheriff saves the town from a bunch of criminals who want to destroy it for their own greedy purposes. The cool, smart Black sheriff played by Cleavon Little makes the racists look like...
  8. S

    White People Think Black People Are Magical

    So, let's talk about the Blaxploitation era, movies written, produced and starring Black actors, in an attempt to attract Black urban folks. But, they attracted both Black and white folks, then the NAACP and some Black Christian organization, who's name I can't recall, reigned them in as they...
  9. S

    Hope For The Dying

    I am the one who mentioned that dehydration is usually a pleasant way to go. It's in a post, just a few posts before this one. Dehydration usually prevents the gasping sound, known as the death rattle, which happens in the last stages of life, as the person can no longer swallow or cough up the...
  10. S

    The Race For 2024

    True, but it's hard to understand why so many people will support someone who broadcasts the fact that he doesn't care about them. He's been meeting with billionaires and promising them tax cuts, but the poor and the middle class followers of his cult don't seem to care what he says about them...
  11. S

    The Race For 2024

    While this isn't the link I read early this morning, I did find one about tRump meeting with the extremist Christians who want to ban all forms of abortion. https://apnews.com/article/trump-2024-election-abortion-christians-13318983232798e44e9638a33811f844
  12. S

    The Race For 2024

    I guess if you're a young woman or someone who cares about the reproductive freedom of women, you don't consider that a minor issue. I think the article was in the NYTImes. Excuse me. I mean the failing New York Times to quote the orange menace. I don't read Mother Jones, at least I haven't in...
  13. S

    The Race For 2024

    ...abortions, including those that were the result of rape or incest, or if the life of the mother is in danger or the fetus can't survive.....How did this happen? How backwards will this country go if the crazy man is elected? It amazes me how anyone with an IQ over 70, can support this man. *sigh*
  14. S

    Renting one's Clothes

    Sadly, my friend moved to Massachusetts when she found her perfect partner. He is very tall and she is under 5 ft. From what I remember her favorite place to shop for old clothing was the Christian Woman's Thrift Store, even though she's an atheist. I guess they had a better selection there...
  15. S

    Climate Change(d)?

    The problem with hydropower. Shared article, not behind a paywall https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/04/climate/global-hydropower-decline.html?unlocked_article_code=1.x00.MA6p.xlklwWjtPa8p&smid=url-share
  16. S

    Renting one's Clothes

    I had a friend who bought most of her clothing at thrift stores. She and I went shopping together once and I was entertained by her shopping at the thrift stores. She was extremely short but she did her own alternations. I can wear jeans off the rack and jeans and yoga pants are the only things...
  17. S

    How many gods have humans invented and what purpose do they serve?

    Since I don't read that many threads, I'm sorry I missed what you said before. I'm not sure about your take. I guess I'll have to investigate this more when I have the time. :)
  18. S

    How many gods have humans invented and what purpose do they serve?

    Some of the sites I found are religious ones, that seem to be making the point that neurotheology supports their beliefs, especially the Christian ones. But, some of the other sites are actually scientific ones, investigating why our brains are subject to believing in gods or other unproven...
  19. S

    How many gods have humans invented and what purpose do they serve?

    Has anyone bothered to read any of the info in any of the links I've posted? I assume not, as nobody has said whether or not they've ever heard of the science called, "neurotheology", which is supposedly a branch of neuroscience that investigates why humans believe in gods and other supernatural...
  20. S

    Bill Maher For President - 2028

    Ok. I never saw him say that. I apologize, as I was pretty sure he said he had the vaccines, but I never heard him say anything against the vaccine. I do believe he's a bit off his rocker, and has narcissistic tendencies, as I've said before.
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