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  1. R

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    What really is telling about Biden's mental state is this: Hur found that Biden knowingly possessed national security documents for which he had no permission, and that he was guilty of mishandling national security documents by leaving them in the trunk of his car and spread among a variety...
  2. R

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    The left lies about the foundation of the USA. And while the founders of America were no doubt far from perfect, it is more than disingenuous to use today's standards to judge their actions of the past. Even if the George Washingtons and Thomas Jeffersons were the bad people (which they...
  3. R

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    The present school system now thinks it can raise your kid better than the parents. The liberal policies of not disciplining bad behavior has caused some teachers not to even feel safe in their own classrooms. Is it any wonder there are so many home schooled kids nowdays?
  4. R

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    Then just forget about the laffer curve and use some common sense. If the government taxes you more are you going to spend more of your time working more, or are you going skip work to do other things like sleeping or going to the park? And if the government then gives your money to someone...
  5. R

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    The lies about the WMD's were pretty big and bad lies. But the lies the left is telling right now are equally (if not more) damaging. The left is in (almost) total control of our education system right now so those lies will follow generations to come.
  6. R

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    An excellent example how both sides tell lies yet (in their own mind) are telling the truth. Economic logic follows if you tranfer payments from a producer to a non producer you get less total economic growth from both individuals following the Laffer curve here...
  7. R

    Who lies more --- the Left or the Right?

    Because the truth does not matter to any of them anyway. Its all about party loyalty.......and “You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not reason himself into in the first place.”― Jonathan Swift
  8. R

    Bought and paid for

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/06/01/congress-stock-trading-trackers-pelosi/ About 500k more results on google as well. And this isn't a derail. Pelosi is by far more damaging to the majority of middle class America than Thomas could hope to be. That is because stock trading...
  9. R

    Bought and paid for

    I thought you were talking about Nancy Pelosi for a brief moment. The only difference I see between her and Thomas is that there are actually insider trading laws she should get charged for, but (so far as I'm aware) supreme justices can take all the shit they want. Legally. So spare me all...
  10. R

    Fauci Should Be In Prison - Senator Rand Paul

    Please look at this thread to see responses pertaining to whether Fauci funded gain of function research and whether that research led to the spread of the pandemic in the first place. We will probably never know whether the government (and or Fauci) was involved and has been lying about that...
  11. R

    Is Populism a threat to Democracy?

  12. R

    Is Populism a threat to Democracy?

    Not being bothered about "war-mongering" and corruption is worse. The people are already unhappy. Its worse because you are still burning your hand in the sink with the hot water being turned on and doing absolutely nothing to turn the other faucet colder while your skin is blistering...
  13. R

    Is Populism a threat to Democracy?

    If you look at the actual results at how the US government actually represents the people in terms of opportunity and measures of the gini coefficient I would rate our federal government as about 2 out of 10. Our government has been highly ineffective when it comes to educating the most amount...
  14. R

    Is Populism a threat to Democracy?

    I was almost on board until you said Democrats. Its not the Democrats they are (directly) unhappy with. Its the monopolization of money and government and the resultant corruption between the two. The Bernie supporters are just as angry with the Banking and corporation monopolies as the...
  15. R

    Women don't lie about rape, Pennsylvania edition

    Rape. And society at at large could care less about it. Yes there are some women in jail but it is a bit more unusual and difficult for a woman to rape another woman. But if a woman could be raped in jail there would be all kinds of people (especially the feminists) looking into to it.
  16. R

    Women don't lie about rape, Pennsylvania edition

    There is also an "orders of magnitude" difference in the penalty for rape versus the penalty for lying about rape. Maybe that has something to do with who has more incentive to lie.
  17. R

    Women don't lie about rape, Pennsylvania edition

    It happens everyday in the penitentiary but neither you or anyone else in the world gives a shit.....because they are men.
  18. R

    Is Populism a threat to Democracy?

    Your math does not add up. When you add the Bernie supporters to the Trump supporters, that's fully 1/3 to 1/2 of the entire population. Lets be conservative and say 40% of the voters are currently populists, either left or right. Your argument is 40% of people have deluded themselves being...
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