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  1. Politesse

    Historical Jesus

    Oh, indeed! And complete, legible documents are even more rare. Autographs? One in a billion. That's why finds like those at Qumran and Nag Hammadi reshape entire fields of study. But who knows how many more windfalls like that there will ever be? Maybe twenty. Maybe none. Other than that sort...
  2. Politesse

    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    Paid for by local churches, in other words. Only they won't actually want to cough up $10,000, so it'll really just be the schools themselves, one more slice out of their nonexistent budgets.
  3. Politesse

    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    An excellent point. And very suspicious of the written word once it arrived, for a long time afterward. As were many ancient peoples.
  4. Politesse

    The Race For 2024

    They certainly seem to think those are the criteria! I suspect Trump has already effectively chosen, though, and on no grounds other than who the news says will be willing to kiss the most ass. He truly believes all the nonsense he says about himself, and he doesn't want another traitor like...
  5. Politesse

    The Race For 2024

    I found this editorial from Ezra Klein painfully insightful: Opinion: This Isn't All Joe Biden's Fault I do not quite agree with Klein's ultimate conclusion. It's too late to do anything now, and that being the case, these "top donors" should really call ix-nay on the elated-bay oubts-day...
  6. Politesse

    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    Or just a blown up version of commandment number two, thou shalt not make for yourself a graven image, with "graven image" underlined and a big red arrow pointing to the adjoining printed (graven) image of the Ten Commandments, There's a reason the original Ten Commandments, rather than being...
  7. Politesse

    Gender Roles

  8. Politesse

    Gender Roles

    If they're using the Bible's list? Like hell I'm going to accept that. Biology has advanced, and we must advance with it. That's just a fact. At least as originally presented. You are, of course, misrepresenting what I said. And the very idea that you think working in a CRM lab for a year...
  9. Politesse

    Bought and paid for

    The corporations certainly believe this. But can he really be controlled? "Business leaders use charismatic puppet to overturn the government and seize control of the banks before losing favor themselves and leaving an authoritarian state in place" is a pretty common pattern in recent world history.
  10. Politesse

    The Race For 2024

    Here you go, if you're curious. Not actually a lot to it, but that is never surprising these days. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/29/us/politics/biden-donors-democrats.html?unlocked_article_code=1.3k0.c0kE.0UvkeLHep2qM&smid=url-share
  11. Politesse


    Unknown. It's a more complex art than most non-weavers realize, so it probably is not one of those crafts that has followed us for hundreds of thousands of years, but it is probably quite old. One interesting factor is that woven baskets are a widely distributed technology, and by about 3000...
  12. Politesse

    6/27/24 presidential debate

    Then may I suggest he "remember" the Green New Deal for Round 2.
  13. Politesse

    The Race For 2024

    I can't believe these "major donors" are on the airwaves openly donking on their own candidate. Like, the bird has flown the coop, if you were open to considering another candidate, the time to talk about that was two years ago. There's no purpose in such talk now, it can only harm the Party to...
  14. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    That might explain why I mentioned Aristotle, and for that matter, "the gods", in my post. Was wondering about that. As for not reading books, the jab was intended at the fact that the "philosopher" in the thread apparently sees no need to read the book that we are discussing, making detailed...
  15. Politesse

    Split Biden or Trump too old?

    Like how every time we have an election, the losing side swears to take down the Electoral College?
  16. Politesse

    Gender Roles

    I think I was a bit more vituperative to some of the other folks in this thread, lately, and I would like to apologize to Emily Lake in particular. My behavior was not appropriate.
  17. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    Relativity is a quality of perception. I do not consider perception "unnatural", so I suppose you are right about that, but there is no room for a "free will" in all of this that is any way distinguishable from a "bound will".
  18. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    A social reality is certainly a reality within that social context. The saguaros on this side of that boundary do not, however, become ontologically any more "Mexican" than the saguaros on the other side of that boundary. We might all agree that this is now a Mexican Saguaro and that is now an...
  19. Politesse

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    What is this "I" of which you speak, that is not informed by the past? You say, "where is my will, and is it free?" as though it were a rhetorical question, but there's no reason why it would be. There is no reason at all to believe that this concept is valid, and trying to make it compatible...
  20. Politesse

    What TV are you watching and how would you rate it? [Revive from FRDB]

    My only show right now is Star Wars: Acolyte, but I'm really enjoying it. Last week's episode was mostly taken up by what might be the grimmest lightsaber battle Star Wars has ever put to screen, but it was handled well. I'm on the edge of my seat to see where they are going with the main...
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