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  1. T

    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    The problem is that US citizens will give jobs by the millions, but not documents. We've had waves of immigrants before and that's what Made America Great. Tom
  2. T

    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    Depressed wages and they keep consumption/prices up. It's not like they get a discount at the store or gas station. What's not to like, if you're a member of the investor class. Ya know, the people who can to buy Congress critters. Any surprise that they just can't come up with immigration...
  3. T

    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    It's really not that difficult. Start handing out $10K fines, per illegal hiring, and you'd see huge changes to the USA immigration policy. Tom
  4. T

    The Only Way To Defeat Trump

    What about a shooting in broad daylight on 5th Avenue. Doesn't Miami have a 5th Avenue? Tom
  5. T

    The Race For 2024

    I read a really interesting article about the many and various people who had reasons and the ability to blow up Nord Stream. It mostly explained why people quite capable of doing it (it was not difficult) had major financial motivations. Mostly USA suppliers of gas, but included a bunch of...
  6. T

    What Movie Is This? - Only Give Wrong Answers

    The Help Tom
  7. T

    The Race For 2024

    Honestly, I am not terribly upset. Among the worst problems the Clinton campaign had, in 2016, was over confidence. They really believed the polls. So did decent folks everywhere. They stayed home in droves. They wrote in Bernie Sanders. They were sure that Hillary would win. As a result...
  8. T

    Gender Roles

    You're a girl. Of course "they" can. You just refuse to sit down and shut up. Didn't you learn anything from the Epistles? What's wrong with you? /Snark For now. Tom
  9. T

    Gender Roles

    What's really aggravating is people trying to conflate the two issues. Women who want a male free space to do personal business in public venues is nothing remotely like racial segregation. Tom
  10. T

    Julian Assange is finally free

    No. Actually I don't think you do. But I didn't take you to raise, so... Tom
  11. T

    Julian Assange is finally free

    I'm pretty sure he didn't care. He'd have done it for anyone. Had someone given him reason to do it to Trump or the GOP or Russia, he'd have done it. That he was messing up the USA was just icing on the cake. I dunno. I'm not a mind reader. I'm just pointing out the reality of what he chose...
  12. T

    Julian Assange is finally free

    I couldn't help but notice Assange's selective approach to "journalism". Somehow, he failed to find any dirt on governments that were anti-USA. At first, I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. Some really juicy stuff concerning the Saudis, China, Russia, anyone. But... crickets. He kinda...
  13. T

    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    Yet another lesson in how Socialism Made America Great! It really did and the evidence is all around us. Tom
  14. T

    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    Really this. My region of Indiana has a remarkable number of central Americans. They don't all have documentation. They also avoid government authorities as best they can. People like the cops and social services agencies. By and large, they're more law abiding and hard working than the people...
  15. T

    The Race For 2024

    My guess is this. Given the current situation, nobody needs a debate. The sooner one is held, the more likely it is to attract eyeballs. That makes it more profitable for people trying to sell their cars and prescription meds and fast food. Capitalism at it's finest. Tom
  16. T

    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    How about we start prosecuting the illegal employers who give away the jobs? That's why they are here. To get jobs. Tom
  17. T

    Gender Roles

    "Progressive" liberals like you and Jarhyn I find even more so. Tom
  18. T

    Gender Roles

    Faith group? How are women who want a man free place a faith group? I mean seriously. Why do you find it so easy to exclude women? People who don't find your agenda much worth addressing? Sorry dude, you are the bigot here. Those stupid chicks! How dare they want something us dudes have...
  19. T

    Gender Roles

    Nope, definitely not. Are you denying the very existence of women who want a man free place for personal business? Stuff like excretion, feminine hygiene, or just primping a bit? Are you denying that there is a room right next door with all the facilities that the Women's room has? Are you...
  20. T

    Vandals spray-paint Stonehenge

    I have no idea who sponsored this huge act of vandalism. But I am totally good with the perps getting a few years in the slammer. Maybe get a couple of weeks off if they give up the folks who supported them, well enough to get those people in the slammer... Tom
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