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  1. T

    Women don't lie about rape, Pennsylvania edition

    It was on her list. For some reason you decided to focus on that teeny tiny bit of the issue, and kinda blew off the main issues. Male prison staff, of various sorts. Looks more like you grinding an ideological axe than anything substantial. Tom
  2. T

    The Race For 2024

    That's easy to explain. Trump doesn't believe in basic American values. Neither do Islamic terrorists. Or Putin. That's what they have in common. It appears that they are winning the war against multi-ethnic, secular, democracy. Tom
  3. T

    2020 Election Results

    Is it just me, or does that pic make it look like she's tilted her chin down far enough to hide her adams apple? Tom
  4. T

    The Race For 2024

    To reach Trump's levels of psychotic behavior you need a gigantic family fortune that has protected you from the consequences of your choices for your entire life. Tom
  5. T

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    My own mom would have died from that. I'm trying not to be as viciously honest as I have a tendency to be, because it gets me in trouble with the staff. But trust me when I say, Rhea and company are protecting you from me. Tom
  6. T

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    I live in the USA. Referring to another country or people as "a dysfunctional corrupt mess" would be too hypocritical for words. Tom
  7. T

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    Yes Yes you have been very clear about that. You don't care if it ends. You won't lift a finger to do so. You are very concerned about having the ability to punish people. You want to smite those people. You don't care about ending it, you wanna smite those people. That's how it looks to...
  8. T

    Columbia University is colluding with the far-right in its attack on students

    The best, most effective, lies are usually the partial truth. Tom
  9. T

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    I know that happens. I think it's rare, but it does. More often it's the "you'll have to fight me for years to get a dime for anything, you slut" aspect that is more of a problem. It's hard to get child support from someone who doesn't want to be a parent. It's impossible to get daddying. Tom
  10. T

    LA to require 10 commandments in schools

    It's funny what kids don't understand. I grew up in an extremely Catholic world. I think I was about 10 before I realized that Protestants believe in Jesus. I thought that they were sorta pretend Catholics, who just went to church sometimes because that's what you do on Sunday morning. ETA ~When...
  11. T

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    Lemme get a little personal here and maybe you'll better understand why your wish for an abortion ban, enforced by the government, makes me rather angry. My mom and dad put their lives on hold due to WWII. By the time that was over all they wanted was to find a spouse and get on with their...
  12. T

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    I don't think that particular argument/post was honest. I don't think you do, or ever have, supported those things. That's why I didn't find you posting yes several times particularly honest. It's more Christian and political than anything else. That's how it looks to me. Tom
  13. T

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    Typing "yes" on an Internet discussion forum is not doing or supporting anything. Looks very dishonest to me. No, anti-abortion people need government overreach. I oppose the government getting involved to the point of forcing people to do things in this case. Tom
  14. T

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    Have you supported the various ways folks like Rhea have described to reduce abortion without resorting to government overreach? If so, I don't remember that. Tom
  15. T

    LA to require 10 commandments in schools

    I wonder if any youngsters will be enterprising enough to use a sharpie and turn the period at the end of the first commandment into a comma. Then followed by "especially Jesus". Tom
  16. T

    Most Americans in Abraham Lincoln's day were Christians. (Christians who didnt own slaves.) Prove me wrong.

    "creationist"? Lots of people use it, not just creationists by any stretch. I do think Lion did, in this particular case. But so do lots of people on this forum and elsewhere. Tom
  17. T

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    Do you really think that men do not constitute a significant percentage of the pro-choice people? That's a pretty wild claim. One I find ridiculous, but that's just me. Tom
  18. T

    Most Americans in Abraham Lincoln's day were Christians. (Christians who didnt own slaves.) Prove me wrong.

    Which I have been saying throughout the thread. Nor do I think that preservation of the Union was a big deal to the vast bulk of the cannon fodder. It was mostly about the interests of the elite at the time. Similarly, Bush II sold the American people on the Invasion of Iraq by claiming it...
  19. T

    Most Americans in Abraham Lincoln's day were Christians. (Christians who didnt own slaves.) Prove me wrong.

    Don't you wonder why anyone cared enough about the union to rack up 700,000 casualties? Tom
  20. T

    Most Americans in Abraham Lincoln's day were Christians. (Christians who didnt own slaves.) Prove me wrong.

    I'm confident it's more accurate to say that not many people thought about it. Industrial strength racism was the norm. Non-white people were thought of more as animal-human hybrids than persons. And slavery was just "how things are", as God ordained. Obviously, it was a huge benefit to those...
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