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  1. S


    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L._Ron_Hubbard Before Scientology he creted Dianetics. There is a mythology to Scientology. Thetan another version of god or vosmic spirit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thetan Hubbard was a 3rd rate scifi writer. There is a weak alleged link to Alister...
  2. S

    Huan n Cyborgs

    The first step to a cyborg Borg collective? We see today all the negatives social media and the net has created. Musk has said he wants to create what amounts to an Internet form of The Matrix. https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/17/business/elon-musk-neuralink-animal-cruelty-intl-scli/index.html
  3. S

    Animal Experimentaion

    T0 me this is an ugly side of science. Wealthy James Bond villains come to mind. https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/17/business/elon-musk-neuralink-animal-cruelty-intl-scli/index.html
  4. S

    China and authoritarian control

    Chinese leadership is paranoid maybe even terrified of anything that does not conform. You could not pay me to travel to China, I'd probably end up in jail. I have a ck frind who was in China during Tieneman Square. He calls China the most racist country in the world. The Olympics for China...
  5. S

    Religion As A Cult

    In movies and in history there is the image of a cult, with mostly negative connotation. Rake the RCC. Catholicismin particular seems more like a cult. There is an all powerful god and his #1 servant is the pop, the high priest. There are priests who through a magic ritual are granted...
  6. S

    Chimps use insects to treat wounds?

    It was in the morning news. When ill some animals seem to eat specific plants. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2307387-chimpanzees-spotted-apparently-using-insects-to-treat-their-wounds/
  7. S

    Solar System Time Line

    An estimate of the future of the solar system. Maybe 500 million years for humans on the high side? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_far_future
  8. S

    Educational Materials

    Quick Field for learning modeling electric and magnetic fields. Free student edition. https://quickfield.com/
  9. S

    Jesus -- What's In A Name

    Christians use the he Jesus Christ as if it were a regular name. https://www.worldhistory.org/Jesus_Christ/ The reference to Paul shows how easy it was for individuals to add interpretations and personal views to the narrative, to the point where the original story is lost...
  10. S

    New Astronomical Object?

    In the news this morning an apparent never before seen object. A comment was 'it can't exists'. Oops. back to the drawing board. I think it is part of an intergalactic navigation system. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-60150542
  11. S

    Comparative Psychology

    I remembered this on another thread. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clever_Hans
  12. S

    Near Earth Asteroids

    Distance to mo9n about 0.238900 million miles. Asteroid 1.3 million miles. https://ktla.com/news/nationworld/near-earth-asteroid-twice-as-big-as-empire-state-building-to-pass-by-tuesday-how-to-track-view-it/ https://www.independent.co.uk/space/asteroid-passing-earth-2022-today-b1995817.html...
  13. S


    We just had an emergency alert for tsunami here in Puget Sound. I don't recall that happening before. Tonga is flooded.
  14. S

    Does God Have A Penis?

    If we are made in god's image, then I assume god has a penis. But what aboput a vagina? Id hgod both male and female? Hmmmm....
  15. S

    Something From Nothing

    I am moving my discussion of something from nothing over here from religion. I put it under metaphysics because something from nothing is no more provable or testable than religious creationism. If there is no possible experiment then it can’t be science, at least by Popper’s definition. Some...
  16. S


    I am not all that well read in philosophy, I ran across what appears to be a good summary. I appliedd science for a living, but I never considered science s any kind of absolute truth. Sconce is based on System International units which are arbitrary. Any measurement is as a comparison to...
  17. S

    Leaving The Solar System

    ...the unknown to be solved for. I coded somethin so I could look at plots or velocity, mass, time, and energy. For constant acceleration dv = a*dt, change in velocity. Change in velocity is linear with time. For Newtonian mechanics there are two ways to calculate energy. Assumptions are fuel...
  18. S

    Following Jesus

    Learner declared Jesus as the most ethical person to have ever lived Learmr. As an ardent ethical and moral follower of Jesus do you 1. Accept divorce 2. Approve of sex outside of marriage, fornication 3. Accept marriage as only between man and woman. Do you oppose of gay marriage. 4 Do you...
  19. S


    Have not heard te term in modern times Thomas Jefferson and contemporaries were deists. Jefferson created a version of the bible without the supernatural. Argument by design s an old argument for god. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deism
  20. S

    Osscilators, Energy, and Conservation

    ...the same. At any point in time enrgy must always add up algebraically. I = current C capacirance L inductance t time E energy Capacitor i = C*dv/dt) --> dv = (i*dt)/C. For a constant current dv is linear with time. Inductor v = L*(di/dt) → di = (v*dt)/L. For a constant voltage across...
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