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  1. tupac chopra

    This looks very, very bad. U.S. May Launch Strike If North Korea Reaches For Nuclear Trigger

    The world is appalled by the war crimes of the USA...isn't it? Isn't that true? The USA is also overwhelmingly considered the greatest threat to world peace too. Which Country Is The Greatest Threat to World Peace? Where do you get the idea that "the world" is so concerned about North Korea...
  2. tupac chopra

    Merkel says Germany and Europe must find their own path.

    The non ISIS opposition are terrorists too. They are insurgents armed by a foriegn power/powers fighting against a democratically elected leader. You seem be under some delusion that if America or her allies arms insurgents then they can't be terrorists. Pointing out that Russia does not want...
  3. tupac chopra

    This looks very, very bad. U.S. May Launch Strike If North Korea Reaches For Nuclear Trigger

    Some estimates have North Korea losing 30% of their population die to US bombing. Maybe they want to deter another episode like that? KNOW THE FACTS: North Korea lost close to 30% of its population as a result of US bombings in the 1950s
  4. tupac chopra

    Merkel says Germany and Europe must find their own path.

    Wrong, so wrong. It is the USA that doesn't care about ISIS or Islamic extremism. The USA sits comfortably over the sea, watching the Kardashians on TV. Islamic extremism is not really a reality for Americans, though there has been the odd incident. Russia OTOH has Islamic extremism on their...
  5. tupac chopra

    Leaks May to confront Trump

    When you say that you insult every American!
  6. tupac chopra

    Seth Rich, was he the DNC leaker?

    Twitter Suspends WND For Seth Rich Story:eating_popcorn: Funny, Twitter lets ISIS post but not this. Funny
  7. tupac chopra

    Seth Rich, was he the DNC leaker?

    Well the story has been around for quite a while, but are you really thinking KimDotCom is part of some global conspiracy to distract people from the Russians? That is crazy! Mind you I'm sure the Republicans will know how to use it.
  8. tupac chopra

    Seth Rich, was he the DNC leaker?

    Well the story has been around for quite a while, but are you really thinking KimDotCom is part of some global conspiracy to distract people from the Russians? That is crazy! Mind you I'm sure the Republicans will know how to use it.
  9. tupac chopra

    Seth Rich, was he the DNC leaker?

    Why? While it's unfortunate a man was murdered, what else can one do but watch curiously at the whole Democrat Rebublican circus
  10. tupac chopra

    Seth Rich, was he the DNC leaker?

    You name calling just shows you don't really have any reason why it could not have been Seth Rich
  11. tupac chopra

    Seth Rich, was he the DNC leaker?

    Do you have any instance he lied? Who mentioned Hillary Clinton?? - - - Updated - - - No one said it was airtight. Just worth noting.
  12. tupac chopra

    Seth Rich, was he the DNC leaker?

    No it does not. 1. We know it was a disgruntled DNC insider from Craig Murray. 2.Julian Assange basically told us it was Seth Rich 3. Kim Dotcom told us it was Seth Rich, and offered to come to the USA to testify. No one one here has given any reason why it could not have been Seth Rich. I...
  13. tupac chopra

    Seth Rich, was he the DNC leaker?

    Well I doubt it's his idea of fun to post something like that. We will find out what his story is soon enough.
  14. tupac chopra

    Seth Rich, was he the DNC leaker?

    So it's impossible that Seth Rich was the leaker? Impossible?
  15. tupac chopra


    The WaPo hates Trump. It's hard to take all these unverified reports, form anonymous sources seriously until they produce some evidence. It is funny to watch though :D
  16. tupac chopra

    Seth Rich, was he the DNC leaker?

    Even Kim DotCom has come out with a tweet saying that he knows Seth was the DNC leaker. Julian Assange hinted strongly that Seth was the source of the leaks, and former UK ambassador Craig Murray says he got the leak from a disgruntled DNC worker. More news to follow.
  17. tupac chopra


    Assange all but told us he got the emails from Seth Rich. Poor Seth Rich, he got robbed, except they didn't rob him
  18. tupac chopra

    Sweden rejects mandatory vaccinations?

    So, first you claim the studies are there, if only people look. Now you admit they aren't there because they are impossible to produce. ok
  19. tupac chopra

    Sweden rejects mandatory vaccinations?

    The problem is that a mother is likely to ask ..."will my child's health be negatively affected in years going forward"? A doctor can then say a) Go and look in google scholar you idiot. b) We haven't done the studies I don't know. The mother might even refer to this poorly designed and...
  20. tupac chopra

    Sweden rejects mandatory vaccinations?

    Yet again you have no idea. Most of them don't have hard "beliefs" around it. They are cautious and want to learn more. Every mother wants the best for her children. Hysterical ranting and avoiding direct questions and failing to provide evidence about it, and being abusive just makes pro...
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