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  1. Rhea

    6/27/24 presidential debate

    If the only measure is who seems older, then I agree, oooff Biden is looking old. By other measures, like humanity and not being a psycho, Biden still wins.
  2. Rhea

    Split Ukrainian Churches (From: Louisana/10 commandments)

    I think the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is the one affiliated with a Russian head of church. There’s a different one that is actually Ukrainian-centered. I think. But I could be wrong. JUst recalling that a Russia-headed church faction exists in Ukraine and there was a split kerfluffle.
  3. Rhea

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    Irony meters all over the world have imploded. Indeed. And if the POLICE (you know, the trained people in this scene) were held to that same standard, it would not have happened. Indeed. And if the POLICE (you know, the trained people in this scene) were held to that same standard...
  4. Rhea

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    Philando Castille would like a word. Oh, wait. He was shot for just saying he had a permitted gun. Never mind. It *is* just possession. You’re going to say “cop thought he was poulling it out,” I’m going to say why TF would someone announce that in advance by telling the cop, you’re going to...
  5. Rhea

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    It sounds like you are saying that any time any cop does anything objectionable, one should talk about BLM first. Or, instead. It sounds like you’re saying, “you brought up police misconduct in a police misconduct thread. OF COURSE we should talk about BLM! NO topic is more important!”
  6. Rhea

    The Race For 2024

    The Deceptive Biden G7 video was quickly debunked, but TSwizzle was taken in by it anyway. SAd.
  7. Rhea

    Yet another shooting thread

    The fallacy that if you can’t stop something 100%, then you shouldn’t bother make any effort at all, is only topped by the fallaciousness of the idea that if you diminish the total number of legal guns it won’t diminish the number of illegal guns a bit. Even though we know that more than 10% of...
  8. Rhea

    Roe v Wade is on deck

  9. Rhea

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    If you are borrowing againmst the value of the house, you are ralizing the value. If you use the stocks as collateral, you are realizing the value. The current laws do not tax you for realizing the value of your wealth, but in my opion, they should. When you get money that you didn;t have...
  10. Rhea

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    And yet the topic is “Breakdown in Civil Order”
  11. Rhea

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Eric Garner would like a word…
  12. Rhea

    Yet another shooting thread

    I’m warming to this kind of opinion. It’s gun-control, right? How about for gun control ALL guns must now be painted high-visibility green and with high-refrleciton glass beads embedded in teh paint like the lines on the road. That way, even in low light, everyone will be able to recognize a...
  13. Rhea

    Yet another shooting thread

    So fucking wrong. So. Fucking. Wrong. All these wanna be heroes ready to commit murder. They all support a right to carry a gun - but only themselves. Everyone else gets to be shot for it.
  14. Rhea

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    I suspect he meant Mens Rea
  15. Rhea

    The hush money indictment

    What is very important to me is watching whether Trump publicly condemns the doxxing, and demands that people stop. A reasonable peron would. An honorable person would. An innocent person would.
  16. Rhea

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    All of this. It is a symptom of many things to have this cavalier attitude toward the death of others, and such unwavering certainty that they all deserve it. And one of our biggest dangers to society is that all the cops think it, too.
  17. Rhea

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    Jesus fucking christ, Loren. How the fuck can you be okay with that??????? This. One thousand times this. Cops are not allowed FOR GOOD REASON! to shoot fleeing “suspects” whom they have not even determined are a suspect! in the back. This cop was in NO DANGER. This cop, no matter what he...
  18. Rhea

    The Race For 2024

    That’s so interesting, Barbos, that you post a cartoon that shows Trumps actual condition (convicted felon), but has a totally manufactured picture about Biden, who is in far better physical health than trump. Why does the artist need to fabricate a wheelchair and IV drip? Biden is enviably...
  19. Rhea

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    NY/PA But by contrast, you could use solar power because you don’t have cloud cover 50% of the time…
  20. Rhea

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    No, not really true. I am rural. I have an EV. Indeed, it’s an older EV with a range of under 70 miles in the summer, under 50 in the winter. When you are rural, you have space to have more than one car. So you use your EV for every day driving, and your ICE pick-up when you need to do...
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