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120 Reasons to Reject Christianity

The interpretation when reading the scripture that a snake can talk is logically not ordinary.
no, that is defying logic
what is logical about a talking snake

Doesn't defy logic. If it is regarding the interpreting of a scripture which requires it other than just believing. The logic you are using here is obviously because we haven't witnessed one ourselves. Well that then is a good question for you. And..
no, that is defying logic
what is logical about a talking snake

Doesn't defy logic. If it is regarding the interpreting of a scripture. The logic you are using is obviously applied here because we haven't witnessed one ourselves. Well that then is a good question for you. And..
if it's not deying logic then you would answer the question
what is logical about a talking snake?
fuck, try
The interpretation when reading the scripture that a snake can talk is logically not ordinary.
no, that is defying logic
what is logical about a talking snake
Stories at that time period were frequently metaphorical (such as Aesop's fables) and often used talking animals to convey whatever message they were trying give. The Bible has a talking snake and talking ass while Aesop has a talking fox and other talking animals.

The real problem is that many Christians take the Bible stories literally so completely miss the point but can usually understand the point of Aesop's fables without taking the metaphor as literal truth.
if it's not deying logic then you would answer the question
what is logical about a talking snake?
fuck, try

You'd make a good lawyer if you were in a court arguing a technicality, I am a believer after all..

Anyway here's trying. Not logical to everyday life!
about being a believer: so you don't believe things because of evidence
about being a believer: so you don't believe things because of evidence

I believe with faith as Jesus says. I believe in evidence only for non believers.

So what is 'faith' here?

I contend that it is 'stuff that people you trust have told you is true' - mostly when you were very young.

Faith paints you into a corner - if those people were mistaken, or were lying, then you can never reach the truth - you can't be 'un-told'. If they were correct, then looking at the evidence and carefully analyzing it, will merely confirm your faith, so there is no harm in it.

But if they were mistaken, and your faith is in something that is untrue, then looking at the evidence and carefully analyzing it could rescue you from your error, and bring you to the real truth.

So why would you NOT look at the evidence and carefully analyze it? Why would you shy away from evidence that appears to contradict your faith? Unless, perhaps, you suspect your faith to have led you astray, but you are frightened of finding out that you have wasted so much time on an error?
if you had evidence you wouldn't need faith, and I hope you consider that carefully
Well that is true. It is the 'believing without seeing' that is given great emphasis in the delight of God. Now I do not mean blindly believing anything. But by being influenced enough by hearing to studying scripture the word of God and so on.

Those that have seen or had evidence obviously would not call it a faith any longer but would be part of the teaching or 'witnesses' if they met God himself, should they choose.
So what is 'faith' here?

I contend that it is 'stuff that people you trust have told you is true' - mostly when you were very young.

Faith paints you into a corner - if those people were mistaken, or were lying, then you can never reach the truth - you can't be 'un-told'. If they were correct, then looking at the evidence and carefully analyzing it, will merely confirm your faith, so there is no harm in it.
It is a reasonable thought.

But if they were mistaken, and your faith is in something that is untrue, then looking at the evidence and carefully analyzing it could rescue you from your error, and bring you to the real truth.

So why would you NOT look at the evidence and carefully analyze it? Why would you shy away from evidence that appears to contradict your faith? Unless, perhaps, you suspect your faith to have led you astray, but you are frightened of finding out that you have wasted so much time on an error?

I used to try as an Agnostic to find some argument or evidence, discoveries by scientists to prove the bible wrong, really trying to convince my friends or relatives who are religious to be otherwise ..God forgive me. I wasn't successful then thank heavens .But in doing so has made me learn a few things religiously and useful . (It was meant to be.)
But I acknowledge your post.
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But that's just it. You can't read the 'intentions' of the author. Unless you have his journal describing what he meant when he wrote it.

One of the points I was trying to make was ;this was not an ordinary snake. If it is by this concept, then all snakes should be talking.
Your post ad hoc interpretation, which has bupkes to do with the author's intentions.

In the creation myths of many cultures, all the animals talk. They make deals, mistakes, they trick and they rescue. They have virtues and faults and by their stories, we explain human behavior, the world's operation and the state of the fallen world we find ourselves in.
The fallacy of a different logical interpretation ...
what is logical about a talking serpent
It is not ordinary. If it is talking it is something else.
So when you read the story about Even and the snake talking, you figure that's an actual historical description of a snake talking? Nothing legend-like about it, it's word-for-word accurate, an event where a snake spoke a human language happened physically?

If so, why do you think such literalness is necessary?
But that's just it. You can't read the 'intentions' of the author. Unless you have his journal describing what he meant when he wrote it.

One of the points I was trying to make was ;this was not an ordinary snake. If it is by this concept, then all snakes should be talking.

It is implied in the narrative that the serpent was an entirely different creature before its punishment for its own role in the fall, as were Adam and Eve, pain in childbirth, etc, being their consequences. The serpent being transformed from what it was to crawl/slither upon the earth and be trodden under heels.

Which was not the fate of Satan, who is later described walking up and down, to and throe upon the earth, unpunished and non transformed to slither or crawl.
So when you read the story about Even and the snake talking, you figure that's an actual historical description of a snake talking? Nothing legend-like about it, it's word-for-word accurate, an event where a snake spoke a human language happened physically?

If so, why do you think such literalness is necessary?
I believe it because it says so in the scriptures even when I can't fathom it, being at odds with the usual life experience of ever seeing such a thing.

Your post ad hoc interpretation, which has bupkes to do with the author's intentions.

In the creation myths of many cultures, all the animals talk. They make deals, mistakes, they trick and they rescue. They have virtues and faults and by their stories, we explain human behavior, the world's operation and the state of the fallen world we find ourselves in.
With a different angle of perspective, these myths of animals talking may not contradict the biblical scriptures at all. I'll post why in reply to DBTs

(duty calls again bb in a jiff)
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